Does the Supernatural Exist?

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Re: Does the Supernatural Exist?

Post by B. W. »

PaulSacramento wrote:It isn't so much intellectualism BW, it is also materialism and epicureanism.
Yes, that is a correct assessment Paul!

When one contends for the faith materialism, epicureanism, cold intellectual rationalism often creep into the gospel message and weaken it in many various ways within the church world too...
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Re: Does the Supernatural Exist?

Post by Byblos »

IceMobster wrote:
crochet1949 wrote:ACB's quote didn't show up.

How have God's chosen people broken the 'thou shall not steal' commandment?

The creation of Israel in 1948 -- meaning that Israel had no business forming Israel where it is? The Gaza strip? Goes back to the controversy -- Ishmael vs. Isaac. Isaac being the son of God's Promise compared to Ishmael being Abraham's first -born but through Hagar the woman who Sarah gave to Abraham to have children with because Sarah had not been able to conceive -- she got impatient for God to fulfill His promise to her. So she took matters into her own hands -- as the cultural custom said was okay. Wasn't that land , the land that God promised to His people?
Is 'this' what you're referring to?
Isn't that area also rich in oil?
Uhhh, isn't it obvious? They stole the land which is not theirs.
Oh, come on. The Bible says they will get their land back so such atrocities against Muslims are justified? Don't you see how stupid this is? Someone could consider some other book holy and kill people around saying his book allowed him/her to.
Exactly. The area is rich with oil. Which shows one of the reasons for their migration there. Religion was used as a tool to justify stealing of Palestinian land.
I find your logic magnificent.
Since I am from the Balkan area, I will provide an example.
Imagine if one day, out of the blue came Illyrians and occupied a part of my country (as the Jews did in Palestine in 1948.). They would say that their god (whichever, doesn't really matter) told them they are to settle here. That territory is a god given gift!!
Would my people revolt? Yes. Would it be straight out dumb for other countries to accept such a state? Yes! Why? Well, because my people have been on that territory for the past 14 centuries!
In case of Palestine, even longer.

What do Ishamel and Isaac have to do with the events of today? What does the Israel of 2000 and more years ago have to do with the invaders of today? Are you aware of how many people, mostly Muslims, since Israel has better weapons, die?

One of the reasons I can't simply say that the whole book is inspired by God is because it is too easy to manipulate people with and different people get different interpretation of certain texts. I am no expert in exegesis and hermeneutics and I usually step back and leave it to the Biblical scholars but damn, at least use your brain in this one. Would you allow a state within a state only because it is written in a book? I get it, you consider the book a holy book, but following that logic somebody could say that their book is also holy and would use it to gain something. Of course, in that case, that people would be seen as lunatics. -.-*
That's as ignorant of history and geopolitics as I've ever seen. :shakehead:
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Re: Does the Supernatural Exist?

Post by B. W. »

IceMobster wrote:
crochet1949 wrote:ACB's quote didn't show up.

How have God's chosen people broken the 'thou shall not steal' commandment?

The creation of Israel in 1948 -- meaning that Israel had no business forming Israel where it is? The Gaza strip? Goes back to the controversy -- Ishmael vs. Isaac. Isaac being the son of God's Promise compared to Ishmael being Abraham's first -born but through Hagar the woman who Sarah gave to Abraham to have children with because Sarah had not been able to conceive -- she got impatient for God to fulfill His promise to her. So she took matters into her own hands -- as the cultural custom said was okay. Wasn't that land , the land that God promised to His people?
Is 'this' what you're referring to?
Isn't that area also rich in oil?
Uhhh, isn't it obvious? They stole the land which is not theirs.
Oh, come on. The Bible says they will get their land back so such atrocities against Muslims are justified? Don't you see how stupid this is? Someone could consider some other book holy and kill people around saying his book allowed him/her to.
Exactly. The area is rich with oil. Which shows one of the reasons for their migration there. Religion was used as a tool to justify stealing of Palestinian land.
I find your logic magnificent.
Since I am from the Balkan area, I will provide an example.
Imagine if one day, out of the blue came Illyrians and occupied a part of my country (as the Jews did in Palestine in 1948.). They would say that their god (whichever, doesn't really matter) told them they are to settle here. That territory is a god given gift!!
Would my people revolt? Yes. Would it be straight out dumb for other countries to accept such a state? Yes! Why? Well, because my people have been on that territory for the past 14 centuries!
In case of Palestine, even longer.

What do Ishamel and Isaac have to do with the events of today? What does the Israel of 2000 and more years ago have to do with the invaders of today? Are you aware of how many people, mostly Muslims, since Israel has better weapons, die?

One of the reasons I can't simply say that the whole book is inspired by God is because it is too easy to manipulate people with and different people get different interpretation of certain texts. I am no expert in exegesis and hermeneutics and I usually step back and leave it to the Biblical scholars but damn, at least use your brain in this one. Would you allow a state within a state only because it is written in a book? I get it, you consider the book a holy book, but following that logic somebody could say that their book is also holy and would use it to gain something. Of course, in that case, that people would be seen as lunatics. -.-*
So Ice, if am hearing you correctly... is that you feel all Jews need to go to the gas chambers and be exterminated - right?

You are being historically disingenuous...

Suggest you give up the right to live where you live and give it back to the cave people - you stole their land didn't you?

I find your premise and attitude against the Jewish people disgusting Ice

Islam has killed more people than another religion in history and actually seeks world dominion. That means control the entire world, including your hometown Ice.

Do you get that?
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Re: Does the Supernatural Exist?

Post by IceMobster »

Byblos wrote:That's as ignorant of history and geopolitics as I've ever seen. :shakehead:
Uh... Land conquered by the sword?

Or wait... you prefer this propaganda, eh?

B. W. wrote:So Ice, if am hearing you correctly... is that you feel all Jews need to go to the gas chambers and be exterminated - right?

You are being historically disingenuous...

Suggest you give up the right to live where you live and give it back to the cave people - you stole their land didn't you?

I find your premise and attitude against the Jewish people disgusting Ice

Islam has killed more people than another religion in history and actually seeks world dominion. That means control the entire world, including your hometown Ice.

Do you get that?
Of course not. That makes no sense nor did I say that.
I find your premise and attitude against the Muslims disgusting, B.W.
Islam does not seek world domination. Do you get that? There are normal Muslims just like there are normal Christians, just like there are normal Jews. My father (more) and myself (less) has lived alongside Muslims and not all are seeking world dominion, haha!
Yeah, now please say how I should move to Saudia Arabia or something. Well, as I already replied to you once, I would not since this is my country.
Now please blame the religion instead of blaming the religious fool that abuses it and mass media that exaggerates it.
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Re: Does the Supernatural Exist?

Post by RickD »


I think your ignorance on the subject is clouding your judgement. We've been through this before, and you're still not getting it.

Again for your own reference, look at the founder of the religion. See what he promoted, and did. Those who follow his lead, are true to the religion. Those who don't, aren't.
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Re: Does the Supernatural Exist?

Post by Mallz »

As far as the creation of Israel is concerned, I don't think many people knew Jews were living there before (obviously not as much as after), and most of their land obtained was through extortion from Palestinians who were told not to sell their land to Jews, but did at 10X the price. Israel has only been wanting peace with the Palastinians and their surrounding neighbors. Yeah, Israel has done some pretty horrible stuff and doesn't justify anything. But if you want to compare the horrors of the Jews to Muslims and vice versa, it's incomparable. Before the Jewish state existed, and after. Israels creation was completely geopolitical and strategic for the west, no book needed. And I'd suggest ppl research into it's formulation from before and how it actually happened.

As far as nations conquering nations, I can't take any ideas seriously in regards to it. Historically, most people conquered by a nation are either slaughtered or forced to intermix.
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Re: Does the Supernatural Exist?

Post by abelcainsbrother »

IceMobster wrote:
Katabole wrote:My answer to your question is yes. My evidence is the existence of the Christian religion, which I have stated before, should have been a belief system that disappeared from history shortly after it began if it were not true because anyone who has seriously studied first century Christianity should know that Christians did everything wrong in order for Christianity to succeed.
So can be said for any other religion. I don't see how it should have disappeared shortly after it it wasn't true. Blood of martyrs is the seed of new Christians. Easy as that.
abelcainsbrother wrote:.
God's chosen people have broken the "thou shall not steal" commandment. Also, ever since the creation of Israel in 1948. the area around it has seen nothing but turmoil. Do you even know how many people (not soldiers) they slay every month (or rather daily)?
Nothing you said changes that it is a fulfilled bible prophecy. Trying to point out Israel's flaws does not change anything. Israel could've destroyed their enemies if they wanted to.Israel has blossomed and bloomed in the midst of enemies just like the bible predicted thousands of years ago.
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