China, California, and Iowa infringe of religious liberties

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China, California, and Iowa infringe of religious liberties

Post by B. W. »

Interesting correlation from China to the USA in California and Iowa


Christian Students in China Reportedly Barred From College Unless They Stop Going to Church


In CA USA = Faith-based colleges say anti-discrimination bill would infringe on their religious freedom

or... ... s-schools/
California SD 1146

SEC. 3. Section 11135.5 is added to the Government Code, to read:

11135.5. (a) Notwithstanding any other law, a postsecondary educational institution that is controlled by a religious organization and that receives financial assistance from the state or enrolls students who receive state financial assistance is subject to Section 11135, and violation of that section may be enforced by a private right of action as described in Section 11139.
(b) This section shall not prohibit an institution, as described in subdivision (a), from doing any of the following:
(1) Providing housing or restroom accommodations reserved for either male or female students if students are afforded housing or restroom accommodations consistent with their gender identity.
(2) Providing separate housing accommodations reserved primarily for married students or for students with minor dependents who reside with them if “married” includes both married opposite-sex and married same-sex couples.
(3) Enforcing rules of moral conduct and establishing housing policies in accordance with these rules of moral conduct if the rules are uniformly applicable to all students regardless of the student’s sexual orientation or gender identity.
(4) Enforcing religious practices if these practices are uniformly applicable to all students regardless of the student’s sexual orientation or gender identity.
(5) Admitting only students of one sex if the institution traditionally and continually from its establishment had that policy.
(c) This section does not apply to an institution described in subdivision (a) if the purpose of the institution is to prepare students to become ministers of the religion or to enter upon some other vocation of the religion and if the application of this section would not be consistent with the religious tenets of the organization.
(d) This section does not prevent an institution described in subdivision (a) from prohibiting the use of the institution’s real property for any purpose that is not consistent with the religious tenets of the organization.
(e) Except for the provisions of Sections 11135 and 11139 and this section, this article does not apply to an institution described in subdivision (a).
From the above, I hope folks can see what I have written as well as a few other regarding how the left wingers use laws to build off of to go after Christianity in slow legal steps is factually true...

Now on to Iowa:

Iowa revises brochure targeting churches on transgender issue after backlash

The fact this happened in Iowa recently is astounding!

...and even more crazy is that while the USA media ohs and awes over Hilary and covers Trump - did anyone notice the above headlines as well as the ramifications these have on the future?
The First Amendment to the Bill Of Rights USA Constitution:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances
What part of ... Congress shall make no law ... prohibiting the free exercise thereof... that folks do not understand?

That part defines the first part as meaning not establishing a first church of the USA - not outlawing Christianity. Christianity is made up of many different sets and groups of believers, Baptist, Methodist, Presbyterians, Evangelicals, etc.. as such groups we do have right of free speech as well as as to peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

A First and only Church of the USA whether it be of humanism or atheism orientation is not permitted. However, due to the nature of the Christian Church being of many parts (see 1 Co 12:12-27) therefore does not mean receiving monies from Govt to a religious school or holding a bible study in a public school is setting up a First Church of the USA at all. That mindset that seeks to make that case is pure BS.

However, the left is redefining laws to take away protected rights one slow step at a time. Why?

Then this: What about - Mosque Linked To Muslim Brotherhood Has Received Millions In Federal Grants
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Re: China, California, and Iowa infringe of religious liberties

Post by abelcainsbrother »

This is serious stuff going on in our country. Liberalism just keeps in growing and growing like wild weeds choking us.
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Re: China, California, and Iowa infringe of religious liberties

Post by Vergil »

I've been hearing alot of Christian/Catholic persecution going in America, I hope it isn't true
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Re: China, California, and Iowa infringe of religious liberties

Post by RickD »

Vergil wrote:I've been hearing alot of Christian/Catholic persecution going in America, I hope it isn't true
Where? I'm not seeing it.
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Re: China, California, and Iowa infringe of religious liberties

Post by edwardmurphy »

Vergil wrote:I've been hearing alot of Christian/Catholic persecution going in America, I hope it isn't true
B.W. posts examples of Christian "persecution" all the time. I've taken the time to research almost every single one of them, and I've yet to find a single example of actual persecution. Sometimes the example is a misrepresentation of a statement or event, sometimes it's an outright lie, sometimes it's just a person not getting what they want and pouting about it, and most frequently it's a simple disagreement (which often has already been resolved) being blown way out of proportion.

The reality is that Christians make up a large majority, both in the nation and in the government (at every level of every branch). Christians are safe and thriving here, but a vocal minority doesn't think it's politically expedient to admit that.
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Re: China, California, and Iowa infringe of religious liberties

Post by Hortator »

RickD wrote:
Vergil wrote:I've been hearing alot of Christian/Catholic persecution going in America, I hope it isn't true
Where? I'm not seeing it.
I think "persecution" is far too strong of a word. However, I think there is very strict cynicism for Christianity and it's adherents, in this current cultural atmosphere, where the country is basically cleaved in two. Who is the counter-culture? Who is the counter-counter-culture? I honestly can't say
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Re: China, California, and Iowa infringe of religious liberties

Post by B. W. »

This is about laws designed to take away rights... and the attempts to make such laws. Made that very clear in the Post and again - One group make laws and build off of laws to go after a target group.

Case in point FFRF and other groups have used this principle time and again...

Do you want to dispute this, Ed?

Persecution begins in a civilized society by creating laws thru the legal systems first.

Grew up in VA during the 1960's Ed. I know what Jim Crow Laws were and did, first hand - did you? According to you Ed, Oh guess that wasn't persecution either!

The CA legislation helps to begin a separation... Iowa tried but thankfully failed for the time being.

What is it with the FFRP - keep your religion separate idea ya 'all have faith in?


Now the use of bathrooms, locker rooms, changing rooms in stores will open the door to sex offenders to exploit, plant cameras, peep, expose themselves is opened wide all under a supposed transgender rights or anyone who does like their biological sex.

More victims in Target dressing room recordings

Transgender Person Arrested For Taking Pictures Of Woman In Target Dressing Room

Peeping tom caught filming women in Brentwood Target dressing rooms

This is not about gay rights at all but rather exploiting gay folks to make laws to go after a new target group as the CA legislation points out.

Common sense about common decency is tossed out...

Port Orange Walmart Peeping Tom Arrested
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Re: China, California, and Iowa infringe of religious liberties

Post by B. W. »

Pressure and discrimination viva by enacting laws and even stymied legal attempts to set up legal precedents eventual lead to persecution.

Hostility Toward Religion in America Is ‘Undeniable,’ Report Says

U.S. military ‘hostile’ to Christians under Obama; morale, retention devastated

Franklin Graham: It's open season on Christians in America

The progressive left uses ridicule and attacking the messenger with great effect by touting Chrsitians are the majority etc and etc as their onslaught goes on and on... enacting laws and legal attempts to set up legal precedents...

To the Progressive, Facts Are the Enemy of Certainty

Facts do not matter to the progressive left. To them we as Christians who speak up are fear mongering but read the progressive lefts cohorts literature as well as watch their legal antics at law twisting and see who the real fear mongers really are.


Carm Article wrote:Are Christians Under Attack?
by Matt Slick

Dr. James Emery White wrote on and asked "Are Christians in America under attack?" He mentions how the United States is becoming a secular country, and he is right. Not only is the United States very secular but also it is anti-Christian. He rightfully declares, however, that Christians in America are not persecuted nearly to the degree that they are in such places as "Nigeria, Iran, Pakistan, Egypt or Syria." He is right, we aren't; but it is increasing. Mr. White mentions the growing pressure to marginalize Christianity and ultimately dominate it by using law to suppress religious freedom. He cites the following:

Catholic Charities in Illinois shut down its adoption services rather than place children with same-sex couples (as the state required).
A Christian counselor was penalized for refusing to advise gay couples.
A court clerk in New York was told to issue same-sex marriage licenses despite religious reservations.
A wedding photographer was sued for refusing to shoot a same-sex wedding.
In each of the cases listed above, the Christians were not trying to impose their values on anyone else. Instead, the secularists were doing the imposing and using anti-discrimination laws to do it.

Good work, Dr. White. You're right on.
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Re: China, California, and Iowa infringe of religious liberties

Post by B. W. »

I thought the import of this article was revealing something: Bloodless Persecution...

Bloodless Persecution

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Re: China, California, and Iowa infringe of religious liberties

Post by edwardmurphy »

B. W. wrote:This is about laws designed to take away rights... and the attempts to make such laws. Made that very clear in the Post and again - One group make laws and build off of laws to go after a target group.

Case in point FFRF and other groups have used this principle time and again...

Do you want to dispute this, Ed?
Of course I'll dispute it. It's absurd. Your claim is essentially that in a nation with a large Christian majority members of our mostly Christian government are persecuting their own Christian families, friends, and neighbors because they have a secret plan to destroy America by maintaining the separation of Church and State.

You are paranoid, your arguments are silly, and your "evidence" is nonsense.
B. W. wrote:Grew up in VA during the 1960's Ed. I know what Jim Crow Laws were and did, first hand - did you? According to you Ed, Oh guess that wasn't persecution either!
B.W., if you start a business in the United States the expectation is that you'll engage in commerce with anyone who wants the goods or services you provide, regardless of whether or not you agree with their politics, approve of their sexuality, or dislike the color of their skin. That's called "nondiscrimination." You should have heard of it by now.

Telling a florist or bakery owner that they don't have the right to deny service to a gay couple because they don't approve of their lifestyle is not persecution. Moving Ten Commandments monuments from courthouses to private property isn't persecution. Allowing kids to opt out of the "under God" portion of the Pledge of Allegiance isn't persecution.

Persecution is when you deny a group the same rights that everyone else takes for granted. Segregation, poll taxes, and institutionalized racism are all examples of persecution. Another example would be denying homosexuals the right to marry, adopt a child, file taxes jointly, or buy a cake from a bakery. Telling a baker that he's not allowed to discriminate based on sexual orientation is not persecution.
B. W. wrote:Now the use of bathrooms, locker rooms, changing rooms in stores will open the door to sex offenders to exploit, plant cameras, peep, expose themselves is opened wide all under a supposed transgender rights or anyone who does like their biological sex.

More victims in Target dressing room recordings

Transgender Person Arrested For Taking Pictures Of Woman In Target Dressing Room

Peeping tom caught filming women in Brentwood Target dressing rooms

This is not about gay rights at all but rather exploiting gay folks to make laws to go after a new target group as the CA legislation points out.

Common sense about common decency is tossed out...

Port Orange Walmart Peeping Tom Arrested
Typical B.W. false equivalency BS.

You posted four articles about peeping Toms getting busted. Three of them were men dressed as men doing what peeping Toms have been doing for years, and getting caught and punished for it. Those three had nothing whatsoever to do with transgender issues, but you wanted to make it look like there's been a transgender crime wave, rather than a single incident, so you took some liberties with the truth.
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Re: China, California, and Iowa infringe of religious liberties

Post by Hortator »

edwardmurphy wrote:
B. W. wrote:Now the use of bathrooms, locker rooms, changing rooms in stores will open the door to sex offenders to exploit, plant cameras, peep, expose themselves is opened wide all under a supposed transgender rights or anyone who does like their biological sex.

More victims in Target dressing room recordings

Transgender Person Arrested For Taking Pictures Of Woman In Target Dressing Room

Peeping tom caught filming women in Brentwood Target dressing rooms

This is not about gay rights at all but rather exploiting gay folks to make laws to go after a new target group as the CA legislation points out.

Common sense about common decency is tossed out...

Port Orange Walmart Peeping Tom Arrested
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Re: China, California, and Iowa infringe of religious liberties

Post by RickD »

ed wrote:
Persecution is when you deny a group the same rights that everyone else takes for granted. Segregation, poll taxes, and institutionalized racism are all examples of persecution. Another example would be denying homosexuals the right to marry, adopt a child, file taxes jointly, or buy a cake from a bakery. Telling a baker that he's not allowed to discriminate based on sexual orientation is not persecution.
Name one baker that discriminated based on someone's sexual orientation.

Maybe you're confusing that with the baker who never refused business from someone because of their sexual orientation, with the baker who refused to make a specific thing that went against their conscience.

Typical of the left. Changing what actually happened, to what they want to believe happened.

Again, which baker refused to discriminate because someone is gay? That same baker would've refused to make a gay wedding cake, even if the customer buying the cake was straight.
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Re: China, California, and Iowa infringe of religious liberties

Post by edwardmurphy »

Details, details. Refusing to make me a cake for my buddy's gay wedding is still discrimination. I shudder to imagine the epic, screaming hissy-fit that will occur the day an American Christian faces the same treatment.

Also, the part where you completely ignore it as others spews crazy nonsense and nit-pick me about the baker incident kinda undercuts your eye-rolling. If everybody ignores my fact-checking then the lie stays true, right?
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Re: China, California, and Iowa infringe of religious liberties

Post by RickD »

ed wrote:
Details, details. Refusing to make me a cake for my buddy's gay wedding is still discrimination. I shudder to imagine the epic, screaming hissy-fit that will occur the day an American Christian faces the same treatment.
Would a Jewish baker who refuses to bake a cake with a swastika on it, be discrimination, that should not be allowed?

What about a Muslim cake maker who refuses to bake a cake with an insult towards Muhammad?

Still discrimination that shouldn't be allowed?
John 5:24
24 “Truly, truly, I say to you, he who hears My word, and believes Him who sent Me, has eternal life, and does not come into judgment, but has passed out of death into life.

“A nation of sheep will beget a government of wolves.”
-Edward R Murrow

St. Richard the Sarcastic--The Patron Saint of Irony
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Re: China, California, and Iowa infringe of religious liberties

Post by B. W. »

edwardmurphy wrote:
B. W. wrote:This is about laws designed to take away rights... and the attempts to make such laws. Made that very clear in the Post and again - One group make laws and build off of laws to go after a target group.

Case in point FFRF and other groups have used this principle time and again...

Do you want to dispute this, Ed?
Of course I'll dispute it. It's absurd. Your claim is essentially that in a nation with a large Christian majority members of our mostly Christian government are persecuting their own Christian families, friends, and neighbors because they have a secret plan to destroy America by maintaining the separation of Church and State.

You are paranoid, your arguments are silly, and your "evidence" is nonsense.

Absurd??? Well the empirical evidence in our US court system disproves your premise...

FFRF assaults on Christianity

FFRF Vows to to appeal to 9th District Court for loss

FFRF loses the Appeal Feb 2016

y:-? Not sure why you do not know or understand your own pet organization Ed?

FFRF and its action against University of Wisconsin

let's not forget this one either:

This atheist group is waging a nationwide war on Christmas – but Christians are fighting back

I could go on and on but why when the evidence overwhelmingly supports my statements? FFRF and other organizations seeks to build case law in the US court system for future legal precedent to be used to discriminate off of in future cases...

The FFRF are certainly relentless... in this endeavor!

Well Ed - proved it and you wrong. So have a nice day and God Bless you and your entire family with Salvation in Jesus Christ and release you personally from your bigotry and sins! Amen and Amen!
edwardmurphy wrote:
B. W. wrote:Grew up in VA during the 1960's Ed. I know what Jim Crow Laws were and did, first hand - did you? According to you Ed, Oh guess that wasn't persecution either!
B.W., if you start a business in the United States the expectation is that you'll engage in commerce with anyone who wants the goods or services you provide, regardless of whether or not you agree with their politics, approve of their sexuality, or dislike the color of their skin. That's called "nondiscrimination." You should have heard of it by now.

Telling a florist or bakery owner that they don't have the right to deny service to a gay couple because they don't approve of their lifestyle is not persecution. Moving Ten Commandments monuments from courthouses to private property isn't persecution. Allowing kids to opt out of the "under God" portion of the Pledge of Allegiance isn't persecution.

Persecution is when you deny a group the same rights that everyone else takes for granted. Segregation, poll taxes, and institutionalized racism are all examples of persecution. Another example would be denying homosexuals the right to marry, adopt a child, file taxes jointly, or buy a cake from a bakery. Telling a baker that he's not allowed to discriminate based on sexual orientation is not persecution.
Like the other posters responded to you Ed pointed out your error, I share a Ditto alongside their answers and add a bit more below:

No one forces any kid to say the Pledge of Allegiance, Ed. Back in the sixties many of us did not as it became so routine and no one noticed anyways. No one forces at gun point to go to church either. You do not have too. No one forces you to say Merry Christmas either. Christians do not force people into obey the 10's anyway Ed and by the way, what's wrong with them anyways - why is thou shalt not commit adultery and thou shall not steal so offensive?

Why is Romans 12:9,10, 2 Peter 1:4,5,6,7, so offensive to you ED?

The fact that laws as well as the attempts to make case law to build off of were made by atheist organizations that causes the 10 Commandants to be removed in the first place is the the beginnings of bloodless persecution. How will it end up eventually promoting segregation if not challenged and fought against now???

Well FFRP emphatically wants segregation of Christianity from all aspects of America (just as the lawsuits it creates prove).

As for homosexuals - you do not get it, do you? The links and I gave as well as the point was that sexual predators will exploit the laws to perp and target victims. How difficult is that to grasp and understand?

What about the victims Ed - do they have rights or do the Homosexuals have more special rights over others so much so that sex perverts will exploit the laws for special privileges for gays in order to game so that they can continue victimizing?

It is not about bathrooms Ed it is about bashing Christianity just as your own paragraphed response above points out to castigate all Christians as bigots, homophobic, dweebs, ignorant stupid, brutish thugs... y:-? sounds like what persecutors say as well as imply against their target groups, heh, Ed?

Again see below:
B. W. wrote:Now the use of bathrooms, locker rooms, changing rooms in stores will open the door to sex offenders to exploit, plant cameras, peep, expose themselves is opened wide all under a supposed transgender rights or anyone who does like their biological sex.

More victims in Target dressing room recordings

Transgender Person Arrested For Taking Pictures Of Woman In Target Dressing Room

Peeping tom caught filming women in Brentwood Target dressing rooms

This is not about gay rights at all but rather exploiting gay folks to make laws to go after a new target group as the CA legislation points out.

Common sense about common decency is tossed out...

Port Orange Walmart Peeping Tom Arrested
edwardmurphy wrote:Typical B.W. false equivalency BS.

You posted four articles about peeping Toms getting busted. Three of them were men dressed as men doing what peeping Toms have been doing for years, and getting caught and punished for it. Those three had nothing whatsoever to do with transgender issues, but you wanted to make it look like there's been a transgender crime wave, rather than a single incident, so you took some liberties with the truth.
If the laws were not changed under alleged Gay rights then these perps would not be going into women's dressing rooms, lockers, bathrooms in the first place ED...

What part of common sense and common decency do you not understand Ed?

Who is really abiding according to this statement?

"Learn to do good; Seek justice, Rebuke the oppressor; Defend the fatherless, Plead for the widow. " Isaiah 1:17,18 NKJV
Science is man's invention - creation is God's
(by B. W. Melvin)

Old Polish Proverb:
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