Support Gay Marriage Cakes

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Re: Support Gay Marriage Cakes

Post by neo-x »

Kurieuo wrote:
K wrote:
D220 wrote:
Kurieuo wrote:We're talking about cakes here. Now you're moving the goal posts. In cases of violence, you might recall what I wrote a few posts back. This isn't a debating game to me.

I often design websites for people. If a person came to me, wanting me to provide them with a website that is an activist gay website, and I refused, what should my punishment be Dan?
Under the anti discrimination laws you could be charged and rightfully so. ... ation-laws

But you could just give no reason for turning it down and that would be acceptable.
Notwithstanding I don't see any discrimination against a person, you'd consider my non-compliance to create an activist gay website as discrimination, would have me charged, "and rightfully so".

Only, you say, unless I remain silent about my reasons.
This speaks volumes to me.

Please, anyone reading, pause... and let what Dan has just said sink in.

Thanks Dan, for showing where you stand. But, I must say I'm quite repulsed and offended that you'd have me (and other Christians and people) punished for holding to their beliefs.

How ironic that you claim to be Christian, and yet would join the world in oppressing of Christians.
If you can't see how extreme your views are, then here I rest.
If anyone supports Dan's above comments, discrimination against Christians and believing they should be charged for sticking to their beliefs and "rightfully so" -- they're a disgrace as a Christian. Disagree with me if you want, sharing my opinion.
Which Christianity are you talking about? Your secular-humanist-constitutional protected one?It's very different here, K. And speaking as someone who is discriminated on a continual basis, for my beleifs, in a way that can't be challenged legally, makes me wonder. Because I detest the core principal for which you are appealing here. You are saying it's ok. A Muslim can refuse me a job, a cake, a promotion, in his perfectly good conscience (because really based on what you said, no law applies, each has thier own). he doesn't support my beleif, message or faith or etc.

Really try practicing your christianity in a non-humanist nonsecular country, like mine and then count your blessings because that secular humanist one will look like a paradise.

Based on what you are saying, A Nazi can refuse a Jew, and rightfully so. You may not agree but that is the logical conclusion, sadly, your argument reaches. You are only applying it on Christians, but the logic fails once the shoe is on the other foot.

I am astounded that you can't see where this leads. Rick's answer was no better. I should move out of the country if no one will bake me a cake?

Nor was Mrs. K's, I should bake my own? What's next, they refuse to sell you a car, you're gonna make one yourself as well?

I understand the fear of losing your right or voice. I have gone through it personally. I understand why you guys fear, being forced. Who wouldn't? It is understandable. But what you are proposing is equally disasterous, if not more. Though I doubt you guys see that. Including Phil, who for some instance sees it only as me and Dan thinking of homosexuality as not being a a sin at all. Which is incorrect. I never said that but anyway, lately me and Phil seldom communicate clearly.

I have said that earlier as well, I don't support punishing people, your constitution may say different but I don't. But discrimination is what it is, be it against christians or done by them.

You want to sue every business in the country because you can't have a Christian cake? How loving of you.

"Wrong, unfair, unjust, discriminating" are ridiculous when you are talking about cakes.

... maybe I am biased because I love making cakes -- it's a non-issue...

People are not going to die, or have hardships in life because of lack of access to a professionally decorated cake.
I am not suing anyone, you guys have that luxury, I don't. The discrimination against minorities in my country is, somehow protected legally.
"Wrong, unfair, unjust, discriminating" are ridiculous when you are talking about cakes.
You obvously have never been refused a service in a restuarant because of your beliefs, so I am going to cut you some slack and let this go. Just saying, it's only ridiculous when it's not happening to you. Believe me, once it happens to you, not that I wish it, but you will change your tune after that.

Your, Rick, Phil, K's, argument as it stands, only says to me, is that I am not going to die if a Muslim person refuses me food or service, it's ok to refuse me food or service in a public place because it doesn't align with the serving or owner / person's conscience or beliefs. I should move on, it's not the end of the world. But you can't admit that such is discrimination. Because they will do it to a group of people, holding a specific belief which is in conflict with their own. So you have no where to draw a line and the argument you are trying to hold is shortsighted to say the least.

But the slippery slope that you guys are on, in principal, leads to terrible things. Is that your standard, that unless someone is dying it is ok to refuse them? What if the next thing they refuse you is food? You still side with the argument you made?

I think you guys are blind-sided by either too much liberty or too much fear. But whatever you are saying is simply unfair and impractical.

And by the way, Dan can be emotinal and passionate (I don't mean it as a fault Dan) but he was not the only emotional person in this thread. Really, K, you should read some of your own recent posts. :esmile: Not that I think it's wrong, just that you had a few too but you kind of belittled Dan's argument based on the emotional charge.
Last edited by neo-x on Fri Sep 23, 2016 11:32 am, edited 1 time in total.
It would be a blessing if they missed the cairns and got lost on the way back. Or if
the Thing on the ice got them tonight.

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Re: Support Gay Marriage Cakes

Post by neo-x »

RickD wrote:Mrs. K,

I'm glad you decided to post these examples. Any rational person can see that this kind of persecution against Christians is disgusting.
Just remarking, persecution is always wrong, no matter who does it. I just felt that if I didn't remark on this I might be considered irrational because I do not think her reasoning was sound. I am disgusted by persecution too.
It would be a blessing if they missed the cairns and got lost on the way back. Or if
the Thing on the ice got them tonight.

I could only turn and stare in horror at the chief surgeon.
Death by starvation is a terrible thing, Goodsir, continued Stanley.
And with that we went below to the flame-flickering Darkness of the lower deck
and to a cold almost the equal of the Dante-esque Ninth Circle Arctic Night

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Re: Support Gay Marriage Cakes

Post by RickD »


When did I say it was ok not to serve someone because they're gay? When did I say it was ok to discriminate in hiring someone because of their religion?

I made it a point to show that these cake bakers were not discriminating on the basis of the person being gay. The articles themselves, show that the bakers have served gay people, and some of them were even considered friends.

Please don't misrepresent me by claiming I think it's ok for a business owner to refuse service to someone, specifically because of their religion, or sexual orientation.
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Re: Support Gay Marriage Cakes

Post by Philip »

Any rational person can see that this kind of persecution against Christians is disgusting.
But the liberal mindset tends to only get upset about certain forms of discrimination, and it often depends if someone related to one of their pet causes is discriminated against. How often do you see the ACLU defending Christians rights, or filing lawsuits on their behalf? y:-?

But I will say this. Like that clerk of court in KY, who refused to issue marriage licenses to gay couples. The reality is, once she knew her job would include this, she had one of two choices. Just issue them, or quit. If you're not comfortable with some aspect of a business, DON'T WORK THERE! There will always be costs for standing on your principles.

But a person in charge of their own business - that's a different issue. ANY time a person, in such a situation like with the baker, has significant number of other choices for the services they desire, and they seek a legal remedy, that tells me they care more about having the "right" to live out their own beliefs in whatever ways they desire, but they don't want others to have that same right. Lawsuits, etc. - that shows total lack of concern for those they disagree with. Hypocrites!
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Re: Support Gay Marriage Cakes

Post by Philip »

Rick: Please don't misrepresent me by claiming I think it's ok for a business owner to refuse service to someone, specifically because of their religion, or sexual orientation.

Well, what if you are a non-profit entity - say, a CHURCH? Can a church not rightfully declare that one requirement for the church administrative assistant is that the person be a Christian. Nice Muslim lady applies - no dice! Fine! Because THAT freedom allows others their own various freedoms. Synagogue needs a worship director - SHOCKING, but "only Jews will be hired." Large mosque requires that all of it's employees first sign a statement of loyalty to Allah - meaning its young atheist grounds keeper loses his job. Where does it stop?
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Re: Support Gay Marriage Cakes

Post by RickD »

Philip wrote:Rick: Please don't misrepresent me by claiming I think it's ok for a business owner to refuse service to someone, specifically because of their religion, or sexual orientation.

Well, what if you are a non-profit entity - say, a CHURCH? Can a church not rightfully declare that one requirement for the church administrative assistant is that the person be a Christian. Nice Muslim lady applies - no dice! Fine! Because THAT freedom allows others their own various freedoms. Synagogue needs a worship director - SHOCKING, but "only Jews will be hired." Large mosque requires that all of it's employees first sign a statement of loyalty to Allah - meaning its young atheist grounds keeper loses his job. Where does it stop?

Aren't the laws different for institutions such as churches, when it comes to hiring? ... rientation
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Re: Support Gay Marriage Cakes

Post by Danieltwotwenty »

Kurieuo wrote:
Danieltwotwenty wrote:If you can't see how you views are extreme in oppressing minorities and how this leads to a society that murders millions, I cannot help you.

You think my views are extreme because I support Christian persecution (which I don't), I think your views are extreme for allowing and supporting Christians to persecute others, which in my opinion is worse!!
It is clear you're clouded by emotion and irrationality common to secular humanistic thinking that seeks to destroy Christianity if you think refusing to participate in gay activism based upon belief is persecuting others. It is absurd, and I can't believe Christians believe such hogwash. I have nothing more to say to you.

I am not "emotional" and not "irrational", as always these types of arguments are used to disparage and distract from the real issue. Instead of attacking the argument you attack the person instead, which you have done a few times now. Next you will be telling me that I am a part of the "Liberal agenda".

Now we have "Gay Activism" being used as another distraction from the real issue!!
I am going to buy some shares in tinfoil, the price must be sky rocketing. :lol:

It is not a belief of persecution, it is widely accepted that you cannot discriminate based on sexual orientation, when you open a business in a free democratic society you either obey the law or you get punished. But instead you want to define for yourself what human rights are for everybody, and pick and choose which situations you want to apply your religious convictions.

So I seem to be good at rustling jimmies. :mrgreen:
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Re: Support Gay Marriage Cakes

Post by Danieltwotwenty »

RickD wrote:
Danieltwotwenty wrote:Just so there is no confusion for you Rick, I will put it into a scenario.

There are two couples one heterosexual (Sam and Samantha) and one homosexual (Sam and Sam), both go to buy a wedding cake with the exact same message on it "Sam & Sam". The cake maker makes the cake with the message for the heterosexual couple but does not for the homosexual couple. Obviously the message is the same in both instances, it is not offensive in anyway shape or form, so we must conclude that the message is not the reason for the discrimination, but instead that couples sexual orientation that is being discriminated against.
There are two scenarios that happened.

The first, is what Kurieuo mentioned in the OP. It's about an Irish baker who refused to bake a cake for a gay man. It wasn't a wedding cake. The man wanted a cake with Bert and Ernie, and a pro gay marriage message.

The second, is a baker in Oregon who was fined around $135k, because they refused to make a "wedding" cake for a lesbian couple.

In the first instance, the man refused to bake the cake because of the message.

In the second, the bakers refused to bake the cake because they believed gay weddings go against their beliefs.

Both are privately run businesses.

In both instances, I believe the business owners should be able to do business according to their beliefs/conscience, without government punishment.


Here's a link to the story about the Oregon bakers. ... cake-case/

As you can see from the article, the bakers have no problem selling cakes to homosexuals. It's the message that the specific cake represented, that they had an issue with.

And since the bakers had no problem selling their products to homosexuals, we must logically conclude that it wasn't discrimination based on the sexual orientation of the customer, but based on the message.
I still disagree, it's not the message, it's the fact that the gay people are getting married which is discrimination against gay people or that it is supporting gay people. This is the exact reason why we have a human rights commission and anti discrimination laws. Just like the paramedic is breaking the law and the oath he has sworn, the cake maker is breaking the law and the contract they entered into when they opened that business in the country, they are going against fundamental human rights of not being discriminated against for no good reason. I am glad I live in a country where you cannot be discriminated against for these types of reasons and I think it is horrible that people like Neo don't have the protection that we do, yet you want those freedoms taken away and instead put tyranny in place under the guise of religious freedom, so that we will have to live in the same way as Neo, because that is the end result.
Here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners of whom I am the worst. But for that very reason I was shown mercy so that in me, the worst of sinners, Christ Jesus might display his immense patience as an example for those who would believe in him and receive eternal life. Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only God, be honor and glory for ever and ever.Amen.
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Re: Support Gay Marriage Cakes

Post by RickD »

dan wrote:
I still disagree, it's not the message, it's the fact that the gay people are getting married which is discrimination against gay people or that it is supporting gay people. This is the exact reason why we have a human rights commission and anti discrimination laws. Just like the paramedic is breaking the law and the oath he has sworn, the cake maker is breaking the law and the contract they entered into when they opened that business in the country, they are going against fundamental human rights of not being discriminated against for no good reason. I am glad I live in a country where you cannot be discriminated against for these types of reasons and I think it is horrible that people like Neo don't have the protection that we do, yet you want those freedoms taken away and instead put tyranny in place under the guise of religious freedom, so that we will have to live in the same way as Neo, because that is the end result.
There's so much misinformation in this post, it's embarrassing.

First, you said:
I still disagree, it's not the message, it's the fact that the gay people are getting married which is discrimination against gay people or that it is supporting gay people.
No, the gay couple wasn't getting married. Gay marriage wasn't legal in Oregon at the time of the incident.
This is the exact reason why we have a human rights commission and anti discrimination laws
There are no anti discrimination laws regarding a refusal to bake a cake. But of course you are welcome to show the law. Good luck finding it.
Just like the paramedic is breaking the law and the oath he has sworn, the cake maker is breaking the law and the contract they entered into when they opened that business in the country,
What contract was entered into by the bakers when they opened their business? Little hint: there was none.
they are going against fundamental human rights of not being discriminated against for no good reason.
Of course it's a good reason. It goes against their conscience. Dan, as a Christian, you should know that when a Christian does something against his conscience, THAT IS SINNING. How you as a Christian can hold this position, and defend this garbage, is beyond me.
I am glad I live in a country where you cannot be discriminated against for these types of reasons
It seems your liberal laws fit your liberal ideas to a T. A match made in...
and I think it is horrible that people like Neo don't have the protection that we do, yet you want those freedoms taken away and instead put tyranny in place under the guise of religious freedom, so that we will have to live in the same way as Neo, because that is the end result.
You are the one wanting to take away freedoms, not me. You do realize that tyranny is "cruel and oppressive government or rule". You are advocating tyranny by saying government should oppress Christians, by forcing them to do something against their conscience. How you are blind to this, and brainwashed, is scary.
People should have the freedom to refuse to make or sell a product that is against their conscience. So, you are the one who is advocating taking away Christians rights. And if you get what you want, and Christians and others can't live according to their conscience, you will lose freedom.
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Re: Support Gay Marriage Cakes

Post by Kurieuo »

neo-x wrote:
Kurieuo wrote:
K wrote:
D220 wrote:
Kurieuo wrote:We're talking about cakes here. Now you're moving the goal posts. In cases of violence, you might recall what I wrote a few posts back. This isn't a debating game to me.

I often design websites for people. If a person came to me, wanting me to provide them with a website that is an activist gay website, and I refused, what should my punishment be Dan?
Under the anti discrimination laws you could be charged and rightfully so. ... ation-laws

But you could just give no reason for turning it down and that would be acceptable.
Notwithstanding I don't see any discrimination against a person, you'd consider my non-compliance to create an activist gay website as discrimination, would have me charged, "and rightfully so".

Only, you say, unless I remain silent about my reasons.
This speaks volumes to me.

Please, anyone reading, pause... and let what Dan has just said sink in.

Thanks Dan, for showing where you stand. But, I must say I'm quite repulsed and offended that you'd have me (and other Christians and people) punished for holding to their beliefs.

How ironic that you claim to be Christian, and yet would join the world in oppressing of Christians.
If you can't see how extreme your views are, then here I rest.
If anyone supports Dan's above comments, discrimination against Christians and believing they should be charged for sticking to their beliefs and "rightfully so" -- they're a disgrace as a Christian. Disagree with me if you want, sharing my opinion.
Which Christianity are you talking about? Your secular-humanist-constitutional protected one?It's very different here, K. And speaking as someone who is discriminated on a continual basis, for my beleifs, in a way that can't be challenged legally, makes me wonder. Because I detest the core principal for which you are appealing here. You are saying it's ok. A Muslim can refuse me a job, a cake, a promotion, in his perfectly good conscience (because really based on what you said, no law applies, each has thier own). he doesn't support my beleif, message or faith or etc.

Really try practicing your christianity in a non-humanist nonsecular country, like mine and then count your blessings because that secular humanist one will look like a paradise.
You always play that card Neo-X, "in my country", "where I live"... well there ARE ISSUES in our countries (US and Australia) that you living where you are equally wouldn't understand. Christians who aren't just being refused service like you, but who are being taken to court, fined massive amounts and in some instances thrown in prison. This doesn't just affect the Christian person, but their family and community (which many often help within).

BUT... let me get this right. I think there is common ground here between what you say and we say.

You're offended by the fact that you, as a Christian, are prejudiced against in your own country. You feel discriminated against because it isn't fair and right. So then, you're essentially agreeing with me, RickD, Mrs. K, Phil and others that Christians ought not to be discriminated against.

Yet, then when it comes to our own countries, because yours is so crap for Christians, we have no idea how lucky we are, and so should play dead and allows ourselves and other Christians to be discriminated against also? That logic doesn't make sense to me.

You're frustrated and upset because you are being treated differently as a Christian. We're upset because Christians are being persecuted. It seems we're on the same side here.

PS. Did you watch the two videos Mrs K posted? Please do.
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Re: Support Gay Marriage Cakes

Post by RickD »

Kurieuo wrote:
PS. Did you watch the two videos Mrs K posted? Please do.

I don't think YouTube is allowed in Neo's country.
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Re: Support Gay Marriage Cakes

Post by Kurieuo »

RickD wrote:
Kurieuo wrote:
PS. Did you watch the two videos Mrs K posted? Please do.

I don't think YouTube is allowed in Neo's country.
Oh, damn, no wonder he doesn't know what we're talking about. Pakistan really does have it rough! :P
There are proxies people generally use to get around it though. ;)


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Re: Support Gay Marriage Cakes

Post by RickD »

Kurieuo wrote:
RickD wrote:
Kurieuo wrote:
PS. Did you watch the two videos Mrs K posted? Please do.

I don't think YouTube is allowed in Neo's country.
Oh, damn, no wonder he doesn't know what we're talking about. Pakistan really does have it rough! :P
There are proxies people generally use to get around it though. ;)
But I think they can go to jail for that. Or get stoned. Or have an appendage cut off.
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Re: Support Gay Marriage Cakes

Post by Kurieuo »

RickD wrote:
Kurieuo wrote:
RickD wrote:
Kurieuo wrote:
PS. Did you watch the two videos Mrs K posted? Please do.

I don't think YouTube is allowed in Neo's country.
Oh, damn, no wonder he doesn't know what we're talking about. Pakistan really does have it rough! :P
There are proxies people generally use to get around it though. ;)
But I think they can go to jail for that. Or get stoned. Or have an appendage cut off.
Only if you're Christian I hear... he can always remain silent when asked or say "Allahu Akbar" if challenged, you know, to not discriminate against those who disagree with his Christian beliefs. (sorry, I can't help myself)
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Re: Support Gay Marriage Cakes

Post by Jac3510 »

It's not just you, K. No one can help you. So you're culpability is significantly reduced. That God He is a God of grace, right. ;)
Proinsias wrote:I don't think you are hearing me. Preference for ice cream is a moral issue
And that, brothers and sisters, is the kind of foolishness you get people who insist on denying biblical theism. A good illustration of any as the length people will go to avoid acknowledging basic truths.
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