You are making the same 'mistake' that is regularly made by many in the Trump camp.
For some the mistake is genuine, and for some the mistake is deliberate misinformation.
The mistake at hand is the conflation of two separate issues.
1. Let's start with the legitimate accusation that can be made against the Clinton campaign in 2008. Some people in the Clinton campaign did perpetuate the narrative that Obama was a Muslim. Even though some Clinton campaign aides were fired for going down this path, there was an attempt by some in the Clinton campaign to paint Obama as someone who, due to his family foreign heritage and alleged Muslim persuasion, didn't share 'American' values.
This is a legitimate argument that can be made against the Clinton campaign in 2008.
2. This is a very different thing from the lie perpetuated by Trump that Obama was not born in the United States. And the recent follow up lie that Clinton started the birther movement. None of the links that either you or K have posted demonstrate that Clinton ever claimed 'or even insinuated' that Obama was not born in the United States.
Your links may show that some in the Clinton campaign briefly tried to paint Obama as a Muslim.
Your links may show that some in the Clinton campaign tried to make a political issue of Obama's foreign family heritage.
But as my many links clearly demonstrate, Trump's claim that Hillary started the birther movement, or ever claimed that Obama was not born in the US, is a bald faced lie that has been proven false by multiple sources.
A quick response to K,
The reason Trump's lies about the birther movement are so significant is that they are consistent with Trump's behavior during the Republican primaries and ever since. He was a serial liar during the Republican primaries, and he has continued that behavior in the General Election.
It's not just the liberal media that is calling out Trump on his lies. Trump also lied about Republicans and conservatives during the primaries, and Republicans and conservatives have called Trump out on his repeated lies too.
If a person is going to call out Clinton for her lies and dishonesty, then they should call out Trump for his lies and dishonesty as well...
...fair and balanced...
My .02