Christian doctrine is based upon the New Testament, in which Jesus affirms that the entirety of the OT is also God-given. So, if you believe the NT and what it says Jesus said, and what His Apostles echo, is that the God who gave us the Church, also is the very same God Who gave Israel the Law and the Prophets. And particularly in the OT, God reveals His great displeasure and anger at those practicing homosexuality (as well as other sins). He definitely highlights this particular sin. So, you either believe what Jesus said about the OT, and about what the Apostles also said, as they quoted so prolifically from the OT that one could almost assemble it just from the NT quotations about it.While we do NOT have the words of Jesus directly on this matter ( since it was NOT an issue during His preaching), we must do some very acrobatic mental gymnastics to somehow condone homosexual activity as Christians.
I've asked before. Again: Dan, why do you not believe what Scripture says about homosexuality? Do you not believe Scripture is God-given? Or are you cherry-picking what parts you'd like to agree with, and what parts you disagree with (making oneself the arbitrator of what parts truth is found in). Because as Rick noted, what you apparently believe is in conflict with Scripture. You also are advocating the most hideous thing: That a Christian should follow laws and conduct themselves in ways they believe Scripture shows them not to. You're elevating allegiance to man over God. VERY scary when Christians do this.