Beware Saudi Arabia: Forget Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria

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Beware Saudi Arabia: Forget Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria

Post by Kurieuo »

You know, this is really old news now, known for some time. The final piece of hard evidence was in the latest Wikileaks leak. Did any mainstream media report the full story? I'm not in the US, but I'm doubtful.

Saudi Government were responsible for funding the 9/11 attacks. Bush knew, declared war on Iraq and his infamous: "If you're not with us, you're against us!" charade. Then there's been Afghanistan and of course national security somehow required taking out Gadaffi in Libya, and now the Syrian President Assad. Now rewind.

Wikileaks latest batch of Podesta emails revealed Hillary and current Obama administration knew back in 2014 that the Saudis and Qatar were funding ISIL/ISIS. And yet, no war? We're gearing up to go to war with Russia and not them? I mean what the hell is going on? Seems money can truly buy anything.

This isn't conspiracy. The information is out there to search, and is quite transparent now. Look up everything fact I just stated. Info Wars have it right here. Please watch, especially if you know nothing of which I talk:

Melanie wrote a post a few months back about the Saudi Muslims being largely Wahhabists, these are the kind who throw homosexuals and Atheists from rooftops, declare the death penalty on Christians and these all the same.

If we want to nip terrorism truly in the bud, and National security is the true concern, then it were the Saudis who declared war on the US. And yet, the US government, Republican and Democrat alike just didn't care. It's quite sickening really, I guess money allows you to buy whatever you want, including being given a free pass on taking out 1000s of innocent US citizens.

And if this doesn't seriously make you mad, no matter what side you're on, then I don't know what will.

Again, the facts are out there in the open. This isn't conspiracy any longer.
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Re: Beware Saudi Arabia: Forget Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria

Post by JButler »

The Saudis have been the main funder of islamic centers in the US, especially on college campuses. Islamic center is synonymous with terror planning and support HQ. Somewhere, somehow the Saudis got labeled as "friends" and congenial Arabs who we could do business with, even trust them as the moderate voice in the Middle East. But behind the scenes they are the major bankroller of jihadist activity in the world. Since they are our "friends" they get a pass, even get protected by us. Recall how quickly our 82nd Airborne was flown into Saudi Arabia to act as a "tripwire" (meaning expendable) against Saddam Hussein after he invaded Kuwait.

We have a similar situation with Turkey. The Turks have been feeding ISIS from the beginning and acting as an active conduit for ISIS fighters to get into Syria. But Turkey gets a pass because they are "allies" in NATO, so they're untouchable.

My solution is to let the Saudis drown in their oil (we don't need it) then kick Turkey out of NATO. Let the Turks deal with the Russians by themselves without NATO to protect them.
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Re: Beware Saudi Arabia: Forget Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria

Post by Kurieuo »

That was something I didn't see coming, Russia and Turks. Don't even think Russians understood that move. But then, if there's a world war coming, best to have as many allies as possible.
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Re: Beware Saudi Arabia: Forget Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria

Post by Philip »

Variables that have made the Saudis formidable in influence and danger:

- Massive oil reserves
- Massive oil money coffers
- Strategic, geographic, gulf location
- They weren't Iranian or Shiites
- American Neo-cons
- The Bushes (and others - Democrat and Republican)
- They've allowed American bases
- The notion that Democracy can be transferred to Islamic/Quran-based nations
- That the Shiite nations are the poor minority who hate the Sunnis - so, ongoing tit for tat violence

Yes, the West needs to get its money out of the equation, find more effective, large-scale ways around needing oil.

The perpetual violence in the Mid-East, at least partly (a LARGE part!) is fed by vast billions of Western money.
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