Miraculous healings today

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Re: Miraculous healings today

Post by Jac3510 »

Jac3510 wrote:btw

Now where's my padded post pic?

alliteration ftw


TOTP!!!!!! :amen:
Proinsias wrote:I don't think you are hearing me. Preference for ice cream is a moral issue
And that, brothers and sisters, is the kind of foolishness you get people who insist on denying biblical theism. A good illustration of any as the length people will go to avoid acknowledging basic truths.
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Re: Miraculous healings today

Post by B. W. »

crochet1949 wrote:
Philip wrote:
After all of this and even move on healing in the bible. People still do not believe God heals today.
This is a false statement! I don't believe any Christian here denies that God doesn't still heal. The debate is about but ONE issue: Are there Christians walking earth today that have been giving the gift of instant/miraculously obvious healing - AND that have prolifically demonstrated such a gifting so that it is documented.

ALL I have seen in this thread are speculation and assertions, but no evidence put forward of such a gifting or people prolifically able to do what the Apostles and Jesus did. And if they cannot show that clearly to be the case, then more and more posts on this are just more piles of fairly worthless OPINIONS - THAT IS - at least to the key issue of contention: Healers walking around doing miraculous/instant healings of the kind Jesus and the Apostles did.

I agree -- "of the kind Jesus and the Apostles did" -- No we do Not find That happening in this day / age.

People ARE healed these days by God's power during their lifetime on this earth. But it's a different Kind Of healing.
We can find ample evidence of folks dressing in white suits, setting up big healing meetings, and prancing around as though they are BIG SHOTS of God. Thus, they gain all the glory for themselves their ministries, it is all about them.

The apostles and disciples of the 1st 300 years of the history of the church were all about glorifying Jesus and not themselves and certainly not glorifying their ministries. Any folks like this, today, well, would be kicked out of the modern western church as they are unmarketable and located outside being about the Father's business. You might hear of the same actions as the Jesus did they share do time to time as the early church did but they seek not testimony of approval of you or I.

So we all should examine ourselves if we are all about glorifying ourselves, our wisdom, our ways, our ministries instead of whom?

The Modern church world is broken, just watch a few shows on chrsitan TV and you will discover there is plenty of self help pop worldly psychobabble taught. Or odd folks saying weird things on God's behalf =. Plenty of folks seeking control over others. Is it any wonder midst all this stuff we don't see or pay attention to those quietly working in the background for Jesus glorifying him?
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Re: Miraculous healings today

Post by Philip »

And if they can't pay attention to detail, why would I trust their judgment on theological matters in which the details matter greatly? My wife might consider such a person a liar . . . and since I'd never call her a liar, I'd be obligated to agree with her. ;)
SOME people can well understand detailed information that aren't also good communicators or that haven't been properly schooled in the nuances of grammar, proper English, and spelling, etc. It's not TYPICAL, but there are such wise people. Such people aren't stupid, just untrained. But if they are also totally Scripturally/theologically unschooled in using good hermeneutics, etc. - well, yeah, I'd be very hesitant. But much of Scripture doesn't take a great theologian to understand correctly. And yet a goodly portion of it does. If Scripture was only written so that trained theologians understood it, then I'd say much of it wasn't aimed at the common fellow, but at theologians, etc. The crucial, important basics are understandable by virtually anyone who can read.
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Re: Miraculous healings today

Post by jpbg33 »

Jac3510 so you and your wife must think Albert Einstein was a liar. He had the same spelling problem I have. every ones brains do not work the same if they did it would be a boring world.

crochet1949 I do not take the time to Learn proper spelling and use of grammar because I am not a reader.

RickD good thing we don't Albert Einstein would have been know as a dummy I do not know about his grammar but I do know he could not spell.

I know there are a lot of people who can not match clothing or any thing else. I guess they are liars and dumb as well.

Before you say that it is not the same thing it is. Why do you think we have silent letters because just like matching spelling is about how it looks, and before you say it all silent letters do not have big reasons for being there "knife" what is the "k" there for?

We are saved because of his death and resurrection we are healed by his strips. The bible say by one man sin death entered into the world and by one mans (death or righteousness I am not sure how it worded it I'm fixing to go to lunch so I do not have time to look it up) we are made right. that is not word for word but it is what is says. The strips had nothing to do with us becoming Christians but it was about our healings we receive on earth.

Think you Philip
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Re: Miraculous healings today

Post by Jac3510 »

jpbg33 wrote:Jac3510 so you and your wife must think Albert Einstein was a liar. He had the same spelling problem I have. every ones brains do not work the same if they did it would be a boring world.

Einstein didn't have a spellchecker, either. And English was his second language. It's also not terribly wise to compare yourself to a certified genius, but since you aren't one to pay attention to detail . . .

Actually, I might be inclined to believe that English isn't your first language, either. :ewink:


Oh yeah, the most important part of this post:

Proinsias wrote:I don't think you are hearing me. Preference for ice cream is a moral issue
And that, brothers and sisters, is the kind of foolishness you get people who insist on denying biblical theism. A good illustration of any as the length people will go to avoid acknowledging basic truths.
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Re: Miraculous healings today

Post by jpbg33 »

Jac3510 German was his first language and he couldn't spell in that language either. Shows who much you know.

by the way spell checkers are stupid. You get one letter wrong and they don't know what you are talking about.
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Re: Miraculous healings today

Post by RickD »

philip wrote:
I don't believe any Christian here denies that God doesn't still heal.
Hey wait...

Is that some kinda double negative?

I deny that God doesn't still heal!

It's bad enough with jgpbfg spelling wrong and confusing us. y#-o
John 5:24
24 “Truly, truly, I say to you, he who hears My word, and believes Him who sent Me, has eternal life, and does not come into judgment, but has passed out of death into life.

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Re: Miraculous healings today

Post by Philip »

OK, so we have a new resident English teacher? I ain't never seen one quite like him round dese here parts. y=;

Next thing you know Mr. Smartypants will want to run high office!

Oops! :roll: Too late!

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Re: Miraculous healings today

Post by crochet1949 »

jpbg33 wrote:Jac3510 so you and your wife must think Albert Einstein was a liar. He had the same spelling problem I have. every ones brains do not work the same if they did it would be a boring world.

crochet1949 I do not take the time to Learn proper spelling and use of grammar because I am not a reader.

RickD good thing we don't Albert Einstein would have been know as a dummy I do not know about his grammar but I do know he could not spell.

I know there are a lot of people who can not match clothing or any thing else. I guess they are liars and dumb as well.

Before you say that it is not the same thing it is. Why do you think we have silent letters because just like matching spelling is about how it looks, and before you say it all silent letters do not have big reasons for being there "knife" what is the "k" there for?

We are saved because of his death and resurrection we are healed by his strips. The bible say by one man sin death entered into the world and by one mans (death or righteousness I am not sure how it worded it I'm fixing to go to lunch so I do not have time to look it up) we are made right. that is not word for word but it is what is says. The strips had nothing to do with us becoming Christians but it was about our healings we receive on earth.

Think you Philip

You read enough to be able to use a computer and get on and use this Forum. And -- since you have a computer, you Also have access to 'Google' and the ability to look up words to get their proper spelling. And probably have access to a Dictionary. Learning English in grade school -- lots of memorizing the correct spelling of words. For instance - the various spellings of 'two, to, too' -- the only way to distinguish which one to use is through the context of the sentence they are used in. The same thing with 'there, their' -- the context of said sentence.
There Are people who have dyslexia -- their brain turns letters, numbers around -- one of my granddaughters had that problem -- she had a Hard time for years but now is reading much better. Says she actually Likes reading.
There are people who are color-blind / certain colors look very similar or neutral so they Do have problems matching clothes. They / family members / friends help them realize that and help them.
I've also learned a bit of Spanish -- It's all around us - at least here in Texas. ( here / hear // here is a location // hear is the ability to distinguish various audible sounds) And my computer Does correct my spelling every so often. I will misspell a word and it Will automatically correct it's spelling. And, yes, sometimes it doesn't work very well, but MOSTLY is does.
And, yes, everyone has different strengths / weaknesses. My daughter spells phonetically -- so she has a harder time with correct word spelling. Actually -- I think everyone automatically spells phonetically and Many words work well sounding them out and spelling them how they sound. You used the example of the word "knife" -- a silent 'k' -- Why? maybe it's the origin of the word. We simply learn the Correct spelling and use that. Then whomever is reading your sentence knows exactly what you mean. The word "dose" in the context that you use it - should be spelled "does". You have simply turned the last two letters around. Maybe you Do have some dyslexia.

You - at times- refuse to listen to some of your faulty beliefs being corrected. You have a tendency to misapply portions of Scripture. One of the dangers of That is /// there was a man who lived by starting out his day with a passage of Scripture and obeying it. The first passage for one day was "Judas went out and hung himself" ( accurate) , but the man didn't think That was what God had in mind for starting his day. The next passage he 'found' was " go out and do so likewise" and he thought again , No. The next passage was "and what thou doest, do thou quickly". Obviously God's will was Not for him to go out and kill himself quickly. And THAT is what can happen when picking random passages from Scripture -- All inspired from God -- but Not to be picked up Out of it's intended context -- and put with Other passages equally inspired -- but taken out of it's intended context -- it can be put together and ends up 'saying' something NOT intended.
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Re: Miraculous healings today

Post by crochet1949 »

Philip wrote:OK, so we have a new resident English teacher? I ain't never seen one quite like him round dese here parts. y=;

Next thing you know Mr. Smartypants will want to run high office!

Oops! :roll: Too late!


Now we have a Sutherner in these parts?
To run "for" high office. Not "run high office!" :ebiggrin:

Getting the Results of this election Might just Start a Real revolt. The Capitalization is for Emphasis.

Quite literally --God IS the Only One who already knows the results. He's waiting to see how we'll react to said results. Actually he already knows That, also. So We have the duty to react in a Christ-like manner. y@};-
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Re: Miraculous healings today

Post by RickD »

crochet wrote:
Quite literally --God IS the Only One who already knows the results.
Of course God knows. And he told the results to Ted Cruz's father.
John 5:24
24 “Truly, truly, I say to you, he who hears My word, and believes Him who sent Me, has eternal life, and does not come into judgment, but has passed out of death into life.

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Re: Miraculous healings today

Post by crochet1949 »

RickD wrote:
crochet wrote:
Quite literally --God IS the Only One who already knows the results.
Of course God knows. And he told the results to Ted Cruz's father.

P-L-e-a-s-e ---- Nooooooo :shakehead:
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Re: Miraculous healings today

Post by crochet1949 »

GREAT news -- Trump has made it. Miracles still Do happen.
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Re: Miraculous healings today

Post by jpbg33 »

crochet1949 I am not talking about color blind people. I know they can not see some colors. I am talking about people not being able to see which colors look good together. there are a lot of people that have that problem. That is why we have interior decorators and stuff like that.

I have no problem reading I do not like to read it is boring to me. So even though I can read really good I do not read much more then the bible.

I was shown to spell by sounding out the words when in school and words like knife and other word like that do not work very well sounding them out, but that was how I was shown to spell. That is not a bad way to teach because it is not everyone in my school who has trouble spelling but just a few because we are all different our brains do not all work the same.

spelling and grammar does not show intelligence as some think I am proof of that because with this problem I still graduated not only top of my class but top of the whole school.

My intelligence is not what this thread is about and before you accuses me of cherry picking I'll let you on to a little secrete about this web page. If you read it carefully you will see that most of the people here think that osas is right because the bible say the word everlasting in it. That is not only cherry picking verses but that is cherry picking words. I'm no trying to debate osas here just using it as an example of who is really cherry picking it is not me. I am using different sections of the bible showing that through out the bible it teaches different then osas.

Back to the tread healings still happen and the gift of healing is still for us to day because Jesus said it is and He can not lie. If when you pray far people they never get healed that doesn't mean the gift of healing is not for us to day it just means you haven't got it.
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Re: Miraculous healings today

Post by Jac3510 »

Philip wrote:
And if they can't pay attention to detail, why would I trust their judgment on theological matters in which the details matter greatly? My wife might consider such a person a liar . . . and since I'd never call her a liar, I'd be obligated to agree with her. ;)
SOME people can well understand detailed information that aren't also good communicators or that haven't been properly schooled in the nuances of grammar, proper English, and spelling, etc. It's not TYPICAL, but there are such wise people. Such people aren't stupid, just untrained. But if they are also totally Scripturally/theologically unschooled in using good hermeneutics, etc. - well, yeah, I'd be very hesitant. But much of Scripture doesn't take a great theologian to understand correctly. And yet a goodly portion of it does. If Scripture was only written so that trained theologians understood it, then I'd say much of it wasn't aimed at the common fellow, but at theologians, etc. The crucial, important basics are understandable by virtually anyone who can read.
Just posting to say I agree with this. It is, in fact, one of the reasons I hold to the perspicuity of Scripture. At the same time, it is very much true that it is not typical for someone who cannot communicate clearly to be able to understand clearly. The simple fact is that we think in words and propositions, and we write and speak what we think. So it follows that if your written words and speech are jumbled, it is very likely true that your thought patterns are jumbled as well. That is why we say of teachers that if you can't explain something clearly in concisely, it is probably because you don't understand it yourself. Now, it is certainly true that both speech and writing are themselves skills that require their own mastery. As such, it is possible for a person to be able to understand and think clearly and yet fail to be able to write and speak clearly. But the degrees of separation are typically less than those who use this as an excuse would like to believe. And it is the same on the other side of the discussion, too. You can master the written and spoken word and not know what you are talking about. But, again, when it comes to expressing thought clearly (and so clearly understanding the thought of others), the gulf there isn't as big as some might claim, too. That's why if you are at all educated in a subject matter you can tell in just a few statements whether or not someone else knows the material or if they are just strining words and phrases together. You can see that the underlying thoughts are just not very clear.

The really hard work is for the person with the muddled mind to have the honesty and courage to admit their own fault in that area. But often they won't, or can't, and so they insist that everyone else are really the confused ones. If it weren't so irritating, it'd be pitiful. But hey, maybe we are the dopes and such people really are the second coming of Einstein. Right. ;)
Proinsias wrote:I don't think you are hearing me. Preference for ice cream is a moral issue
And that, brothers and sisters, is the kind of foolishness you get people who insist on denying biblical theism. A good illustration of any as the length people will go to avoid acknowledging basic truths.
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