So . . . . Trump won

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So . . . . Trump won

Post by Vergil »

So . . . Trump won, what now?
It seemed when it was announced that won, the whole world seemed to think that it's the "Beginning of the End"

Personally, I'm still neutral in the topic about Trump, if he is going to be a good president or a bad is yet to be seen and I was not surprised when he won, in fact I was expecting it (God knows why!) while my fellows seemed to lost all hope for America.

But what about you my Brothers and Sisters, what are your thoughts?
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Re: So . . . . Trump won

Post by RickD »

Vergil wrote:So . . . Trump won, what now?
It seemed when it was announced that won, the whole world seemed to think that it's the "Beginning of the End"

Personally, I'm still neutral in the topic about Trump, if he is going to be a good president or a bad is yet to be seen and I was not surprised when he won, in fact I was expecting it (God knows why!) while my fellows seemed to lost all hope for America.

But what about you my Brothers and Sisters, what are your thoughts?
I'm just extremely happy that Clinton didn't win.

The people of the United States just gave a collective "screw-you" to Obama, Clinton and all the liberal crap that we've been putting up with.

Clinton got absolutely destroyed in the election. The people have spoken.
John 5:24
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Re: So . . . . Trump won

Post by AreEl »

I'm happy that the Clinton duo didn't get back into the White House. By the time President Trump ends his first term, the Clintons should be pickling in a retirement community in Florida. I hope.
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Re: So . . . . Trump won

Post by RickD »

AreEl wrote:I'm happy that the Clinton duo didn't get back into the White House. By the time President Trump ends his first term, the Clintons should be pickling in a retirement community in Florida. I hope.
Haha. Very funny.

We don't want their kind in Florida.

Maybe they'll retire in Canada, where they belong!
John 5:24
24 “Truly, truly, I say to you, he who hears My word, and believes Him who sent Me, has eternal life, and does not come into judgment, but has passed out of death into life.

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Re: So . . . . Trump won

Post by PaulSacramento »

Not to say I told you so...

Why did he win?

Because of the media.
In their desire to make sure he would lose, they did all the right things to make him win.

Not only did the media make the mistake and try to make this a character issue ( with an opponent who's character was just as bad, if not worse) when they should have focused on the issues, they tried to bully and intimidate trump supporters by insinuating they were racist and bigots and not educated.
Because we all know how well THAT works to win people over, LOL !
Then they tried to manipulate people by selective polling.

Well, let that be a lesson.
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Re: So . . . . Trump won

Post by theophilus »

The Bible commands us to pray for the leaders of our country. Whether Trump turns out to be good or bad will depend on how faithful Christians are in obeying this command.
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Re: So . . . . Trump won

Post by Hortator »

I guess we'll know how this affects us in 3 months yeah? I mean, some of us thought he would never win. How can we predict what happens next? Patience, lads.

Though I will say one thing on the matter. I don't think anything we do will make a difference, considering we can't kick the can down the road any further (20 trillion in debt and rising exponentially) so right now, the can has been kicked, out of the cul-de-sac and into the bushes of the creepy abandoned house at the end of the street.

How sad we learn to fight for ourselves just before it stops mattering anymore. I'm surprised there's even Internet to type this tirade in 2016
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Re: So . . . . Trump won

Post by AreEl »

RickD wrote:
AreEl wrote:I'm happy that the Clinton duo didn't get back into the White House. By the time President Trump ends his first term, the Clintons should be pickling in a retirement community in Florida. I hope.
Haha. Very funny.

We don't want their kind in Florida.

Maybe they'll retire in Canada, where they belong!

Really old people go to live out their last days in Florida. You guys gotta change the motto on your license plates from "The Sunshine State" to "Undertaker's Paradise".
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Re: So . . . . Trump won

Post by RickD »

theophilus wrote:The Bible commands us to pray for the leaders of our country. Whether Trump turns out to be good or bad will depend on how faithful Christians are in obeying this command.
I hope you're not serious.
John 5:24
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Re: So . . . . Trump won

Post by Philip »

Rick: The people of the United States just gave a collective "screw-you" to Obama, Clinton and all the liberal crap that we've been putting up with.
ABSOLUTELY! This is NOT a case that people personally like Trump so much, because millions of people voted for Trump who are very troubled about things in his past and how he has had diarrhea of the mouth in pointlessly offending so many. And it's mainly because it is the peoples' answer to the failure of unbridled progressive policies and Obamaism, that was trying to shame and force a very liberal agenda down Americans' throats, and they are absolutely sick of it! As well, they knew that economically, the Clintons would have brought us nothing more than the "same old, same old," playing to their liberal base with economic policies that absolutely do not work. Business people and those of wealth invest, build companies, and hire people. OVER regulate them to death, posture them with a government that almost acts as if ALL business people are dishonest crooks - well, those of means will keep their money, move it off shore, not invest, not create companies (here!), and they'll not be hiring people. Intelligent and reasonable regulations to discourage excesses are great- but being anti-business while gladly taking Wall Street's money (like the corrupt HillBillies) - how self-defeating for our nation!
Rick: Clinton got absolutely destroyed in the election. The people have spoken.
TOTALLY! Now the FBI and others, like border agents, will feel like they have someone behind them that will allow them to do their jobs without fear of losing it to the PC police and progressives in government! The Clintons have a lot more problems now than just losing an election. Their cover in protecting them from investigations, etc. - that's now gone. BOTH the House and Senate control is gone. People are in the mood to see different ideas. This is a wonderful opportunity, let's hope people in leadership recognize it and take full advantage of all the positives that could come of it.

Republicans in name only - Trump is going to aggressively call out those who continue to play the same old game - at least I would think so. And that's a good thing.

Supreme court - just a conservative pick or two can make a huge difference in the slant the court has taken. Federal judge nominations, etc. - same deal.
Paul: Not only did the media make the mistake and try to make this a character issue ( with an opponent who's character was just as bad, if not worse) when they should have focused on the issues, they tried to bully and intimidate trump supporters by insinuating they were racist and bigots and not educated.
Because we all know how well THAT works to win people over, LOL !
Then they tried to manipulate people by selective polling.
Great point! The media is the other HUGE losers in all of this.

Unexpected winners: Wikileaks - while having dangerously released various info that put people in danger, they incredibly helped take down the Hillbillies - as people saw the behind the scenes, dirty stuff and manipulations that were going on. They saw how the media ignored most of it. How the media ONLY tended to highlight Trump's past immoral behavior, while almost totally ignoring that of those Arkansas Hillbillies. Such hypocrisy! So, thanks, Wikileaks! Why they were clearly trying to help bring down the Clintons is a bit of a mystery.

Also, if ever anyone could say, "I told you so!" - it would be this election. That the media so selectively reported, that everything was tried to portray an alternative reality to what was really going on, that the polls were THAT skewed - now the suspicion of media has been powerfully confirmed, in the eyes of many.
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Re: So . . . . Trump won

Post by PaulSacramento »

Voting comes down to a very basic understanding of reality, it's kind of a no-brainer really:
If you are happy, you vote for the ruling party.
If you are not, you vote for change.

All the REAL and MEANINGFUL polls showed that the majority of Americans were not happy.
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Re: So . . . . Trump won

Post by B. W. »

So, Trump won ... so what?

We Christians need to become the Church again and not go back to being apathetic and role playing ways. Both Clinton and Kian in her concession speech quoted scripture from the bible which is an utter insult to God and all Christians.

Let's not forget the Progressive-social Marxist Democrats including HRC support the following:

Supports the murder of the Unborn in violation of Lev 18:21 and Exo 20:13 which expresses premeditated murder...

Supports immorality and deviance (all those things God warns about and hate - they support promote and condone not for ones well beings but rather exploit these causes for votes) Proverbs 6:16,17,18

They support theft. Obama Care is but one example of such theft as well as a host of regulations, thus, violate Exo 20:15

They support the use of character assassination, false testimony, and lies to win at all cost which violates Exo 20:16

They covet after other people’s money-processions. They promote polices that exploit greed to enslave minorities to live in urban areas/slum/ghetto/Project Housing/run down areas where schools are poor just to create a easily manipulated voting block of easily frighten folks by means false slogan just to keep a perpetual voting block voting for them. Thus, violating Exo 20:17 and a host of other verses telling leaders not to exploit the poor or wage earners. Exo 23:2

Anyone can twist the bible on teachings about love, acceptance, tolerance, mercy, faith, etc and etc and this is called scripture twisting. Thus, these people twist the bible to pit God's standards against each other for their gain which is not to be done: Lev 19:12

In fact, the bible teaches not diversity but rather that aliens and strangers respect the laws of the land and become united with its people and customs, not the other way around. A house divided against itself shall not stand, Mat 12:25...

If you are a Christian and vote for such a party that supports the killing of the unborn - that alone should wake you up that you are being played a fool.

As Christians, we have won a brief reprieve. The left is already planning a comeback. They hope the church world goes back to sleep and becomes more like the world. The battle is not over; it has just begun.

This brings us back to the question: Now that Trump won - so what?

Well, we better press in to know the Lord more than ever and ‘actually’ make a stand defending the unborn; proving how the left exploits minorities for votes; combat propagandized education of our children; remove the restriction on the 501 3 C tax code which disenfranchises Christian groups from supporting candidates for all forms of Govt and school boards; drain the swamp in Washington, etc and etc, all needs done.

However, before this to occur, most importantly, we need a an Awakening, a Revival, back to the Lord with full import of John 16:8,9,10,11 at work.

Folks we need an Awakening - a Third Great Awakening...

In other words, seeking the Holy Spirit for the conviction of sins that folks simply do not trust who Jesus is, who he ‘really’ is, and that he has our best sanctifying interest for our hearts not our demise.

So, I ask you who are Christians: do you really realize just who Jesus really is? Really-really Is? Absolutely is?

This is beyond mere intellectual assent... Just who He really-really is... ponder it.

Why so timid and fearful?

Darkness take no holiday, it is merely held back so you and I can ‘really’ realize just who Jesus really-really Is, absolutely is. Think about this, let it sink in: Just whom do we ‘actually’ serve? Are you yourself actually trusting Him?

There, it begins in you and I...

May God's Fire fall upon you and stop our faulting finding stupid pettiness and intellectual snobbery and make a stand.

Trump's victory bought us time to realize just who Jesus really-really is. Absolutely is...
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Re: So . . . . Trump won

Post by abelcainsbrother »

First off it matters who is our President and God has chosen Donald Trump. I know there is a lot of pessimism about how much Trump and his administration can get done and a lot of people think not much will change but I disagree with this. God really wants to bless America and has chosen Trump to be our leader. There is real change coming for America that will make it greater and stronger than it has been in a long time. It won't be easy and there will be opposition but great things are coming for America and it is going to be a benefit for Christians also,every American really,even those who oppose Trump.Trump is real and meant everything he has said and ran on and he intends to get it done,unlike politicians who run on the same things election after election and yet America keeps going the wrong way.
Hebrews 12:2-3 Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith;who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross,despising the shame,and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.

2nd Corinthians 4:4 In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not,lest the light of this glorious gospel of Christ,who is the image of God,should shine unto them.
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Re: So . . . . Trump won

Post by Hortator »

abelcainsbrother wrote:First off it matters who is our President and God has chosen Donald Trump. I know there is a lot of pessimism about how much Trump and his administration can get done and a lot of people think not much will change but I disagree with this. God really wants to bless America and has chosen Trump to be our leader. There is real change coming for America that will make it greater and stronger than it has been in a long time. It won't be easy and there will be opposition but great things are coming for America and it is going to be a benefit for Christians also,every American really,even those who oppose Trump.Trump is real and meant everything he has said and ran on and he intends to get it done,unlike politicians who run on the same things election after election and yet America keeps going the wrong way.
Well, pretty easy to look at Trump as a "blessing" when the alternative was Hillary, am I right?

Darn right he will have opposition, but not sure you're right that he intends to carry out everything he promised or intended to do. I mean, I'm sure he meant what he said when he said it. But are they all politically feasible? I don't think so. When you get into the nitty-gritty of different committees, proposals, bills, writs, tit for tat, quid pro quo, you're going to see why I think a hard-reset is long overdue for this bloated government.

It used to be that a simple man had all the knowledge necessary to understand his government. Now, if Mr. Smith went to Washington, he'd be laughed out of congress for not having a law degree. "Look at this plebian! bwahaha"
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Re: So . . . . Trump won

Post by RickD »

AreEl wrote:
RickD wrote:
AreEl wrote:I'm happy that the Clinton duo didn't get back into the White House. By the time President Trump ends his first term, the Clintons should be pickling in a retirement community in Florida. I hope.
Haha. Very funny.

We don't want their kind in Florida.

Maybe they'll retire in Canada, where they belong!

Really old people go to live out their last days in Florida. You guys gotta change the motto on your license plates from "The Sunshine State" to "Undertaker's Paradise".
Really old people come to Florida to live out their last days, huh? So, should I be expecting you soon?
John 5:24
24 “Truly, truly, I say to you, he who hears My word, and believes Him who sent Me, has eternal life, and does not come into judgment, but has passed out of death into life.

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