Marijuana vs Pharmaceuticals

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Re: Marijuana vs Pharmaceuticals

Post by bbyrd009 »

B. W. wrote:
bbyrd009 wrote: i am autistic--you couldn't sit down on it, it would make you quite paranoid, even. The weed you remember, "sleep-weed," nobody smokes that anymore. well, not for recreation. We grow a strain of "Charlotte's Web" that is like that; which we give away, to desperate parents with sick children?
bbyrd009 you mentioned that you are autistic but which type do you have - Asperger's or ???

Do you understand how this state affects how you come across to others??
so iow while--if i understand you--i accept your premise here, and even admit to it, i see that it is all to often seized upon, also, as an excuse to not understand, when i offer it as an apology, and an invitation to please ask for clarification, where i have been unclear.

And let's admit that even normies might have quite a bit of trouble understanding each other, "communicating," and, not to blow my own horn, but i have written peer-reviewed articles, on various other subjects, not directly relating to spirituality, that were Featured, and only very lightly edited, that are quite well received, widely shared, have over a million views, blahblahblagh.

So, maybe autism is a manifestation that we, people, make, because God has determined that that is just the best manifestation for the circumstances, iow. Normal people can argue for...well, decades, actually, i have a link to the same two guys butting heads for 6-7 years now, at least, and even you might be persuaded that they are speaking different languages, and just do not ever discuss that part, iow if one's def for "sin" is diff from two's def, then they will just talk past each other, about sin, in this example, and every time the word "sin" comes up--which, let's admit, religious people love to talk about sin--they can be witnessed to actually hit a wall, the both of them, and immediately start having two different convos at each other, but just try to be the guy to suggest creating a common lexicon, woo-ey, you better not do that :lol:
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Re: Marijuana vs Pharmaceuticals

Post by B. W. »

bbyrd009 wrote:
B. W. wrote:
bbyrd009 wrote: i am autistic--you couldn't sit down on it, it would make you quite paranoid, even. The weed you remember, "sleep-weed," nobody smokes that anymore. well, not for recreation. We grow a strain of "Charlotte's Web" that is like that; which we give away, to desperate parents with sick children?
bbyrd009 you mentioned that you are autistic but which type do you have - Asperger's or ???

Do you understand how this state affects how you come across to others??
so iow while--if i understand you--i accept your premise here, and even admit to it, i see that it is all to often seized upon, also, as an excuse to not understand, when i offer it as an apology, and an invitation to please ask for clarification, where i have been unclear.

And let's admit that even normies might have quite a bit of trouble understanding each other, "communicating," and, not to blow my own horn, but i have written peer-reviewed articles, on various other subjects, not directly relating to spirituality, that were Featured, and only very lightly edited, that are quite well received, widely shared, have over a million views, blahblahblagh.

So, maybe autism is a manifestation that we, people, make, because God has determined that that is just the best manifestation for the circumstances, iow. Normal people can argue for...well, decades, actually, i have a link to the same two guys butting heads for 6-7 years now, at least, and even you might be persuaded that they are speaking different languages, and just do not ever discuss that part, iow if one's def for "sin" is diff from two's def, then they will just talk past each other, about sin, in this example, and every time the word "sin" comes up--which, let's admit, religious people love to talk about sin--they can be witnessed to actually hit a wall, the both of them, and immediately start having two different convos at each other, but just try to be the guy to suggest creating a common lexicon, woo-ey, you better not do that :lol:
bbyrd009 you mentioned that you are autistic but which type do you have - Asperger's or ???

Please let us know. This will not incur special favoritism or treatment. Only helps folks understand your position better.

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Re: Marijuana vs Pharmaceuticals

Post by bbyrd009 »

bbyrd009 wrote:
B. W. wrote:
bbyrd009 wrote: i am autistic--you couldn't sit down on it, it would make you quite paranoid, even. The weed you remember, "sleep-weed," nobody smokes that anymore. well, not for recreation. We grow a strain of "Charlotte's Web" that is like that; which we give away, to desperate parents with sick children?
bbyrd009 you mentioned that you are autistic but which type do you have - Asperger's or ???

Do you understand how this state affects how you come across to others??
yes, i am mildly Asperger's, and yes, i understand that this affects my readability, also; but trust that i can be as clear as anyone, too, ok.

So then, i am not real comprehensible, possibly, at the best of times--my boss, a non-smoker, insists i get high before i work with him, for instance--and drunk on the wine, it just gets worse, i guess. Yet there are usually some few who have no problems even reading me then.

I strive to be as clear as i am being right now, at all times, is all i can tell you.

Now, with all this in mind, you might explain to me how to explain to the Moose that he sniffed the arrow that would kill him, that day? At 2:22
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Re: Marijuana vs Pharmaceuticals

Post by bbyrd009 »

B. W. wrote:
bbyrd009 wrote:
B. W. wrote:
bbyrd009 wrote: i am autistic--you couldn't sit down on it, it would make you quite paranoid, even. The weed you remember, "sleep-weed," nobody smokes that anymore. well, not for recreation. We grow a strain of "Charlotte's Web" that is like that; which we give away, to desperate parents with sick children?
bbyrd009 you mentioned that you are autistic but which type do you have - Asperger's or ???

Do you understand how this state affects how you come across to others??
so iow while--if i understand you--i accept your premise here, and even admit to it, i see that it is all to often seized upon, also, as an excuse to not understand, when i offer it as an apology, and an invitation to please ask for clarification, where i have been unclear.

And let's admit that even normies might have quite a bit of trouble understanding each other, "communicating," and, not to blow my own horn, but i have written peer-reviewed articles, on various other subjects, not directly relating to spirituality, that were Featured, and only very lightly edited, that are quite well received, widely shared, have over a million views, blahblahblagh.

So, maybe autism is a manifestation that we, people, make, because God has determined that that is just the best manifestation for the circumstances, iow. Normal people can argue for...well, decades, actually, i have a link to the same two guys butting heads for 6-7 years now, at least, and even you might be persuaded that they are speaking different languages, and just do not ever discuss that part, iow if one's def for "sin" is diff from two's def, then they will just talk past each other, about sin, in this example, and every time the word "sin" comes up--which, let's admit, religious people love to talk about sin--they can be witnessed to actually hit a wall, the both of them, and immediately start having two different convos at each other, but just try to be the guy to suggest creating a common lexicon, woo-ey, you better not do that :lol:
bbyrd009 you mentioned that you are autistic but which type do you have - Asperger's or ???

Please let us know. This will not incur special favoritism or treatment. Only helps folks understand your position better.

so, see the post above, and get this, too; even if you're not autistic, and even if you do know, or are pretty sure you know, telling people that you are autistic, and telling people you do not know what you're talking about, can be, can elicit some of the best info about who you are talking to, as well as providing them an out, if they wish to take it, seize on it, ok?

And i'm only saying this for the reflection it provides about how to understand the Book, ok, i don't really care about anything else.
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Re: Marijuana vs Pharmaceuticals

Post by B. W. »

bbyrd009 wrote:yes, i am mildly Asperger's, and yes, i understand that this affects my readability, also; but trust that i can be as clear as anyone, too, ok.

So then, i am not real comprehensible, possibly, at the best of times--my boss, a non-smoker, insists i get high before i work with him, for instance--and drunk on the wine, it just gets worse, i guess. Yet there are usually some few who have no problems even reading me then.

I strive to be as clear as i am being right now, at all times, is all i can tell you.

Now, with all this in mind, you might explain to me how to explain to the Moose that he sniffed the arrow that would kill him, that day? At 2:22
Thank you,

I am a retired social worker in the field of criminal justice as well as a case management for folks like yourself. You now about treatment teams, do you not?

Is it possible to have your case manager contact me by this forum in privet email?

I suspected Asperger's and was correct in that assumption. No ill will here or insult either in this intended: Are you working on staying on task? If so -- Can you apply this here?

You are spamming the board with scattered thinking and this is irritating folks here as well as not permitting others to post what they want; in other words, you are hogging the board. Can you see this?

You have admitting to social issues and obnoxiousness so be aware that there are rules on this forum. There is no special treatment here and we will treat you as we do any other person who spams the board. Do you understand?
PS drinking booze and smoking pot for someone who has what you have is not a good mix - can you see that?
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Re: Marijuana vs Pharmaceuticals

Post by bbyrd009 »

B. W. wrote:
bbyrd009 wrote:yes, i am mildly Asperger's, and yes, i understand that this affects my readability, also; but trust that i can be as clear as anyone, too, ok.

So then, i am not real comprehensible, possibly, at the best of times--my boss, a non-smoker, insists i get high before i work with him, for instance--and drunk on the wine, it just gets worse, i guess. Yet there are usually some few who have no problems even reading me then.

I strive to be as clear as i am being right now, at all times, is all i can tell you.

Now, with all this in mind, you might explain to me how to explain to the Moose that he sniffed the arrow that would kill him, that day? At 2:22
Thank you,

I am a retired social worker in the field of criminal justice as well as a case management for folks like yourself. You now about treatment teams, do you not?

Is it possible to have your case manager contact me by this forum in privet email?

I suspected Asperger's and was correct in that assumption. No ill will here or insult either in this intended: Are you working on staying on task? If so -- Can you apply this here?
sure, i can, i think, but now i am persuaded to ask you, being as how we have a very similar convo going on at ... 87#p214987, just how ezackly you envision me applying this, in this context, as i see that you have not replied over there, but instead bring up this older convo, wherein you are able to to refer to my admissions in a way that suits you better, and you know what, BW? Have a nice day, ok? I wish you all the best.
B. W. wrote: You are spamming the board with scattered thinking and this is irritating folks here as well as not permitting others to post what they want; in other words, you are hogging the board. Can you see this?
i have exactly one post today, that i am aware of, that is not a direct reply to someone. And also, i have replied to you, in the link already provided--which i do not of course now expect a reply to--and yet here i am, playing f*** f*** with you now, on this thread.

So no, i'm afraid you are not being too clear. Do you have a parole officer, or maybe the matron of whatever ward you are in could pm me? Ty

and please take those in the spirit intended, alright, i do appreciate your efforts here.
B. W. wrote: You have admitting to social issues and obnoxiousness so be aware that there are rules on this forum. There is no special treatment here and we will treat you as we do any other person who spams the board. Do you understand?
and i'm guessing this is not said TIC, and you actually have a straight face at the moment, is this correct? Would you like to take this opportunity--being as how Rick is apparently not going to--to admit to any obnoxiousness of your own? Obnoxious is in the eye of the beholder, ok. Real Christians are unoffendable, BW.
B. W. wrote: -
PS drinking booze and smoking pot for someone who has what you have is not a good mix - can you see that?
[/quote]And yet i do not drink booze, and suspect you have just let the references to "drunk at the third hour" completely elude you, if you are even aware, even in the most peripheral sense, that they are Scripture.

So, to be clear, here, and at the same time do my best to follow your...whatever this is, that i cannot hardly follow, tbh, i will limit myself strictly to replies in my notifications, until the Rapture, should you so desire, and of course i don't expect you to hold RickD or anyone else who cannot answer to mine--including yourself, apparently--to the same standard. Fair enough?
Last edited by bbyrd009 on Mon Dec 05, 2016 12:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Marijuana vs Pharmaceuticals

Post by bbyrd009 »

i mean, this place had like, what 3-5 posts a day going, before i got here? Are you kidding me?

strikes me that the satanic control of the net has been accomplished, when a guy cannot even speak his piece, without being offensive--or at least with only allusions to being offensive, no actual evidence; you know, that scientific thing--to anyone on a board titled "Evidence for God," "from Science," no less, wadr.

While simultaneously being offended by every mod on the board :lol: sheesh

wanna see my evidence? Hell no, you don't.
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Re: Marijuana vs Pharmaceuticals

Post by B. W. »

bbyrd009 wrote: Real Christians are unoffendable, BW.
bbyrd009 wrote:i mean, this place had like, what 3-5 posts a day going, before i got here? Are you kidding me?

strikes me that the satanic control of the net has been accomplished, when a guy cannot even speak his piece, without being offensive--or at least with only allusions to being offensive, no actual evidence; you know, that scientific thing--to anyone on a board titled "Evidence for God," "from Science," no less, wadr.

While simultaneously being offended by every mod on the board :lol: sheesh

wanna see my evidence? Hell no, you don't.
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Re: Marijuana vs Pharmaceuticals

Post by Nessa »

bbyrd009 wrote:i mean, this place had like, what 3-5 posts a day going, before i got here? Are you kidding me?

strikes me that the satanic control of the net has been accomplished, when a guy cannot even speak his piece, without being offensive--or at least with only allusions to being offensive, no actual evidence; you know, that scientific thing--to anyone on a board titled "Evidence for God," "from Science," no less, wadr.

While simultaneously being offended by every mod on the board :lol: sheesh

wanna see my evidence? Hell no, you don't.
I'm not sure you are in a good place to judge what this forum is like.

You have been here like five minutes?
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Re: Marijuana vs Pharmaceuticals

Post by Maddian75 »

Philip wrote:
But I digress, I am just looking for a biblical, or logical reason, to determine if marijuana usage is a sin, or if God put it on the earth (along with the 1000s of other plants) for our use. And if it is sin, shouldn't pharmaceutical drugs be a sin as well?
If one is using it ONLY for certain, totally medically necessary pain relief, and they've explored all other possible medical options, sought professional medical consultation, then it would be no different from other drugs, as long as, it doesn't cause worse, and thus avoidable, further problems. Morphine - if you've ever had it (I have) gives an amazing feeling - wonderful, actually. It is a Godsend for terrible pain (I was having a locked knee cartilage snapped back into the socket). So, merciful, unsinful. Otherwise usage=sinful. As to your central question, Big Pharma and what it wants is a totally other issue - separate for the sin question. Altering one's senses UNNECESSARILY or harmfully is always sin!


So, what you are suggesting is that current medical science determines what is/isn't a sin? If altering the mind is the biblical litmus test for anything that we ingest/consume then most of us are in trouble. Even mild NSAID's block nerve response (ultimately your brain). So, have you ever taken Tylenol? I am by no means a medical or chemical expert but I might suggest your responses seem to lack a body of research. I have thought about this subject many times and completed two research projects in High School and again in College (a private Christian College at that) and cannot come up with any logical reason for prohibition of cannabis. Are their risks? Sure. Anything consumed at too great a volume can be harmful, including water. With that said, I would encourage you to do some "digging" on the governments own research into cannabinoids dating back decades. There are many people (soldiers with PTSD/permanent injury/chronic pain, cancer patients, those with nuero-muscular disease such as MS and even ADD/ADHD sufferers and many more) that can benefit from cannabis. This has been well studied. For example, If you had major degenerative disc disease or any other form of spinal problems that caused debilitating or even mobility altering pain you are better off (vastly) using cannabis daily than the opioids prescribed like candy in our pharmacologically addicted society. I guess my point is that this really is not all that simple. I would premise that either the bible is clear or it is not. If it is clear, we need to add a laundry list of drugs that people take to improve their comfort or quantity or quality of life because they clearly alter human biochemistry. If it is not so clear than we can begin a healthy conversation about what is good and what is not good and why. If heroine is bad to take for fun why is it OK to take morphine when we get shot in the leg. What about over the course of history? Revolutionary war soldiers didn't have morphine, they just suffered through. Maybe, at times, significant suffering is God's will and morphine is just our way to avoid it. Is that sin? What about chemical imbalances such as bi-polar disease. Medicine has figured out ways to balance the imbalance but clearly that person was born with the imbalance in the first place. All that I am trying to say is that it isn't as simple as your responses seem to be.

Even alcohol alters the brain; Jesus made it, drank it and Paul recommended it and to be honest (I didn't come up with this but it makes a ton of sense) if human kind were to simultaneously discover cannabis and fermented beverage tomorrow I would bet in ten years the scale would flip. Cannabis = legal. Alcohol = illegal. Basis being on social impact alone.
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Re: Marijuana vs Pharmaceuticals

Post by crochet1949 »

And I know of people with these problems that Don't use any form of marijuana as medication. Maybe the reason that people seem to benefit From using it is because one of the 'benefits' is not really caring What happens. But That can be dangerous.
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Re: Marijuana vs Pharmaceuticals

Post by 1over137 »

I have not read this tread, forgive me.
But let me post:
Medical marijuana should be allowed.
Glioblastoma people are helped by that. Saw many stories. Saves lifes sometime.
You slowly build your system for it and increase the dose, so to reach toxic effect for cancer while not being influenced much by its psycho effects.
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Re: Marijuana vs Pharmaceuticals

Post by Philip »

Maddian: So, what you are suggesting is that current medical science determines what is/isn't a sin?
Um, Maddy, THAT is your first post? Hello, nice to meet you, etc?

You can save the novel, because you've asserted a meaning I never voiced. What I meant is there is a huge difference between something medically beneficial, and recreational use. And many are convinced they need to stay in a haze when it isn't truly necessary to do so, as there MAY be much better options that don't produce lethargy and muddle the senses. Let me emphasize: There MIGHT be better options! But medical researchers are going to be able to provide a much more informed opinion of that. Greatly inhibited blood flow to the brain is a huge problem with Mary Jane. Lung issues. Etc. So, why would one ASSUME that marijuana is the best choice? At BEST, we can say that it MIGHT be the best choice for SOME people. And that is and should be open debate. WE can say getting high UNNECESSARILY is sin. Any problem with THAT?
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Re: Marijuana vs Pharmaceuticals

Post by bbyrd009 »

Nessa wrote:
bbyrd009 wrote:i mean, this place had like, what 3-5 posts a day going, before i got here? Are you kidding me?

strikes me that the satanic control of the net has been accomplished, when a guy cannot even speak his piece, without being offensive--or at least with only allusions to being offensive, no actual evidence; you know, that scientific thing--to anyone on a board titled "Evidence for God," "from Science," no less, wadr.

While simultaneously being offended by every mod on the board :lol: sheesh

wanna see my evidence? Hell no, you don't.
I'm not sure you are in a good place to judge what this forum is like.

You have been here like five minutes?
ok well, i hope you understand that i have no desire to judge anyone, and i am just meaning to comment generally on what appears to be going on, admittedly a dangerous and pointless pursuit. So my fault there.
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Re: Marijuana vs Pharmaceuticals

Post by Nessa »

bbyrd009 wrote:
Nessa wrote:
bbyrd009 wrote:i mean, this place had like, what 3-5 posts a day going, before i got here? Are you kidding me?

strikes me that the satanic control of the net has been accomplished, when a guy cannot even speak his piece, without being offensive--or at least with only allusions to being offensive, no actual evidence; you know, that scientific thing--to anyone on a board titled "Evidence for God," "from Science," no less, wadr.

While simultaneously being offended by every mod on the board :lol: sheesh

wanna see my evidence? Hell no, you don't.
I'm not sure you are in a good place to judge what this forum is like.

You have been here like five minutes?
ok well, i hope you understand that i have no desire to judge anyone, and i am just meaning to comment generally on what appears to be going on, admittedly a dangerous and pointless pursuit. So my fault there.
Perhaps you might stay around for another five minutes then ;)
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