Phil, what I said was tongue in cheek, which has been the theme here.Philip wrote:Cynical generalizations about genders aren't terribly helpful. Depressing to WHICH women? On what issue? Do all women think the same things on whatever issue we're referencing? Why always the us against them mentality? Why default to the whole gender war references over a disagreement or misunderstanding with the opposite sex? Maybe, in a particular incident, the woman's' thinking IS off kilter. Or maybe the man is just a clueless clod (sorry, RickAudie: Another depressing thing about how men really think:
Confronted with that their thinking can be upsetting or depressing to women..
do they apply insight, consider what might actually be wrong with how they are thinking?
No! Blame the women.- but he does seem to get a lot of samwiches
- supposedly
No, Audie, not whenever you truly ARE a victim. But if you tend to view yourself as a victim all of the time, you'll often wrongly interpret people through your "victim" lens - which is unfair and harmful to both you and others. Or if you are projecting past hurts upon people who are, in reality, nothing like those that have hurt you in the past and have no harmful intentions whatsoever - but when you are constantly suspicious that some new person might be the very much like that past person who has hurt you - well, again, that's destructive for a person - for ANY person to think like that, to be wary that people are constantly out to get you. Gender wars are so boring and silly. But being respectful and understanding - of course, we all should be so.Audie: (Does someone have a trumpet? Play " CHARGE" so phil will know to rush in and say I yam playing the victim card)
Except for the part about you coming to the bugle call!

You might like to lay off the remote psychoanalysis. Honestly, you are not that good at it. It is not "victim lens' to notice and complain when you for one, wrongly interpret what I've said, and refuse to be corrected.
As to the last line, sure. And ask not for whom the bell doth toll.