For you all.. my thoughts and thanks.

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For you all.. my thoughts and thanks.

Post by Storyteller »

I love you guys y>:D< y@};-

In no particular order...

B.W. You scared me when I first joined. It was only after reading your book, really, that I perhaps understood you a little better. You were/are this big, gruff, straight talking guy who seems unmovable in their belief. Over time, especially recently, I have really, really come to appreciate your way of getting to the root of things and you have helped me through some of my toughest times.

Jac. I was in awe of you, you were/are so sharp and clever and the depth of your understanding in philosophy completely lost/loses me. I love reading your posts, even if I struggle to comprehend most of them (having said that, I read your posts prayerfully and it's surprising how much validation I get about my beliefs I get) Your book on DS was a total revelation for me and again like B.W. you have helped me through some pretty dark times.

Rick. Ha! What can I say? I'll just make you a sammich :mrgreen: Seriously though, your humour and love is such a joy and is refreshing. And sometimes you stun me with a comment or post (in a good way)

Nessa. Quite simply I adore you. Funny, caring and not afraid to ask questions.

Mel. So many of your posts strike a chord with me, your empathy shines through in them. You, like nessa, are such a kind, tolerant, loving soul.

Hana. Oh Han, of all the people here, you have shown me courage and total, utter faith in God. You humble me, you are going through so much yet you are such a beautiful, loving soul with not an ounce of bitterness or self pity. (You and Tomas are always in my prayers)

Kureiuo. Another who has helped me in ways I can't express. I love reading your posts, but again like jacs they often go over my head!

Mrs K. I gotta mention you here even though I dont know you well. I used to be pro life, thinking abortion was down to each and every woman. Now, I lean way more towards it being murder. I was recently asked if I agreed with it and my answer instead of being yes in some cases was no, which led to a convo about why and so on.

Byblos. Personally I think if every Catholic was like you, bippy and ES, then there would be less friction in the world.

Philip. I secretly disagree with a few of your posts but I love your honesty. When I first joined you said something like "so thats what seeking God with all your heart and mind looks like" There are no words to express how much that bolstered me and encouraged me. Your compassion and kind words to me have been a blessing.

There are more....

later x
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Re: For you all.. my thoughts and thanks.

Post by Storyteller »

Audie. My prickly little hedgehog y>:D< We may not agree about God but we agree about a lot of things. You know how much I care about you, how much common ground we have. If you ever do find Christ, you would/will be a powerful advocate (and that is a compliment)

Ken. I miss our debates and questions. You have shown me nothing but respect, love and curiousity. I still believe you will find God one day.
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Re: For you all.. my thoughts and thanks.

Post by RickD »


When people start thanking everyone, sometimes they do it to say goodbye.

You're not trying to tell us something, are you?
John 5:24
24 “Truly, truly, I say to you, he who hears My word, and believes Him who sent Me, has eternal life, and does not come into judgment, but has passed out of death into life.

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Re: For you all.. my thoughts and thanks.

Post by B. W. »

Storyteller wrote:I love you guys y>:D< y@};-

In no particular order...

B.W. You scared me when I first joined. It was only after reading your book, really, that I perhaps understood you a little better. You were/are this big, gruff, straight talking guy who seems unmovable in their belief. Over time, especially recently, I have really, really come to appreciate your way of getting to the root of things and you have helped me through some of my toughest times.

Jac. I was in awe of you, you were/are so sharp and clever and the depth of your understanding in philosophy completely lost/loses me. I love reading your posts, even if I struggle to comprehend most of them (having said that, I read your posts prayerfully and it's surprising how much validation I get about my beliefs I get) Your book on DS was a total revelation for me and again like B.W. you have helped me through some pretty dark times.

Rick. Ha! What can I say? I'll just make you a sammich :mrgreen: Seriously though, your humour and love is such a joy and is refreshing. And sometimes you stun me with a comment or post (in a good way)

Nessa. Quite simply I adore you. Funny, caring and not afraid to ask questions.

Mel. So many of your posts strike a chord with me, your empathy shines through in them. You, like nessa, are such a kind, tolerant, loving soul.

Hana. Oh Han, of all the people here, you have shown me courage and total, utter faith in God. You humble me, you are going through so much yet you are such a beautiful, loving soul with not an ounce of bitterness or self pity. (You and Tomas are always in my prayers)

Kureiuo. Another who has helped me in ways I can't express. I love reading your posts, but again like jacs they often go over my head!

Mrs K. I gotta mention you here even though I dont know you well. I used to be pro life, thinking abortion was down to each and every woman. Now, I lean way more towards it being murder. I was recently asked if I agreed with it and my answer instead of being yes in some cases was no, which led to a convo about why and so on.

Byblos. Personally I think if every Catholic was like you, bippy and ES, then there would be less friction in the world.

Philip. I secretly disagree with a few of your posts but I love your honesty. When I first joined you said something like "so thats what seeking God with all your heart and mind looks like" There are no words to express how much that bolstered me and encouraged me. Your compassion and kind words to me have been a blessing.

There are more....

later x
Thank you Annette,

You are a blessing too! Our little sister we like to protect from the bullies...

Keep posting!
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Re: For you all.. my thoughts and thanks.

Post by 1over137 »

I hope you are not leaving and that you come from time to time.
But examine everything carefully; hold fast to that which is good.
-- 1 Thessalonians 5:21

For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus.
-- Philippians 1:6

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Re: For you all.. my thoughts and thanks.

Post by Storyteller »

I'm not going anywhere y>:D<

I was just feeling soppy and it's nearly Christmas y@};-
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Re: For you all.. my thoughts and thanks.

Post by 1over137 »

:dancing: :jumping: :happyclap: :whee: :whee:

But examine everything carefully; hold fast to that which is good.
-- 1 Thessalonians 5:21

For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus.
-- Philippians 1:6

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Re: For you all.. my thoughts and thanks.

Post by Philip »

Annette, I perhaps see God's impact in one's life more in you than anyone here. You've had such an amazing journey. And as difficult as that journey often has been, you wouldn't have spiritually become the person you are. God knows what is profitable - even when we ourselves find the process He allows and teaches us through seems unbearable and excruciating. Just keep trusting God and putting one foot in front of the other, and prayerfully so. Really, I am in awe of you! y>:D<
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Re: For you all.. my thoughts and thanks.

Post by 1over137 »

Reminds me Hebrews 12 chapter...
But examine everything carefully; hold fast to that which is good.
-- 1 Thessalonians 5:21

For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus.
-- Philippians 1:6

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Re: For you all.. my thoughts and thanks.

Post by abelcainsbrother »

Merry Christmas to you ST and all of you.
Hebrews 12:2-3 Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith;who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross,despising the shame,and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.

2nd Corinthians 4:4 In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not,lest the light of this glorious gospel of Christ,who is the image of God,should shine unto them.
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Re: For you all.. my thoughts and thanks.

Post by Philip »

Merry Christmas, ACB!
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Re: For you all.. my thoughts and thanks.

Post by PaulSacramento »

The world is a funny place.
Our lives are so unpredictable.
I have always found this place as a refuge from everyday life, a place what I can be strengthen by the faith of others.
A congregation, my only congregation.
I truly love all of you, and some, like Storyteller, have such a kind and wonderful spirit that you always bring me the peace I need.
We are so blessed to have each other and so blessed to have you in our lives Annette.
We many not always agree with each other, we may not always like what we say to each other at times, we may argue and even not get a long at times.
That is normal, we are humans.
But we are also the Body of Christ, in our shared faith we are brothers and sisters and we are there for each other, always and no matter what.
In anything we can help you with Annette, we are there for you.
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Re: For you all.. my thoughts and thanks.

Post by Storyteller »


Paul, thank you y@};-

I am truly humbled by all your kind words.
This place is my congregation too, my church.

I love the diversity of people here, the love and respect that is shown, the variety of viewpoints.

Guys, I appreciate each and every one of you, you are all dear to me. You are all like family and I thank God for you all every day.
Faith is a knowledge within the heart, beyond the reach of proof - Kahlil Gibran
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