Hells Dominion by B.W. Melvin

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Re: Hells Dominion by B.W. Melvin

Post by Nessa »

B. W. wrote:
Nessa wrote:...That makes me feel a bit better about death. Still worries me.

Liquid love..do you feel it? Ive heard that term before. Any chance you bottled some up while you were there? It is Christmas you know, wouldnt mind a bottle...uh.. A keg? Or two... :mrgreen:

Seriously tho, can we get any of this liquid love before we die?
Yes such a subject worries a person but trust Jesus on this matter and rest knowing he has you in his hands, John 10:28,29

As for being able to have this liquid love from heaven right now in this life, I do not think one can experience this in full degree. However, ask, seek, knock (A.S.K) always to just be held by the Lord as a little child who sits on papa's lap at peace and rest. Continue to do this all the time. Eventually you will experience a drawing into the presense of God that no human words can explain.

I suggest the prayer closet method where you have a place to go that is without distractions. Have you seen the movie The War Room on spiritual warfare? The main character made a literal closet her place to pray. Such a room as this is a good place to A.S.K to be held by the Lord as a little child. He draws you and you cannot make it happen. Once drawn, he will draw you more in many different ways. In that, is the closest one can get to experience a drop of liquid love for now.

For some folks this takes a very long time and for others shorter. Why this is - is not known to me. Once he draws you - well it is easier next time as you have better understanding why the delays which have more to do with us than him. So begin A.S.K -- ing

Maybe I will wait until God is in a generous mood y:-?
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Re: Hells Dominion by B.W. Melvin

Post by Nessa »

B. W. wrote:Hi all, thank you for the review. I’ll try to answer some of your questions as best as I can. I have been on the road for the past 8 days on a ministry trip and radio interview at several Churches in South Dakota and returned late Monday night at home. Saw many come to know the Lord, amen.

In regards to the people I saw in the Pit receiving just recompense in fair degrees according to the principles found in the bible regarding reaping what one has sown, I tried to convey the truth about their eternal state. First, it is eternal and by this I mean the following...

God will not deny himself. He gave a gift from his own being to humanity, called life (Gen 2:7c). The gifts and callings of God are irrevocable (Romans 11:29c principle). The Lord placed eternity in our hearts Eccl 3:11 and Eccl 3:14 verifies. The wise woman spoke in 2 Sam 14:14c a central truth – though we die (our mortalness dies) God will not take away life; and yes, God through Christ Jesus makes the only way that a banished one can return back to God, thru the grace of the cross. There is no other way.

So, we do continue on after we die, not in soul sleep, or rest, but as the Hebrew words in the OT imply as shades – our spiritual essence of who we are continues. Though God can certainly annihilate life into non-existence as Job 34:14, 15c states but as 2 Sam 14:14 states, God will not take away life he gave. Fore, if he did so, he would in essence deny himself and prove himself a lair and not really God almighty. He would be forced to go against his own life giving character/nature – hence deny himself.

God did not annihilate the devil for his rebellion, did he? Why? God will not take away life. The devil knowing this rebelled and tempts God to unjustly destroy in order to be able to exalt his own throne above God’s. Sin entered the universe in a limited degree through the Devil and his minions and God designed the current pit of hell for them as Matt 25:41 states. God does not take away life – his gifts and callings are irrevocable. God keeps and performs his word.


This brings us to the reason why fallen human beings will suffer just recompense in Hell. We were designed as eternal moral beings. Fallen humanity lost the eternal life with God and face eternal condemnation banished forever away from the eternal life of God. What God does is forever.

People complain that everlasting punishment for finite sins is unjust. However, such fail to realize that since human beings share a gift of life breathed into us by God who placed eternity in our hearts, a fallen human being’s sin is NOT FINITE it is eternal (Job 34:11, 12c) because they were fashioned by God to be eternal. For God to annihilate into non-being would in essence be unjust for HIM to do as it goes against his own character and nature (Job 34:10c).

Billy Grahams’ daughter, Anne Graham-Lotz mentioned in the History Channel TV show, Hell the Devils Domain, that in hell are just levels of recompense. Jesus stated this concept as well in Luke 10:13, 14, 15, 16c. Theologians mention this as well – just degrees of recompense. This is precisely what I saw, and what people do not understand regarding this instead dare/demand God to act contrary to who He is (Deut 32:4, Psalms 97:2). Thus, they unknowingly fall right into the devil’s ploy to demand God to act contrary to the foundations of God’s throne (note Psalms 97:2c again) and thus overturn God’s rule (Isaiah 14:13, 14, 15c). So reader, which side are you on?

There is no such thing as Finite Sins due to our spiritual nature fashioned to live eternally. Therefore. The principle of what one sows they reap mentioned throughout the bible is true. That is what I saw happening in hell to the people there: their personal sin nature was slowly being uncovered much like how you peal layers off an onion, until the real spiteful being is revealed totally committed to sin and rebellion. The slow pealing of an onion takes time and thus helps understand why there are just degrees of recompense.

People also say God is a torturer, yet, the bible clearly states God is not the one who tortures. Do you see God in the account of Richman and Lazarus in Luke 16:20-31c? Also Rev 14:11 states its one’s own torment that torments. Now note the principle found in Psalms 9:16. God’s wrath is poured out and whatever God does (regarding context of justice/life/judgment/promises/gifts) endures forever.

His wrath uncovers the real person who and what they really are, beings who after entering the eternal gain understanding of what this means, would always seek to abuse and manipulate/pit God’s own Goodness against itself so they remain in sin. That is what I saw and tried to convey in my book. Those in hell would make the only perfect upright land, Heaven, into a corrupt place, like it is on earth now just as Isaiah 26:10. So, the current hell was designed as a temporary holding center as Isaiah 24:21, 22 helps to reveal and Jesus mentions in Matt 25:41c: For the Love of God will banish those that reject him, justly and fairly, with no violation of trust, gifts, etc, to them or to God’s own nature/character.

Parts of Hell are described as a bottomless pit (Rev 20:3 KJV) or as a pit. Other parts of the current hell are also described as to be avoided at all cost (Deut 32:22. Nahum 1:2, 3, 6c, of fire and darkness and place of no rest Isaiah 48:22c).

However the current Pit of Hell is described in Ezekiel 26:20, Ezekiel 31:16, 17, 18 and Ezekiel 32:21,23, 24, 25-31 NKJV. As being round, with Hebrew word – qeber - imbedded in the pits’ walls and the Hebrew word qeber means a grave, tomb, a sepulcher, chamber, or small cell of living cognizant grief, sorrow, travail. Proverbs 7:27 speaks of chambers, rooms, enclosures in the current Hell as well to be avoided at all cost.

What is going on inside these cells/graves, tombs, chambers, is what Job 26:5-6 is conveying, "The departed spirits tremble under the waters and their inhabitants. 6 "Naked is Sheol before Him, And Abaddon has no covering" NASB

The Hebrew word tremble describes living cognizance of trembling whirling, shaking, fearing, to writhe, to grieving etc… The idea of water is the great pressure one feels when underground. For those who have toured the Hoover D-m understand the pressure one feels at the bottom and those who scuba dive understand what pressure is felt in 45 to 100 feet of water. This is being describe in the text – great pressure that is doing something.

This something is mentioned in verse 6 as being naked before God in the current Hell (sheol) because the ruin there uncovers a person’s real them. Much like pealing the union I spoke of earlier. This is done because God’s Love leaves no stone unturned in meting out the reason for banishment away from the presence of God to a person. They are made aware of their damage done in mortal life will not be tolerated in Heaven. God is not mocked.

What one sows, they reap. There is not one perfect good person on this planet. All have sinned and abandoned God’s Loving ways and tempt God, and manipulate, and try God’s goodness and love as evidenced by how we live our mortal lives. Only in this mortal life, now, we can return to God’s Love and goodness and learn how not to abuse it for our own gain. God demonstrates his goodness, love, by calling out to a fallen world in order to allow morally reasoning beings to morally reason themselves in all impartial fairness to decide to return to God who loves so much that He sent Jesus Christ to bear our sins upon the cross and expose our sins in us so we can return to a greater paradise God had planned before the foundation of the world.

God’s love let us beat and whip him, to mock him, put him on trial, spit upon him, plot against him, and crucify him. What do we do to goodness on earth? How have we in various symbolic ways beat and whip others, to mock people, put God or others on trial, spit upon, plot against, crucify in our hearts? Jesus did say, you done these to the least of these my brethren, you done so to me.

For that, Reader, you think for a moment you can waltz into heaven because God Loves without accepting His grace and changed by his great love? That is why there is a hell – it separates the wheat from the tares. From those that tear each other apart, manipulate God’s goodness, grace, and love for their own gainful entertainment, from those justly and fairly reconciled thru Christ Jesus’ work on the cross/resurrection. God will not allow sin to run amuck in heaven without end, he will contain it justly and fairly. So, reader where do you stand – wheat or as a tare?

If you wish to be restored, forgiven for how you treated God’s gift of life and grace – demonstrated by how you really are in the treatment of others. How you robbed, slain, brought ruin to the hearts of others. How such self justifying attitudes steal from your life – then you need to realize that the Lord loved you so much to offer to you an offer, an exchange. This old life of ruin for His life of reconciliation, peace, love, joy, endurance, new moxie of real eternal life from God – his Spirit blown inside you – a new birth!

Jesus said you must become born again by His Spirit to enter into heaven. If you are being honest with yourself, now, you know, you do not deserve heaven for you own life testifies against you in your treatment of love and goodness for own self gain in this life. Whom have you mentally crucified, put on trial, mocked, spat upon?

God does not desire that to continue in heaven. He desires you to be saved – reconciled willingly through your choice not his force as He is that Just. If that is you, Reader, all I can do is to get you started on your way by praying a simple heartfelt prayer and from it, you add to it. Then I pray that the Lord will lead you to a good bible based group near you and constantly renewed in your spirit – new life. So please begin by praying:

God, dear Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth, have mercy upon me a sinner, forgive, make me Born again by your Holy Spirit. Place me into the Father’s kingdom, Place me into your care, place me in empowerment to Love by your Holy Spirit! Hold me now, forgive me…

…my ugly ways I have inside…and outside…I have done…

…have mercy upon me a sinner…I have acted…

…lead me a guide me forever toward you, never let me go…

…If I stray, give me a good swift kick to return me to your way… Amen…

I have been watching vids of you on youtube and I'm looking forward to reading your book.

But some questions in the mean time...

1. If there is no salvation after you are dead, how come you were able to be saved?
2. Does everyone who goes to hell get the same chance?
3. What about people sinning because they are insane or mental illness?
Do they still go to hell then?
4. You suggested for me to find a prayer closet and ask God to hold me. If God is a good father he should not need me to ask. He should already be doing it.

Will let you know if I have anymore.
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Re: Hells Dominion by B.W. Melvin

Post by bbyrd009 »

Nessa wrote:
B. W. wrote:Hi all, thank you for the review. I’ll try to answer some of your questions as best as I can. I have been on the road for the past 8 days on a ministry trip and radio interview at several Churches in South Dakota and returned late Monday night at home. Saw many come to know the Lord, amen.

In regards to the people I saw in the Pit receiving just recompense in fair degrees according to the principles found in the bible regarding reaping what one has sown, I tried to convey the truth about their eternal state. First, it is eternal and by this I mean the following...

God will not deny himself. He gave a gift from his own being to humanity, called life (Gen 2:7c). The gifts and callings of God are irrevocable (Romans 11:29c principle). The Lord placed eternity in our hearts Eccl 3:11 and Eccl 3:14 verifies. The wise woman spoke in 2 Sam 14:14c a central truth – though we die (our mortalness dies) God will not take away life; and yes, God through Christ Jesus makes the only way that a banished one can return back to God, thru the grace of the cross. There is no other way.

So, we do continue on after we die, not in soul sleep, or rest, but as the Hebrew words in the OT imply as shades – our spiritual essence of who we are continues. Though God can certainly annihilate life into non-existence as Job 34:14, 15c states but as 2 Sam 14:14 states, God will not take away life he gave. Fore, if he did so, he would in essence deny himself and prove himself a lair and not really God almighty. He would be forced to go against his own life giving character/nature – hence deny himself.

God did not annihilate the devil for his rebellion, did he? Why? God will not take away life. The devil knowing this rebelled and tempts God to unjustly destroy in order to be able to exalt his own throne above God’s. Sin entered the universe in a limited degree through the Devil and his minions and God designed the current pit of hell for them as Matt 25:41 states. God does not take away life – his gifts and callings are irrevocable. God keeps and performs his word.


This brings us to the reason why fallen human beings will suffer just recompense in Hell. We were designed as eternal moral beings. Fallen humanity lost the eternal life with God and face eternal condemnation banished forever away from the eternal life of God. What God does is forever.

People complain that everlasting punishment for finite sins is unjust. However, such fail to realize that since human beings share a gift of life breathed into us by God who placed eternity in our hearts, a fallen human being’s sin is NOT FINITE it is eternal (Job 34:11, 12c) because they were fashioned by God to be eternal. For God to annihilate into non-being would in essence be unjust for HIM to do as it goes against his own character and nature (Job 34:10c).

Billy Grahams’ daughter, Anne Graham-Lotz mentioned in the History Channel TV show, Hell the Devils Domain, that in hell are just levels of recompense. Jesus stated this concept as well in Luke 10:13, 14, 15, 16c. Theologians mention this as well – just degrees of recompense. This is precisely what I saw, and what people do not understand regarding this instead dare/demand God to act contrary to who He is (Deut 32:4, Psalms 97:2). Thus, they unknowingly fall right into the devil’s ploy to demand God to act contrary to the foundations of God’s throne (note Psalms 97:2c again) and thus overturn God’s rule (Isaiah 14:13, 14, 15c). So reader, which side are you on?

There is no such thing as Finite Sins due to our spiritual nature fashioned to live eternally. Therefore. The principle of what one sows they reap mentioned throughout the bible is true. That is what I saw happening in hell to the people there: their personal sin nature was slowly being uncovered much like how you peal layers off an onion, until the real spiteful being is revealed totally committed to sin and rebellion. The slow pealing of an onion takes time and thus helps understand why there are just degrees of recompense.

People also say God is a torturer, yet, the bible clearly states God is not the one who tortures. Do you see God in the account of Richman and Lazarus in Luke 16:20-31c? Also Rev 14:11 states its one’s own torment that torments. Now note the principle found in Psalms 9:16. God’s wrath is poured out and whatever God does (regarding context of justice/life/judgment/promises/gifts) endures forever.

His wrath uncovers the real person who and what they really are, beings who after entering the eternal gain understanding of what this means, would always seek to abuse and manipulate/pit God’s own Goodness against itself so they remain in sin. That is what I saw and tried to convey in my book. Those in hell would make the only perfect upright land, Heaven, into a corrupt place, like it is on earth now just as Isaiah 26:10. So, the current hell was designed as a temporary holding center as Isaiah 24:21, 22 helps to reveal and Jesus mentions in Matt 25:41c: For the Love of God will banish those that reject him, justly and fairly, with no violation of trust, gifts, etc, to them or to God’s own nature/character.

Parts of Hell are described as a bottomless pit (Rev 20:3 KJV) or as a pit. Other parts of the current hell are also described as to be avoided at all cost (Deut 32:22. Nahum 1:2, 3, 6c, of fire and darkness and place of no rest Isaiah 48:22c).

However the current Pit of Hell is described in Ezekiel 26:20, Ezekiel 31:16, 17, 18 and Ezekiel 32:21,23, 24, 25-31 NKJV. As being round, with Hebrew word – qeber - imbedded in the pits’ walls and the Hebrew word qeber means a grave, tomb, a sepulcher, chamber, or small cell of living cognizant grief, sorrow, travail. Proverbs 7:27 speaks of chambers, rooms, enclosures in the current Hell as well to be avoided at all cost.

What is going on inside these cells/graves, tombs, chambers, is what Job 26:5-6 is conveying, "The departed spirits tremble under the waters and their inhabitants. 6 "Naked is Sheol before Him, And Abaddon has no covering" NASB

The Hebrew word tremble describes living cognizance of trembling whirling, shaking, fearing, to writhe, to grieving etc… The idea of water is the great pressure one feels when underground. For those who have toured the Hoover D-m understand the pressure one feels at the bottom and those who scuba dive understand what pressure is felt in 45 to 100 feet of water. This is being describe in the text – great pressure that is doing something.

This something is mentioned in verse 6 as being naked before God in the current Hell (sheol) because the ruin there uncovers a person’s real them. Much like pealing the union I spoke of earlier. This is done because God’s Love leaves no stone unturned in meting out the reason for banishment away from the presence of God to a person. They are made aware of their damage done in mortal life will not be tolerated in Heaven. God is not mocked.

What one sows, they reap. There is not one perfect good person on this planet. All have sinned and abandoned God’s Loving ways and tempt God, and manipulate, and try God’s goodness and love as evidenced by how we live our mortal lives. Only in this mortal life, now, we can return to God’s Love and goodness and learn how not to abuse it for our own gain. God demonstrates his goodness, love, by calling out to a fallen world in order to allow morally reasoning beings to morally reason themselves in all impartial fairness to decide to return to God who loves so much that He sent Jesus Christ to bear our sins upon the cross and expose our sins in us so we can return to a greater paradise God had planned before the foundation of the world.

God’s love let us beat and whip him, to mock him, put him on trial, spit upon him, plot against him, and crucify him. What do we do to goodness on earth? How have we in various symbolic ways beat and whip others, to mock people, put God or others on trial, spit upon, plot against, crucify in our hearts? Jesus did say, you done these to the least of these my brethren, you done so to me.

For that, Reader, you think for a moment you can waltz into heaven because God Loves without accepting His grace and changed by his great love? That is why there is a hell – it separates the wheat from the tares. From those that tear each other apart, manipulate God’s goodness, grace, and love for their own gainful entertainment, from those justly and fairly reconciled thru Christ Jesus’ work on the cross/resurrection. God will not allow sin to run amuck in heaven without end, he will contain it justly and fairly. So, reader where do you stand – wheat or as a tare?

If you wish to be restored, forgiven for how you treated God’s gift of life and grace – demonstrated by how you really are in the treatment of others. How you robbed, slain, brought ruin to the hearts of others. How such self justifying attitudes steal from your life – then you need to realize that the Lord loved you so much to offer to you an offer, an exchange. This old life of ruin for His life of reconciliation, peace, love, joy, endurance, new moxie of real eternal life from God – his Spirit blown inside you – a new birth!

Jesus said you must become born again by His Spirit to enter into heaven. If you are being honest with yourself, now, you know, you do not deserve heaven for you own life testifies against you in your treatment of love and goodness for own self gain in this life. Whom have you mentally crucified, put on trial, mocked, spat upon?

God does not desire that to continue in heaven. He desires you to be saved – reconciled willingly through your choice not his force as He is that Just. If that is you, Reader, all I can do is to get you started on your way by praying a simple heartfelt prayer and from it, you add to it. Then I pray that the Lord will lead you to a good bible based group near you and constantly renewed in your spirit – new life. So please begin by praying:

God, dear Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth, have mercy upon me a sinner, forgive, make me Born again by your Holy Spirit. Place me into the Father’s kingdom, Place me into your care, place me in empowerment to Love by your Holy Spirit! Hold me now, forgive me…

…my ugly ways I have inside…and outside…I have done…

…have mercy upon me a sinner…I have acted…

…lead me a guide me forever toward you, never let me go…

…If I stray, give me a good swift kick to return me to your way… Amen…

I have been watching vids of you on youtube and I'm looking forward to reading your book.

But some questions in the mean time...

1. If there is no salvation after you are dead, how come you were able to be saved?
2. Does everyone who goes to hell get the same chance?
3. What about people sinning because they are insane or mental illness?
Do they still go to hell then?
4. You suggested for me to find a prayer closet and ask God to hold me. If God is a good father he should not need me to ask. He should already be doing it.

Will let you know if I have anymore.
He is already doing it; it has already been done, Nessa. "Gehenna" has just been turned into "hell" for us now, so as long as one holds that model in their minds, they are prevented from grasping Word, that "liquid love." So forget about your def of "hell" first, and go find out what it really means, disentangle the Greek gods (Hades), and then the Norse myths, which helped us get to our present definition of "hell," in English (which does not exist in Torah, or even in the Greek myths; "Hades" has no afterlife-torture in his mythology).
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Re: Hells Dominion by B.W. Melvin

Post by B. W. »

Nessa wrote:! have been watching vids of you on youtube and I'm looking forward to reading your book.

But some questions in the mean time...

1. If there is no salvation after you are dead, how come you were able to be saved?
2. Does everyone who goes to hell get the same chance?
3. What about people sinning because they are insane or mental illness?
Do they still go to hell then?
4. You suggested for me to find a prayer closet and ask God to hold me. If God is a good father he should not need me to ask. He should already be doing it.

Will let you know if I have anymore.

Due to the Christmas Holiday week, I have not been on line much - my apologies. If you do not mind, It will be after Christmas for me to answer unless I get some free time...

However I will answer the first two question:

1. If there is no salvation after you are dead, how come you were able to be saved?

I had to get saved in this life, just like everybody else, all by God's grace... God's Grace has a more profound meaning personally to mean than a mere dictionary definition...

2. Does everyone who goes to hell get the same chance?

NO - not everyone, period. God's ways are not our own. He is sovereign and does what he wants too. He has allowed a rare few people to see this place and come back... they speak of this place as well too and of God's saving Grace. Most of us are mocked and made fun of, rejected, despised but that does not matter to us. We been there warn and share the gospel. We know that the gospel will divide people into two camps - believers in Christ and unbelievers. We are Not afraid to share the gospel. The others whom I met all share the same feeling: this world is not my home, I,m just passing through. Things and the allure of the world does not entice us - we hate it and see it for what it is. We desire to see folks meet Jesus, the one sent to rescue...

It is true, even if one is raised from the dead, many folks will not believe because they love their pride more than God.

Thus we influence and disciple more people in silent ways and see the fruit of God's power at work in revival...

...while those that reject the gospel sentence judgment upon themselves choosing their pride as the means to be feel accepted - one in control...etc...


Merry Christmas!


Pray for Israel as Obama has betrayed Israel big time paving the way for the genocide of the Jewish people in Israel to be legitimatized by law...
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Re: Hells Dominion by B.W. Melvin

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To the others quickly concerning the Land of Liquid Love...

That is my personal expression to paint a word picture about what Heaven's atmosphere feels is like. No more - no less.

With that, I understand how presenting the gospel places people into either God's camp or Satan's camp. I understand how it exposes a person's sin nature they carry bound to them by pride.

I know people will and can misinterpret what I mean by that phrase and base it upon the human concepts of what one thinks love ought to be like and impose their idea into that phrase. However, note I used it is an expression to express a word picture...

I will close with these thoughts:

God's love does not condone sin as sin ruins the the meaning of love, changing it to mean tolerance...etc...doing things the human way to esacpe consequences

What Isaiah wrote is true because the only upright land that exist is found in Heaven...

Isaiah 26:10 JPS, "Let favour be shown to the wicked, yet will he not learn righteousness; in the land of uprightness will he deal wrongfully, and will not behold the majesty of the LORD."

How true...

Thank the Lord his Love will not allow those folks in, Praise God and Amen!

He shown is love to them in this moral life and they reject it, abuse it, game it, betray it, misapply it, choose perversion... and reject God's love shown upon the Cross... to save them.

As an old wise philosopher once opined: (people) do not know the depths of their sins... and I add to this saying -- they do not want to know the depths of their sins...
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Re: Hells Dominion by B.W. Melvin

Post by bbyrd009 »

1. If there is no salvation after you are dead, how come you were able to be saved?
because it serves an agenda to assure people that there is salvation to be gained only in an afterlife, despite all the assurances of "you are saved right now," and thus negating Scripture on two levels("he who holds out to the end will be saved," and "if anyone points to the kingdom and says 'here it is (in the future, for instance),' don't believe them."

Thus, many in the Body of Christ are led to believe in a super-Scriptural Body that is coming to "save" them, at some undetermined point in the "future," directly against Scripture, even as they assure themselves that they are now "saved." This can only be accomplished after the Bible is made into God, for the end result that the Body is led away from the Word, and thus "meeting Him in the Air" becomes functionally unavailable to the Body--you--right now.
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Re: Hells Dominion by B.W. Melvin

Post by bbyrd009 »

once Gehenna is moved off of Erets for you, and out of now, to some future "place," and changed to "hell," anything becomes possible. All lies, that cannot be reconciled with the rest of Scripture, which is the hallmark of someone who does not have Word yetl they will refuse to address certain Scriptures, that do not comport with their salvation model, because they cannot. This is the very definition of "the blind leading the blind," with all due respect, and is always marked by assurances of "knowledge," ie "i know this, for a fact."

There is a sense in which no one knows anything that matters to (you) better than you "know" it yourself; we just have a natural desire, born of a survival instinct, to "know" things, even things that Scripture assures us cannot be known. So a pastor is pressured to provide "answers" that satisfy this desire, because after all, how many people are going to keep donating money to someone who says what the Bible tells them to say? lol
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Re: Hells Dominion by B.W. Melvin

Post by bbyrd009 »

see that by assuming a future hell as a starting point, you must reject much Scripture that assures you that trials and tribulations are in Erets, on earth, and also that we reap what we sow, meaning that our children will pay for our sins, in this sense, even though one only pays for their own. Thus, the verses that are read so as to suggest a future hell--which was never meant, but only written so that we might see and not see--are not interpreted so as to be relevant to you, today, making possible all manner of evil to be done today, with the tacit blessing of most "Christians."

And the signs will be many, and plain; "Understand I AM" is negated, "reap what you sow" is negated, you being "the Body of Christ" is annulled, on and on, i could fill a page easily.
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Re: Hells Dominion by B.W. Melvin

Post by B. W. »

Nessa wrote:I have been watching vids of you on youtube and I'm looking forward to reading your book.

But some questions in the mean time...

1. If there is no salvation after you are dead, how come you were able to be saved?
2. Does everyone who goes to hell get the same chance?
3. What about people sinning because they are insane or mental illness?
Do they still go to hell then?
4. You suggested for me to find a prayer closet and ask God to hold me. If God is a good father he should not need me to ask. He should already be doing it.

Will let you know if I have anymore.
1. If there is no salvation after you are dead, how come you were able to be saved?

As stated before, God can raise from the dead whoever he so chooses and for whatever his purpose is...

No one can become saved in the afterlife. Those of us who share this experience all had to come back and the first thing we did is - Get saved - by the Romans 10 John 3:16 way by means of simple heartfelt prayer.

We have a sense of God's grace few have. Often folks mistake us as having an Air about us. An Air of being a Pit Bull as well as mistakenly think we come across as Arrogant, however once folks get to know us they find the opposite. People end up finding and seeing an extraordinary humility and a big Teddy Bear-ness in us and are surprised by this. We surrender our lives to Jesus. We know him and He knows us is a living reality thus we walk around with this Air About us which is just this: we know that this world is not our home and we are all passing thru. We desire as many people as we can to find Jesus and be changed by Him. So we end up discipling many folks in various way and means to know their callings and gifts they have in Jesus. The folks I know who have legit experiences see's God's potential within a person while that same person fights it with self pity, true arrogance, self defeat, self wounding, etc and etc. So we seek to draw them out of these things - can't help it.

2. Does everyone who goes to hell get the same chance?

Like I said before: God can raise from the dead whoever he so chooses and for whatever his purpose is... and that No one can become saved in the afterlife. They come back here and enter the Kingdom as everyone else does. And NO - not all get the same chance. I do not claim to know why God rescued me or the rare few I know He also rescued from the current hell.

What I can say for certain is this: None of us deserved to be rescued and that part of the equation is known firsthand. It affects me with a profound respect for who God is that alters your life. You live life knowing that you do not deserve to come back, period and more periods. Next, PTSD is also common element in us who experienced Hell. I still have it in more minor degrees than I did years and years ago. You learn to deal with it.

3. What about people sinning because they are insane or mental illness? Do they still go to hell then?

That I do not have the answer on this as I do not know what you are implying here. For example, Adolf Hitler and many of the Nazi's of WW2 were insane and had mental illness and they are there in hell, right now. For good reason too. Is that whom you are referring too?

4. You suggested for me to find a prayer closet and ask God to hold me. If God is a good father he should not need me to ask. He should already be doing it.

You have not because what - You ask not...

Jesus taught us to ask, seek, and knock - why?

To whom fears discovering God's love then? Why? What may you discover about yourself?

The Lord taught us to pray, seek, ask, and knock. To seek his presence, to declare forth his name/character... to know him.

He is always ready however we are not and often always seek some sort of lazy way...

If you seek him you He will let you find him... Isa 55:6

It's a principle of God is why and for Good reason too :esmile:
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Re: Hells Dominion by B.W. Melvin

Post by Philip »

3. What about people sinning because they are insane or mental illness? Do they still go to hell then?
BW: That I do not have the answer on this as I do not know what you are implying here. For example, Adolf Hitler and many of the Nazi's of WW2 were insane and had mental illness and they are there in hell, right now. For good reason too. Is that whom you are referring too?
I would imagine that the answer has to do with how one defines mental illness. Can a person who has totally rejected God and is so devoid of love for their fellow man that they set upon a scheme to mass exterminate them - are such people not mentally ill? Well, one would expect that one could not be able stay mentally healthy and balanced if they did such things to their fellow human beings. However, a person CAN be BOTH mentally ill AND quite sane. Sane in that they certainly know right from wrong and are fully aware of what they are doing, while they are doing it, both in regards to rejecting God and going against His laws, as well in how they are willing to brutalize and murder their fellow men and women. But there is a different sort of mental illness in which A) people cannot think rationally and cannot control themselves, and B) there are also people who are mentally like babies or very small children, mentally speaking - unable to comprehend what God requires of all others. While we're not told so explicitly - as we must go off of what we know of God's just and Holy Character, God does hold the person who KNOWS what they are doing and who CAN understand right from wrong to His standards of having their sins forgiven per the necessity of them placing their faith in Christ. And I would say He holds accountable those who know well of their sins and rejection of God, but not those INCAPABLE of comprehending such - as per the two types of mentally ill (A & B) of which I referenced. I believe God's fairness (as HE defines it) means that He doesn't hold people to standards that they can't meet (if they are mentally incapable of).

As for people of pure and premeditated evil, like Hitler, etc., well, which came first, the "chicken or the egg?" Did they become unbalanced and perverse in their thinking FIRST, or did their evil ways, lusts and hatred come first? But even so, such people know enough and are sane enough to lie. The Nazis tried at Nuremberg, though guilty of unthinkable acts, were sane enough to assert their supposed ignorance and innocence. Yep, they went along with and committed obscenely sick acts, but did so while entirely sane.
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Re: Hells Dominion by B.W. Melvin

Post by Philip »

B.W.: No one can become saved in the afterlife. Those of us who share this experience all had to come back and the first thing we did is - Get saved
Well, clearly not EVERYONE who has a near death experience has the SAME type of NDE. Some flatline on a monitor, are clinically dead, and yet come back talking only about "butterflies, amazing colors, or some accepting presence they equate with God." Such people apparently were either allowed to experience some type of counterfeit after-death deception OR they are lying about whatever they didn't actually see. Such people never speak of the Lord or Jesus in their related experience, OR they make statements about some deity that doesn't match up with Scripture. These are people who write books or whatever, but their focus is never Jesus, nor do they assert He is even necessary. While I don't know what happened, or why their experience would be a counterfeit one, clearly these have not experienced seeing God/Jesus before coming back to life on an operating table.
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Re: Hells Dominion by B.W. Melvin

Post by bbyrd009 »

you guys maybe put Hitler in your imaginary future hell, despit much Scripture that assures us "all go to the same place," forgetting that Hitler was not installed in a coup, but duly elected by those "entirely sane" people. Hence, Hitler is presumed to be a cause, when he is in fact an effect, and a manifestation of the nation who chose him. Hitler = the German people, at that time. Of course plenty of "hell" ensued, but you have no justification for putting Hitler in "hell" right now, and Samuel would be laughing at you, wadr. As would Saul and his sons. With Hitler.

So i'm curious, how much of the Bible in total do you have to ignore in order to make your theology work?
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Re: Hells Dominion by B.W. Melvin

Post by RickD »

bbyrd009 wrote:you guys maybe put Hitler in your imaginary future hell, despit much Scripture that assures us "all go to the same place," forgetting that Hitler was not installed in a coup, but duly elected by those "entirely sane" people. Hence, Hitler is presumed to be a cause, when he is in fact an effect, and a manifestation of the nation who chose him. Hitler = the German people, at that time. Of course plenty of "hell" ensued, but you have no justification for putting Hitler in "hell" right now, and Samuel would be laughing at you, wadr. As would Saul and his sons. With Hitler.

So i'm curious, how much of the Bible in total do you have to ignore in order to make your theology work?
What about your Jesus guy who isn't the Christ? Would he be laughing too?
John 5:24
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Re: Hells Dominion by B.W. Melvin

Post by bbyrd009 »

RickD wrote:
bbyrd009 wrote:you guys maybe put Hitler in your imaginary future hell, despit much Scripture that assures us "all go to the same place," forgetting that Hitler was not installed in a coup, but duly elected by those "entirely sane" people. Hence, Hitler is presumed to be a cause, when he is in fact an effect, and a manifestation of the nation who chose him. Hitler = the German people, at that time. Of course plenty of "hell" ensued, but you have no justification for putting Hitler in "hell" right now, and Samuel would be laughing at you, wadr. As would Saul and his sons. With Hitler.

So i'm curious, how much of the Bible in total do you have to ignore in order to make your theology work?
What about your Jesus guy who isn't the Christ? Would he be laughing too?
ah well, you made that up; i never said that, Rick. That is simply what you have to hear, right now, and all of the explanation in the world would not help clarify it any for you, because i must be rejected and considered one of "them" in order for your theology to work, for you. This way you get to Assume the Position, which is basically what we all seek, even me.
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Re: Hells Dominion by B.W. Melvin

Post by RickD »

bbyrd009 wrote:
RickD wrote:
bbyrd009 wrote:you guys maybe put Hitler in your imaginary future hell, despit much Scripture that assures us "all go to the same place," forgetting that Hitler was not installed in a coup, but duly elected by those "entirely sane" people. Hence, Hitler is presumed to be a cause, when he is in fact an effect, and a manifestation of the nation who chose him. Hitler = the German people, at that time. Of course plenty of "hell" ensued, but you have no justification for putting Hitler in "hell" right now, and Samuel would be laughing at you, wadr. As would Saul and his sons. With Hitler.

So i'm curious, how much of the Bible in total do you have to ignore in order to make your theology work?
What about your Jesus guy who isn't the Christ? Would he be laughing too?
ah well, you made that up; i never said that, Rick. That is simply what you have to hear, right now, and all of the explanation in the world would not help clarify it any for you, because i must be rejected and considered one of "them" in order for your theology to work, for you. This way you get to Assume the Position, which is basically what we all seek, even me.
You said:
well, you can conflate Jesus with Christ, if you like, i used to believe like that.
It's bad enough that we don't know what you are saying, but it's just plain awful when you don't remember what you said.
John 5:24
24 “Truly, truly, I say to you, he who hears My word, and believes Him who sent Me, has eternal life, and does not come into judgment, but has passed out of death into life.

“A nation of sheep will beget a government of wolves.”
-Edward R Murrow

St. Richard the Sarcastic--The Patron Saint of Irony
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