To provide some perspective to this post of mine here, it is stuff like this we should all be crying up in arms about:Kurieuo wrote:Global warming, err.. climate change... umm, or is it extreme weather. I don't know where the goal posts are at today.
Regardless, governments and big corporate types are the biggest killers and polluters. Pollution is the real issue everyone can agree on, and it kills the environment, peoples' lives and whole communities. Just YouTube oil pollution and community ruined and look up pollution disasters.
At the heart is normally greed and desire for oil, other valuable minerals, wealth and power. Governments and big corporates would have the masses debate, while laughing at their fat cat table with their money, selfish ambition and immorality.
I really don't care what the symptom is, or what it is called, I'd much prefer the main cause be tackled which has always been pollution by those who simply don't care as long as they is profit. Pollution caused from raping the land, pillaging communities, and murdering people. Wars seem to go hand-in-hand, much of it is about the same thing.