Priests blessing things...

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Priests blessing things...

Post by SUGAAAAA »

My mother has had a few things blessed by a Catholic Priest (such as rings, gifts, etc...)

But what exactly occurs, when an object is blessed by a Priest? does the object become sacred? I never really understood what the point of it was...
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Post by Ark~Magic »

The point of it is to push more weird ass catholic superstitions on people.
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Re: RE:

Post by Byblos »

Ark~Magic wrote:The point of it is to push more weird *** catholic superstitions on people.

Well, let's see if we can shed some light on those Catholic superstitions lest we are all consumed by their evil powers.

The blessing of 'things' really came from 2 traditions (and they are man-made traditions so you will probably not find any scriptural references).

The first is the tradition of blessing of icons and that came about from a time when the general population was largely illiterate and, therefore, could not read the bible. So they used blessed icons to meditate and learn their catechism. The icons are not worshipped in any way but they are venerated and used as channels; the ultimate intended recipient of their prayers was always God/Jesus.

The second was from the tradition of blessing one's home (where a Christian family often placed blessed icons as well) as the home also served as a domestic church whenever the family cannot physically travel to church. This is particularly true with Eastern Orthodox Catholic churches.

The blessing of ordinary objects like crucifixes and jewlery in general was an extension of the above two traditions. I do not believe they become sacred per se but their owners might hold them of some special value as they are 'blessed' objects. I personally hold them of no special value other than the meaning they convey (as in a crucifix).

Now beware of Catholic propaganda! (LOL! ).
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Post by SUGAAAAA »

So if an item is blessed, they can be prayed to, and the prayers would be "channeled" To God and Jesus?
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Post by Byblos »

SUGAAAAA wrote:So if an item is blessed, they can be prayed to, and the prayers would be "channeled" To God and Jesus?

Not ordinary items no, even if blessed.

As for icons, well since you're posting here, I will have to assume you're not illiterate and can read the bible and catch up on your catechism on your own, and therefore, have no need for icons. And if I may suggest, you always have the option of praying directly to Jesus. And if my assumption that you are Christian is inaccurate, then please do accept my apology.
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Post by SpaceCase »

I know someone who had their Harley blessed...
(right after a VERY close call...)

women drivers... sheesh.

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Post by SpaceCase »


I LOVE your headbanging smiley!!!!
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Post by kateliz »

:lol: I like it too. Not in any serious, "man, that's cool" way, but in a fun way. Kind of like since I've been dabbling with listening to the radio again I'll come across a hang-banger or screamer and then do so myself just for fun. It's fun to feign the anger and do some gentle head-banging to make fun.

But about the topic- I do believe, now, that you can indeed bless places. Possibly other things, depending. If I had known a few months ago that I'd ever say that in my life I'd've have a panic attack. But here's the thing: demons can be territorial. During our study of spiritual warfare at my Bible study I have learned that this is indeed biblical, and it makes sense. Some demons get assigned or choose to terrorize certain places. Or even family lines. That's how you get "haunted" houses and areas of the world that are worse off than others. By blessing these places you are sending the demons away from it and loosing angels on it to protect it from demons coming back. Makes sense to me that way! Not that it turns "sacred" or anything funny or, lol, "supernatural" in the sense in which you know I mean, but just that the place has been placed under the vicotry of Christ to keep the demons away and angels are sent to gaurd it from falling prey to the demons again.

I do believe my family has certain demons that have been sticking to it like glue throughout at least a few generations. I don't buy that it's genetic because I frankly don't believe these things can be genetic. And I know for certain that they weren't caused by enviornmental influences because of their prevalence. I've been a chicken as to sending them packing as of yet, though. I'm working on it. I tried to send them from one family member, and for a day or two it seemed to have worked perfectly. But they came back, (possibly because of my doubting the success of it, or possibly because I was supposed to send them away again- not sure.) Anyway, I believe my family line should be "blessed" in that way because I believe it needs it!

And that's my side of it all. I'm sure some of you who have read my posts warning about Catholocism might be very surprised as to my stance on this, but it's not funny once you get the idea. But jewlery??? Come on! That kind of thing would be under the Funny category, and have nothing to do with my beliefs.
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Post by SpaceCase »

I also agree with demons being territorial and possibly following family lines. And that is why I also believe that you are MORE LIKELY to be afflicted by demons if the company you keep is afflicted.

That stuff rubs off, IMO.

So you may not think your hurting anyone by visiting the strip club every now and then, or some such 'questionable' activity, but you may not be coming home alone...

Surround yourself with people who love God.
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