Needing prayers for a co worker of mine suffering seizures

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Needing prayers for a co worker of mine suffering seizures

Post by DRDS »

Hello everyone, the other day a co worker of mine suffered not one but to seizures while starting the day at work. She was taken by ambulance to the local hospital, she was checked out and released but the last I heard she is planning on seeing a neurologist for possible complications. She and or doctors are worried that the part of her brain that controls both breathing and heart rate might be damaged or have something wrong with it. She is pretty young she's only 22 and her name is Ashley, Ashley Wilson. So please keep her in your prayers for healing and a full recovery. Thank you and GB.
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Re: Needing prayers for a co worker of mine suffering seizures

Post by Philip »

I'll pray for Ashley! Those are some scary possibilities.

Related to fearing things about one's health, there are a few things I learned from my years of terrible illness, perhaps valuable to anyone facing a scary health situation: Don't Google around too much concerning your symptoms - there are some very scary illnesses that have similar symptoms, which are caused by far less serious and temporary conditions. But the others are: You are unique. The pathway for many or even most who have your same illness is not necessarily YOUR path. Yes, some suffer longer, or worsen, or never get well - but that doesn't mean YOU will. It may be very likely that YOU will be one of the ones to recover. So, don't listen to the doom and gloom predictors. Don't mentally imagine depressing scenarios that aren't a current reality - as there is a good chance none of them ever will be. As for those being prayed for, and due to those praying, there is great power potentially being applied to your situation by God - if that is His will in a particular situation. Certainly there is always a possibility that He will bring about restored health. Look UP, and not all around - don't revel in your own pity party. Pray more, worry less!
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Re: Needing prayers for a co worker of mine suffering seizures

Post by 1over137 »

Did they make also CT scan?

I will pray for her.

My brother had seizures and with medications they are controlled and does not have any more.
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Re: Needing prayers for a co worker of mine suffering seizures

Post by bippy123 »

Hey bro praying for her :)
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