And its equally wrong to overlook Trump's lies and slander just because you like Trump.
"Like" - LIKE???!!! Really, if ACB had been born a woman, he'd probably have wanted to marry Trump!
Hard to say whether he loves GAP Theory or Trump more.
Just kidding you, ACB. But the reality is that people and politicians aren't typically ALL this or that - they do say stupid and indefensible things, especially in the heat of the moment - even the best of them. So, you might want to consider that when you gaze upon your Saint Trump shrine.
OK, so maybe Trump knows for sure that he was bugged. Certainly, to do so, this had to be a sophisticated operation to pull off. And while this was pre-election, it is understandable that Democrats would be suspected. But what probably happened is that bugs were detected, yet without any certainty as to their origin. So, that's a long way from knowing exactly WHO is responsible. And so, for Trump to have any credibility, he needs to not just name the person he THINKS ordered it, and but should give proof of HOW he knows it to be true. Otherwise, no one will believe him and he's stupidly damaging himself. Don't blame if you don't have a name - AND proof of it. Just saying, "Obama did it," isn't proof. Right now, it sounds just like wild and irresponsible speculation. But I will say this, presidents aren't stupid. They know how to keep their hands clean. They'll simply say to underlings, "Do what you think best, I don't need to know the dirty details." So, even IF Obama is ultimately behind this, it might be exceptionally difficult to prove. And if Obama were to become a target of a serious government investigation, the Democrats and the left would go ballistic.