Did Obama wiretap Trump?

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Re: Did Obama wiretap Trump?

Post by DBowling »

abelcainsbrother wrote:
DBowling wrote:
abelcainsbrother wrote:It is wrong to overlook lies and slander just because you don't like Trump.
And its equally wrong to overlook Trump's lies and slander just because you like Trump.
They are really hard to see from all of the lies and slander being thrown at Trump althroughout the election and even now.And yet Trump is still winning.You have to be nit-picking unfairly.
Just curious...

If it eventually turns out that Obama did not have Trump wiretapped...
Would you be willing to admit that Trump's accusations constitute 'lies and slander' against Obama?
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Re: Did Obama wiretap Trump?

Post by abelcainsbrother »

DBowling wrote:
abelcainsbrother wrote:
DBowling wrote:
abelcainsbrother wrote:It is wrong to overlook lies and slander just because you don't like Trump.
And its equally wrong to overlook Trump's lies and slander just because you like Trump.
They are really hard to see from all of the lies and slander being thrown at Trump althroughout the election and even now.And yet Trump is still winning.You have to be nit-picking unfairly.
Just curious...

If it eventually turns out that Obama did not have Trump wiretapped...
Would you be willing to admit that Trump's accusations constitute 'lies and slander' against Obama?
Yes I will.I don't like lying which is why I've supported Trump all of this time. However I believe he will be vindicated just like he says.We know that the Obama administration used the IRS to go after Tea Partiers and spied on a Fox News reporter so he has a history of this kind of abuse of power.Trump has the evidence and he is sitting on it,for now.

What about you and this Russia conspiracy theory will you admit it is lies and slander against Trump and his campaign?
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Re: Did Obama wiretap Trump?

Post by SoCalExile »

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Re: Did Obama wiretap Trump?

Post by DBowling »

abelcainsbrother wrote:
DBowling wrote: If it eventually turns out that Obama did not have Trump wiretapped...
Would you be willing to admit that Trump's accusations constitute 'lies and slander' against Obama?
Yes I will.I don't like lying which is why I've supported Trump all of this time. However I believe he will be vindicated just like he says.
Fair enough... we'll wait and see what happens
What about you and this Russia conspiracy theory will you admit it is lies and slander against Trump and his campaign?
There are two issues involved in the Russia situation, contact and collusion.
1. Contact - During the campaign, Trump and his campaign denied any communication with the Russians. That claim by Trump has already been demonstrated to be false. We now know that multiple members of Trump's campaign were in contact with Russian representatives. And members of his campaign team have lied about their contact with the Russians.

So holding Trump and his campaign accountable for lying about communication with the Russians is legitimate.

2. Collusion - This is where the case has not been made against Trump. Currently there is no definitive proof that the Trump campaign was colluding with the Russians. That is an inference made by some due to the facts that Russia was deliberately trying to influence the election in Trump's favor, and there was contact between The Trump campaign and the Russians. Those who believe in collusion are assuming that "'where there's smoke there's fire".

Those who claim that we know for sure right now that there was collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russians are lying.

There will be ongoing investigations into both Trump's accusation of wiretapping, as well as the scope of the Trump campaign's contact with Russia.

I have confidence that the truth will eventually come out.
And we will eventually discover who is telling the truth and who is lying.
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Re: Did Obama wiretap Trump?

Post by Philip »

And its equally wrong to overlook Trump's lies and slander just because you like Trump.
"Like" - LIKE???!!! Really, if ACB had been born a woman, he'd probably have wanted to marry Trump! :pound: Hard to say whether he loves GAP Theory or Trump more. :lol: Just kidding you, ACB. But the reality is that people and politicians aren't typically ALL this or that - they do say stupid and indefensible things, especially in the heat of the moment - even the best of them. So, you might want to consider that when you gaze upon your Saint Trump shrine.

OK, so maybe Trump knows for sure that he was bugged. Certainly, to do so, this had to be a sophisticated operation to pull off. And while this was pre-election, it is understandable that Democrats would be suspected. But what probably happened is that bugs were detected, yet without any certainty as to their origin. So, that's a long way from knowing exactly WHO is responsible. And so, for Trump to have any credibility, he needs to not just name the person he THINKS ordered it, and but should give proof of HOW he knows it to be true. Otherwise, no one will believe him and he's stupidly damaging himself. Don't blame if you don't have a name - AND proof of it. Just saying, "Obama did it," isn't proof. Right now, it sounds just like wild and irresponsible speculation. But I will say this, presidents aren't stupid. They know how to keep their hands clean. They'll simply say to underlings, "Do what you think best, I don't need to know the dirty details." So, even IF Obama is ultimately behind this, it might be exceptionally difficult to prove. And if Obama were to become a target of a serious government investigation, the Democrats and the left would go ballistic.
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Re: Did Obama wiretap Trump?

Post by RickD »

And in other news...

Oswald acted alone. No, seriously...

These guys are pretty good at covering up their illegal activities. Where there's smoke, there's fire. Did Obama call for wiretapping? Doesn't matter. Did Obama know about wiretapping?

Unless he admits to knowing about illegal activity, and doing nothing to stop it, I guess we'll never know.
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Re: Did Obama wiretap Trump?

Post by Hortator »

2016 is the gift that keeps on giving, even into 2017. This is some of the best political theatre I've ever seen and it hasn't even been 100 days yet.
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Re: Did Obama wiretap Trump?

Post by abelcainsbrother »

DBowling wrote:
abelcainsbrother wrote:
DBowling wrote: If it eventually turns out that Obama did not have Trump wiretapped...
Would you be willing to admit that Trump's accusations constitute 'lies and slander' against Obama?
Yes I will.I don't like lying which is why I've supported Trump all of this time. However I believe he will be vindicated just like he says.
Fair enough... we'll wait and see what happens
What about you and this Russia conspiracy theory will you admit it is lies and slander against Trump and his campaign?
There are two issues involved in the Russia situation, contact and collusion.
1. Contact - During the campaign, Trump and his campaign denied any communication with the Russians. That claim by Trump has already been demonstrated to be false. We now know that multiple members of Trump's campaign were in contact with Russian representatives. And members of his campaign team have lied about their contact with the Russians.

So holding Trump and his campaign accountable for lying about communication with the Russians is legitimate.

2. Collusion - This is where the case has not been made against Trump. Currently there is no definitive proof that the Trump campaign was colluding with the Russians. That is an inference made by some due to the facts that Russia was deliberately trying to influence the election in Trump's favor, and there was contact between The Trump campaign and the Russians. Those who believe in collusion are assuming that "'where there's smoke there's fire".

Those who claim that we know for sure right now that there was collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russians are lying.

There will be ongoing investigations into both Trump's accusation of wiretapping, as well as the scope of the Trump campaign's contact with Russia.

I have confidence that the truth will eventually come out.
And we will eventually discover who is telling the truth and who is lying.
It is not illegal for Trump or his administration to communicate with the ambassadors of other countries including the Russian ambassador.The only time they communicated with the Russian Government or ambassador was after Trump won and during the transition.And they have talked to many ambassadors and other governments.The Russia conspiracy is all a lie,but go ahead and believe it.There was no collusion or contact with Russians other than normal transition and Trump and his administration communicating with the ambassadors of other countries and not just Russia.You're going to be let down again just like althroughout the campaign.This is all a lie to cover up the corruption in the Democrat Party uncovered by wikileaks.I'm going to remember this conversation and you will see who the real liars are. Just wait until Pizzagate hits. It is coming,I just don't know exactly when but it is coming.

We know it is a lie because Trump has been in the media for 40 years and he is all American and has no businesses in Russia.
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Re: Did Obama wiretap Trump?

Post by B. W. »

RickD wrote:If James Comey said the FBI didn't wiretap Trump, I believe him. Why would the FBI ever do anything illegal? Didn't Comey prove himself trustworthy with the Clinton fiasco?

y:-? need to ponder that one a bit y:-?
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Re: Did Obama wiretap Trump?

Post by B. W. »

Interesting to add to this is former AG of the Obama era, Loretta Lynch recently stated in audio that their needs more marching, blood, death on streets
Loretta Lynch's own words:

“It has been people, individuals who have banded together, ordinary people who simply saw what needed to be done and came together and supported those ideals who have made the difference. They’ve marched, they’ve bled and yes, some of them died. This is hard. Every good thing is. We have done this before. We can do this again.”

needs more marching, blood, death on streets
So with this, no Obama would never wire tap anyone...

Think I will ask James Rosen on this...

James Rosen
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Re: Did Obama wiretap Trump?

Post by abelcainsbrother »

Philip wrote:
And its equally wrong to overlook Trump's lies and slander just because you like Trump.
"Like" - LIKE???!!! Really, if ACB had been born a woman, he'd probably have wanted to marry Trump! :pound: Hard to say whether he loves GAP Theory or Trump more. :lol: Just kidding you, ACB. But the reality is that people and politicians aren't typically ALL this or that - they do say stupid and indefensible things, especially in the heat of the moment - even the best of them. So, you might want to consider that when you gaze upon your Saint Trump shrine.

OK, so maybe Trump knows for sure that he was bugged. Certainly, to do so, this had to be a sophisticated operation to pull off. And while this was pre-election, it is understandable that Democrats would be suspected. But what probably happened is that bugs were detected, yet without any certainty as to their origin. So, that's a long way from knowing exactly WHO is responsible. And so, for Trump to have any credibility, he needs to not just name the person he THINKS ordered it, and but should give proof of HOW he knows it to be true. Otherwise, no one will believe him and he's stupidly damaging himself. Don't blame if you don't have a name - AND proof of it. Just saying, "Obama did it," isn't proof. Right now, it sounds just like wild and irresponsible speculation. But I will say this, presidents aren't stupid. They know how to keep their hands clean. They'll simply say to underlings, "Do what you think best, I don't need to know the dirty details." So, even IF Obama is ultimately behind this, it might be exceptionally difficult to prove. And if Obama were to become a target of a serious government investigation, the Democrats and the left would go ballistic.

I'm just defending the underdog who has so many people unfairly fighting against him.I want him to succeed because of these unfair tactics being used against him.
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Re: Did Obama wiretap Trump?

Post by edwardmurphy »

Seems like Trump read a Breitbart story, took it as gospel while simultaneously misunderstanding what it said, and then had one of his childish, self-indulgent, irresponsible Twitter-fits. The guy needs to lock up his phone until his term is over. He has the self-control of a lovesick, drunken teenager.
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Re: Did Obama wiretap Trump?

Post by ultimate777 »

abelcainsbrother wrote:
DBowling wrote:
abelcainsbrother wrote: Hillary started the birther stuff in 08 when she ran against Obama. Did she have evidence? Trump just repeated it.
Another example of Trumpian 'alternative facts'.

And this is why Trump says these things.
Some people will actually believe it.
I have already given evidence that shows it is true before.Politifact is the ones who got it wrong.If Hillary did not use it against Obama then why in 08 at the last debate between Hillary and Obama did Brian Williams of NBC news ask Hillary about it?

Why should we believe you. Oh, I know, because you say we should.
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Re: Did Obama wiretap Trump?

Post by abelcainsbrother »

ultimate777 wrote:
abelcainsbrother wrote:
DBowling wrote:
abelcainsbrother wrote: Hillary started the birther stuff in 08 when she ran against Obama. Did she have evidence? Trump just repeated it.
Another example of Trumpian 'alternative facts'.

And this is why Trump says these things.
Some people will actually believe it.
I have already given evidence that shows it is true before.Politifact is the ones who got it wrong.If Hillary did not use it against Obama then why in 08 at the last debate between Hillary and Obama did Brian Williams of NBC news ask Hillary about it?

Why should we believe you. Oh, I know, because you say we should.
Here is the video and at about 6:00 in Brian Williams asked Hillary about a photo that showed Obama in Kenya wearing religious garb and it was to imply that we don't know where Obama was born.This is what started the whole birther conspiracy. Now I know Hillary denies she had anything to do with the photo but that is for you to decide,but Matt Drudge claimed it came from inside the Hillary campaign.
Hebrews 12:2-3 Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith;who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross,despising the shame,and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.

2nd Corinthians 4:4 In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not,lest the light of this glorious gospel of Christ,who is the image of God,should shine unto them.
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Re: Did Obama wiretap Trump?

Post by DBowling »

abelcainsbrother wrote:
Here is the video and at about 6:00 in Brian Williams asked Hillary about a photo that showed Obama in Kenya wearing religious garb and it was to imply that we don't know where Obama was born.This is what started the whole birther conspiracy. Now I know Hillary denies she had anything to do with the photo but that is for you to decide,but Matt Drudge claimed it came from inside the Hillary campaign.
And still...
... no evidence whatsoever that Hillary ever claimed that Obama was not born in the US.
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