No more worrying about End Times

Discussions on Christian eschatology including different views pertaining to Jesus' second coming, rapture and tribulation, the millennium, and so forth.
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Re: No more worrying about End Times

Post by AmySeilnum »

We can turn from sin; "for there has no temptation taken you but such as is common to man, but God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but will with the temptation also make a way out that you may be able to bear it" 1 Corinthians 10:13

2 Peter 2:9 1 John 2:1 ( without reading the context; 1 John 1:9-10 and 1 John 2:1, you can not understand 1 John 1:8. John was saying to "little children" (new Christians) that they had sin they needed to confess and deal with, and to not deny that, but go on and confess it so that Christ can help them with it, and thereby; 1 John 2:1 and 1 John 2:3-4 )
Hebrews 5:8-9 Hebrews 9:13-14 Philippians 1:6

And most importantly; Luke 6:27-48, Matthew 7:24-27
There is no dispute that we are to, and can, put the teachings of Christ into practice; 2 John 1:9
Doing so will lead us away from all other sin; John 14:15-17 Galatians 5:18-24
"For they that are Christs have crucified the flesh with its passions and lusts" Galatians 5:24

Here is the correct understanding of 2 John 1:9 for it is Johns complete summary of the good news;

"Whosoever transgresses ( breaks the Torah 1 John 3:4 ) and abides not in the doctrine { Matthew 7:28 } of Christ, has not God. Whoever abides in the doctrine { Luke 6:27-48 } of Christ has both the Father and the Son"

Therefore we are allowed to break many a rule, so long as the core, of the Torah, is followed;
Matthew 7:12;
"the law" = Exodus 23:4-5 Exodus 23:9 Leviticus 19:18 Leviticus 19:33-34
"the prophets" = Isaiah 58:5-10 Jeremiah 22:2-5 Zechariah 8:14-17

( And you should actually read the verses before you think that they all do not say "do unto others"
For indeed, that is what they all clearly say! )

For Christ came not to do away with the law, but to magnify it and make it honorable;
Isaiah 42:21
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Re: No more worrying about End Times

Post by goingsouth »

Able/Cain said...
Therefore nobody should be claiming Jesus is coming soon until a jewish temple is built and it does not seem like its going to be built anytime soon.
When I first became a Christian (1973) I believed what I was being taught. I was taught the dispensational view of eschatology. I've changed my mind about what I was originally taught.

Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.

The word temple in 2 Thes 2 is the word NAOS, which is often used to describe any heathen temple or shrine. It's the same word we find in the latter part of Acts to describe the temple where the idol stood in.

In Revelation 11, the Apostle John was instructed to measure the temple. "But exclude the outer court; do not measure it, because it has been given to the Gentiles. They will trample on the holy city for 42 months." (Rev. 11:2) These 42 months, or three and one half years, make up the time of the anti-Christ reign when the anti-Christ will trample on the holy city, Jerusalem. The reason John was told NOT to measure the outer court is because there's currently an Islamic shrine that "sits upon" God's Holy place! This is an abomination in itself!

The abomination will be set up in the outer courts, the court of the Gentiles, on a wing of the temple, the Dome of the Rock, or Al'Aqsa mosque. Somewhere in the area I've just described, is where the false prophet and anti-Christ and will authenticate themselves. These Islamic sights are already located there, and there's no need for a temple to be rebuilt. The religious complex of the Dome of the Rock and its outer court, or the Al'Aqsa mosque, is sufficient to fulfill ALL of end-time prophecy directed to it.

Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.

The word God in this verse is theos. The primary meaning of that word is of any god or goddess. It is also used to describe the one true God.

When I looked at this in the Greek interlinear, the word "THE" is missing in the KJV but IS in the Greek Interlinear. (as well as other bible translations)

Daniel 9 and 2 Thes. 2 has led people to believe in the rebuilding of a Jewish Temple where daily sacrifices can resume....only to have them cease again. Because of this verse, many interpret it as coming of a Jewish or Catholic anti-Christ.

Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of THE God, shewing himself that he is God.

So actually, considering the fact that the primary meaning of the word 'Theos' is a god or goddess. Considering that the word "TEMPLE" is "any heathen shrine or temple,"...My conclusion is that this is how the verse should be presented....

Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called god, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the heathen temple of the god (Allah), shewing himself that he is God.

The word 'GOD is used four times in verse 4. In the interlinear, God is capitalized twice, and twice it is not.

Notice...tou G3588 t_ Gen Sg m
The word 'the' should have never been droped by the 1611 interpreters. There is a Greek word for the single word 'OF', but it's not used in 2 Thes. 2:4.

Now look at the word 'God' here...a god or goddess...

Now look at the word temple here which is the word most often used for a heathen temple or shrine...
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Re: No more worrying about End Times

Post by Philip »

GoingSouth - what, ultimately is your point, per the various end times scenarios?
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Re: No more worrying about End Times

Post by goingsouth »

Philip wrote:GoingSouth - what, ultimately is your point, per the various end times scenarios?
My point? Can't you tell it's in response to Abel/Cainsbrother's quote? My point is that a Temple doesn't need rebuilding for the man of sin to authenticate himself. My point is that Rome, the EU, the US, or the Pope, will have nothing to do with the end-times demonic duo. I other words....The Dome of the Rock complex is sufficient to fulfill end-time prophecy and that Islam is the religion of the beast!
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Re: No more worrying about End Times

Post by BigHamster »

goingsouth wrote:
Philip wrote:GoingSouth - what, ultimately is your point, per the various end times scenarios?
My point? Can't you tell it's in response to Abel/Cainsbrother's quote? My point is that a Temple doesn't need rebuilding for the man of sin to authenticate himself. My point is that Rome, the EU, the US, or the Pope, will have nothing to do with the end-times demonic duo. I other words....The Dome of the Rock complex is sufficient to fulfill end-time prophecy and that Islam is the religion of the beast!
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Re: No more worrying about End Times

Post by abelcainsbrother »

goingsouth wrote:Able/Cain said...
Therefore nobody should be claiming Jesus is coming soon until a jewish temple is built and it does not seem like its going to be built anytime soon.
When I first became a Christian (1973) I believed what I was being taught. I was taught the dispensational view of eschatology. I've changed my mind about what I was originally taught.

Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.

The word temple in 2 Thes 2 is the word NAOS, which is often used to describe any heathen temple or shrine. It's the same word we find in the latter part of Acts to describe the temple where the idol stood in.

In Revelation 11, the Apostle John was instructed to measure the temple. "But exclude the outer court; do not measure it, because it has been given to the Gentiles. They will trample on the holy city for 42 months." (Rev. 11:2) These 42 months, or three and one half years, make up the time of the anti-Christ reign when the anti-Christ will trample on the holy city, Jerusalem. The reason John was told NOT to measure the outer court is because there's currently an Islamic shrine that "sits upon" God's Holy place! This is an abomination in itself!

The abomination will be set up in the outer courts, the court of the Gentiles, on a wing of the temple, the Dome of the Rock, or Al'Aqsa mosque. Somewhere in the area I've just described, is where the false prophet and anti-Christ and will authenticate themselves. These Islamic sights are already located there, and there's no need for a temple to be rebuilt. The religious complex of the Dome of the Rock and its outer court, or the Al'Aqsa mosque, is sufficient to fulfill ALL of end-time prophecy directed to it.

Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.

The word God in this verse is theos. The primary meaning of that word is of any god or goddess. It is also used to describe the one true God.

When I looked at this in the Greek interlinear, the word "THE" is missing in the KJV but IS in the Greek Interlinear. (as well as other bible translations)

Daniel 9 and 2 Thes. 2 has led people to believe in the rebuilding of a Jewish Temple where daily sacrifices can resume....only to have them cease again. Because of this verse, many interpret it as coming of a Jewish or Catholic anti-Christ.

Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of THE God, shewing himself that he is God.

So actually, considering the fact that the primary meaning of the word 'Theos' is a god or goddess. Considering that the word "TEMPLE" is "any heathen shrine or temple,"...My conclusion is that this is how the verse should be presented....

Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called god, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the heathen temple of the god (Allah), shewing himself that he is God.

The word 'GOD is used four times in verse 4. In the interlinear, God is capitalized twice, and twice it is not.

Notice...tou G3588 t_ Gen Sg m
The word 'the' should have never been droped by the 1611 interpreters. There is a Greek word for the single word 'OF', but it's not used in 2 Thes. 2:4.

Now look at the word 'God' here...a god or goddess...

Now look at the word temple here which is the word most often used for a heathen temple or shrine...
Daniel 11:37,Daniel 11:39,Daniel 11:45,Matthew 24:15,Daniel 11:31,Daniel 12:11,Daniel 9:27.
Hebrews 12:2-3 Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith;who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross,despising the shame,and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.

2nd Corinthians 4:4 In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not,lest the light of this glorious gospel of Christ,who is the image of God,should shine unto them.
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Re: No more worrying about End Times

Post by yorican67 »

JButler wrote:Growing up I heard comments about the end of the world frequently enough it kind of worried me. Every time a sonic boom rattled a building I was in, I'd run outside and look to see if clouds were coming down. Felt like I was always on edge because "it could come any day".

Then one day I was reading Billy Graham's column in the newspaper. A person asked about End Times. Graham replied "why worry about the end of the world, because when you die that is the end of the world for you."

His answer made so much sense even to a guy in his early teens. I never worried another minute about it since then.
Every Christian should be prepared for persecution. It's how the Church began (preterism), its what the Church has endured (historcism), and its what the Church will face in the end days (futurism). Different eschatological teachings when separated paint an incomplete picture. All three positions hold a truth, but all three need to be synthesized to understand the complete picture. Anyways Christians in the Last Days will face persecution. Jesus is coming for a pure and spotless Bride, one that loves him enough to endure till the end. One that loves him more than themselves.

Per Billy Graham:

"The Bible says that all who “desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution” (2 Timothy 3:12). Jesus said that as the time of His return draws nigh, “They will lay their hands on you and persecute you” (Luke 21:12). We have no scriptural foundation for believing that we can forever escape being persecuted for Christ’s sake. The normal condition for Christians is that we should suffer persecution. Are you willing to face persecution and death for Christ’s sake?" ... ly-graham/
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Re: No more worrying about End Times

Post by Stu »

JButler wrote:Growing up I heard comments about the end of the world frequently enough it kind of worried me. Every time a sonic boom rattled a building I was in, I'd run outside and look to see if clouds were coming down. Felt like I was always on edge because "it could come any day".

Then one day I was reading Billy Graham's column in the newspaper. A person asked about End Times. Graham replied "why worry about the end of the world, because when you die that is the end of the world for you."

His answer made so much sense even to a guy in his early teens. I never worried another minute about it since then.
Yeah sorry but this is a ridiculous answer. The end times are full of horror, famine and murder. If you don't prepare for that you are going to find yourself in a terrible position and be very very unhappy. What about your family?

Billy Graham has shown himself to be untrustworthy though some of his statements in the past, but even of you say that doesn't mean all of what he says is false, doesn't make this right.
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Re: No more worrying about End Times

Post by Philip »

Stu: Yeah sorry but this is a ridiculous answer. The end times are full of horror, famine and murder. If you don't prepare for that you are going to find yourself in a terrible position and be very very unhappy. What about your family?
OK, so HOW are you going to prepare? Spiritually - yep, we can prepare ourselves. And our times are already full of horror, famine and murder. But we do not have a level of detail to know where to go or what we should specifically do for the days of tribulation. Are we to believe our protection comes from God who loves His faithful ones, or our own genius in following some "end-times plan" you may read in a book? A successful plan needs details of what to plan for. We don't have them - except very generally. So you have no way to plan for it. Except prayerfully prepare yourself and keep your eyes on and trust in the Lord. Graham is right - there will be an end as well for all not living in those days - are we ready for THAT? For both, we don't know the future or it's timing for our last days on earth - whenever, whatever.
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Re: No more worrying about End Times

Post by Stu »

Philip wrote:
Stu: Yeah sorry but this is a ridiculous answer. The end times are full of horror, famine and murder. If you don't prepare for that you are going to find yourself in a terrible position and be very very unhappy. What about your family?
OK, so HOW are you going to prepare? Spiritually - yep, we can prepare ourselves. And our times are already full of horror, famine and murder. But we do not have a level of detail to know where to go or what we should specifically do for the days of tribulation. Are we to believe our protection comes from God who loves His faithful ones, or our own genius in following some "end-times plan" you may read in a book? A successful plan needs details of what to plan for. We don't have them - except very generally. So you have no way to plan for it. Except prayerfully prepare yourself and keep your eyes on and trust in the Lord. Graham is right - there will be an end as well for all not living in those days - are we ready for THAT? For both, we don't know the future or it's timing for our last days on earth - whenever, whatever.
Someone once told me: God, Groceries, Guns, Gold.
That is how you prepare.

Did Noah not prepare for the flood.
Did Joseph not prepare for the famine.

If you don't prepare for the end times you are a fool. Of course you prepare spiritually, that is a GIVEN. That comes first.
Jesus said that in the end times we will wish for death but it will not come.

What do you do if your baby, son, daughter or wife is starving for food and have nothing to eat? And Americans have had it too good for too long to know what that truly means.

If you see a (food, water, economic, war, whatever) crisis coming do you not prepare for it? How is the end times any different. God expects you to use your brain, your hands and your acumen to prepare, He will not do everything for you. He will do everything for you spiritually but not worldly.

Many Christians in Greece, Syria, Iraq, Venezuela, Afghanistan are suffering because they did not prepare for a crisis. You will suffer the same fate if you do not prepare.
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Re: No more worrying about End Times

Post by RickD »


I'm with Stu on this one. I don't tell very many people this, but I've just finished construction on an underground bunker. And I'm in the process of filling it with non perishable groceries, guns, gold, and God.

Don't come banging on my door when the poop hits the fan. y>-)
John 5:24
24 “Truly, truly, I say to you, he who hears My word, and believes Him who sent Me, has eternal life, and does not come into judgment, but has passed out of death into life.

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Re: No more worrying about End Times

Post by B. W. »

RickD wrote:Philip,

I'm with Stu on this one. I don't tell very many people this, but I've just finished construction on an underground bunker. And I'm in the process of filling it with non perishable groceries, guns, gold, and God.

Don't come banging on my door when the poop hits the fan. y>-)
Heard of God in a box but God in a bunker?
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Re: No more worrying about End Times

Post by PaulSacramento »

I'd feel very sorry for the poor souls that come after me and mine.
I don't have a bunker and I don't have much of a reason to invest that kind of capital ( or have that capital) BUT what I do have is a very particular set of skills and I truly feel sorry for the poor soul that tries something, anything.
Some of us are just looking for a reason...
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Re: No more worrying about End Times

Post by Philip »

Problem, Stu, is you don't know where, when or how to prepare. Are you Jewish? Will you be in Judea? Yep, God told Noah what would happen and what to do to prepare! Do you have that bunker ready right now? Why not? When are you going to invest in one? Where ya gonna put it? What if you are away on vacation when the doo-doo hits the fan? Oops. WHEN God tells us what to do and when, THEN we can effectively plan with whatever important knowledge He might give us to protect ourselves. Right now, you don't have it. No one does!

But you can still follow your instincts:


Don't forget to include:

Image (Oh, and do NOT forget to buy some extra bags - maybe some Lysol. :shock:

Don't forget to have some nice relaxing music, knowing the planet above has experienced immense devastation:

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Re: No more worrying about End Times

Post by Stu »

Philip wrote:Problem, Stu, is you don't know where, when or how to prepare. Are you Jewish? Will you be in Judea? Yep, God told Noah what would happen and what to do to prepare! Do you have that bunker ready right now? Why not? When are you going to invest in one? Where ya gonna put it? What if you are away on vacation when the doo-doo hits the fan? Oops. WHEN God tells us what to do and when, THEN we can effectively plan with whatever important knowledge He might give us to protect ourselves. Right now, you don't have it. No one does!

But you can still follow your instincts:


Don't forget to include:

Image (Oh, and do NOT forget to buy some extra bags - maybe some Lysol. :shock:

Don't forget to have some nice relaxing music, knowing the planet above has experienced immense devastation:

Sorry but you're acting like a 10-year old child now. Making all the excuses you can not to do anything. Throwing your hands in the air like you don't know what to do.

God gives us answers on many things but sometimes He DOESN'T answer us. When that happens we have to take action on our own. It's pretty simple really, but you are making it complicated.

But you do nothing, let's see how far that get's you. But when you are rushing out to the shops to wrestle with the hoards of people for the last bits of food on the store shelves just remember that you could've been sitting snug ion your house with no worries.

Not to mention when your family is starving because there is no food. Starving to death is not a nice way to go.

God has guided me on my way with prepping. I used to think that just stocking up on gold and silver was the way to go. I hoarded the stuff, but since have branched out into food as well, built myself a bit of a an underground bunker, got guns, ammo and medicine.

If you have nothing in the pantry or on the shelves God will have nothing to bless or multiply.
Only when the blood runs and the shackles restrain, will the sheep then awake. When all is lost.
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