Is being an atheist irrational?

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Re: Is being an atheist irrational?

Post by Kurieuo »

Nessa wrote:
Justhuman wrote:As being an atheist I don't feel like being irrational. At least I hope not. To presume that all atheists are irrational, as the post-title does suggets, is irrational in itself. There is no one atheist like another, as there is no one Christian like another, etc…
Hello human...

The question does not suggest anything one way or another. It opens up a discussion to talk about dfferent possibilities.
The starting question itself didn't, but Nessa does seem accepting further down about Atheists are fools. Right Nessa? ;)
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Re: Is being an atheist irrational?

Post by Nessa »

Kurieuo wrote:
Nessa wrote:
Justhuman wrote:As being an atheist I don't feel like being irrational. At least I hope not. To presume that all atheists are irrational, as the post-title does suggets, is irrational in itself. There is no one atheist like another, as there is no one Christian like another, etc…
Hello human...

The question does not suggest anything one way or another. It opens up a discussion to talk about dfferent possibilities.
The starting question itself didn't, but Nessa does seem accepting further down about Atheists are fools. Right Nessa? ;)
Correct but to be fair, God said it first ;)
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Re: Is being an atheist irrational?

Post by Kurieuo »

Nessa wrote:
Kurieuo wrote:
Nessa wrote:
Justhuman wrote:As being an atheist I don't feel like being irrational. At least I hope not. To presume that all atheists are irrational, as the post-title does suggets, is irrational in itself. There is no one atheist like another, as there is no one Christian like another, etc…
Hello human...

The question does not suggest anything one way or another. It opens up a discussion to talk about dfferent possibilities.
The starting question itself didn't, but Nessa does seem accepting further down about Atheists are fools. Right Nessa? ;)
Correct but to be fair, God said it first ;)
You mean (a) (biblical) God (who) (does) (not) (and) (cannot) (exist) said it first? :P
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Re: Is being an atheist irrational?

Post by Nessa »

Kurieuo wrote:
Nessa wrote:
Kurieuo wrote:
Nessa wrote:
Justhuman wrote:As being an atheist I don't feel like being irrational. At least I hope not. To presume that all atheists are irrational, as the post-title does suggets, is irrational in itself. There is no one atheist like another, as there is no one Christian like another, etc…
Hello human...

The question does not suggest anything one way or another. It opens up a discussion to talk about dfferent possibilities.
The starting question itself didn't, but Nessa does seem accepting further down about Atheists are fools. Right Nessa? ;)
Correct but to be fair, God said it first ;)
You mean (a) (biblical) God (who) (does) (not) (and) (cannot) (exist) said it first? :P


I personally think the irrationality hits two ways.

One God says you are a fool to say there is no God
but even if he hadnt of said it... atheism does not make sense. In a purely materialistic world something can not come from nothing.
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Re: Is being an atheist irrational?

Post by Kurieuo »

Nessa wrote:
Kurieuo wrote:
Nessa wrote:
Kurieuo wrote:
Nessa wrote: Hello human...

The question does not suggest anything one way or another. It opens up a discussion to talk about dfferent possibilities.
The starting question itself didn't, but Nessa does seem accepting further down about Atheists are fools. Right Nessa? ;)
Correct but to be fair, God said it first ;)
You mean (a) (biblical) God (who) (does) (not) (and) (cannot) (exist) said it first? :P


I personally think the irrationality hits two ways.

One God says you are a fool to say there is no God
but even if he hadnt of said it... atheism does not make sense. In a purely materialistic world something can not come from nothing.
There's actually a more powerful ontological argument of sorts, based upon the property of aseity (something existing in and of itself). I normally present it as, a foundational something must have always existed, otherwise there would be nothing. This foundational something must logically be uncreated, not contingent upon anything else for its existence. For, given anything exists, then a "foundational something" must have always existed, and this something isn't contingent upon anything else (except obviously itself) for its own existence. (note, this thinking doesn't immediately rule out "unintelligence", it is just articulating something everyone must logically accept regardless of whether or not we're theist or atheist)

From there, one can explore options... but ultimately, I see it always leads back to an intelligent force especially when considering (God's) invisible "attributes" that extend into our world. For example, goodness (or "badness"), or "rightness" like you oughtn't do that because it's bad and evil to rape and massacre innocent children (surely anyone with a working moral compass would consider such "wrong"). Or, it might be concepts of "fairness" (or "unfair"), "justice" (or "injustice"), "love" (or "hate") and many others. Extend such to an ontological argument for attributes that must be grounded somewhere. All such concepts can only be understood in non-physical, immaterial language. The source of them, then, we'd expect would be .... .... .... fundamentally non-physical and immaterial, even intelligent.

But then, this is all a pointless exercise, because if the physical world is all that exists, then "I" am a figment of such, consciousness is an oddity reduced to the interaction of physical atoms bouncing around. So too are all such "attributes" we apparently believe exist in the world. Atheists are kind of barking up the wrong tree trying to change "our" minds, like "we" or "they" really do exist or have some say. Rather, if "they" want "us" to "believe" the same then "they" should perhaps "look" for a drug to change the fundamental properties that make "our" consciousness "believe" this or that. (you know, kind of like Audacity who didn't accept we have real free will, kind of like in this exchange on YouTube between an Atheist and Ben Shapiro.)

Edit: Finally, any position which logically says that I must reject my own conscious existence (i.e., "myself") as really being real, then well, either it doesn't matter what "I" apparently believe anyway (since such is caused by matters outside of "my" control), OR such positions ought to be rejected as entirely unreasonable and illogical aka foolishness.
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Re: Is being an atheist irrational?

Post by abelcainsbrother »

Although I can agree with the idea of there are hard atheists and soft atheists and the soft atheist may be more open to reasons to believe,evidence,etc. The very first thing that must be understood is that we cannot know truth without evidence,evidence is what we use to discover truth.Now since there is absolutely no evidence or proof atheism is true or there is no God then all atheists are excluding themselves from needing any evidence,even if they are not fully even aware of it and nobody gets a pass when it comes to wanting to know the truth.

Now we can look into other religions,withcraft,conspiracy theories,etc and these people will all try to present evidence for what they believe,or they can,and we can actually have a debate about these different beliefs,etc to see who has the most evidence,etc,but not so with an atheist or even an agnostic.They start off without any evidence and it remains that way until they die,unless they change their mind before they die. This makes atheism irrational eventhough it is not meant to be an insult to all atheists. It is possible that certian atheists are open to evidence but first they must get serious about evidence and not give themselves a pass when it comes to evidence.There is more evidence Christianity is true over any other religion but evidence will not be important to a person who does not need evidence for what he/she accepts as true or not.
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Re: Is being an atheist irrational?

Post by abelcainsbrother »

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Hebrews 12:2-3 Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith;who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross,despising the shame,and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.

2nd Corinthians 4:4 In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not,lest the light of this glorious gospel of Christ,who is the image of God,should shine unto them.
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Re: Is being an atheist irrational?

Post by Justhuman »

I strongly resent the title of this topic, as it addresses a whole group, excluding any individual in that group.

Are ALL atheists irrational: NO

Are there SOME atheists that are irrational: YES

Are ALL non-atheists irrational: NO

Are there SOME non-atheists that are irrational: YES

Do ALL Christians think that ALL atheists are irrational: NO

I could rephrase the topic into "Is being a Christian irrational?". For an atheist: yes. Christians are chasing a ghost. (Ghosts don’t exist either, but that is another topic).

How do you feel about that?



Even though I am an 'hardcore' atheist, I cannot fully reject the existance of God, or better, a God-like being/creature/entity (BCE).

It depends on what one calls God. Is it the Biblical God? The one that allways was and always shall be? The one with with no beginning and no end?

Or, is it a BCE? that evolved by an evolutionary path?

The Biblical God, that created heaven and Earth, even the universe and time itself? NO!

The evolutionary BCE, I think, is possible. But that wouldn't be a God, but 'just' a very advanced and powerfull BCE.

Given time and survibillaty, how far could the human race evolve? In 100 years? In 1 milion years? In 1000 milion years? Maybe we would also be a God-like BCE.
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Re: Is being an atheist irrational?

Post by Kurieuo »

@Justhuman, I think all humans are rational, although their beliefs might be irrational.

When Nessa posts her opening post, I think she must have been "venting" and angry at Atheists or something. :poke: (inside joke between Nessa and myself)

If you really don't like being considered irrational for not believing in God, then I recommend checking out my challenge to Atheists here: Nature of Reality: A Challenge to Atheists
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Re: Is being an atheist irrational?

Post by Justhuman »

I don’t mind being called irrational. Rational/irrational is a kind of perspective. Maybe I’m irrational in the eyes of a Christian, but not in the eyes of an atheist. And v.v.

And who holds the truth? I’ve met (many years ago) people that claim to know the truth (about God), but it were fruitless discussions, because the viewpoints were miles apart with feet firmly planted into the ground. And a discussion needs a basis of an hint to an inkling to trying to understand and maybe even to consider that there might be some truth in the other opinion.

To dismiss a viewpoint or a theory just by claiming “It’s not in the Bible …” is a “Deathdo’er” (as we say here in the Netherlands).

Though, I must admit, I made similar (evolutionary) remarks myself…

I’ve matured since then and tried to theoretically implement a God in my view, even considered a biblical God. But the latter just kept not fitting in ‘my universe’. And even if, in the end, it turns out it is Him, what responsibility do I have to Him? I am an individual that’s living my life, not that of any other, or even God.

The evolutionary god (note lower capital G) comes closest to what I would consider a God, but an evolutionary god is not an option to a Christian.

The problem with believing in the Bible is that if one admits that ‘maybe’ one thing is wrong or false, that other parts might be wrong too. But where does that end? So, either the whole Bible is true, or not. Even though the Bible is based on true events (that much is clear. As an atheist it is not a problem for me to state that most in the Bible has truly happened), it are mere written words by man with a limited knowledge on their world, let alone on the universe as they (not) knew.
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Re: Is being an atheist irrational?

Post by Kurieuo »

Bible is irrelevant to belief in God, so you're kind of building a man of straw there.
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Re: Is being an atheist irrational?

Post by Justhuman »

Yes and no. One does not need the Bible to believe in God, but the Bible is God and God is the Bible. They are entwined.
The Bible is the historical document in which God word is written. How can you see God apart from the Bible? You even quote your posts with "Whoever will call on the name of the Lord will be saved."
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Re: Is being an atheist irrational?

Post by PaulSacramento »

How did people believe in God BEFORE the bible?
One can not prove the existence of God via the bible unless one believes the bible to be authoritative and one can ONLY believe that if the bible is of God, which makes the argument circular and not very useful.
The bible can be used to point to THE God but can't be used to prove there IS a God.
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Re: Is being an atheist irrational?

Post by Kurieuo »

Justhuman wrote:Yes and no. One does not need the Bible to believe in God, but the Bible is God and God is the Bible. They are entwined.
The Bible is the historical document in which God word is written. How can you see God apart from the Bible? You even quote your posts with "Whoever will call on the name of the Lord will be saved."
I'm not sure if being purposefully daft or just not quick on the pickup. I am Christian, and I believe in Christ. So evidently, I'll quote from those who passed on teachings, are considered authoritative sources by Christians. And I pray for you it won't be too late to also call on Christ's name.

The Bible, isn't simply a document. Rather, it's a composition of books surrounding one nation which entwined theology with history. It tells a story, to do with God, and God's relationship with humanity and to His people.

What that has to do with realising God exists, you'll need to better inform me. I make no pretense I'm Christian, but it's not only Christians or Jews or ... who can believe God exists or see such as logical and reasonable.
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Re: Is being an atheist irrational?

Post by Kurieuo »

I wonder Justhuman, do you believe our decisions and actions are determined, or do you believe in some sense of free will?
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