Baptizing H floresiensis

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Re: Baptizing H floresiensis

Post by RickD »

thatkidakayoungguy wrote:To address the OP, yes I think non Homo Sapiens people in the genus Homo would need to be saved. Neanderthals are clearly humans, most of the others seem to be too, in the way they behave and anatomy too.
Since I haven't had the pleasure of meeting too many Neanderthals (a few live near me, and drive jacked up pickup trucks with confederate battle flags), I haven't been able to determine a pattern of behavior for them.

Do they behave as normal, law abiding cavemen?
John 5:24
24 “Truly, truly, I say to you, he who hears My word, and believes Him who sent Me, has eternal life, and does not come into judgment, but has passed out of death into life.

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Re: Baptizing H floresiensis

Post by abelcainsbrother »

Audie wrote:
hughfarey wrote:
abelcainsbrother wrote:It makes no difference whether you understand the Gap Theory interpretation or not.
But I do understand the Gap Theory. Perfectly. And it's unsupported by evidence, logically inconsistent and theologically unsound.
It will still be a more believable theory than the theory of evolution is if taught side by side and based on much of the very same evidence you are going by.We just show how the evidence in the earth proves there was a former lost world that has been overlooked.
No, you don't. You mostly ask questions.
The evidence will show to an unbiased audience that there was a former world much,much different than this world we now live in now with much different kinds of life that lived in the former world.
That is obviously true, but neither the Gap Theory nor Evolution deny it. What Gap Theory insists upon, and Evolution denies is that the transition from one to the other was instantaneous.
This is what the fossils tell us,they do not and will tell nobody life evolves,it will be you adding your evolution imagination to the fossils.
No. The opposite is true. The discovery and investigation of fossils was an important part of the formulation of the theory of evolution, not the other way round.
I'd like to see how you explain looking at a dinosaur proves it evolved into a bird,because they show that they lived in a much different world than this world
With the greatest respect, this query, and it's the second time you've asked, shows very clearly how little you understand of the fossil record, which, since the fossil record seems to be your main source of scientific evidence, is a bit of a downer for your Gap Theory. Of course you cannot look at a dinosaur and 'prove' it evolved into a bird. Since the dinosaur came first, no 'vestige of the future' is embedded in it. It would be a bit more sensible to inquire how looking at a bird 'proves' (not a good word - avoid it, is my advice) that it evolved from a dinosaur. But you haven't. Twice.
This is why I accept the Gap Theory over all other interpretations.
You are very welcome to your beliefs, of course, however irrational.

Much that is so kind of pitiful of gapistry is contained in the word "facile".

"Former world" does at least concede that not all that has been can be compressed into the past 6000 years. Its a baby step, but a step.

One can, as I have and many another has, seen tropical fossils in the rock
far from where they could live now, seen fossils of sea creatures thousands of miles from the ocean.

For those who have not gome completely insane and think that a flood put
seashells on Mr Everest, it is clear evidence, proof, that things were once very different. I've seen bits of sea shell come up from an oil well drilling 3000 ft down in Kansas. Something has changed.

Where facile / bone deep ignorance comes in is thinking that there's only
two "worlds". The one now, and the former one.

Our benighted gappist might stir himself to to to a library (holding a book is so much nicer and more satisfying that going clickety click, though for the lazy and preferentially facile, too much trouble)

But regardless.. if one were to look through a book that shows the dominant life forms through time, the life on land or the sea from different eras,
the idea of two "worlds' becomes so obviously silly and shallow that even the
most determined-to-be-dumb cant help to be shaken a bit. Possibly, even, stirred.

In there, one finds some rather abrupt changes, such as the one that ended the dinosaur reign. The Permian likewise ended with the die off of most
life forms.

There has not been a mass extinction in the past 65 million years, unless one looks at the one mankind is causing now.

No "world wide flood" in there. No trace to be found.

Why do people insist on trying to peddle their ideas when they've not a clue what they are talking about? Such a lack of respect, for audience or themselves!

I never responded to this but I think Audie came close to understanding why we say there was a former world that perished,that was different than this world we live in now based on looking at the fossils but it seems more likely to her it might be possible there were many worlds,however she continues to look at it from an evolution perspective and it causes her to believe all things have gone on continually since the beginning of the creation.Of course,you believe that if you accept evolution so that life can evolve,there can be no breaks or gaps(complete extinctions)when it comes to evolution but that is blending evolution imagination into the evidence.If we just examine the fossils that have been found and compare them to the life we have in this world we can see that the former world was a different world than this world is we live in now.She looks at it from an evolution perspective while we look at it as evidence that a former world different than this world existed that perished.Same evidence just different perspectives.
Hebrews 12:2-3 Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith;who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross,despising the shame,and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.

2nd Corinthians 4:4 In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not,lest the light of this glorious gospel of Christ,who is the image of God,should shine unto them.
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