Was Jesus tempted sexually when he walked this earth?

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Was Jesus tempted sexually when he walked this earth?

Post by Nessa »

I always assumed yes and that everyone thought that as well...

But obviously not?

Would like to get people's opinions.
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Re: Was Jesus tempted sexually when he walked this earth?

Post by Kurieuo »

Good, for opening a new thread (I was too slack). Question back, why? (since no side is neutral)

I just think it is a non-issue believing Jesus didn't fantasise about having sex (which is what would be needed to be tempted, isn't it?). And to do such, would be in His own words to commit adultery in His heart.

To save time and simply re-quote what was mentioned in the other thread:
Nessa wrote:
Kurieuo wrote:
Nessa wrote:
Kurieuo wrote:
PaulSacramento wrote:Out of couriosity, is the issue that God appears as a Woman or Black or a Black Woman?
I hate all stories where Jesus re-appears as anyone e.g., the Joshua movie or like. Especially considering there are many cults built around such a premise, it's just not good to encourage. And indeed, if one understands their Christian theology such is even heretical in/of itself (though I'll refrain from burning anyone at the stake for it).

There's no reason for Jesus to return, He did His work, and the next time He returns it'll be to wrap everything up. It ignores the prophecies, which Christ fulfilled. It ignores the purpose of Christ coming in the first place, which wasn't to shower love upon us, but rather to atone for us. So then, this movie doesn't appeal to me in the slightest, though I'll watch since it seems to polarise Christians.

I'm curious though, you say it was a reason you became Christian. How, or what about it exactly made you become Christian? I'm think you were more already on your way, and doubt there's any one reason one comes to Christ. Rather, it may have been the final "straw" that broke you so-to-speak. But, nonetheless, interested to know.
I talked about the movie Joshua recently with someone. I agree with you about the movie but there is one scene I think has value.

There is a woman who gets confused and tries to kiss him. Of course he was 'Jesus' so he knew it was coming... so he side stepped it.

Jesus was a man and Im sure there were women who were attracted to him sexually. And because he was a man he would have been attracted to some as well.

Theres other movies like 'the past temptation' that evily try to put this part of Jesus forth.
I tend to think Jesus saw us all as his children. If I were a man, and only had daughters around me, then would I be attracted to one? So it depends in what way, Jesus' attraction. I can appreciate my daughter's beauty, and her intelligence, but I can't ever fathom being attracted to her sexually.
Jesus was tempted in everyway so that must include sexual temptation.

Not every human is a child of God.

I think there is societal taboos put in place that help guard against incest but once upon a time incest happened. Even in the bible. So at one point of time, incest was permitted. Abraham was the half brother of sarah etc.
The point was, that I'm "naturally" NOT interested in my daughter. In the Bible, Lot's daughters had sex with him too, but that doesn't change matters. I can't picture ever being attracted to her in that way, and it's not something I need to overcome in my nature like some other sins. Consider if you lust after your own sons? Does it even register with you. You might know there are some sicko people out there, but to you, they're your sons and you see them as such.

Likewise, one can at least see how it is possible, if Jesus saw us as his children, however rebellious we might be, then he naturally wouldn't be attracted to anyone in that way. I believe every human are indeed children of God, regardless of what any pastor or Christian might say to the contrary. Logically it is so, because we are all created in His image (to draw a loose parallel, we each carry the image of our parents). Yet, I'm aware some don't like that since Scripture also defines children of God as those who belong to God in Christ or as His people (Israel). Yet, just think about Jesus' story of the Prodigal Son. Are we not all God's prodigal sons and daughters? So then while we are all children of God, not all are adopted by Christ to be sons of God.

Re: Jesus being tempted in every way, if this was true as in "every single way", then does that mean he was tempted by paedophilia, by other guys, by sheep? No. You see, to the natural man who has become corrupt and broken, such things may be temptations depending upon how corrupted a person becomes. But, like you and I aren't tempted by our own children in such ways (perhaps unfathomable to parent who is), one can see how or why Jesus was not tempted sexually (perhaps unfathomable to us who are). Physically, the natural early morning rises that men have Jesus would still have had too, so Jesus still had all the physical "weaknesses" that often lead to our wrongful thoughts and actions. He still had all the physical hallmarks that men have. Yet then, when I have them I'm not like some rabid dog craving sex due to it.
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Re: Was Jesus tempted sexually when he walked this earth?

Post by Nessa »

Is finding yourself desiring to have sex with someone a sin? Like the first thought?

I dont think that is a sin.

I find it hard to believe that if Jesus was a man (in every way) that he never desired to have sex. Or was never tempted sexually. There is a debate over whether masturbation is a sin. Do you think he ever would have? Or at least wanted to do that at least? And if yes, then how could he not want it to feel alot better with normal sex?

So you think jesus wasnt the same as man when it came to sexual wants and desires?
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Re: Was Jesus tempted sexually when he walked this earth?

Post by Nessa »

Obviously Jesus ability for intense pleasurable intimacy was way beyond ours. Who knows what it felt like to be close to the father exactly the same way as he did. Im not saying it was sexual at all, but I am sure there was and is a high level of pleasure and satisfaction there.

There is no marriage in heaven yet Im sure there will be feelings of pure ecstasy to be had. So, would the spiritual pleasure replace the sexual pleasure in heaven? And so somehow that kind of pleasure replaced sexual pleasure for him on earth as it will for us in heaven?

I still think he was tempted tho in that way.
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Re: Was Jesus tempted sexually when he walked this earth?

Post by Kurieuo »

Nessa wrote:Is finding yourself desiring to have sex with someone a sin? Like the first thought?
Yes, it shows our inner sin and corruption, even if we do not act upon such.

Jesus pulled the rug out from underneath the Pharisees who prided themselves on keeping the Law and even laws they added unto such. They thought themselves above others, you know, throwing an "adulteress" before Jesus and proclaiming the penalty for a woman under the law of Moses is death. He responded with sentiments that shows if everyone who sinned were to be stoned, then there would be no one left standing: "He who is without sin among you, let him be the first to throw a stone at her." (and everyone walked away)
Nessa wrote:I dont think that is a sin.
Consider Matt 5:28 which says, "but I say to you that everyone who looks at a woman with lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart."

Don't you see how high that bar is? God's standard is completely unattainable by any of us, which is why God came down to associate and dwell amongst us, to do that which we couldn't in order to redeem humanity. We might think ourselves good for not acting, but the fact our own thoughts are corrupt and/or kept in secret nonetheless shows we're still corrupted.
Nessa wrote:I find it hard to believe that if Jesus was a man (in every way) that he never desired to have sex. Or was never tempted sexually. There is a debate over whether masturbation is a sin. Do you think he ever would have? Or at least wanted to do that at least? And if yes, then how could he not want it to feel alot better with normal sex?
No idea, but I'm sure unlike us, He was master of His own body.
Nessa wrote:So you think jesus wasnt the same as man when it came to sexual wants and desires?
He was the same as a man, but not "unnatural" (fallen) man. The question isn't if Jesus was a man "the same as" us, but rather what would "man" be like uncorrupted? Would we (both men and women) not be in full charge of our bodies, honouring God in thought and deed? Yet, that which we don't want to do, that we do. Paul discusses such a struggle we face due to our weakness in the flesh, which we'll continue to have until the day we die.
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Re: Was Jesus tempted sexually when he walked this earth?

Post by Kurieuo »

Nessa wrote:Obviously Jesus ability for intense pleasurable intimacy was way beyond ours. Who knows what it felt like to be close to the father exactly the same way as he did. Im not saying it was sexual at all, but I am sure there was and is a high level of pleasure and satisfaction there.

There is no marriage in heaven yet Im sure there will be feelings of pure ecstasy to be had. So, would the spiritual pleasure replace the sexual pleasure in heaven? And so somehow that kind of pleasure replaced sexual pleasure for him on earth as it will for us in heaven?

I still think he was tempted tho in that way.
Besides the last sentence, I agree you're onto something there.

We shouldn't overlook what "sexual" union symbolises or is modeled upon. It represents a unity of sorts, for us to experience with each other. A closeness and intimacy that is physically had, which if not corruptly used, brings two closer together. Such, is likely modeled upon the unity and closeness to be had within God Himself.

If you have a flower in hand that you can smell and touch, would you prefer the drawing of such? Sex is a mere shadow of something to be had more fully with God. Jesus had that unity and closeness with the Father while on Earth in virtue of who He was. So then, why would He desire a mere "picture" or representation of such?
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Re: Was Jesus tempted sexually when he walked this earth?

Post by PaulSacramento »

If Jesus was fully human, and He was, then yes, He would have been tempted.
He was tempted like all people are and He showed that, like Him, we can resist and overcome temptation if we put our faith in God.
One of the points of the incarnation is that we KNOW that God understands what we go through because HE went through it ALL, not just some but ALL, including the most painful type of death at the time.
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Re: Was Jesus tempted sexually when he walked this earth?

Post by Kurieuo »

Did Jesus experience guilt? Did Jesus know what it was like to betray someone else? Does Jesus know what it is like to do wrong and need forgiveness? Does Jesus know what it is like to feel isolated from God? If not, then He doesn't really go through it ALL. Nor, I'd argue is such needed, in order to be fully human. Perhaps "fallen" human, but not fully human.

Re: tempted, it is perhaps better to say Jesus was tried and tested, rather than necessarily "tempted". Even in the story where Satan "tempted" Jesus, it was more a testing of Jesus' very own divine nature incarnate.

I don't know if the meaning has evolved, but to me "tempted" carries much more baggage than simply "tested". For example, we might say Jesus was tempted sexually by another man (yes, I purposefully use "man" since many more would here think "no way" than if I said "woman"). Yet, if Jesus had no interest or desire for sexual relations with another man, then it would be better to say that Jesus was perhaps tested by men (i.e., a gay man making a move).
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Re: Was Jesus tempted sexually when he walked this earth?

Post by PaulSacramento »

Kurieuo wrote:Did Jesus experience guilt? Did Jesus know what it was like to betray someone else? Does Jesus know what it is like to do wrong and need forgiveness? Does Jesus know what it is like to feel isolated from God? If not, then He doesn't really go through it ALL. Nor, I'd argue is such needed, in order to be fully human. Perhaps "fallen" human, but not fully human.

Re: tempted, it is perhaps better to say Jesus was tried and tested, rather than necessarily "tempted". Even in the story where Satan "tempted" Jesus, it was more a testing of Jesus' very own divine nature incarnate.

I don't know if the meaning has evolved, but to me "tempted" carries much more baggage than simply "tested". For example, we might say Jesus was tempted sexually by another man (yes, I purposefully use "man" since many more would here think "no way" than if I said "woman"). Yet, if Jesus had no interest or desire for sexual relations with another man, then it would be better to say that Jesus was perhaps tested by men.

Being fully human doesn't mean doing all those things, it can also mean being effected by all those things.
And he probably was.
He didn't betray, but he was betrayed.
He many not have felt guilt, but He did see it's effects on others.
Was He isolated from God? Perhaps, some think that at certain points He was but even if not, He saw the effects on those that were.

The reality is that we do NOT know either way since the Bible doesn't address some of those specifics.
That said, if He was truly fully human then if He didn't go through those things He must have at least been exposed to them.
We know that He was human enough to get angry and physically act on His anger.
We know He got frustrated and verbally expressed His frustration.
We know He wept and felt sorrow and pain.
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Re: Was Jesus tempted sexually when he walked this earth?

Post by Philip »

ESV: "For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but one who in every respect has been tempted as we are, yet without sin."

In every "respect" would indicated manner or aspect of the temptation - like sexually. Because the verse would not be true, if that had not occurred. But the verse doesn't mean He was tempted in every specific manner - but in ways common to man. Did Jesus not endure terrible treatment by men? Of course. Did he endure all of the unimaginable tortures we know have existed in history - no. But what of Jesus was tempted? His flesh! And so His mind was and is also the mind of God - which was able to overcome the temptation. It was the God within the man, Jesus, that overcame, and was able to keep His flesh - and thus the temptations - from having power over him.
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Re: Was Jesus tempted sexually when he walked this earth?

Post by Kurieuo »

Philip wrote:ESV: "For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but one who in every respect has been tempted as we are, yet without sin."

In every "respect" would indicated manner or aspect of the temptation - like sexually. Because the verse would not be true, if that had not occurred. But the verse doesn't mean He was tempted in every specific manner - but in ways common to man. Did Jesus not endure terrible treatment by men? Of course. Did he endure all of the unimaginable tortures we know have existed in history - no. But what of Jesus was tempted? His flesh! And so His mind was and is also the mind of God - which was able to overcome the temptation. It was the God within the man, Jesus, that overcame, and was able to keep His flesh - and thus the temptations - from having power over him.
The word "tempted" is to narrow a translation, but rather better would be a more loose understand like being "challenged", "tested", "questioned", etc: https://www.blueletterbible.org/lang/le ... 3985&t=KJV

Such leaves a central premise of Jesus being "tempted" (which further insinuates some wanton desire within Jesus) unstuck.
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Re: Was Jesus tempted sexually when he walked this earth?

Post by thatkidakayoungguy »

When He was on the cross He took on all sins so we'd be saved. That includes sexual sins, otherwise we couldn't be forgiven for those sins, and the bible assures us sexual sin is not the unpardonable sin. Quite tough really for Jesus to do that, and for those who aren't Christians, they can still look at His life and acknowledge that He was tough.
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Re: Was Jesus tempted sexually when he walked this earth?

Post by PaulSacramento »

I thing you are arguing semantics there my friend.
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Re: Was Jesus tempted sexually when he walked this earth?

Post by thatkidakayoungguy »

PaulSacramento wrote:I thing you are arguing semantics there my friend.
Oh, well, it kind of answers the question. When Jesus took on sin He experienced what it was like to be affected by it.
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Re: Was Jesus tempted sexually when he walked this earth?

Post by Nessa »

PaulSacramento wrote:I thing you are arguing semantics there my friend.
Who are you talking to?
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