God as a big black woman

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Re: God as a big black woman

Post by Kurieuo »

Nessa wrote:
Kurieuo wrote:
Nessa wrote:
Kurieuo wrote:
PaulSacramento wrote:Out of couriosity, is the issue that God appears as a Woman or Black or a Black Woman?
I hate all stories where Jesus re-appears as anyone e.g., the Joshua movie or like. Especially considering there are many cults built around such a premise, it's just not good to encourage. And indeed, if one understands their Christian theology such is even heretical in/of itself (though I'll refrain from burning anyone at the stake for it).

There's no reason for Jesus to return, He did His work, and the next time He returns it'll be to wrap everything up. It ignores the prophecies, which Christ fulfilled. It ignores the purpose of Christ coming in the first place, which wasn't to shower love upon us, but rather to atone for us. So then, this movie doesn't appeal to me in the slightest, though I'll watch since it seems to polarise Christians.

I'm curious though, you say it was a reason you became Christian. How, or what about it exactly made you become Christian? I'm think you were more already on your way, and doubt there's any one reason one comes to Christ. Rather, it may have been the final "straw" that broke you so-to-speak. But, nonetheless, interested to know.
I talked about the movie Joshua recently with someone. I agree with you about the movie but there is one scene I think has value.

There is a woman who gets confused and tries to kiss him. Of course he was 'Jesus' so he knew it was coming... so he side stepped it.

Jesus was a man and Im sure there were women who were attracted to him sexually. And because he was a man he would have been attracted to some as well.

Theres other movies like 'the past temptation' that evily try to put this part of Jesus forth.
I tend to think Jesus saw us all as his children. If I were a man, and only had daughters around me, then would I be attracted to one? So it depends in what way, Jesus' attraction. I can appreciate my daughter's beauty, and her intelligence, but I can't ever fathom being attracted to her sexually.
Jesus was tempted in everyway so that must include sexual temptation.

Not every human is a child of God.

I think there is societal taboos put in place that help guard against incest but once upon a time incest happened. Even in the bible. So at one point of time, incest was permitted. Abraham was the half brother of sarah etc.
The point was, that I'm "naturally" NOT interested in my daughter. In the Bible, Lot's daughters had sex with him too, but that doesn't change matters. I can't picture ever being attracted to her in that way, and it's not something I need to overcome in my nature like some other sins. Consider if you lust after your own sons? Does it even register with you. You might know there are some sicko people out there, but to you, they're your sons and you see them as such.

Likewise, one can at least see how it is possible, if Jesus saw us as his children, however rebellious we might be, then he naturally wouldn't be attracted to anyone in that way. I believe every human are indeed children of God, regardless of what any pastor or Christian might say to the contrary. Logically it is so, because we are all created in His image (to draw a loose parallel, we each carry the image of our parents). Yet, I'm aware some don't like that since Scripture also defines children of God as those who belong to God in Christ or as His people (Israel). Yet, just think about Jesus' story of the Prodigal Son. Are we not all God's prodigal sons and daughters? So then while we are all children of God, not all are adopted by Christ to be sons of God.

Re: Jesus being tempted in every way, if this was true as in "every single way", then does that mean he was tempted by paedophilia, by other guys, by sheep? No. You see, to the natural man who has become corrupt and broken, such things may be temptations depending upon how corrupted a person becomes. But, like you and I aren't tempted by our own children in such ways (perhaps unfathomable to parent who is), one can see how or why Jesus was not tempted sexually (perhaps unfathomable to us who are). Physically, the natural early morning rises that men have Jesus would still have had too, so Jesus still had all the physical "weaknesses" that often lead to our wrongful thoughts and actions. He still had all the physical hallmarks that men have. Yet then, when I have them I'm not like some rabid dog craving sex due to it.

NOTE: Please respond to any part of this post in the new thread Nessa opened here.
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Re: God as a big black woman

Post by Nessa »

Maybe it deserves its own thread? [New thread here]
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Re: God as a big black woman

Post by PaulSacramento »

Nessa wrote:
PaulSacramento wrote:
Nessa wrote:God is father and jesus is a man... the God-man..
not God-woman
So, When God says:
26 Then God said, “Let us make man[h] in our image, after our likeness. And let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over the livestock and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.”

27 So God created man in his own image,
in the image of God he created him;
male and female he created them.

What female is He referring to ???
Are you trying to promote a more 'unisex' version of God?

God is male as far as Jesus goes...and all fathers are male. God is spirit so in that sense he is not male but it feels you are being too broad with your brush in bringing out a feminity that isnt there.

You didn't answer the question.
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Re: God as a big black woman

Post by RickD »

PaulSacramento wrote:
Nessa wrote:
God is father and jesus is a man... the God-man..
not God-woman

So, When God says:
26 Then God said, “Let us make man[h] in our image, after our likeness. And let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over the livestock and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.”

27 So God created man in his own image,
in the image of God he created him;
male and female he created them.

What female is He referring to ???
The female sex.
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Re: God as a big black woman

Post by PaulSacramento »

God created us as His image bearer, as His representatives on Earth. Both Men and Women.
Different roles, yes, but both equal under God as His representatives.
That God showed Himself as a Male in a Patriarchal society is just reasonable.
Nowhere does that mean He can not choose to show Himself as a Woman is He deems it to be so.

We aren't saying He CAN'T for obvious reasons, no one would say that.
Seems like we are saying He wouldn't or shouldn't, which means we are dictating to God ( that He should) or speaking for Him ( that he wouldn't).
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Re: God as a big black woman

Post by RickD »


If I'm not mistaken, all the times in scripture where God makes Himself known as what appears to be a man, was in the Old Testament. Do you know of any instances after Christ, that God appeared as a man?

If no, do you think there's a significance to that?
John 5:24
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Re: God as a big black woman

Post by PaulSacramento »

RickD wrote:Paul,

If I'm not mistaken, all the times in scripture where God makes Himself known as what appears to be a man, was in the Old Testament. Do you know of any instances after Christ, that God appeared as a man?

If no, do you think there's a significance to that?

I think that God appeared as a Man and the Son incarnated as a man because it was within a patriarchal society.

I don't know of any accounts of Christ appearing as anything other than a Man after the resurrection, but then why would he since He is a Man?

Believe me, I understand the issues you have with the portrait of Gad as a woman, as I mentioned before I had the same reservations.
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Re: God as a big black woman

Post by RickD »

PaulSacramento wrote:
RickD wrote:Paul,

If I'm not mistaken, all the times in scripture where God makes Himself known as what appears to be a man, was in the Old Testament. Do you know of any instances after Christ, that God appeared as a man?

If no, do you think there's a significance to that?

I think that God appeared as a Man and the Son incarnated as a man because it was within a patriarchal society.

I don't know of any accounts of Christ appearing as anything other than a Man after the resurrection, but then why would he since He is a Man?

Believe me, I understand the issues you have with the portrait of Gad as a woman, as I mentioned before I had the same reservations.
Actually, my issues aren't with a woman, specifically. Besides my joking, I thought I was clear that I had an issue with God the Father being portrayed as a human.

Once Christ had come in the flesh, like you said, there's really no reason for God to appear as another human. Sounds way too similar to some kind of demonic deception.
John 5:24
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Re: God as a big black woman

Post by Nessa »

What you are saying, Paul, sounds like someone who says God must be able to do anything. Therefore if he, wanted to be a woman he could have been

God cant do everything.
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Re: God as a big black woman

Post by PaulSacramento »

Nessa wrote:What you are saying, Paul, sounds like someone who says God must be able to do anything. Therefore if he, wanted to be a woman he could have been

God cant do everything.
God can do everything that is logically possible for God to do.
There is no reason to believe that God can NOT appear as a female if He so chooses to do.

God may not be able to do what is logically inconsistent with His nature BUT no where in scripture that it say that God's nature is gender male.
Remember, we are talking about appearance.
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Re: God as a big black woman

Post by Nessa »

I've just watched the movie...

Mixed feelings. Some parts did make me cry. I think there is something of God in it. It has unusual depth for a Christian movie.

But I do still feel its twisted in certain places. For example when mac dams the muderer to hell but 'God' says something like 'He's my son as well and I want him to have redemption'

Now is he really God's son before he is redeemed?

The bible makes it clear we are born dead in our transgressions and we were once enemies of God..
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Re: God as a big black woman

Post by thatkidakayoungguy »

Nessa wrote:I've just watched the movie...

Mixed feelings. Some parts did make me cry. I think there is something of God in it. It has unusual depth for a Christian movie.

But I do still feel its twisted in certain places. For example when mac dams the muderer to hell but 'God' says something like 'He's my son as well and I want him to have redemption'

Now is he really God's son before he is redeemed?

The bible makes it clear we are born dead in our transgressions and we were once enemies of God..
I haven't seen it yet but I think what they're getting at is that through Adam we are sons, biologically. We're not spiritually sons until we accept Jesus.
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Re: God as a big black woman

Post by thatkidakayoungguy »

I think a reason why God is called a He is because us humans are likened to the bride of Christ, we are to be lower in duty and rank and than God is, just like how it was in old times and still is in many places.
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Re: God as a big black woman

Post by Nessa »

thatkidakayoungguy wrote:
Nessa wrote:I've just watched the movie...

Mixed feelings. Some parts did make me cry. I think there is something of God in it. It has unusual depth for a Christian movie.

But I do still feel its twisted in certain places. For example when mac dams the muderer to hell but 'God' says something like 'He's my son as well and I want him to have redemption'

Now is he really God's son before he is redeemed?

The bible makes it clear we are born dead in our transgressions and we were once enemies of God..
I haven't seen it yet but I think what they're getting at is that through Adam we are sons, biologically. We're not spiritually sons until we accept Jesus.
to me that was a clear sign of universalism as well. If you are a son or daughter of God then you go to heaven. And I dont believe we are all sons and daughters of God.
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Re: God as a big black woman

Post by Nessa »

oh and when mac called the black woman 'poppa' that was kinda twisted
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