Is God the original party pooper?

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Is God the original party pooper?

Post by Nessa »

Do you think the biblical God is a fun God?
or do you think he just likes to ruin people's lives?

This is all assuming He exists.

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Re: Is God the original party pooper?

Post by thatkidakayoungguy »

Nessa wrote:Do you think the biblical God is a fun God?
or do you think he just likes to ruin people's lives?

This is all assuming He exists.

I think satan's given us so many "joys'' that it seems God is a party pooper.
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Re: Is God the original party pooper?

Post by Nessa »

thatkidakayoungguy wrote:
Nessa wrote:Do you think the biblical God is a fun God?
or do you think he just likes to ruin people's lives?

This is all assuming He exists.

I think satan's given us so many "joys'' that it seems God is a party pooper.
yeah, I think you are right.
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Re: Is God the original party pooper?

Post by Kurieuo »

Nessa wrote:Do you think the biblical God is a fun God?
or do you think he just likes to ruin people's lives?
Such are two separate questions rather than one either/or.

Is being faithful in marriage to your spouse a fun thing to do, or do you think marriage just ruins people's lives? I'm sure the husband who prefers to dabble with other women on the side (or vice-versa), might perhaps see their spouse as ruining their fun if they considered such unfaithfulness to be unacceptable. To personalise it, what if Kerry did anyhow, and went around sleeping with other women, maybe some men and sheep? :P Would you still remain faithful to him, even love him so much that you would also wear his legal consequences and give up your own just entitlements should he divorce from you?

God committed Himself to Abraham. God entered into a covenant alone for both sides, without Abraham committing to anything except that he believe in God's promises. If His people wished to remain faithful back to God, rather than be like other "fun" nations in whoring after their gods (sodomising anyone and everyone, seeking riches and pleasure, taking advantage of and even literally participating in human sacrifices), then God laid out His standard to follow. Yet, equally, God allowed them to depart should they not like Him, and they did, we all did, their/our own natural consequences upon ourselves. Yet, then God eventually wore the consequences of their, ultimately our, everyone's unfaithfulness to Himself so that His promises might be fulfilled, again, like Abraham, to those who believe.

Seems to me like we've always been allowed to have our "fun", disregarding others, disregarding God, being all about ourselves and our own happiness. God nonetheless remains the faithful and responsible one. Would we prefer God to be otherwise, to have His own "fun" sacrificing His love and goodness?
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Re: Is God the original party pooper?

Post by Nessa »

Kurieuo wrote:
Nessa wrote:Do you think the biblical God is a fun God?
or do you think he just likes to ruin people's lives?
Such are two separate questions rather than one either/or.

Is being faithful in marriage to your spouse a fun thing to do, or do you think marriage just ruins people's lives? I'm sure the husband who prefers to dabble with other women on the side (or vice-versa), might perhaps see their spouse as ruining their fun if they considered such unfaithfulness to be unacceptable. To personalise it, what if Kerry did anyhow, and went around sleeping with other women, maybe some men and sheep? :P Would you still remain faithful to him, even love him so much that you would also wear his legal consequences and give up your own just entitlements should he divorce from you?

God committed Himself to Abraham. God entered into a covenant alone for both sides, without Abraham committing to anything except that he believe in God's promises. If His people wished to remain faithful back to God, rather than be like other "fun" nations in whoring after their gods (sodomising anyone and everyone, seeking riches and pleasure, taking advantage of and even literally participating in human sacrifices), then God laid out His standard to follow. Yet, equally, God allowed them to depart should they not like Him, and they did, we all did, their/our own natural consequences upon ourselves. Yet, then God eventually wore the consequences of their, ultimately our, everyone's unfaithfulness to Himself so that His promises might be fulfilled, again, like Abraham, to those who believe.

Seems to me like we've always been allowed to have our "fun", disregarding others, disregarding God, being all about ourselves and our own happiness. God nonetheless remains the faithful and responsible one. Would we prefer God to be otherwise, to have His own "fun" sacrificing His love and goodness?
Good post.

I have heard it said that in order to overcome an addiction, there needs to be a superior pleasure. I strongly believe this.

I watch a show called 'Intervention' where addicts agree to be filmed but they dont realise they will soon be facing their own intervention. It is interesting to me to listen to them talk about their drug of choice. You can hear them describe vividly the pleasure it gives them... the best feeling in the world...

But that incredible feeling comes with a huge price to pay because for alot of these addicts, they are on deaths door if they dont stop.

I see many people as being just like those addicts cause many are addicted to sin. We are helpless and broken and can be sick in our desires. However I do believe there is greater pleasure to be had with God than sin can ever give us BUT sin is STILL FUN.

I can understand why some may not want to marry and play around instead. While nothing really compares to the intimacy and faithfulness of a great marriage, sin often is very alluring. Otherwise so many people wouldnt get trapped in it.

So, in regards to this thread... YES, I would say God is a party pooper. But for our own good. Fun can be self destructive and can come at a high price. A price many dont fully realise until after they have had their fun.
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Re: Is God the original party pooper?

Post by Stu »

Water into wine. Nuff said.
Only when the blood runs and the shackles restrain, will the sheep then awake. When all is lost.
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Re: Is God the original party pooper?

Post by BigHamster »

Nessa wrote:Do you think the biblical God is a fun God?
or do you think he just likes to ruin people's lives?

This is all assuming He exists.


Satan's job is to keep you separate from God. The Son's job is to bust your chops till you wise up........

Matt 10:34
"Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to turn "'a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law- -a man's enemies will be the members of his own household.""

Luke 12:51
"Do you think I came to bring peace on earth? No, I tell you, but division. From now on there will be five in one family divided against each other, three against two and two against three. They will be divided, father against son and son against father, mother against daughter and daughter against mother, mother-in-law against daughter-in-law and daughter-in-law against mother-in-law."
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