Can Christians go to bars/pubs?

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Can Christians go to bars/pubs?

Post by thatkidakayoungguy »

I wouldn't think so but some used to in the British Isles and it's common for people to hang out there.
Remember beer was drunk when water was bad, most of us here probably have good water to drink. That might make a difference. What do you think?
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Re: Can Christians go to bars/pubs?

Post by Philip »

Why do you ask? Is it about drinking alcohol? Are you a Nazirite? If so - NO!
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Re: Can Christians go to bars/pubs?

Post by RickD »

What does the Bible say about drinking alcohol?
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Re: Can Christians go to bars/pubs?

Post by abelcainsbrother »

The Night Ol Jack Daniels Met John 3:16
Hebrews 12:2-3 Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith;who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross,despising the shame,and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.

2nd Corinthians 4:4 In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not,lest the light of this glorious gospel of Christ,who is the image of God,should shine unto them.
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Re: Can Christians go to bars/pubs?

Post by thatkidakayoungguy »

Philip wrote:Why do you ask? Is it about drinking alcohol? Are you a Nazirite? If so - NO!
And the bible allows for some drinking but not getting drunk-which can be hard to not do at a bar.
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Re: Can Christians go to bars/pubs?

Post by IceMobster »

thatkidakayoungguy wrote:I wouldn't think so but some used to in the British Isles and it's common for people to hang out there.
Remember beer was drunk when water was bad, most of us here probably have good water to drink. That might make a difference. What do you think?

As for the Bible, I do not know the exact verses, but you are to drink moderately, meaning you can drink a few beers, but not get drunk since that's a sin. If you ask yourself why that's a sin, I shall copy paste what Jac wrote to me:

"The sin comes because the act of consuming the alcohol is now being done in a way that violates our nature, that violates reason. The person is being controlled by some baser instincts or even defects. He is not being fully human (for humans are properly understood to be rational animals). He is being less than human, less than what God intended him to be. He is thus sinning against his own nature, his own body, his own flesh.
To be clear, this isn't a sin because of the harmful effects. It is harmful because it's a sin. That is, it's harmful because it's contrary to our nature, and any time you use anything in a way that contradicts its nature you are likely to harm it. The sin lies in the fact that being drunk is a disordered desire."

It was written for the sin of gluttony, actually. Full post here.

thatkidakayoungguy wrote: Curious.
And the bible allows for some drinking but not getting drunk-which can be hard to not do at a bar.
Why would it be hard not to do? Supposedly because your friends are drinking it, yeah?
Do you enjoy drinking beer or are you just drinking it because your friends are and to not make yourself seem like a coward or a p....?

I mean, I do not know your situation, but I never liked beer yet drank it all the time when I was out with my friends, since you are not a man if you do not drink beer, haha (plus, it's a Slavic country so that adds heat to the fire, eh? :mrgreen: ). And after a liter or two, you do not feel/taste it anymore, anyways, lol.

Anyway, a few months ago I decided I will stop lying to people around me and well, to myself as well. Lying is not a virtuous behaviour, plus it is a sin, so yeah... I stopped drinking beer (and this) and a few days later wine as well simply because it doesn't taste that good to me (well wine can be fine but I've no desire for it atm)and I have no need for it.
It's not that much about alcohol as is how much I lied mainly to myself and then to people around me... :|
Don't lie to yourself.

Glory be to God for showing me that.
Last edited by IceMobster on Sat May 27, 2017 11:20 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Can Christians go to bars/pubs?

Post by Philip »

I know some contend that the alcohol content of First Century wine was much lower. Or that they supposedly watered it down. Nonetheless, there was still drunkenness - from way back (remember, Noah, drunk and naked in his tent). Whatever, Psalm 104 reveals that God "causes the grass to grow for the cattle, And vegetation for the labor of man, So that he may bring forth food from the earth, And wine which makes man’s heart glad. Maybe Noah was just a bit too happy?
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Re: Can Christians go to bars/pubs?

Post by thatkidakayoungguy »

I have no beer problems nor any problems with alcohol, and I don't intend to start drinking.
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Re: Can Christians go to bars/pubs?

Post by Storyteller »

Alcohol in itself isn't bad, nor is drinking but it is all too easy to become dependant on it. Often it's used as a crutch, a way of escape and is, or can be, incredibly difficult to curtail once started and I speak from personal experience.
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Re: Can Christians go to bars/pubs?

Post by Philip »

Alcohol in itself isn't bad, nor is drinking but it is all too easy to become dependant on it. Often it's used as a crutch, a way of escape and is, or can be, incredibly difficult to curtail once started and I speak from personal experience.
Very wise words. If you are around a hard drinking culture or associate with such, if you view alcohol as some remedy for your frustrations and pain, or as necessary to enjoy a party or good time - it's gonna get you. I NEVER drink more than a glass or two of wine or beer over a three-hour period. And that is IT - NO more! If I'm out somewhere to dinner, almost never will I drink a drop, as I must drive. As a young guy, for a brief period in my teens, I got drunk a lot. I didn't touch a drop for many years afterward. Only eventually, did I drink any - and only very moderately. If you have genetic family with alcohol problems, that's a clue that you should avoid it. I enjoy the a good craft beer, wine even rarer. My wife's family all drinks wine and beer at special meals and occasions - never saw one of them drunk - or even tipsy. As they would greatly frown up that. And my FIL's dad was a terrible drunk - so, he'd drink a glass of wine, but that's it. I grew up in a teetotalling, Baptist family - so, it seemed a bit naughty and fun to pursue the forbidden fruit - not a healthy attitude. I had a much harder time discontinuing my use of marijuana - so psychologically addictive and fun - mostly went along with getting drunk. To totally change those behaviors, I had to get all new friends. Of course, only my spiritual birth (rebirth?) made it possible to truly change.
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Re: Can Christians go to bars/pubs?

Post by thatkidakayoungguy »

Philip wrote:I know some contend that the alcohol content of First Century wine was much lower. Or that they supposedly watered it down.
Wouldn't be surprising as alcohol was used often times as a substitute for water.
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Re: Can Christians go to bars/pubs?

Post by Blessed »

I would like to know that answer to this too.

To me there is something about drinking in carousing and revelry with scally wag types and strangers that makes drinking at bars and pubs WITH OTHER PEOPLE, a big time sin to me. I don't know why but my conscious is irrationally convinced this is a big time sin i need to avoid.

So i like to drink but I hate bars. So i drink alone, or only at restaurants etc. Rarely at a bar. I am a bit weird because I will walk into a bar see the people chatting or laughing it up and am compelled to leave. I don't want any part of it. It's a phobia or something. I'm scared of dispersion , or dissipation or something like that. Or they will lock into me talk to me like they know me and expect me to participate and "make them laugh" or "entertain them" in some way . Crazy.

I had a big problem with wine. Which I've recently gotten under control. I had reasoned since I was drinking 50-100 dollar wine bottles 5-6 days per week I was a "high class drunk" therefore exempt from being an alcoholic. I was on 5+ year wine binge.

During this time could never seem to get a concrete definition for what an alcoholic was. Some say having a couple beers a night. Others say drinking from dawn to dusk like a madman. I don't know. I try to be responsible and high functioning as an excuse to continue drinking reasoning that as long as I've got clients, handling them with quality care and making bank.. I'm exempt from the alcoholic label.

I would prefer to be doing other things but i have no wife, no kids, my family is far away. I am lonely and cannot stand being bored. So i drink wine at night. I will keep getting wined up until a positive project or distraction is fortunate enough to cross my path.

I have it under control now with 1-4 drinks per night 5 days per week instead 6 or more like before.
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Re: Can Christians go to bars/pubs?

Post by Philip »

I have it under control now with 1-4 drinks per night 5 days per week instead 6 or more like before.
I'd say if you are drinking more that 2 drinks per night, that is NOT under control. I rarely drink - and almost only beer, when I do - and my rule is I NEVER drink more than two beers, and then only over 2-3 hours. I never drink alcohol on an empty stomach. And NEVER more than one if I am expecting to have to drive in the next 90 minutes. What many do, instead, is they gauge their cutoff level at the point they feel a slight buzz - which is a terrible way to do so. You need to have a strict amount limit, and never deviate from that.
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Re: Can Christians go to bars/pubs?

Post by abelcainsbrother »

I used to drink sometimes but I've never liked to get so drunk that I could'nt function so that I always set a limit to how much I would drink.There were only a few times I accidentally went over my limit and felt so buzzed that I threw up.So I learned from it and set a limit.I loved the taste of Whiskey but was always afraid I would get to drinking it too much and become an alcoloholic because I liked the taste of it so I mostly just drank beer when I drank.I never liked to go to bars but mostly would drink with just myself or friends that I trusted.Me and my friends liked to go shoot pool but I never drank and was the designated driver,if they were drinking.I never drank if I was going to be driving.But now?I actually hate alcohol because of the lives it has destroyed.It is not worth it to me and I don't need it,never really did and I don't miss it. Give me a Dr Pepper instead.
Hebrews 12:2-3 Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith;who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross,despising the shame,and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.

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Re: Can Christians go to bars/pubs?

Post by Philip »

ACB: Give me a Dr Pepper instead.
DR. PEPPER???!!! Now THAT stuff will rot your gut! (Not to mention, it tastes horrible!)
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