Adam could fly

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Re: Adam could fly

Post by Philip »

Hinn seems to live by the famous saying by P. T. Barnum:
There's a sucker born every minute.
Yep. Except that Barnum never actually said it. But if he had seen Hinn in action...
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Re: Adam could fly

Post by Hortator »

Nessa wrote:
Philip wrote:What's a vagina - isn't that some kind of new vacuum cleaner?
images (2).jpg
Hey since this is general chit chat, and we've already braved into uncharted discussion territory, I have a question only a woman can answer.

How often do you "notice" your female-exclusive mechanism? Like, if daily, how many times?

Me personally I don't know it's there 95% of the time
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Re: Adam could fly

Post by Danieltwotwenty »

This has to be the funniest thread I have read in awhile, I blew air out of my nose harder than usual at least three times. y:O2 :lol:
Here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners of whom I am the worst. But for that very reason I was shown mercy so that in me, the worst of sinners, Christ Jesus might display his immense patience as an example for those who would believe in him and receive eternal life. Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only God, be honor and glory for ever and ever.Amen.
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Re: Adam could fly

Post by AmySeilnum »

"Adam not only flew, he flew to space, with one click he was on the moon"
"If he can't do the things he has dominion over can, then that means he does not have dominion over them" Based on that Adam must have been able to;
Run 50 mph+, Fly, Swim for days without coming up for air,
Stick on walls upside down, have night vision, etc...

God is a Spirit; John 14:24
God fills both heaven and earth; Jeremiah 23:24
A Spirit has neither flesh bones nor blood; Luke 24:39 Ephesians 6:12
Clearly the Messiah is the physical Son of the spiritual Father; Luke 1:35

The Messiah is the pre-planned physical manifestation of the spiritual Father; Colossians 1:15-17

Exodus 33:11 = The Spirit through Joshua "face to face as a man speaks with his friend"
{ Numbers 27:18 }

Exodus 33:20-23 = Direct contact with the spiritual Father "thou can not see my face ..."

Exodus 34:9 = A clear foreshadowing that the Father, Himself, would
"go among us" and "pardon our sins"

The Father - The ever existing Father of all existence, who makes Himself known both spiritually and physically, for He is the creator of all existence, both physical and spiritual.

The Holy Spirit - The Fathers Set Apart Spirit, that was always, and from eternity, Set Apart,
to cause the birth of and to indwell The Son.

The Son - The physical manifestation of the Father. 1 Timothy 3:16 Isaiah 43:11 John 1:14
Zechariah 12:10; "me whom they have pierced"
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Re: Adam could fly

Post by thatkidakayoungguy »

Weird, my mom told me she heard from somewhere that Adam had enough power to think and his hair would comb itself. Also, he was 18 feet tall.
Ik the 18 part was from Ellen White and the SDA, which my mom kinda was brought up in, but idk where the hair part came in.
Adam has a lot of legend surrounding him.
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Re: Adam could fly

Post by patrick »

Wow. Some people really need to hand over the keys and let someone else interpret the Bible. Benny Hinn sounds like he's straight up drunk.
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