How can God know everything and let us have free will?

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Re: How can God know everything and let us have free will?

Post by PaulSacramento »

Justhuman wrote:Somewhere in this forum (I'd have to look it up where) someone quoted something from a book some 20 years ago, of which was stated because it was 20 years ago it's content was already outdated, and modern insights has proven it (more or less) wrong. It might very well be, but what about the bible? How 'outdated' could this thounds years old book be? How outdated could the scriptures be?
'Your' free will is bound and limited by God, but then it's no truly free will anymore.
Since scriptures are THEOLOGICAL writings, they will be outdated when OTHER THEOLOGICAL writings about the SAME subject proven them to be.
Until then, they are not.
Nowhere in the bible does it state that God bounds or limits man's will, quite the opposite actually.
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Re: How can God know everything and let us have free will?

Post by Justhuman »

Kurieuo wrote:
Justhuman wrote:Somewhere in this forum (I'd have to look it up where) someone quoted something from a book some 20 years ago, of which was stated because it was 20 years ago it's content was already outdated, and modern insights has proven it (more or less) wrong. It might very well be, but what about the bible? How 'outdated' could this thounds years old book be? How outdated could the scriptures be?
'Your' free will is bound and limited by God, but then it's no truly free will anymore.
Of course. So find the poster who wrote it, and put the light on them to respond.
Why should others here defend such nonsense?
I'm sorry. :oops: I've searched for the post but couldn't find it anymore. Will not happen again!
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Re: How can God know everything and let us have free will?

Post by thatkidakayoungguy »

We have free will but it exists to a degree. Once I was in a youtube discussion and a non christian agreed, only God truly has free will. But, with the amount of free will we have, we are still accountable. I say that bc some want to be non accountable for their lives.
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Re: How can God know everything and let us have free will?

Post by Justhuman »

thatkidakayoungguy wrote:We have free will but it exists to a degree. Once I was in a youtube discussion and a non christian agreed, only God truly has free will. But, with the amount of free will we have, we are still accountable. I say that bc some want to be non accountable for their lives.
Does not believing in God mean that one is not accountable for anything? To whome do you have the most accountabillity: you're nearest loved one(s)(whoever mortal that is), or God?
Do you need that ultimate accountabillity or do you just wanna be 'a good man/woman'?
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Re: How can God know everything and let us have free will?

Post by thatkidakayoungguy »

Justhuman wrote:
thatkidakayoungguy wrote:We have free will but it exists to a degree. Once I was in a youtube discussion and a non christian agreed, only God truly has free will. But, with the amount of free will we have, we are still accountable. I say that bc some want to be non accountable for their lives.
Does not believing in God mean that one is not accountable for anything? To whome do you have the most accountabillity: you're nearest loved one(s)(whoever mortal that is), or God?
Do you need that ultimate accountabillity or do you just wanna be 'a good man/woman'?
Well, no, it technically doesn't, but to some (or many) out there they want to live life as they want and not according to some religious figure/God. For your second question, it's a little hard to say. I'd say ultimately God, but one's nearest loved ones are a close second.
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Re: How can God know everything and let us have free will?

Post by Philip »

JustHuman: Does not believing in God mean that one is not accountable for anything? To whome do you have the most accountabillity: you're nearest loved one(s)(whoever mortal that is), or God?
JH, about 2,000 years ago, a clever lawyer asked Jesus a similar question:

“Teacher, which is the great commandment in the Law?” 37 And He said to him, “‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ 38 This is the great and [a]foremost commandment. 39 The second is like it, ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ 40 On these two commandments depend the whole Law and the Prophets.”

JustHuman, GOD wants us to love people and treat them exactly as we would like to be treated ourselves. Those who love God desire to obey Him. So, obeying God, in love and honoring His word IS to love others like ourselves. It's not an "either/or" choice of who to love. And loving God is THE key wanting to and being able to love others - particularly those often very difficult to love. His words above are similar to so called "Golden Rule" Jesus taught:

"Do to others what you want them to do to you. This is the meaning of the law of Moses and the teaching of the prophets."
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Re: How can God know everything and let us have free will?

Post by Justhuman »

thatkidakayoungguy wrote:
Justhuman wrote:
thatkidakayoungguy wrote:We have free will but it exists to a degree. Once I was in a youtube discussion and a non christian agreed, only God truly has free will. But, with the amount of free will we have, we are still accountable. I say that bc some want to be non accountable for their lives.
Does not believing in God mean that one is not accountable for anything? To whome do you have the most accountabillity: you're nearest loved one(s)(whoever mortal that is), or God?
Do you need that ultimate accountabillity or do you just wanna be 'a good man/woman'?
Well, no, it technically doesn't, but to some (or many) out there they want to live life as they want and not according to some religious figure/God. For your second question, it's a little hard to say. I'd say ultimately God, but one's nearest loved ones are a close second.
I meant with:
Justhuman wrote:Do you need that ultimate accountabillity...
that without God any accountability is useless? Such, that you need God to stay on the right path.
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Re: How can God know everything and let us have free will?

Post by thatkidakayoungguy »

No, we all need some accountability in society.
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Re: How can God know everything and let us have free will?

Post by jpbg33 »

Some people have free will so miss understood. They think that free will requires no one knowing the out come but check this example out.

Say me and you were going to play 1 on 1 basketball and I told you that you could pick the ball we were going to play with from a bunch of old basketballs I had about 10 of them. So I set them in front of you and said I give you free will to pick the ball. While you were picking I could see that all of the balls were completely flat but one so seeing that I new which one you would pick before you picked it.

And just as I know you picked the one that wasn't flat.

Im question is did I interfer with your free will or did you still have it ? Of course you still had it. Me knowing didn't pick the ball far you. Just like God knowing doesn't take free will from you either.
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Re: How can God know everything and let us have free will?

Post by Philip »

Just like God knowing doesn't take free will from you either.
Free will is an ability to choose between things available, and to be able to act upon all available things within range of one's capabilities, physical, mental, etc. It's NOT an ability to do things one is incapable of, or to have knowledge impossible to have, or to have available things which cannon be known or that are unavailable to access or acted upon.
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Re: How can God know everything and let us have free will?

Post by jpbg33 »

People seem not to understand that knowing something and doing something are to different things.
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Re: How can God know everything and let us have free will?

Post by RickD »

jpbg33 wrote:People seem not to understand that knowing something and doing something are to different things.
And some people don't seem to understand that "to" and "two", are two different words, with different meanings.
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24 “Truly, truly, I say to you, he who hears My word, and believes Him who sent Me, has eternal life, and does not come into judgment, but has passed out of death into life.

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Re: How can God know everything and let us have free will?

Post by jpbg33 »

So you agree with me
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Re: How can God know everything and let us have free will?

Post by Philip »

Don't worry, jpbg - Rick's from Massachusetts - he can speak proper English either! :roll:
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Re: How can God know everything and let us have free will?

Post by crochet1949 »

God's omniscience means He alone knows all things. He knows what choices we will make. For us it Is our free will. We're given lots of guidelines in God's Word, but it's still our decisions being made. And God already knows what those decisions will be.
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