please pray for me

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please pray for me

Post by xcoldx »

Please keep me in your prayers my back and neck hurts alot and my teeth are bad and my life is a mess I need Jesus to help me
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Re: please pray for me

Post by Philip »

XC - welcome to the forum. I will pray for you - I'm sorry you are in pain.

Please introduce and tell us a bit about yourself here:
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Re: please pray for me

Post by Kurieuo »

My brother had his teeth fixed recently, always complained of them giving him headaches making him feel agitated and what-not. Then after many years, he got them fixed just a few months ago, and he's like a different person. Hope you can get them fixed, and the other things.

To play upon Ecclesiastes and Jesus' own words in Mark 8:35-36, you can have the whole world but if you don't have Christ then it's really like chasing the wind, it's all meaningless, you've got nothing that matters. The reverse of this is then true. While we may trevail in life and have nothing, if we have Christ then we have everything that matters.
  • 3Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who according to His great mercy has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, 4to obtain an inheritance which is imperishable and undefiled and will not fade away, reserved in heaven for you, 5who are protected by the power of God through faith for a salvation ready to be revealed in the last time. 6In this you greatly rejoice, even though now for a little while, if necessary, you have been distressed by various trials, 7so that the proof of your faith, being more precious than gold which is perishable, even though tested by fire, may be found to result in praise and glory and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ; 8and though you have not seen Him, you love Him, and though you do not see Him now, but believe in Him, you greatly rejoice with joy inexpressible and full of glory, 9obtaining as the outcome of your faith the salvation of your souls. (1 Peter 1:3-9)
"Whoever will call on the name of the Lord will be saved." (Romans 10:13)
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Re: please pray for me

Post by 1over137 »

Prayers for your recovery.
May you feel better soon.
Please, keep us posted.
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-- 1 Thessalonians 5:21

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Re: please pray for me

Post by Blessed »

xcoldx wrote:Please keep me in your prayers my back and neck hurts alot and my teeth are bad and my life is a mess I need Jesus to help me

I was taught as a child in Christian school that many times, if we want something to get better, God can meet us halfway - if we meet him halfway.

You must pray and do your part. You must pray - and take control. I'm going to tell you something really crazy which I had happen to me. But you need to just keep an open mind. It comes down to this:

Your back pain and neck pain are being caused by YOU. YOU are punishing yourself. Yes YOU. Please listen to me because I went though absolute pain and hell with this.

1) Your mind (mental emotional and expression connections)
2) Your physical fitness (weight lifting, running, swimming, yoga) as therpy

I had a 22mm herniated disk. Today the disk is 99% self recovered. I REFUSED surgury. When you get surgury you pay $80-100 grand and in more than half the cases the pain comes back. You also now place real stress on the other discs if you fuse them. Artifical discs are unproven and, artificial meaning they WILL need to be replaced at some point just like a fake tooth or prostetgic limb. You also run they risk of an insane bacterial infection FOR LIFE if bacteria (even one) get into the discs or nerves during the surguery. It's a brutal incurable aliment that will put you on disability for life. It's called Arachnoiditis

99%+ people that have this had back or neck surgery.

Insane Fact: Doctors do not know the cause of backpain. A herniated disc is caused by muscles. There is no such thing as a "slipped disc". All back and neck pain is caused by YOU nerve realys firing into your muscles! The back pain is just a side effect of the real problem which is YOU and your tension causing your muscles to restrict and contort.

You must believe me. Also - DO NOT GO TO CHIROPRACTORS !!! They are pseudo science. Chiropractic is a quack profession. YOUR MIND and the placebo effect is what "relieves the problem" after you leave the chiros office. I was PARALIZED by a Chiro quack, had my neck messed up by another, had another outright fruad bill my insurance company, and had another admit to a close friend her entire career was "[nonsense]". They will exasperate the problem to bill you then afcter they have milked you dry will "solve" the problem (which is whenever you decide to heal yourself using your mind). What you have to understand is that being a doctor is all these people know. They spent years and 300-500k in medical schools. Many have millions in debt. They aren't going to destory thier livelyhoods and throw away a lifes work because of the truth.

I never knew this before and learned the hard way myself. Do not make my mistake. You MUST take matters into your own hands (watch your chiro "discourage" you from doing yoga and meditating and praying or make jokes about it because he/she knows you will get better and stop paying them).

Now. When I get back pain - I've made the mental connections to use my mind to solve the pain within a few minutes to 24 hours.

You can do the same thing. You need to pray and take control and you MUST incorporate phyiscal fitness (diet, Yoga, swimming are HUGE) into your routine.
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Re: please pray for me

Post by Philip »

I was taught as a child in Christian school that many times, if we want something to get better, God can meet us halfway - if we meet him halfway.

You must pray and do your part. You must pray - and take control. I'm going to tell you something really crazy which I had happen to me. But you need to just keep an open mind. It comes down to this:

Your back pain and neck pain are being caused by YOU. YOU are punishing yourself. Yes YOU. Please listen to me because I went though absolute pain and hell with this.

1) Your mind (mental emotional and expression connections)
2) Your physical fitness (weight lifting, running, swimming, yoga) as therpy

I had a 22mm herniated disk. Today the disk is 99% self recovered. I REFUSED surgury. When you get surgury you pay $80-100 grand and in more than half the cases the pain comes back. You also now place real stress on the other discs if you fuse them. Artifical discs are unproven and, artificial meaning they WILL need to be replaced at some point just like a fake tooth or prostetgic limb. You also run they risk of an insane bacterial infection FOR LIFE if bacteria (even one) get into the discs or nerves during the surguery. It's a brutal incurable aliment that will put you on disability for life. It's called Arachnoiditis

99%+ people that have this had back or neck surgery.

Insane Fact: Doctors do not know the cause of backpain. A herniated disc is caused by muscles. There is no such thing as a "slipped disc". All back and neck pain is caused by YOU nerve realys firing into your muscles! The back pain is just a side effect of the real problem which is YOU and your tension causing your muscles to restrict and contort.

You must believe me. Also - DO NOT GO TO CHIROPRACTORS !!! They are pseudo science. Chiropractic is a quack profession. YOUR MIND and the placebo effect is what "relieves the problem" after you leave the chiros office. I was PARALIZED by a Chiro quack, had my neck messed up by another, had another outright fruad bill my insurance company, and had another admit to a close friend her entire career was "[nonsense]". They will exasperate the problem to bill you then afcter they have milked you dry will "solve" the problem (which is whenever you decide to heal yourself using your mind). What you have to understand is that being a doctor is all these people know. They spent years and 300-500k in medical schools. Many have millions in debt. They aren't going to destory thier livelyhoods and throw away a lifes work because of the truth.

I never knew this before and learned the hard way myself. Do not make my mistake. You MUST take matters into your own hands (watch your chiro "discourage" you from doing yoga and meditating and praying or make jokes about it because he/she knows you will get better and stop paying them).

Now. When I get back pain - I've made the mental connections to use my mind to solve the pain within a few minutes to 24 hours.

You can do the same thing. You need to pray and take control and you MUST incorporate phyiscal fitness (diet, Yoga, swimming are HUGE) into your routine.
And just about EVERYTHING you wrote above, while there are sometime anecdotal stories where things got better with self efforts, rest, and good healthy habits, I've also seen countless people get better from surgical procedures. NO - it is NOT, most of the time, all in your head! Funny, but that is also what some doctors say if they can't prove what the problem is. Fact, I'd be dead if I'd listened to such garbage. Who gave us doctors (many of whom are Christians!)??? GOD did! Are they all perfect - course not. But just because some recover amazingly with minimal physician help, vast millions DO get far better with good doctors and surgeons. I've seen the miraculous in my situation when doctors had no clue - but also, once I provided info that came to me miraculously - and JUST in time - some great doctors took me the rest of the way to good health. It's not an either/or - and rarely is!
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Re: please pray for me

Post by Blessed »

Philip wrote:
And just about EVERYTHING you wrote above, while there are sometime anecdotal stories where things got better with self efforts, rest, and good healthy habits, I've also seen countless people get better from surgical procedures. NO - it is NOT, most of the time, all in your head! Funny, but that is also what some doctors say if they can't prove what the problem is. Fact, I'd be dead if I'd listened to such garbage. Who gave us doctors (many of whom are Christians!)??? GOD did! Are they all perfect - course not. But just because some recover amazingly with minimal physician help, vast millions DO get far better with good doctors and surgeons. I've seen the miraculous in my situation when doctors had no clue - but also, once I provided info that came to me miraculously - and JUST in time - some great doctors took me the rest of the way to good health. It's not an either/or - and rarely is!

I can only go off my own experiance. I had a very serious case. A 22 mm herniation is "impossible" without surgery. I went through 3 Chiro-quacks and 2 nerologists. Both said I must have surgery. I was made WORSE by the last Chiro in Venice Beach. I could not walk was paralized. I crawled up the stairs and heard both argueing about ME. They were saying get rid of him he's a lawsuit and cussing at each other.

I reached my bottom wits end. I'm promising you I got better without surgery, without drugs, and it started when I stopped going to the quacks and started taking matters into my own hands and praying. All of these quacks will tell you bed rest. Bed rest is the worse thing for it. Sleeping yes. But not bedrest during the day. It's the worst thing for it.

I got better with Yoga. Specifically Yoga for back care by Rodney Yee. Meditating. Praying. slowy I pulled out of it and was swimming and running. Swimming is the perfect thing, and It got to the point I had to keep runniong or else my back woudl hurt if I did not excercise for 2 weeks.

I'm sorry but our opinions of Doctors are worlds apart. For every Ron Paul that does church work for free - there are a million scum parasites that overbill (healthcare crisis) and create problems to solve them. I have taken things I KNOW to be good and run them past Doctors (Yoga, herbs, meditiation, swimming) and Dentists (oil pulling) to test them .. and without fail the scum bags lie and tell me not to do it every time. They don't want people to heal. If that happens they lose money. They want "treatment" . That is were the money is.

I have all my wisdom teeth. After my familys church dentist retured - ALL the dentists since have flat out lied in one way or another demanding I get my wisdom teeth removed. I had one intnetionally set me up for a root canal and 3 more perform botched work intentionally designed to get me back for more work which another dentist pointed out (they set you up to get cavities growing under your fillings). My Grandmother was rich and was billed $180,000.00 to treat a non-existant Anerysm. My mother has been set up. My Dad wised up allong time ago and has been in perfect health. I believe Drs should only be used in cases of life or death surgery. Look at all the cancer patients who took matters into thier own hands.

Then again, this one women, she was maybe 250 lbs, 55 years old . she told .. "aaaaaaaaa your young now ..... but you just wait! aaaaaaaaaaaaa I was young too once ...... then one day I got old aaaaaaaaa ....... one day I just sat down on the couch aaaaaaaaaaaa and my back just blew out aaaaaaaaa im telling you aaaaaaaaaaaaa it's gonna happen to everyone aaaaaaaaaa"

The real fact of the matter is that she did not excercise. She was lazy. She eat McDonalds all day. Watch TV. Gained massive weight. Her laziness and constant excuses cought up to her. Eventually her body deteriorated on itself past the point of no return. Because our bodies are machines and were meant to be in motion. Not sedenary.

I'm sorry for the bad medicine ( just got an Bon Jovi flashback). I'm not a very good Christian when it comes to this kind of thing in the sense of being gentle and quiet and humble. I promise I these are my honest experiences. I know it sounds crazy but I really believe this and I promise if you just keep an open mind and read John Sarnos book you might find out you'll improve. If you've tried everything else it canot hurt right?

I took a 22mm herniated L-5 disk to almost 100% improvement in 2 years. The MRI Doctor could not believe it. I have all documenation to prove this.

Just don't tell your Doctor or they will tell you it's lies or worse they will set you up to say "see I told you its malarky". Doctors bill billions in fraud costs every year that's a fact. I caught this one guy red handed. Biggest liar and con artist you will ever meet. The man wrote me a letter for the final MRI, I refused treatment, just needed the letter for the final MRI and the man billed out $500 in fraud costs to my insurance. I confronted him in person (again not a good trait to have) and made threats and he removed the charges profusely apologized and lied.

Again I can only tell you my own experiences with doctors. They are criminals. If you want something done right you have to do it yourself.
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Re: please pray for me

Post by Philip »

Blessed: I took a 22mm herniated L-5 disk to almost 100% improvement in 2 years. The MRI Doctor could not believe it. I have all documenation to prove this.
Great! Praise God for that. But that was YOUR experience - so, don't take it too far, because many DO need significant medical care or surgery.
Blessed: Again I can only tell you my own experiences with doctors. They are criminals.
That is a massive generalization. Many doctors are good people and extremely conscientious. And yet, many are greedy, unethical, and worship the almighty dollar. And that is because DOCTORS ARE HUMANS - and humans all come in wide variety of negatives, some far worse, some pretty good. Let's not demonize an entire profession over whatever bad apples are out there. I have tremendous respect for several of my doctors - two of which I owe so much to their oversight. Not to mention, people whose FIRST instinct is to self treat a serious condition are fools! I've long self-treated an ongoing condition that I couldn't get good medical solutions for - so I researched and found helpful things. But I've done that only when forced to, or when I couldn't get answers or help from doctors. And there's also the massive expense of playing "musical doctors" - can't get an answer with one, just keep going until you do. But sometimes that's just not financially feasible.
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