Hillary, Bernie and the Russians

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Hillary, Bernie and the Russians

Post by Philip »

I wonder if Hillary will now admit to Bernie what a huge hypocrite she is for relentlessly screaming how upset she is that the "Russians stole the election?" LOL - she's just upset because SHE wasn't able to do so. And if the Clinton Gang is supposedly representative of the "mainstream" Democrats, they have now torpedoed any supposed alternative to Bernie and the hard left. As who, of the Democrats, can now stand up to Bernie's crowd? Won't likely be Bernard leading them - he'll be 80 by the first year of the next president. But you think America outside of the cities couldn't stand the Hillbillies - imagine what they think of Bernie? Add in all those more conservative - both traditional Republicans and Independents, as well as the Blue Dog Democrats - ALL of whom decided not to vote - even though they despised where the Clintons and Obamas were taking the country - as they also couldn't stand Trump personally - think those people are going to vote for a candidate FAR to the left of the traditional wing of the Democrat Party? I think between Obama and the Clintons, they have handed the party to its far left wing. The best they can hope for is a new and far younger "superstar" who can appeal to centrists - so, who are the pretenders for that?
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Re: Hillary, Bernie and the Russians

Post by edwardmurphy »

First off, Phil, it's the Democratic Party. Calling it The Democrat Party is stupid and petty. It's an excellent example of how screwed up our political dialogue has gotten, as well as an easy opportunity to behave like one of the adults in the room.

As far as the rest of it goes, who knows. The Dems peed all over their feet again. Go figure. Meanwhile, Trump has thus far proven to be an absolutely terrible President, it's earned him the worst polling numbers in modern history. The Republican-controlled government can't get out of it's own way, either. And then there's Mueller, lurking in the weeds, getting ready to pounce. It'll be interesting to see who he lands on.

Anyway, yeah, it looks an extremely competitive race to the bottom.
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Re: Hillary, Bernie and the Russians

Post by RickD »

EdPedant wrote:
First off, Phil, it's the Democratic Party. Calling it The Democrat Party is stupid and petty.

Get a life Ed!
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Re: Hillary, Bernie and the Russians

Post by Philip »

Ed: First off, Phil, it's the Democratic Party. Calling it The Democrat Party is stupid and petty.
Ed, you've GOT to be kidding me? In no way was my use of that term meant to convey anything but the organization of Democrats. Maybe I'm not hip to the latest things to be offended by Democrats? Clearly, somehow this term has been used to [annoy people]. But if that's their focus, boy do they need to get a clue about what really matters.

Bottom line, the Clintons are now so toxic that Democrats everywhere are very angry at them. They'll never recover from it, much less be trusted again. Heck, Bill's probably going to try to distance himself from Hillary as "that woman with clueless excuses." :lol: And in the current clamor to ruin every known past and present sexual predator, Bill's baggage only hurts him even more. Are these the best the Democrats can come up with? Or foaming-at-the-mouth, ancient Bernard? If so, they'll continue fragmented and marginalized. Bernie's far left, and America is still basically a center/right country. That party desperately needs some new, far-younger blood with fresh ideas. You have no idea how many people voted for Trump that couldn't personally stand him, and how many couldn't stand Hillary, yet despised Trump, so they just didn't vote. Imagine if a far more likeable conservative had run against Hillary.

BTW, Ed - I'd ask the same of the Republicans - is TRUMP the best you can do? It's not so much what he's done as president that irritates me, it's his stupid diarrhea of the mouth, moronic tweets, mud-slinging with irrelevant Z-listers, pointless pissing off people with stupid, unnecessarily provocative comments.
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Re: Hillary, Bernie and the Russians

Post by abelcainsbrother »

Philip wrote:
Ed: First off, Phil, it's the Democratic Party. Calling it The Democrat Party is stupid and petty.
Ed, you've GOT to be kidding me? In no way was my use of that term meant to convey anything but the organization of Democrats. Maybe I'm not hip to the latest things to be offended by Democrats? Clearly, somehow this term has been used to [annoy people]. But if that's their focus, boy do they need to get a clue about what really matters.

Bottom line, the Clintons are now so toxic that Democrats everywhere are very angry at them. They'll never recover from it, much less be trusted again. Heck, Bill's probably going to try to distance himself from Hillary as "that woman with clueless excuses." :lol: And in the current clamor to ruin every known past and present sexual predator, Bill's baggage only hurts him even more. Are these the best the Democrats can come up with? Or foaming-at-the-mouth, ancient Bernard? If so, they'll continue fragmented and marginalized. Bernie's far left, and America is still basically a center/right country. That party desperately needs some new, far-younger blood with fresh ideas. You have no idea how many people voted for Trump that couldn't personally stand him, and how many couldn't stand Hillary, yet despised Trump, so they just didn't vote. Imagine if a far more likeable conservative had run against Hillary.

I hate to say it but a conservative would have lost to Hillary.Because those on the right are tired of the lies of Republicans running as conservatives only to get nothing conservative for their vote. The Tea Party proved it to those on the right with Republicans running as conservatives only to let them down.Trump came at the right time when people were fed up with this political game and this is why he won despite all of the things that were against him,while only spending millions of dollars too,less than any Presidental candidate going back before even Reagan.

Because of Trump you no longer win because you've got alot more money behind you and that trend has continued in the special elections since Trump won too. Roy Moore winning in Alabama spending alot less money compared to the GOP backed candidate is a prime example.The people of Alabama voted against the GOP choice and so the GOP wasted money.This is why the Democrats are toast in the 18 midterm elections no matter how much money they may have.They are broke now by the way and bankrupt but George Soros is very very rich.

The Dems are terrible businessmen like Donald Trump who bankrupted four times,eh?
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Re: Hillary, Bernie and the Russians

Post by Philip »

ACB: I hate to say it but a conservative would have lost to Hillary.Because those on the right are tired of the lies of Republicans running as conservatives only to get nothing conservative for their vote.
ACB, Trump is NO conservative - but he's masquerading as one. But he is very conservative compared to the Left - but that doesn't make him a conservative.

But the leadership on the left doesn't truly want Trump gone - he's a convenient pinata, but they also know that, absent fresh faces and ideas, they're gonna need a continuous boogieman to attack. If they rid themselves of Trump, a President Pence won't effectively serve their same purpose, won't be so easy to demonize/will seem far more presidential in demeanor and language - meaning the Republicans would likely stay in power.
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Re: Hillary, Bernie and the Russians

Post by edwardmurphy »

I wasn't being pedantic, Rick. When a conservative calls the Dems the Democrat Party it's frequently a deliberate insult. Here's a bit of background:

https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Democra ... _(epithet)

Granted, Phil might not have intended it that way, but there are others here who do. It's irritating.

Phil, I agree. The Clinton's are toxic, and if she had won this would be the latest in a series of scandals. At the moment the Dems are in disarray. Their saving grace might be that they're not in charge, so they have some time to get it together.

It's tough to see how the GOP is any better off. Trump is a catastrophe, they can't seem to get their act together in Congress, and the clock is ticking.

As far as 2018 goes, who knows what will happen. The map favors the GOP, but they're hardly setting the world on fire. Who knows. A year from now they could have a supermajority or be sitting in the minority watching Sideshow Don get impeached, and neither outcome would surprise me.
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Re: Hillary, Bernie and the Russians

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Re: Hillary, Bernie and the Russians

Post by abelcainsbrother »

Philip wrote:
ACB: I hate to say it but a conservative would have lost to Hillary.Because those on the right are tired of the lies of Republicans running as conservatives only to get nothing conservative for their vote.
ACB, Trump is NO conservative - but he's masquerading as one. But he is very conservative compared to the Left - but that doesn't make him a conservative.

But the leadership on the left doesn't truly want Trump gone - he's a convenient pinata, but they also know that, absent fresh faces and ideas, they're gonna need a continuous boogieman to attack. If they rid themselves of Trump, a President Pence won't effectively serve their same purpose, won't be so easy to demonize/will seem far more presidential in demeanor and language - meaning the Republicans would likely stay in power.
I never said Trump is conservative but my point is that we would not have gotten anything conservative even if a conservative had ran and had been able to beat Hillary,which I doubt.This is because the Republican party is dominated by Republicans who are not conservative and never give conservatives anything for their votes after years of them running as conservatives but not producing anything conservative. The Republican Party as we have known it is now dead thanks to Trump.

The American people know that America can do far better than both parties have given when they are in power and they are fed up with the politial games played on them.Trump was a way to change this and he has and the Republican party will be better off now because of it once Trump is done.

I mean you seem to like real conservatives but fail to understand that in the Republican party conservatives are just used for their votes at election time then they are put on the back of the bus of the Republican party so that they never get anything conservative.

The fact is that for the last 40-50 years the Democrat party has got everything it has wanted politically with the Republican party allowing it and this is a major problem. This is why I say Trump came at the right time as an outsider and not a politician with the right agenda to win.

And although Trump is not a conservative we are still going to get more conservative things like massive tax cuts if Trump gets his agenda passed and so we will get far more than what the Republican party would have ever provided.

Not only that but we also get our free speech back as Christians and we get conservative Supreme Court judges on the Supreme court that very well could lead to Roe vs Wade being over turned and sent back to the states.Donald Trump has done more for the church and pro-lifers than any Republican ever has and so you should be celebrating it if you are a conservative.Trump is doing away with the Johnson Amendment that prevents churches from endorsing candidates which allows them to get involved in politics and not lose their tax exempt status.This is huge for the church.Plus more but these things are huge if you are a conservative.
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