Gods Role In Temptation

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Gods Role In Temptation

Post by Blessed »

I was taught in private Christian school and church that God will never temp a person beyond the limit of what he or she can bear.

Does scripture support any truth to this interpretive statement?

Does God pressure people with a sustained temptation until they give in or wilt ?
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Re: Gods Role In Temptation

Post by PaulSacramento »

God does NOT tempt.
God allows us to have free will and temptation is part of free will.
God gives us strength to resist temptation ( if we ask).
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Re: Gods Role In Temptation

Post by Nessa »

Interesting topic for sure.

How do we define someone tempting us tho.

If a good looking woman is standing naked alone infront of a man, is she tempting him?
Or is she just emphasising the man's free will?

What part is she playing in it?
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Re: Gods Role In Temptation

Post by RickD »

Nessa wrote:Interesting topic for sure.

How do we define someone tempting us tho.

If a good looking woman is standing naked alone infront of a man, is she tempting him?
Or is she just emphasising the man's free will?

What part is she playing in it?
People tempt, God doesn't.

Good looking naked women are the spawn of Satan!

Be gone you evil temptress!!!
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Re: Gods Role In Temptation

Post by Kurieuo »

God tests with trials, but doesn't tempt to evil.

I was taught or heard the same thing growing up too, that God doesn't test beyond our limits. BUT, what does "beyond our limits" mean? It's an ambiguous almost meaningless statement many Christians make that God won't test us beyond our limits. For many who have given their life to Christ it has often lead to really giving up their physical life for Him, even the lives of their family. So it can't mean beyond our physical limits.

In which case does it mean God won't test us to the point of denying Him? No, that doesn't make sense either. To say this is stating an obvious fact, because God isn't evil and to "tempt" someone into denying Him would be to do evil, so does it need stating God won't tempt us out of believing in Him? Since God is good, God obviously won't do this. God allows other free beings to test and tempt however, but God's motives are to refine us like pure gold, so our faith in Him can be seen and proven.

It's an interesting question to ponder, and to develop an understanding about how God works with us in life. Sadly the statement seems nothing more than a meaningless religious string of words some Christians say to try and provide some kind of misleading crappy comfort to another person going through something rough in life.
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Re: Gods Role In Temptation

Post by DBowling »

A couple of relevant Scriptures regarding temptation

James 1:12-15
12 Blessed is a man who perseveres under trial; for once he has been approved, he will receive the crown of life which the Lord has promised to those who love Him. 13 Let no one say when he is tempted, “I am being tempted by God”; for God cannot be tempted by evil, and He Himself does not tempt anyone. 14 But each one is tempted when he is carried away and enticed by his own lust. 15 Then when lust has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and when sin is accomplished, it brings forth death.
1 Corinthians 10:13
13 No temptation has overtaken you but such as is common to man; and God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will provide the way of escape also, so that you will be able to endure it.
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Re: Gods Role In Temptation

Post by neo-x »

There is no reason for God to tempt because he already knows the answer.
It would be a blessing if they missed the cairns and got lost on the way back. Or if
the Thing on the ice got them tonight.

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Re: Gods Role In Temptation

Post by Philip »

There is no reason for God to tempt because he already knows the answer.
Yes, but as God allows temptation because He sees value in testing us - in such situations, does He not already know the outcome? So His purposes aren't for Him to find out the answer, but are His purposes for us and what He wants us to learn.

You can take the notion that God wouldn't do this or that because He already knows the outcome - but that's problematic on so many levels. He creates this extraordinary universe and prepares earth for life and eventually man. He declared the creation "good." But He well foreknew mankind was going to become terribly evil and disappoint Him, would sully His beautiful creation. How many atheists assert,"Well, God would have created a more efficient this or that."
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Re: Gods Role In Temptation

Post by PaulSacramento »

The "testing" is for OUR sake, not God's.
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Re: Gods Role In Temptation

Post by B. W. »

Nessa wrote:Interesting topic for sure.

How do we define someone tempting us tho.

If a good looking woman is standing naked alone infront of a man, is she tempting him?
Or is she just emphasising the man's free will?

What part is she playing in it?
She probably has a mental disorder to around naked. In the criminal justice field regarding sex offenders - she is no different than man exposing himself to women. They have issues. Later she may seduce a student or simply live real lose and spread STD's.

This is not a good illustration as there need to be some clarification...

Better to say -someone - tempted by a Dunkin' Doughnuts shop...eating and eating doughnuts.

They pass the doughnut shop and temptation strikes and soon a food addiction develops.

Did God build the doughnut shop and invent the doughnut?

If no, then God is not the author of temptation but will use temptation to test and improve a person so they can stop stuffing their face with doughnuts gluttony-like non-stop so when next time they pass doughnuts in a store they overcome and stop eating doughnuts.
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Re: Gods Role In Temptation

Post by neo-x »

B. W. wrote:
Nessa wrote:Interesting topic for sure.

How do we define someone tempting us tho.

If a good looking woman is standing naked alone infront of a man, is she tempting him?
Or is she just emphasising the man's free will?

What part is she playing in it?
She probably has a mental disorder to around naked. In the criminal justice field regarding sex offenders - she is no different than man exposing himself to women. They have issues. Later she may seduce a student or simply live real lose and spread STD's.

This is not a good illustration as there need to be some clarification...

Better to say -someone - tempted by a Dunkin' Doughnuts shop...eating and eating doughnuts.

They pass the doughnut shop and temptation strikes and soon a food addiction develops.

Did God build the doughnut shop and invent the doughnut?

If no, then God is not the author of temptation but will use temptation to test and improve a person so they can stop stuffing their face with doughnuts gluttony-like non-stop so when next time they pass doughnuts in a store they overcome and stop eating doughnuts.
I thought, no one tempted anyone, every person is tempted by their own desires, as the scripture says.
It would be a blessing if they missed the cairns and got lost on the way back. Or if
the Thing on the ice got them tonight.

I could only turn and stare in horror at the chief surgeon.
Death by starvation is a terrible thing, Goodsir, continued Stanley.
And with that we went below to the flame-flickering Darkness of the lower deck
and to a cold almost the equal of the Dante-esque Ninth Circle Arctic Night

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Re: Gods Role In Temptation

Post by B. W. »

neo-x wrote:
B. W. wrote:
Nessa wrote:Interesting topic for sure.

How do we define someone tempting us tho.

If a good looking woman is standing naked alone infront of a man, is she tempting him?
Or is she just emphasising the man's free will?

What part is she playing in it?
She probably has a mental disorder to around naked. In the criminal justice field regarding sex offenders - she is no different than man exposing himself to women. They have issues. Later she may seduce a student or simply live real lose and spread STD's.

This is not a good illustration as there need to be some clarification...

Better to say -someone - tempted by a Dunkin' Doughnuts shop...eating and eating doughnuts.

They pass the doughnut shop and temptation strikes and soon a food addiction develops.

Did God build the doughnut shop and invent the doughnut?

If no, then God is not the author of temptation but will use temptation to test and improve a person so they can stop stuffing their face with doughnuts gluttony-like non-stop so when next time they pass doughnuts in a store they overcome and stop eating doughnuts.
I thought, no one tempted anyone, every person is tempted by their own desires, as the scripture says.
Yep - tempted by a desire to eat one Doughnut then another and another...
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