Hells Dominion by B.W. Melvin

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Re: Hells Dominion by B.W. Melvin

Post by Blessed »

B. W. wrote: if we did our assignment as Christian followers of Jesus Christ, would there be a lessening of evil in the world? What is that assignment - well the Isaiah 61:1,2,3,4 way - how - Rom 8:11 - Col 1:11  -
2 Tim1:7 - 2 Pet 1:3...

Are these the only assignments instructed to the church? How is one supposed to carry out these assignments? I am not a good public speaker. I do not have the gumption or thick skin for for street preaching like Jesse Morrell or Kerrigan Skelly. There are already many people doing missionary work. I am not suited to social work. I am only ok at working one on one with normal people. I go out of my way to avoid dealing with bad people. I don't have the skills that you have. I do not even know how to heal my own broken heart (time "healed" it eventually) let alone someone elses. In your book you stated that Christ told you to return for his glory and not your own. That means preaching right? I am not a preacher. I do not know what I'm supposed to do. Move to Eastern Europe and help run an orphanage?
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Re: Hells Dominion by B.W. Melvin

Post by B. W. »

Blessed wrote:
B. W. wrote: if we did our assignment as Christian followers of Jesus Christ, would there be a lessening of evil in the world? What is that assignment - well the Isaiah 61:1,2,3,4 way - how - Rom 8:11 - Col 1:11  -
2 Tim1:7 - 2 Pet 1:3... 

Are these the only assignments instructed to the church? How is one supposed to carry out these assignments? I am not a good public speaker. I do not have the gumption or thick skin for for street preaching like Jesse Morrell or Kerrigan Skelly. There are already many people doing missionary work. I am not suited to social work. I am only ok at working one on one with normal people. I go out of my way to avoid dealing with bad people. I don't have the skills that you have. I do not even know how to heal my own broken heart (time "healed" it eventually) let alone someone elses. In your book you stated that Christ told you to return for his glory and not your own. That means preaching right? I am not a preacher. I do not know what I'm supposed to do. Move to Eastern Europe and help run an orphanage?
There are more but the verses quoted are a good place to start to aim at :wave:

The other is training and praying. Everyone has gifts from God and we all flow together...

1Co 3:4-9, "For when one says, "I am of Paul," and another, "I am of Apollos," are you not mere men?

"5 What then is Apollos? And what is Paul? Servants through whom you believed, even as the Lord gave opportunity to each one. 6 I planted, Apollos watered, but God was causing the growth. 7 So then neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but God who causes the growth. 8 Now he who plants and he who waters are one; but each will receive his own reward according to his own labor. 9 For we are God's fellow workers; you are God's field, God's building.

We all have Gifts given to us by the grace of God...

Rom 12:3-8, "For through the grace given to me I say to everyone among you not to think more highly of himself than he ought to think; but to think so as to have sound judgment, as God has allotted to each a measure of faith. 4 For just as we have many members in one body and all the members do not have the same function, 5 so we, who are many, are one body in Christ, and individually members one of another.

"6 Since we have gifts that differ according to the grace given to us, each of us is to exercise them accordingly: if prophecy, according to the proportion of his faith; 7 if service, in his serving; or he who teaches, in his teaching; 8 or he who exhorts, in his exhortation; he who gives, with liberality; he who leads, with diligence; he who shows mercy, with cheerfulness.

What Paul is writing about paints a picture of a team working together. Whatever talents one has, in time, will be revealed to a person - personally. If one has a gift of administration, helps, mercy, etc, they help others be the tip of the spear of Isaiah 61:1-4. In doing so, we learn how it is done by observing and being around people who do these sorts of things...

I try to convey that the Church universal should have three functioning sections.

First Segment - the Church is liken to a hospital where battered souls get healed up inside from the wounds of life by good Doctors and Nurses and staff all with plenty of patients.

Second Segment- From there, folks go to the Rehabilitation Center where they learn New Creation Life skills...

Third Segment - After this, one goes to the Embarkation Center where they are sent out where ever they live and like the good Samaritan find folks wounded and bring to the Hospital stage. They may become good Doctors or Nurses there as well.

Also, if one gets wounded in life again they to can go back the hospital...

In the process, one finds their gifting from the Lord by this process. That is the ideal, however, many churches do not do this. So what do we do then?

Well, we are the church and members individually so lets do our parts. If one is wounded by life, someone will help them get healed up however God so wills, etc and etc...

We tragically live in a post modern world that has influenced the established churches to behave like the world and remove the supernatural element of God out of the Church in exchange for cold rationalism. Thankfully, there is a remnant of churches and folks God has that has not gone that way. No body of believers is perfect - so all folks need each other to get well = through fellowship = which post modernism has robbed from society.

In a way, this Forum is sort of like church - only a limited amount can be done here for people - but somewhere there is a place out there for someone to grow further in the Lord. If not, one might have to make one themselves with a prayer or bible study group, or whatever idea the Lord gives.

1 Co 12:1-31 speaks of other power gifts - again - we learn these in the New Creation Life Rehabilitation phase, the real deal, not the fake stuff. You learn from folks who do practice this by observing, praying, and joining in. God has a hands on, on the job training approach with all the grace needed to succeed.

As for me, what you stated from my book, was a rebuke to me to grow by that is found in Rom 12:3...
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Re: Hells Dominion by B.W. Melvin

Post by Blessed »

B. W. wrote:
Blessed wrote:
B. W. wrote: if we did our assignment as Christian followers of Jesus Christ, would there be a lessening of evil in the world? What is that assignment - well the Isaiah 61:1,2,3,4 way - how - Rom 8:11 - Col 1:11  -
2 Tim1:7 - 2 Pet 1:3... 

Are these the only assignments instructed to the church? How is one supposed to carry out these assignments? I am not a good public speaker. I do not have the gumption or thick skin for for street preaching like Jesse Morrell or Kerrigan Skelly. There are already many people doing missionary work. I am not suited to social work. I am only ok at working one on one with normal people. I go out of my way to avoid dealing with bad people. I don't have the skills that you have. I do not even know how to heal my own broken heart (time "healed" it eventually) let alone someone elses. In your book you stated that Christ told you to return for his glory and not your own. That means preaching right? I am not a preacher. I do not know what I'm supposed to do. Move to Eastern Europe and help run an orphanage?
There are more but the verses quoted are a good place to start to aim at :wave:

The other is training and praying. Everyone has gifts from God and we all flow together...

1Co 3:4-9, "For when one says, "I am of Paul," and another, "I am of Apollos," are you not mere men?

"5 What then is Apollos? And what is Paul? Servants through whom you believed, even as the Lord gave opportunity to each one. 6 I planted, Apollos watered, but God was causing the growth. 7 So then neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but God who causes the growth. 8 Now he who plants and he who waters are one; but each will receive his own reward according to his own labor. 9 For we are God's fellow workers; you are God's field, God's building.

We all have Gifts given to us by the grace of God...

Rom 12:3-8, "For through the grace given to me I say to everyone among you not to think more highly of himself than he ought to think; but to think so as to have sound judgment, as God has allotted to each a measure of faith. 4 For just as we have many members in one body and all the members do not have the same function, 5 so we, who are many, are one body in Christ, and individually members one of another.

"6 Since we have gifts that differ according to the grace given to us, each of us is to exercise them accordingly: if prophecy, according to the proportion of his faith; 7 if service, in his serving; or he who teaches, in his teaching; 8 or he who exhorts, in his exhortation; he who gives, with liberality; he who leads, with diligence; he who shows mercy, with cheerfulness.

What Paul is writing about paints a picture of a team working together. Whatever talents one has, in time, will be revealed to a person - personally. If one has a gift of administration, helps, mercy, etc, they help others be the tip of the spear of Isaiah 61:1-4. In doing so, we learn how it is done by observing and being around people who do these sorts of things...

I try to convey that the Church universal should have three functioning sections.

First Segment - the Church is liken to a hospital where battered souls get healed up inside from the wounds of life by good Doctors and Nurses and staff all with plenty of patients.

Second Segment- From there, folks go to the Rehabilitation Center where they learn New Creation Life skills...

Third Segment - After this, one goes to the Embarkation Center where they are sent out where ever they live and like the good Samaritan find folks wounded and bring to the Hospital stage. They may become good Doctors or Nurses there as well.

Also, if one gets wounded in life again they to can go back the hospital...

In the process, one finds their gifting from the Lord by this process. That is the ideal, however, many churches do not do this. So what do we do then?

Well, we are the church and members individually so lets do our parts. If one is wounded by life, someone will help them get healed up however God so wills, etc and etc...

We tragically live in a post modern world that has influenced the established churches to behave like the world and remove the supernatural element of God out of the Church in exchange for cold rationalism. Thankfully, there is a remnant of churches and folks God has that has not gone that way. No body of believers is perfect - so all folks need each other to get well = through fellowship = which post modernism has robbed from society.

In a way, this Forum is sort of like church - only a limited amount can be done here for people - but somewhere there is a place out there for someone to grow further in the Lord. If not, one might have to make one themselves with a prayer or bible study group, or whatever idea the Lord gives.

1 Co 12:1-31 speaks of other power gifts - again - we learn these in the New Creation Life Rehabilitation phase, the real deal, not the fake stuff. You learn from folks who do practice this by observing, praying, and joining in. God has a hands on, on the job training approach with all the grace needed to succeed.

As for me, what you stated from my book, was a rebuke to me to grow by that is found in Rom 12:3...
Bryan, really great advice and response. Thank you as always. I'd like to find a way to help out through my work or some other way.

Oh no... no... I did not mean to "rubuke" you or anyone else. So sorry. I'm really sorry I didn't mean for it to sound like that. I woudl never have any business rubuking anyone except myself at this point (unless the person was a hardcore sinner but rebuking someone like that might drive them away I so cannot do that). You're an honorable and special person loved by God saved and assigned a special task on this world. I just remember reading this in your book and it stuck with me because I am always asking myself WHY I was put on this planet. But I am not a preacher. So it stuck with me because it would apply to me and anyone else since I am NOT living my life full time for the glory of Christ as I should be (at least I don't think I am). I see now it reads like that. Sorry .. No YOU are tending the vinyard working for Christ's glory and the good of those you minister to. I AM NOT. That's what I was thinking. Sorry about that.

Thank you for your reponse.
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Re: Hells Dominion by B.W. Melvin

Post by B. W. »

Blessed wrote:Bryan, really great advice and response. Thank you as always. I'd like to find a way to help out through my work or some other way.

Oh no... no... I did not mean to "rubuke" you or anyone else. So sorry. I'm really sorry I didn't mean for it to sound like that. I woudl never have any business rubuking anyone except myself at this point (unless the person was a hardcore sinner but rebuking someone like that might drive them away I so cannot do that).

You're an honorable and special person loved by God saved and assigned a special task on this world. I just remember reading this in your book and it stuck with me because I am always asking myself WHY I was put on this planet. But I am not a preacher. So it stuck with me because it would apply to me and anyone else since I am NOT living my life full time for the glory of Christ as I should be (at least I don't think I am). I see now it reads like that. Sorry .. No YOU are tending the vinyard working for Christ's glory and the good of those you minister to. I AM NOT. That's what I was thinking. Sorry about that.

Thank you for your reponse.
First, no, I did not mean you rebuked me. I meant Jesus did as a warning to me personally for the future that what happened to me is for his glory - not mine.That is the context as how I wrote it in the book.

James 3:1 NASB says this: "My brethren, let not many of you become teachers, knowing that we shall receive a stricter judgment..."

Means more to me than most people because of Jesus' comment to me. So, I never took it that you rebuked me :lol:

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Re: Hells Dominion by B.W. Melvin

Post by B. W. »

Blessed wrote:... I just remember reading this in your book and it stuck with me because I am always asking myself WHY I was put on this planet.

But I am not a preacher. So it stuck with me because it would apply to me and anyone else since I am NOT living my life full time for the glory of Christ as I should be (at least I don't think I am).

I see now it reads like that. Sorry .. No YOU are tending the vinyard working for Christ's glory and the good of those you minister to. I AM NOT. That's what I was thinking. Sorry about that.

Thank you for your reponse.
Well, we are all on a journey a personal journey. We learn as we go what are to do for the Lord. I began as you, however, I did not choose to preach or go out - it happen as that was the journey He had for me...

I will write more on this later as I need to sign off line and get the honey do list done!
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Re: Hells Dominion by B.W. Melvin

Post by B. W. »

B. W. wrote:
Blessed wrote:... I just remember reading this in your book and it stuck with me because I am always asking myself WHY I was put on this planet.

But I am not a preacher. So it stuck with me because it would apply to me and anyone else since I am NOT living my life full time for the glory of Christ as I should be (at least I don't think I am).

I see now it reads like that. Sorry .. No YOU are tending the vinyard working for Christ's glory and the good of those you minister to. I AM NOT. That's what I was thinking. Sorry about that.

Thank you for your reponse.
Well, we are all on a journey a personal journey. We learn as we go what are to do for the Lord. I began as you, however, I did not choose to preach or go out - it happen as that was the journey He had for me...

It's a Journey of faith brother. I never thought of preaching or teaching after I became saved. At the time way back early 1980's I thought being a good Laodicean, who would answer the door for Christ at his knocking, at the last hour was all that was required to make it. I have a slight speech impediment and preferred to help set up tables and clean up after Church or do things in the background like run soundboard. Or play in the praise band upfront then go sit down after having done my bit.

It started for me, wanting to tell no one about my death experience. After all who would believe me? - PTSD - yes - had that and could not stand going to the shopping mall and avoided big crowds. Sights, sound, smells would trigger mild flashbacks nervousness, sweats, trembling - the works. This has mellowed very much over the years.

Back then, I could not at all talk to anyone about this as I was an educated intellectual type. I reasoned no would believe me or care - so silence and the back ground for me. So, I studied the bible, became involved in a college ministry, went to church, and quit smoking tobacco and drinking alcohol and running with girls who do.

I also became involved in a church where they actually-believed in Jesus as real and the bible as actually true. So, by divine happenstance, I went out with some of my friends to street witness. I was interested in this, never tried it. This is what happened. In Fort Collins Co, 1980's and kids there cruised College Ave - downtown - it was party central and main hang out for teenagers to drive their cars, pick up girls and girls the guys, and just walk around and hang out all for something to do.

I watched my friends witnessing, and I learned a lot. We had one teenage boy with cast on his wrist and his two friends argued with us about Jesus being myth and so was God and using every swear word just like I used to respond to those who witnessed to me not too many years before. However, it got interesting when the head guy on our team challenged him with what would it take for him to believe in Jesus...

The kid raised his arm pointed at his recently =within 30 hours of being broken = cast set wrist yelled out - "If he can heal my @%$#!)&*%#@@ wrist ###$$=&!@#$&...etc and etc..."

So, the team leader said okay I will pray - "Jesus I ask you to heal is wrist – Amen."

The kid and his two friends stormed off cussing at us and flipped us off with the correct finger sign. That was Friday night. Saturday night came, and we were back on the street. The kid and his three friends ran out to us and the kid said look, "No @%!&% cast, it got loose during the night so my mom took me back to the hospital to have it reset. They looked at the wrist and xrayed it again - the break was fused and healed..."

After all that, that kid would not pray with us to be saved like he agreed, and he ran off - saying Jesus was a s*&! r as we all was going to party down..." This time, at least we did not get that finger sign...

That is how I learned to street witness watching folks move in the power of God's spirit. Shortly after that, the leader guy moved away and soon it was me and another guy doing this and we filled up the downtown Perkins in Fort Collins smoking section full of teenagers and held a bible study with them - they asked tuff questions - we answered them. I did not realize it at the time but that was a small street revival which lasted just under two and half years.

We filled up that smoking section and opened the duplex I rented to help these kids who were abused, from broken drug infected homes, had all sorts of demonic manifestations going on, depression, cutters. you name it... we saw Jesus heal these folks and turn them around.

Too tell the truth, I did not have a clue what I was doing - I prayed often: "Help me Jesus --- what do I do now..." and did it because there was no one else around, that is the secret, ‘Blessed’ and anyone else, just ask the Lord to reveal what I mean here about prayer.

We did not have formal training, no hoops we jumped through, it was just tossed into our lap and we prayed, read-studied the bible, and learned to hear how God actually-speaks to our souls in the book of Acts kind of way.

If we had training, well, the training would say you can't do it that way. I did try Evangelism Explosion - Romans Road - but they often fell short. My memory thinks that that kid whose wrist was healed became saved in the smoking section of the downtown Perkins Restaurant (which was recently demolished to build apartments there).

Add to this period in my life there was a local revival in the church I attended. I thought this sort of thing was the norm and still do. I became head intercessor of the church not having a clue what to do other than learn from those who did after the Pastor volunteered be for the job I did not want. Then went through hard times as well. A new Pastor ruined the church and it died out. However, I was placed in charge of Jail ministry in 1988 till 1998 till I was hired by the Sheriff's Department to work there.

During those ten years, the team I had, well, we received awards for reducing the recidivism rates of inmates returning to jail after their release as well as reducing the crime rate in town. Ten years of what I call waves of revival hit that jail.

It was not easy, it cost, it was hard, but it happened. By that time, I started testifying of what Jesus did for me raising me up by his grace alone from the dead. Yes, folks laughed, poke fun, but who cares... I saw and know what normal church is like and can do - who cares what the naysayers say.

Now, I travel and teach or do radio or TV interviews tossed in once-in-a-while, even a docudrama done back in 2008 by Genesis Productions. I did not ask for any of it. It happened. God sort of just directed my steps. ‘I just go along for the ride’ as they say. I prayed, “Lord I have no clue what to do, help,…” then I step out because there was no one else who will take the hills.

So, for the reader, start with what has Jesus done for you?

Testify about it. Pray always, Study deeply the bible, pray more and, 'obey God and leave the consequences to him' as Dr Charles Stanley says.

Has it been easy, no. There is a cost. You feel alone, battered, beaten sometimes. The Lord takes you to the woodshed to learn you a few things. You eat a lot of humble pie and despite it all - it is worth seeing the real live Jesus doing what he knows to do best through frail, incompetent, nobodies astoundingly great things and seeing many come to him, finding their voice, faith, hope restored... Well .. it is by Jesus Christ that we can do...

Now, the modern church is apostatizing in greater degrees than before. The job is not done. More folks are fed up hearing that Jesus is their life personal coach and seeing no results. It is time to arise and collect as many as the Lord will have come to him and equip them to carry on till Jesus returns or we go to our heavenly home.

What I am saying 'Blessed', and anyone else, I never wanted the job I has hired by God for. I said often - no not me - I ain't able - not good enough, too many problems ... but God see's what is inside a heart willing to be cleansed daily...

So, start where you are at. Pray, deep-study the bible with Greek and Hebrew word studies (Online bible sites abound and apps for this), pray more, find people who pray and walk the talk and learn. Doing so, you will find your voice...

re-edited post and hope all the typos are now gone.

Blessed, used the post here to help other with on FB Afterlife Group I have. So, yes, you are doing things for the Lord you are not aware of to help others !!!
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Re: Hells Dominion by B.W. Melvin

Post by B. W. »


Blessed, used the post above to help other with on FB Afterlife Group I have. So, yes, you are doing things for the Lord you are not aware of to help others !!!
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Re: Hells Dominion by B.W. Melvin

Post by cled »

As i remember Jesus took 12 men , that had little education , that worked a trade , and walked up to them on the job and said follow me . Jesus and these twelve men changed their generation. Unfortunately by today's american standard ,unless you have a 2 yr degree from a accredited bible college and know how to polish your speech, We are uncircumcised philistines are unqualified to share the gospel . It seems to me without the recognition of a degree of ministry some do not take our witness seriously.

However I know that's the not the case with the Lord and men esteems themselves of high regard having accolades. When i was a young welder at 23 yrs old i had a very fantastic time sharing the gospel with anybody who would listen and sometimes with those that did not want to hear. I did see small miracles and people get touched by the lord. But the church i attended had there own bible collage. And of course most of us being in our early 20's attended this bible college except me . Well to say the only people that got acknowledgments from that church leadership was their churches interns that attended their bible collage . So I was pretty much a nobody . But that didn't stop me or the lord from using me . All he needed was a willing person with a clean heart and we was good to go. lol I remember one night on the way home, i got the urge for donuts , so i asked the lord, ok whats going on with this donut thing, I'd better go and investigate. So i drove the donut shop and struck up a conversation with a lady there . Come to find out she was having trouble with her daughter and the lady i was talking with was into occult stuff . By the time we left that place she left born again with the witness of the new life breathed into her . She felt the change . No degree ,bible collage,credentials needed, just a willing welder.
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Re: Hells Dominion by B.W. Melvin

Post by Nessa »

cled wrote:As i remember Jesus took 12 men , that had little education , that worked a trade , and walked up to them on the job and said follow me . Jesus and these twelve men changed their generation. Unfortunately by today's american standard ,unless you have a 2 yr degree from a accredited bible college and know how to polish your speech, We are uncircumcised philistines are unqualified to share the gospel . It seems to me without the recognition of a degree of ministry some do not take our witness seriously.

However I know that's the not the case with the Lord and men esteems themselves of high regard having accolades. When i was a young welder at 23 yrs old i had a very fantastic time sharing the gospel with anybody who would listen and sometimes with those that did not want to hear. I did see small miracles and people get touched by the lord. But the church i attended had there own bible collage. And of course most of us being in our early 20's attended this bible college except me . Well to say the only people that got acknowledgments from that church leadership was their churches interns that attended their bible collage . So I was pretty much a nobody . But that didn't stop me or the lord from using me . All he needed was a willing person with a clean heart and we was good to go. lol I remember one night on the way home, i got the urge for donuts , so i asked the lord, ok whats going on with this donut thing, I'd better go and investigate. So i drove the donut shop and struck up a conversation with a lady there . Come to find out she was having trouble with her daughter and the lady i was talking with was into occult stuff . By the time we left that place she left born again with the witness of the new life breathed into her . She felt the change . No degree ,bible collage,credentials needed, just a willing welder.
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Re: Hells Dominion by B.W. Melvin

Post by Blessed »


Have you ever worked with an artist for rendition of the creatures seen during your NDE experience?
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Re: Hells Dominion by B.W. Melvin

Post by B. W. »

Blessed wrote:Bryan,

Have you ever worked with an artist for rendition of the creatures seen during your NDE experience?
Not at the moment, there are some interested in this...
Science is man's invention - creation is God's
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Re: Hells Dominion by B.W. Melvin

Post by Blessed »

A bit of morbid curiosity on my part ... to see matched to existing paranormal photos ..
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Re: Hells Dominion by B.W. Melvin

Post by cled »

Bill Wiese said there was some demons 13 feet tall . And then there was Shaw Weed who died and said a 13 foot demon had a hold of him and was dragging him to hell till Gabriel knocked the daylights outta that demon and it released Shawn . https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3gyP_xdMl8E . Some say these are the offspring of the Sons of God , and maybe thier fathers are the ones reserved in chains till the end. I speculate that there were whole tribes of both male and female giants and their natures were terrible . The earth was filled with violence is a understatement. There is also testimony of people finding large skeletons but the scientific community covered it up .
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Re: Hells Dominion by B.W. Melvin

Post by thatkidakayoungguy »

I have seen changes in myself as well.
One thing though that hasn't seemed to change much is my thoughts and thought pattern. I do doubt a lot as well.
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Creation Position: Undecided
Location: Los Angeles, Florida, Las Vegas

Re: Hells Dominion by B.W. Melvin

Post by Blessed »

cled wrote:Bill Wiese said there was some demons 13 feet tall . And then there was Shaw Weed who died and said a 13 foot demon had a hold of him and was dragging him to hell till Gabriel knocked the daylights outta that demon and it released Shawn . https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3gyP_xdMl8E . Some say these are the offspring of the Sons of God , and maybe thier fathers are the ones reserved in chains till the end. I speculate that there were whole tribes of both male and female giants and their natures were terrible . The earth was filled with violence is a understatement. There is also testimony of people finding large skeletons but the scientific community covered it up .
I do not trust Bill Wiese because he is a Southern California Realtor.

I also saw and posted the you tube video on Shawn Weed.

I am a little disturbed after seeings Shawn's testimony because I was grabbed on my right shoulder and held by a demon on the Queen Mary vessel moored in Long Beach, CA. I now suspect it was a demon, using supernatural power of light to create the illusion of being a WWII era soldier in a black standard issue T-shirt. He was tall lanky blonde young man with a crew cut.

I thought my shoulder had run into the corner of the wall (impossible since I was too far away) or a piece of furniture or something sticking out of the corner of the wall. But I was being grabbed and "held" somehow and I think when I realized it (without realizing it, I know that makes no sense) and looked over that's when I saw it retract it's entire arm back.

I saw under it's arm was like, grey, and looked different than a young 24-25 year old's arm would look.

I am still wondering what I am supposed to do about this. The feeling I got was that it was pranking me for it's own amusement. I am wondering why it felt it had the right to do this ... if I am God's child, and God has a hold on me.. what would give it the right to make contact with me in such a profound, dramatic way, materializing into reality, thereby communicating inexplicable proof of another dimension life after death. I never asked for it to grab me.

I am still concerned about this because now I have what 99.9999999999999% of all humankind never has - proof. Not just faith. And I don't know if God intended for us to have proof since we were called to live on faith alone.

I am hoping my fate has not already been decided. This would mean that anything I do, church, praying, etc, would be in vain, if God has already decided my fate. Shawn Weed was a normal guy believed in God and had been to Church and this happened to him anyways.

I am wondering what kind of responsibility I now have, if any, to get out of jail, How much it will cost. How many good deeds I must do and time I must put in.

It grabbed my right shoulder and held me from proceeding past the hall. ..
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