Holy Spirit Baptism and Tongues

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I have spoken in tongues

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Re: Holy Spirit Baptism and Tongues

Post by zacchaeus »

Spiritual gifts were used in the transition period in the book of Acts, and when the setting aside of Israel was complete, there was no need for spiritual gifts.
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Re: Holy Spirit Baptism and Tongues

Post by B. W. »

zacchaeus wrote:for in part we know, and in part we prophecy; 10and when that which is perfect may come, then that which [is] in part shall become useless.
According to the bible the only time when the perfect has come is mentioned clearly in:

Rev 21:1-6 NKJV: "Now I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away. Also there was no more sea. 2 Then I, John, saw the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. 3 And I heard a loud voice from heaven saying, "Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and He will dwell with them, and they shall be His people. God Himself will be with them and be their God. 4 And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes; there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying. There shall be no more pain, for the former things have passed away."

5 Then He who sat on the throne said, "Behold, I make all things new." And He said to me, "Write, for these words are true and faithful."

No where else does it say that the perfect has already come now or any time after 1 Co 13 was written until the new heavens and earth manifest. The apostle Paul did not mean that the cannon of scripture which was approved hundreds of years later was when the perfect came. No not at all. Look around are things perfect in this life - do you still speak? Do you still study to show yourself approved?

We need knowledge, we need true prophecy, we need language still. When these have run their course - yes - they pass away and still more is needed up till when Rev 21:1-6 comes to pass, not before - only then will the actual perfect has come - new heavens and earth not before.

Suggest people actually read 1 Corinthians chapter 12 and 13 for what it is actually stating and not what they want it say - little common sense goes a long way.

Look, the modern state of the Church world is increasing in apostatizing. Why - due to doctrines that say the perfect has already come - so we can all be good Laodiceans just kicking back till the last moment and answer the knock at the door at the last possible moment is all that is required.

Last word on prophecy - that word is not limited to scripture only. Prophecy also means preaching, edifying, building one up and calling out folks to repent - chastening. That need has not passed away, has it?

Yes, there is no new bible prophecy to add into the the bible as Rev 22:19 says not because what 1 Co 13 says about passing away. We agree on that. However to say we that we do not need the type of prophecy that can still preach, edify, build one up and call out folks to repent (healthy chastisement) today is not a wise course to follow, is it?

The modern Church is slowly losing its salt and its light is dimming under the baskets made for them...

Have a nice day :wave:

and of yes, please stop weaving baskets...
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Re: Holy Spirit Baptism and Tongues

Post by B. W. »

zacchaeus wrote:Spiritual gifts were used in the transition period in the book of Acts, and when the setting aside of Israel was complete, there was no need for spiritual gifts.
So the unchanging God changed his mind?

That is poses a logical contradiction doesn't it...

Rom 11:29 ... For the gifts and the calling of God are irrevocable.


Sorry I will not heed the lie being sold here and call you on it.

You will have to prove that the actual perfect to come is not when it comes as it is clearly stated in Rev 21:1-6 to come.

We need the gifts and I have seen to many broken lives healed by Jesus' hand by the same gifts you claim to have ceased than to follow your line of reason my friend.

I will pray that the Lord Jesus will send to you some demonically possessed to confront you in your church and not to cause you all harm in anyway but rather wake you up that you need the gifts and they are for today.

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Re: Holy Spirit Baptism and Tongues

Post by zacchaeus »

Wow... Brutal spiritual & prideful. I rebuke you your haughtiness and spiritual offense. Bless thine enemies Lord.
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Re: Holy Spirit Baptism and Tongues

Post by zacchaeus »

That's referring to the new heaven and earth after the millennial reign in Revelation 21, not spiritual gifts, and we have the complete word of God, which there is no need for the spiritual gifts today.

Prophecy is preaching the future before it happens.
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Re: Holy Spirit Baptism and Tongues

Post by zacchaeus »

God doesn't change as a person, but does change in His dealings with mankind. Paul completed the word of God with Paul's writing of II Timothy.
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Re: Holy Spirit Baptism and Tongues

Post by Philip »

There has been an unfortunate exchange above and I've locked this topic until things cool down!
