Dark Matter and the big bang

Discussion about scientific issues as they relate to God and Christianity including archaeology, origins of life, the universe, intelligent design, evolution, etc.
IRQ Conflict
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Post by IRQ Conflict »

oops...I tripped over another one, God needs to tidy up here ;)

2Pe 2:17 These are wells without water, clouds that are carried with a tempest: to whom the mist of darkness is reserved forever.
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Re: Dark Matter and the big bang

Post by SpaceCase »

Silvertusk wrote: Because current thinking is that this dark energy literally emerges from empty space and this is causing the expansion rate to accelerate.
Still looking for the links on who has this 'current thinking', until then I'm firmly over here...
BGood wrote: Everything is still thought to have expanded from a singularity.
David Turell
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Dark Matter and the Big Bang

Post by David Turell »

Silvertusk wrote:.

I was just wondering why athiests are so adamant to prove that Dark matter exists. Other Apologetics sites seem to hate the idea of Dark Matter/ Dark Energy. I don't understand the reasoning behind it. If there is Dark matter, the universe still has a beginning - that hasn't changed - The only thing that might have changed is the fact that Dark matter is expanding the universe and not the initial Big Bang.

Anyone own a laymans book on the universe I can borrow :)

God Bless

Try the book: The Runaway Universe by Donald Goldsmith, 2000. Dark matter and dark energy both came out of the Big Bang and are part of that creative event. The book explains the findings of the rapidly expanding universe from the studyof supernovae in distant galaxies. God's creation is still His.
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Post by Silvertusk »

Thankyou David.

That has put my mind at rest.

God Bless

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