Is America So Terrible?

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Is America So Terrible?

Post by Philip »

THIS guy ... atraz.html should have a conversation with someone who understands what REAL oppression looks like ... tians.html, and who realizes that living in an America, even one with an imperfect past, offers freedoms and opportunities that NO one should fail to appreciate! Why, it's SO bad here that millions from around the world desparately want to come here. y:-?
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Re: Is America So Terrible?

Post by edwardmurphy »

Rage porn will rot your brain, Phil, even the softcore stuff they show on Fox.
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Re: Is America So Terrible?

Post by Philip »

Uh, Ed, did anyone here rage???

Point is, Kapernick is terribly selective as to who HE rages against, what groups, demonizing an entire country over sins of various past individuals. And he's sowing a huge amount of ill will in the process! He's not a healer or changing anything for the better - his tactics are only making divisions a lot worse - meaning he's becoming part of the problem of a divided America. You can see it per how it's breaking down along racial lines and making so many angry. And I don't care WHO is doing this - not the extreme right wing, leftists, anarchists, the antifada, racist whites, blacks, shades in between - doesn't matter who does it - we need healers that can use their celebrity to encourage us to come together. And SOME of the things he's upset about, many he's also pissing off are as well. In his mind, minorities are all the saints, and people of white skin are all the problem. That's delusional, hypocritical thinking! So, whether he's simply misunderstood or deliberately divisive, he's contributing to our divisions. If he can find some pristine nation without a regretful history of problem causers, haters and past sins, maybe he should go live there. Only problem is, he ain't gonna find such a place! It's so terrible, millions can't wait to get here! And we've historically taken in more than almost anyone!
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Re: Is America So Terrible?

Post by abelcainsbrother »

Philip wrote:THIS guy ... atraz.html should have a conversation with someone who understands what REAL oppression looks like ... tians.html, and who realizes that living in an America, even one with an imperfect past, offers freedoms and opportunities that NO one should fail to appreciate! Why, it's SO bad here that millions from around the world desparately want to come here. y:-?

There are alot of liberals on the left that do believe America is evil.Because our land was stolen from Native Americans,they were killed and treated bad in order for America to be here.They want only America to make restution for it despite the fact that the very same thing applies to every country that exists today and althroughout history.But they expect only America to make resitution for it and for America to give the land back.This is before we even get into the past wrongs even after this.They hate America,are not patriotic and want to see America pay for its evil deeds.
Hebrews 12:2-3 Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith;who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross,despising the shame,and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.

2nd Corinthians 4:4 In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not,lest the light of this glorious gospel of Christ,who is the image of God,should shine unto them.
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Re: Is America So Terrible?

Post by edwardmurphy »

Phil, FOX News is softcore rage porn (as compared to Breitbart and Limbaugh, which is the hardcore variety).

No, you didn't rage, but the story clearly got under your skin, which is what it was meant to do. In fact, that's all it was meant to do. It's not an important event. It has no news value. It was only reported because it can be seen as one more data point supporting the FOX News version of reality.

Like I said, that crap will rot your brain.
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Re: Is America So Terrible?

Post by RickD »

edwardmurphy wrote:Phil, FOX News is softcore rage porn (as compared to Breitbart and Limbaugh, which is the hardcore variety).

No, you didn't rage, but the story clearly got under your skin, which is what it was meant to do. In fact, that's all it was meant to do. It's not an important event. It has no news value. It was only reported because it can be seen as one more data point supporting the FOX News version of reality.

Like I said, that crap will rot your brain.
I think you're right Ed. Thankfully, I supplement my daily foxnews with a healthy dose of Alex Jones' news.

Alex Jones keeps my schizophrenia in check.
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Re: Is America So Terrible?

Post by Philip »

Yes, Ed, you can do your smoke and mirrors assertions, that my point was mostly due to FoxNews and other conservative outlets trying to get a rise out of us. And, of course, news outlets play stories to their demographics - but per the FACTS, per what I described IS going on, Kapernick HAS become a big part of the problem, He IS hypocritical and selective in what he rages against, people ARE clamoring to come here, and many, like the man from North Korea and from places where they have very restricted freedoms and opportunities, DO well realize what a great place this is to live. Sorry, Ed, these things are FACTS that many on the left fail to acknowledge. But make no mistake, it's not ONLY those on the left that are practicing demonization of entire groups of people and races. So, no matter who, wherever, whenever, is practicing such tactics, I despise what they are doing!

We need uniters and positive people willing to work and reach out to receptive people who they may disagree with on various issues. Let's focus on solving problems and positive SOLUTIONS! Just running around trying to show how hip and militant you are by pissing off as many people as you can - that's just immature, clueless, and VERY dangerous!
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Re: Is America So Terrible?

Post by Blessed »

Phil pretty much the only reason people are "clamoring to come here" is for money.

Freedom in America has become a bit of a joke. We have lost most of our Constituational Freedoms. Now Internet Neutrality has been ended by the FCC. The same corporations who control the mainstream media want to control the interent. And they are getting it handed to them quietly. Just like they always do. Can't wait to see if Donald Trump is for real or not by outright rejecting this and getting back on track to what he was elected to do by the majority of people here.

Regarding your message of unity sometimes I feel the sooner we can break up the better. For instance the leftist California-Exit proposal. Let them have it. I just want to live how things used to be. If not I would like to get out of America soon.
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Re: Is America So Terrible?

Post by Blessed »

I don't trust Fox News. But I do trust Tucker Carlson. So far.. Ha.
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Re: Is America So Terrible?

Post by Hortator »

lol all of you need to calm down
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Re: Is America So Terrible?

Post by RickD »

If Trump gets reelected, I'm moving to Canada to live in PaulSacramento's garage.
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Re: Is America So Terrible?

Post by Blessed »


I went to a Real Estate convention in Los Angeles in 2008 and saw Donald Trump and his daughter. It was a little odd. Good and bad. 2008 was the peak of the Real Estate Bubble.

The convention paid Donald Trump $150,000.00 for 1 hour. He was on his private jet going or coming back somewhere making a pit stop in LA. His job was to convince the audience to buy a Real Estate package (educational courses of books and CD's costing $5000-$30,000), whip them up into a frenzy. And stampede to the back with their credit cards ready. The vast majority of the audience was black and Hispanic.

Now here is where it got interesting. :) Donald Trump refused to do what he was paid for. He stood on stage making a mockery of the convention, telling jokes, and making people laugh. He said allot of curse words which i didn't appreciate hearing but it was off the cuff so to speak. There is too much to write but the crux is ..... HE REFUSED TO TELL THE AUDIENCE TO BUY REAL ESTATE ON PUrPOSE. The convention management was standing behind me arms crossed and was fuming. They guy was really upset "we paid him $150,000 for this" "he's not doing anything" "he's not telling them to buy" and many other frustrating remarks.

In other words they paid Donal Trump $150,000 to tell a huge audience of mostly Black and Hispanic people to buy Real Estate in a market that was about to crash and Donald Trump refused to do it. It felt like.. Someone screwing over bad people. That's what it felt like to me personally. Like a group of bad people pays you to use your influence to do something wrong - and you legally screw them over. It's too much to type but Donald Trumps attitude was like ... I'm not telling these poor people to buy Real Estate before it goes off a cliff so you can get rich off them ... These people are good hard working people ..Thanks for your money jerks .. have a nice day. Ha ha ha ha ha . :lol:

I don't know how to put it into words exactly but it was absolutely hilarious.

In other words he was paid to be a liar....BUT HE REFUSED .. He was paid to be a Kyosaki con artist.... BUT HE REFUSED. He was paid to rip these people off and he turned it around on the people paying him. Made the entire appearance into a big joke and left. At the end of his speech hardly anyone was purchasing Real Estate courses and the guys behind me, the event management were fuming because Trump basically "legally" did not steal the $150,000k but took it like a tip, then said the jokes on you because .... I'm not telling these people to buy Real Estate before the crash .. and left.

I don't know how to explain it ... But it was hilarious .. You got the sense the "bad guys" running that event were getting their desserts.

Oh man it was funny ! :lol:
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Re: Is America So Terrible?

Post by RickD »

Blessed wrote:Rick,

I went to a Real Estate convention in Los Angeles in 2008 and saw Donald Trump and his daughter. It was a little odd. Good and bad. 2008 was the peak of the Real Estate Bubble.

The convention paid Donald Trump $150,000.00 for 1 hour. He was on his private jet going or coming back somewhere making a pit stop in LA. His job was to convince the audience to buy a Real Estate package (educational courses of books and CD's costing $5000-$30,000), whip them up into a frenzy. And stampede to the back with their credit cards ready. The vast majority of the audience was black and Hispanic.

Now here is where it got interesting. :) Donald Trump refused to do what he was paid for. He stood on stage making a mockery of the convention, telling jokes, and making people laugh. He said allot of curse words which i didn't appreciate hearing but it was off the cuff so to speak. There is too much to write but the crux is ..... HE REFUSED TO TELL THE AUDIENCE TO BUY REAL ESTATE ON PUrPOSE. The convention management was standing behind me arms crossed and was fuming. They guy was really upset "we paid him $150,000 for this" "he's not doing anything" "he's not telling them to buy" and many other frustrating remarks.

In other words they paid Donal Trump $150,000 to tell a huge audience of mostly Black and Hispanic people to buy Real Estate in a market that was about to crash and Donald Trump refused to do it. It felt like.. Someone screwing over bad people. That's what it felt like to me personally. Like a group of bad people pays you to use your influence to do something wrong - and you legally screw them over. It's too much to type but Donald Trumps attitude was like ... I'm not telling these poor people to buy Real Estate before it goes off a cliff so you can get rich off them ... These people are good hard working people ..Thanks for your money jerks .. have a nice day. Ha ha ha ha ha . :lol:

I don't know how to put it into words exactly but it was absolutely hilarious.

In other words he was paid to be a liar....BUT HE REFUSED .. He was paid to be a Kyosaki con artist.... BUT HE REFUSED. He was paid to rip these people off and he turned it around on the people paying him. Made the entire appearance into a big joke and left. At the end of his speech hardly anyone was purchasing Real Estate courses and the guys behind me, the event management were fuming because Trump basically "legally" did not steal the $150,000k but took it like a tip, then said the jokes on you because .... I'm not telling these people to buy Real Estate before the crash .. and left.

I don't know how to explain it ... But it was hilarious .. You got the sense the "bad guys" running that event were getting their desserts.

Oh man it was funny ! :lol:
Don't tell anyone that story because it may ruin the prevailing leftist image of Donald Trump!
John 5:24
24 “Truly, truly, I say to you, he who hears My word, and believes Him who sent Me, has eternal life, and does not come into judgment, but has passed out of death into life.

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Re: Is America So Terrible?

Post by Philip »

Blessed: Regarding your message of unity sometimes I feel the sooner we can break up the better. For instance the leftist California-Exit proposal. Let them have it. I just want to live how things used to be. If not I would like to get out of America soon.
You are extremely foolish if you think there exists some "La La land" country where the grass is so much greener than here. That's just delusional thinking. As for simply writing people off with hard hearts and defective thinking - that's not what Christ taught, now, IS it??? Of course, people will reject positive overtures and common sense, follow their own wrong desires, etc. But that does not mean we don't reach out or try to encourage reasonable, civil behavior and common sense. Seems easier to just demonize people and lump them into some group we are to despise, than to look at people as individuals we are COMMANDED to care about. Jesus didn't just say to only love those who agree with you or that seem likeable to us! So, I have MY responsibility to try to live as I'm called to, and others can either join us in that, or not. But if you only go around with a hard heart and cynical attitude towards people, then YOU will become part of the problem. As Christians, we are to be wise amongst the wolves of the world, but are called not to despise people who are blind and need Christ. A whole lot of Christians conveniently ignore that. Of COURSE people have all kinds of screwed up views - because their hearts and minds are messed up!
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Re: Is America So Terrible?

Post by Nessa »

RickD wrote:If Trump gets reelected, I'm moving to Canada to live in PaulSacramento's garage.
Make sure the wife packs you a sammich for your knapsack
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