Sigh.Hortator wrote:
Tell us more about these Jews in control
Go on, don’t be shy
There are extremists of all religions. The Jewish history of money lending is no secret. As, far as "Jews" being exclusively in control, no, they are not exclusivly in control. I would not want to paint all Jewish people as one way or another. Such stereotyping has proven to be very dangerous. But I cannot ignore historical facts.
Also, just for the record, I despise Hitler as evil, for obvious reasons, however, it appears when Hitler replaced the Central Bankers, which were in fact overwhemlingly Jewish, at the time, with a labor receipt system, combined with direct government money (i.e. Abraham Lincolns Greenbacks) issuing authority - Germany's economy went from a 3rd world economic disaster to a 1st world nation, in a mere 4 years.
That is unheard of. And as far as I know - this fact is never dared to being discussed openly in academia or the media. When it is discussed.. it's always portrayed as an economic recovery based on 2 dimenional 100% military spending - yet all sectors of the pre-WWII era German economy skyrocketed during this time, not just military. Again - immediately after the central bankers were removed Germany skyrocketed to a 1st world nation.
I have tried to discuss this with people in real life. Every time, irrational human emotional responses (i.e Hitler was evil. Hilter liked Vanilla ice cream = Vanilla ice cream is evil) get in the way of logical thinking.
Also, regarding the original posting, I really don't see anything wrong with moving the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem BTW. The protests occuring in the middle east over this are based on fear.