Hells Dominion by B.W. Melvin

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Re: Hells Dominion by B.W. Melvin

Post by thatkidakayoungguy »

Blessed wrote:
cled wrote:Bill Wiese said there was some demons 13 feet tall . And then there was Shaw Weed who died and said a 13 foot demon had a hold of him and was dragging him to hell till Gabriel knocked the daylights outta that demon and it released Shawn . https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3gyP_xdMl8E . Some say these are the offspring of the Sons of God , and maybe thier fathers are the ones reserved in chains till the end. I speculate that there were whole tribes of both male and female giants and their natures were terrible . The earth was filled with violence is a understatement. There is also testimony of people finding large skeletons but the scientific community covered it up .
I do not trust Bill Wiese because he is a Southern California Realtor.

I also saw and posted the you tube video on Shawn Weed.

I am a little disturbed after seeings Shawn's testimony because I was grabbed on my right shoulder and held by a demon on the Queen Mary vessel moored in Long Beach, CA. I now suspect it was a demon, using supernatural power of light to create the illusion of being a WWII era soldier in a black standard issue T-shirt. He was tall lanky blonde young man with a crew cut.

I thought my shoulder had run into the corner of the wall (impossible since I was too far away) or a piece of furniture or something sticking out of the corner of the wall. But I was being grabbed and "held" somehow and I think when I realized it (without realizing it, I know that makes no sense) and looked over that's when I saw it retract it's entire arm back.

I saw under it's arm was like, grey, and looked different than a young 24-25 year old's arm would look.

I am still wondering what I am supposed to do about this. The feeling I got was that it was pranking me for it's own amusement. I am wondering why it felt it had the right to do this ... if I am God's child, and God has a hold on me.. what would give it the right to make contact with me in such a profound, dramatic way, materializing into reality, thereby communicating inexplicable proof of another dimension life after death. I never asked for it to grab me.

I am still concerned about this because now I have what 99.9999999999999% of all humankind never has - proof. Not just faith. And I don't know if God intended for us to have proof since we were called to live on faith alone.

I am hoping my fate has not already been decided. This would mean that anything I do, church, praying, etc, would be in vain, if God has already decided my fate. Shawn Weed was a normal guy believed in God and had been to Church and this happened to him anyways.

I am wondering what kind of responsibility I now have, if any, to get out of jail, How much it will cost. How many good deeds I must do and time I must put in.

It grabbed my right shoulder and held me from proceeding past the hall. ..
No, others had proof-or at least very good evidence. Think of that the Jews and Apostles had Jesus and saw his miracle. Moses and Elijah saw Jesus, remember? Enoch walked with God. Adam and Eve had proof of God. And so on.
Idk about this demon thing. Go to God I guess.
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Re: Hells Dominion by B.W. Melvin

Post by Blessed »

thatkidakayoungguy wrote: No, others had proof-or at least very good evidence. Think of that the Jews and Apostles had Jesus and saw his miracle. Moses and Elijah saw Jesus, remember? Enoch walked with God. Adam and Eve had proof of God. And so on.
Idk about this demon thing. Go to God I guess.
Yes. And I am not even 1000000x light years worthy of being in the same room as those people. I deserve no proof. I am worried now more than ever. Because I experienced proof. It didn't surprise me because I always knew it existed. So it was not a shock nor surprise. Nonetheless I did not deserve any proof. It would have been better spent on an atheist.
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Re: Hells Dominion by B.W. Melvin

Post by Philip »

Blessed: I don't know if God intended for us to have proof since we were called to live on faith alone.
Where did you ever get the idea that we are to live on faith alone?

John 4: "48 So Jesus said to him, “Unless you see signs and wonders you will not believe.”

Jesus and the apostles provided much evidence that they spoke for and had power from God. Moses did in front of Pharoah, etc. But God will provide ENOUGH for faith, but not necessarily the miraculous. But make no mistake, He does not call us to a blind faith: http://www.godandscience.org/apologetic ... faith.html
Blessed: I am hoping my fate has not already been decided. This would mean that anything I do, church, praying, etc, would be in vain, if God has already decided my fate.
While God already KNOWS your fate, He has left the decision of whether to place your faith in Jesus in your hands. Jesus Himself encountered the devil. If he tried to trick Jesus, why not you? The demonic possessed people in Scripture that were delivered from Stan's grip. As long as you are still alive, you have every opportunity to come to faith in God/Jesus (who IS God). But I've seen nothing but resistance from you to believing that Jesus is God. You've been given plenty of clear Scriptural evidence to that fact, and yet you continue to resist it. No wonder you feel tortured! And now the devil wants you to believe you are ALREADY doomed without hope.
Blessed: I am wondering what kind of responsibility I now have, if any, to get out of jail, How much it will cost. How many good deeds I must do and time I must put in.
If you believe that good deeds are your ticket, you have no chance or hope, as you are very deceived. The cost is nothing except faith in Christ, who is also God. Good deeds lead nowhere, for the man who permanently denies Christ and Who He is. RELIGION is the game men play to try and placate whatever entity they think is god or God, by doing good "stuff." Jesus said to the most religious men of the day that NONE of that do-gooder stuff would or even could save them. So, where do you get the idea that it will for you? There will be plenty of people in hell that did a lot more good deeds and are often nicer than me, who will nonetheless end up in hell! Why? Because entering into God's Kingdom does not work like that. You and no one else could ever do enough to gain Heaven! God made salvation exceptionally easy - as it simply takes a commitment and placing your faith in Jesus and WHO He actually is. Do you think the saved thief on the cross did a bunch of good deeds while he was hanging there in agony???!!! Is THAT why Jesus assured Him they would meet in Heaven? Course not! WHOSE Kingdom did that thief ask Jesus remember him in?

"And he said, “Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.” This, or course, is the ownership of the Kingdom of Heaven he was referring to - and so, just WHOSE Kingdom is THAT??? It's the Kingdom of GOD's - which Scripture identifies per the thief as being "your" (Jesus') Kingdom - and not just "your Father's kingdom," but "Jesus'" Kingdom. He squeaked in at the last hour, not through works, but through faith in Jesus/God!
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Re: Hells Dominion by B.W. Melvin

Post by B. W. »

Blessed wrote:
cled wrote:Bill Wiese said there was some demons 13 feet tall . And then there was Shaw Weed who died and said a 13 foot demon had a hold of him and was dragging him to hell till Gabriel knocked the daylights outta that demon and it released Shawn . https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3gyP_xdMl8E . Some say these are the offspring of the Sons of God , and maybe thier fathers are the ones reserved in chains till the end. I speculate that there were whole tribes of both male and female giants and their natures were terrible . The earth was filled with violence is a understatement. There is also testimony of people finding large skeletons but the scientific community covered it up .
I do not trust Bill Wiese because he is a Southern California Realtor.

I also saw and posted the you tube video on Shawn Weed.

I am a little disturbed after seeings Shawn's testimony because I was grabbed on my right shoulder and held by a demon on the Queen Mary vessel moored in Long Beach, CA. I now suspect it was a demon, using supernatural power of light to create the illusion of being a WWII era soldier in a black standard issue T-shirt. He was tall lanky blonde young man with a crew cut.

I thought my shoulder had run into the corner of the wall (impossible since I was too far away) or a piece of furniture or something sticking out of the corner of the wall. But I was being grabbed and "held" somehow and I think when I realized it (without realizing it, I know that makes no sense) and looked over that's when I saw it retract it's entire arm back.

I saw under it's arm was like, grey, and looked different than a young 24-25 year old's arm would look.

I am still wondering what I am supposed to do about this. The feeling I got was that it was pranking me for it's own amusement. I am wondering why it felt it had the right to do this ... if I am God's child, and God has a hold on me.. what would give it the right to make contact with me in such a profound, dramatic way, materializing into reality, thereby communicating inexplicable proof of another dimension life after death. I never asked for it to grab me.

I am still concerned about this because now I have what 99.9999999999999% of all humankind never has - proof. Not just faith. And I don't know if God intended for us to have proof since we were called to live on faith alone.

I am hoping my fate has not already been decided. This would mean that anything I do, church, praying, etc, would be in vain, if God has already decided my fate. Shawn Weed was a normal guy believed in God and had been to Church and this happened to him anyways.

I am wondering what kind of responsibility I now have, if any, to get out of jail, How much it will cost. How many good deeds I must do and time I must put in.

It grabbed my right shoulder and held me from proceeding past the hall. ..

Okay - address this last Friday Jan 12 2018 on Omega Man Radio in part two section posted below on the 'Days of Noah'

First message deals with suffering, due to some recent events for some folks who contacted me and It was done without notes...

Omega Man Radio, Episode 4966 - Why do we go thru struggles and suffering? - Bryan Melvin Jan 12,2018


Days of Noah... segment, concerns the end times and several things to actually look for that are sure signs we have entered the beginning run leading to the last days: As it was in the Days of Noah…

Omega Man Radio, Episode 4967 - The Days of Noah - Bryan Melvin, Jan 12,2018


The reason I am posting these as is for this topic concerning what you saw - grey hand...

I would suggest if you can see this documentary - Alien Intrusion - by Creation Ministries International - please do. It is well done and souses well sited.

It concerns the mass UFO sightings and abductions and the new ET religion. You have several of the Head researchers of the Heads of MUFON come to the conclusion that these UFO's are paranormal as they defy the laws of Psychics and vanish into thin air. They have become Christians because of this. Testimonies of those who had verified serial abductions who became Christians - use or say the name of Jesus and these Greys turn tail and run...

The reason I say this is that because there will be an increase in demonic activity seen worldwide in the last days - those signs and wonders - and as Jesus said in Luke 17:26 "And just as it happened in the days of Noah, so it will be also in the days of the Son of Man..."

This indicates that there will be seen encounters with fallen angels, religious deception that mixes together the world religions into one system of belief. Add into this, DNA mixing of species, etc... on the increase.

The church by and large is ignorant of these things and ill prepared to counter what these false ET's are telling people - that all religions were founded by them - they created human beings - worship them...they are here to help. Hmmm Let's see, about 80 percent of American believe In ET's more than they do God whom the bible speaks of.

Many Christians laugh and scoff and mock at such evidence. Yet, this demonic and fallen angle encounters are increasing and there is certainly a mixing of species viva DNA going on. Book of Enoch mentions that 200 of the fallen angels would be released from the deepest hell at the end of 70 generations which coincides to the early 1900 to 1935 era and are increasing according to scholars...

These encounters are not confined to ET but also the rise in the occult and contacting spirit guides or encounters with small beings that haunt places - usually grayish or just black shapes in appearance. Many Kids commit suicide when encountering slender man or tall man that some video games have. For parents who lost kids to this stuff - this is not a joking matter so please keep the cynicism of scoffing to yourself.

Those of us who know this stuff are the rare few that folks come too about such matters because the church lets them down and the secular world wants to pass it off too. For such encounters are real and they are creepy. However when confronted by Christians who mention the Name of Jesus, these beings flee... very interesting... every time. I find it interesting that once head UFO researchers are finding the same info and becoming Born Again... and teaching folks to say the name of Jesus --- interesting...

For those heck bent to mocking Books that are cited in the bible directly or indirectly like Jasher, Enoch, Jubilees, need to ask why would God allow these to be cited unless there is some truth inside their pages that can help understand the cannon of the bible better?

These books are not Cannon of scripture the Bible does cite them as references sources such as Joshua 10:13 and 2 Samuel 1:18 on the Book of Jasher. Book of Enoch cited in Jude 1:14 .

Jesus also used words closely following what Enoch mentioned see below... and adds more clarity... and this is interesting compared to how Book of Enoch was directly quoted in Jude 1:14... why Did the Lord allow this unless he wanted people to search out truth by the indwelling Holy Spirit who teaches us all things...?
...Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth. (Mat 5:5) The elect shall possess light, joy and peace, and they shall inherit the earth. (Enoch 5:7 {6:9})

...the Father judgeth no man, but hath committed all judgment unto the son (John 5:22). the principal part of the judgment was assigned to him, the Son of man. (Enoch 69:27 {68:39})

...shall inherit everlasting life (Mat. 19:29) those who will inherit eternal life (Enoch 40:9 {40:9})

"Woe unto you that are rich! for ye have received your consolation. (Luke 6:24) Woe to you who are rich, for in your riches have you trusted; but from your riches you shall be removed. (Enoch 94:8 {93:7}).

..Ye also shall sit upon twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel. (Mat. 19:28) I will place each of them on a throne of glory (Enoch 108:12 {105:26})

..between us and you there is a great gulf fixed. (Luke 16:26) by a chasm . . . [are] their souls are separated (Enoch 22: 9,11{22:10,12})

In my Father's house are many mansions (John 14:2) In that day shall the Elect One sit upon a throne of glory, and shall choose their conditions and countless habitations. (Enoch 45:3 {45:3})

that ye may be called the children of light (John 12:36) the good from the generation (children) of light (Enoch 108:11 {105: 25})

the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life. (John 4:14) all the thirsty drank, and were filled with wisdom, having their habitation with the righteous, the elect, and the holy. (Enoch 48:1 {48:1})

Verses from Bible quoted form KJV ... Enoch - public domain....
What is the main point... If anyone encounters any other worldly beings grey or otherwise -- become born again and learn to cry out to Jesus using his name and these things things will stop... Get into a good bible teaching church ... etc.

Most of this sounds very odd to some people but rest assured the bible teaches what in Eph 6:12? You need to ask yourself today - why?

You know, before labor pains start, I am told by women that they feel campy first before the contractions increase.

We just maybe living in that crampy phase...

"All these are but the beginning of the birth pains." Mathew 24:8 ESV

Utley Bible study Commentary on Mat_24:8
NASB, NRSV "of birth pangs"
NKJV "of sorrows"
TEV "the first pains of childbirth"
NJB "the birthpangs"
This referred to the "birth pangs" of the new age (cf. Isa_13:8; Isa_26:17; Isa_66:7; Mic_4:9-10; Mar_13:8). This reflected the Jewish belief in the intensification of evil before the new age of righteousness. The Jews believed in two ages (see Special Topic at Mat_12:31); the current evil age, characterized by sin and rebellion against God, and the "age to come." The New Age would be inaugurated by the coming of the Messiah. It would be a time of righteousness and fidelity to God. Although the Jewish view was true to a point, it did not take into account the two comings of the Messiah. We live in the over-lapping of these two ages. The "already" and "not yet" of the kingdom of God!

Cambridge Commentary - Matthew 24:8

sorrows] Literally, pains of travail, that preceded the birth of a new order of things, a fresh æon.
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Re: Hells Dominion by B.W. Melvin

Post by Philip »

There is an excellent book on this topic from scholar, award-winning journalist, and Christian, William Alnor:

UFOs in the New Age: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/08010 ... GWSCIPIWQY

He had copiously studied the (asserted) abduction phenomena and organized UFO groups around the world (Many which claim they have been communicating many years with "aliens.") Shocking to find that they often mix in Scripture and their own endtimes/New Age philosophies and beliefs. And what these so-called aliens and perceived encounters reveal has everything to do with deceptions, the demonic, and the occult. I first read it 20 years ago - it was a real eye-opener.

Rich Deem has some good info on the site on this issue:

http://www.godandscience.org/doctrine/u ... emons.html
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Re: Hells Dominion by B.W. Melvin

Post by claysmithr »


Is a relatively good article on the Christian perspective on the UFO phenom!
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Re: Hells Dominion by B.W. Melvin

Post by Blessed »


I listened to the first part of the interview about suffering and need to stop and comment. I DO NOT WANT TO SUFFER. This will make me fall away. I cannot handle it. I do not want to suffer. I do not deserve to suffer. If were are born again in Christ cleansed by his blood and saved by God - there is no need for any Christian to suffer. Doing so will coax me away and make others flat out quit. I saw a "dome" on the Queen Mary protecting me and I know there is no reason for me to suffer.

However I must admit. Ever since focusing more on Christianity, I have noticed, a small consistent string of bad luck, losing buckets of cash, losing clients, losing a house, arguments with family members, depressions creeping in, and this is not how it should be. I have suffered enough in life, walking the earth alone like some kind of Cain.

If this keeps up ...
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Re: Hells Dominion by B.W. Melvin

Post by Philip »

Blessed: I DO NOT WANT TO SUFFER. This will make me fall away. I cannot handle it. I do not want to suffer. I do not deserve to suffer. If were are born again in Christ cleansed by his blood and saved by God - there is no need for any Christian to suffer.
Well, Jesus suffered - he submitted to the world that hated Him. As Christians, we are called to a God-based morality and sense of the world. This automatically will often put us into conflict against people who hate our values, laugh at God's ways. But we can also have peace during these trials. Because those who throw in with the world will be absorbed into its sufferings - non-Christians don't escape suffering either. But most of the suffering is caused by those going against God's values and morality.
Blessed: Doing so will coax me away and make others flat out quit.
Those who don't truly value God's teachings WILL fall away. If a person only desires to take the easy route and "go with the flow" of the world around them, then they value what the world offers more than what God does - but along with that world they will remain in guilt and the impact of denying God - a terrible thing. They'll never truly be happy or at peace. So, for unbelievers, there will always be suffering, but often a different kind - even though there are common sufferings to all men everywhere.
Blessed: However I must admit. Ever since focusing more on Christianity, I have noticed, a small consistent string of bad luck, losing buckets of cash, losing clients, losing a house, arguments with family members, depressions creeping in, and this is not how it should be. I have suffered enough in life, walking the earth alone like some kind of Cain.
And so your only testimony shows you suffering and cannot find peace. Ah, but faith in Christ brings with it God's power to change circumstances, to bring about otherwise unattainable outcomes. But it does not mean that there won't be trials - as God sees values in our trials, for our good and spiritual growth. We often learn far more and retain our lessons through our sufferings, as that is when we most reach out to God. In fact, the Christian Church historically exploded in numbers during some of its worst repression and attacks upon Christians.
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Re: Hells Dominion by B.W. Melvin

Post by Blessed »

B. W. wrote:
Omega Man Radio, Episode 4966 - Why do we go thru struggles and suffering? - Bryan Melvin Jan 12,2018



What's the subliminal snoring going on in the background?

I started laughing uncontrollably at this. :pound: for no reason, I really need that. Thank you. :lol:
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Re: Hells Dominion by B.W. Melvin

Post by B. W. »

Philip wrote:There is an excellent book on this topic from scholar, award-winning journalist, and Christian, William Alnor:

UFOs in the New Age: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/08010 ... GWSCIPIWQY

He had copiously studied the (asserted) abduction phenomena and organized UFO groups around the world (Many which claim they have been communicating many years with "aliens.") Shocking to find that they often mix in Scripture and their own endtimes/New Age philosophies and beliefs. And what these so-called aliens and perceived encounters reveal has everything to do with deceptions, the demonic, and the occult. I first read it 20 years ago - it was a real eye-opener.

Rich Deem has some good info on the site on this issue:

http://www.godandscience.org/doctrine/u ... emons.html
Rich has some great articles on the main page.

These ET-demons appear to teach a form of the Buddhist bodhisattva Maitreya -
see -- messiah.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maitreya

Which is another name for Nebo aka Apollo - same story line but with the twist of bringing all religions into one. In the Wiki article the word "Maitreya is derived from the Sanskrit word maitrī (meaning) "loving-kindness."

Follow the trail - this messaih comes to restore world order and harmony and love... it is a sort of seduction process. Think of the anti Christ and you may begin to grasp how he seduces the world. The book of 1 John mentions the spirit of Anti-Christ has been at work in the world a long time.

Now, look at the modern church period which we live. Many are being swayed by the loving kindness doctrine and refute basic teachings of the Bible such as Hell, punishment, conviction, etc, and promote a whimsy universalism - ecumenical - seeker senstive model.

In fact, have you heard about Moody Bible College scandal?

http://pulpitandpen.org/2018/01/10/mood ... t-scandal/

In fact many main line bible colleges have already become liberal. So is it any wonder we are getting a watered down gospel? God's love and lovingkindness has been redefined to fit a narrative of religious inclusionism.

Who knows, maybe some of these leaders are channeling the demonic getting the some folks in the church world ready to receive the devils' messaih.

Who knows????
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Re: Hells Dominion by B.W. Melvin

Post by B. W. »

Blessed wrote:
B. W. wrote:
Omega Man Radio, Episode 4966 - Why do we go thru struggles and suffering? - Bryan Melvin Jan 12,2018



What's the subliminal snoring going on in the background?

I started laughing uncontrollably at this. :pound: for no reason, I really need that. Thank you. :lol:
Probably me, I was sleep talking ... :lol:
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Re: Hells Dominion by B.W. Melvin

Post by Philip »

Besides whatever demonic deceptions may or may not be going on, related to the whole alien aductions, UFOs, etc., there is also a huge amount of trickery and fraud out there designed to persuade people aliens have been coming here for quite some time.

Take the famous story about the asserted UFOs buzzing over Washington, back in 1952:


While the photo itself is genuine, the asserted UFOs seemingly in the sky behind the capitol were F - A - K - E NEWS ! ! !

Michael Heiser recently linked the following expose from his website:

http://www.blueblurrylines.com/2014/12/ ... lying.html
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Re: Hells Dominion by B.W. Melvin

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Bryan equates Aliens with Demons. But the universe is too big for E.T.'s not to exist. It's impossible Earth is the only planet with intelligent life. One Hubble space telescope episode proves this.
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Re: Hells Dominion by B.W. Melvin

Post by Blessed »

I went to this church in Redondo Beach once. It was nice. The pastor was nice. The people were nice. I liked it. But there were allot of people in the church having bad things happen to them talking about their problems.

And it scared me away.

There was a younger couple who always sat in the same place near the front row, who'd married young and been married 10+ years. Both of them were very nice people, attractive, healthy looking, fit couple. I'm not gonna lie, the guys wife was hot. Michelle was the wife's name. They looked like the kind of parents that would have healthy fit attractive kids by default. Yet out of 5 kids born- 3 kids died. 2 survived. 1 had a learning disability. 1 was healthy playing little league beach volleyball or something.

This was a devoted young church couple. Picture perfect. Rare good people. As they were giving thanks to the Lord, for their "1 healthy child" that was alive and kicking. I felt ... Like, these thoughts come into my head like why is this happening to them and why are they giving thanks to God for this? 1 healthy kid..? Gee thanks God. Why did you do this to these nice married couple? They are a nice young beautiful couple devoted to church, charity, loving each other and following your ways God... and this is what they get?

If God allows that to happen to them ...

That caused me to leave that church.
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Re: Hells Dominion by B.W. Melvin

Post by claysmithr »

Blessed, while this world has been cursed by God and demon powers... it's still not Hell.

God will make things right for them. They will be re-united with their dead children in Heaven, and be greatly rewarded for keeping their faith through difficult trials.

Evil is a problem, and God's plan is to send evil to Hell for eternity!
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