Mocking the Poor

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Re: Mocking the Poor

Post by Mallz »

thatkidakayoungguy wrote:What about people like my immediate family, who are about in the same boat as the immigrants? And yes I'm white, not all whites can get to college get high paying jobs blah blah, so I actually sympathize with the immigrants some. They want a better life.
Yet the immigrants get the flipping jobs. My aunt went to apply for some job and was turned down by a person who couldn't speak English and she got mad.
Of course, people don't want to accept this fact that there are legal citizens who want to work, but can't get any or at least not any good paying ones for whatever reason, but rather stick to the liberal mantra that we hear everyday.
I'm white and I never got any help for college (and graduated with 95K in debt). I know many who are 'lucky' enough to have parents who only earn soooo much so they get assistance. It's all BS and all should be merit based. People get into college and get jobs because they aren't white; and people wonder why racism won't die? Being racist ins't a solution to racism :lol:
I don't know your immediate family, how are they in the same boat? I'm sorry your aunt didn't get it (and I pray she falls into one soon!), but what does it matter if the person doesn't speak English? I don't think that's cause for any reaction, why should it be? I don't think I understood your last sentence. Yeah, there are legal citizens who want to work and are unemployed..?
And to your other post, yeah, this world is upside down and so far off from how things should and will be. It'll be a culture shock for everyone, no matter where they end up.
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Re: Mocking the Poor

Post by Blessed »

edwardmurphy wrote:Not sure where you live, but here in Maine/NH commercial fishermen aren't "the rich." It's generally a family business based around one boat and a long-held commercial fishing license. Large-scale unlicensed fishing would be catastrophic for the fishery and the fishermen.
Not to change the subject - but I think government control and licenses are a good thing on this specific subject because the world is consuming too much fish.

I'm going to put my Libertarianism aside and be far left statist on this subject as possible.

There needs to be a way to drive up fish prices. In order to make fish unaffordable for most people to eat. Until fish stocks recover. This could be done with a huge retail level tax or other measures involving government control and enforcement.

The only thing is ... just like drugs or anything else the government gets it's hands on .. when the price skyrockets it creates an incentive for black market fish. So I'm not sure if this would work for fish.
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Re: Mocking the Poor

Post by Blessed »

thatkidakayoungguy wrote:I'm white.

I must say I am not surprised.. Seems racial stereotypes hold true on this here...
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Re: Mocking the Poor

Post by thatkidakayoungguy »

Blessed wrote:
edwardmurphy wrote:Not sure where you live, but here in Maine/NH commercial fishermen aren't "the rich." It's generally a family business based around one boat and a long-held commercial fishing license. Large-scale unlicensed fishing would be catastrophic for the fishery and the fishermen.
Not to change the subject - but I think government control and licenses are a good thing on this specific subject because the world is consuming too much fish.

I'm going to put my Libertarianism aside and be far left statist on this subject as possible.

There needs to be a way to drive up fish prices. In order to make fish unaffordable for most people to eat. Until fish stocks recover. This could be done with a huge retail level tax or other measures involving government control and enforcement.

The only thing is ... just like drugs or anything else the government gets it's hands on .. when the price skyrockets it creates an incentive for black market fish. So I'm not sure if this would work for fish.
Good point, but, I'm referring to how it is too regulated and so no work happens around here. It's driving the avg joe out.
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Re: Mocking the Poor

Post by thatkidakayoungguy »

Blessed wrote:
thatkidakayoungguy wrote:I'm white.

I must say I am not surprised.. Seems racial stereotypes hold true on this here...
Yep. There's white stereotyping and to some degree there is double standards against whites.
It's like the hate and injustice just shifts to one other group.
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Re: Mocking the Poor

Post by edwardmurphy »

It's not easy being White in America, but it's easier than being anything else.
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Re: Mocking the Poor

Post by Blessed »

thatkidakayoungguy wrote:
Blessed wrote:
thatkidakayoungguy wrote:I'm white.

I must say I am not surprised.. Seems racial stereotypes hold true on this here...
Yep. There's white stereotyping and to some degree there is double standards against whites.
It's like the hate and injustice just shifts to one other group.
All this will go away when Jesus comes back.

Yes but you are aware the BDSM scene is whiter than a 1950's suburban Christmas party correct?

I am watching these "fetish factory" parties online. A bunch of freak pervert degenerates...
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Re: Mocking the Poor

Post by Philip »

It's not easy being White in America, but it's easier than being anything else.
It depends upon the context of one's whiteness (or of any race).
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Re: Mocking the Poor

Post by edwardmurphy »

Not really. In the US being X and White is going to be better than being X and anything else in nearly every instance.
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Re: Mocking the Poor

Post by Blessed »

edwardmurphy wrote:Not really. In the US being X and White is going to be better than being X and anything else in nearly every instance.

Define "better"
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Re: Mocking the Poor

Post by Philip »

Ed: In the US being X and White is going to be better than being X and anything else in nearly every instance.
I'm speaking of the immediate context - not necessarily society-wide. I've encountered many situations where I was the only white guy around - often with threats, nasty words, and in high school, I beaten and kicked by a gang of black kids. The last two years of high school, I was part of about a 25% minority. I was a little skinny guy and was lucky to get out with my teeth intact. As a teenager working at an ice plant in an all-black neighborhood, you wouldn't believe the stuff I had to deal with. And later, when I was in commercial real estate marketing, I often had to take property photos in all kinds of neighborhoods. White dude with a tie in certain neighborhoods, so many nasty stares and worse. There are many places in the closest city, if just walking through, where my white skin alone could easily get me killed.

And yet, I've seen it all as to how racism has been dished out in reverse when my context was as part of the majority - yet, nowadays, in "polite" society, not usually so overtly (but it's certainly there!). My point is that white people - and NO racial group - has the market cornered on racism - as there will typically be the same percentages of haters in every race! But the level of who and how often those hatreds are directed toward a person has everything to do with the racial percentages per their immediate situation's context. If you take any minority and they suddenly became the new majority, with all of the other socioeconomic variables also being reversed, the new minority (the old majority) race would then begin to experience the very same levels and frequency of blatant or subtle racism. That's human nature 101 - it doesn't change per one's racial group. And, so often, the minority experiencing racism is just as hateful - would quickly return the same treatment, given the chance. So, it's also about power and numbers. Of course ANY minority is going to experience more racism - as it's a matter of numbers - there's typically a whole lot more people in any majority group than in the minority group - and that ratio often plays out in how often racism is experienced. My sister has worked as an admin in public mental health in an inner city for 30+ years. She is a significant minority of white co-workers and middle management. She frequently experiences racism and nasty attitudes. Point is, that is the way the world typically rolls - and it's sad. Go to Europe, this same thing plays out per ethnic group of Caucasians, or per religious group, or classism, etc.

People can change, if so motivated. My own dad was very racist when I was a young kid. He finally learned, mostly per Christian influences, and so by the time he was 60 or so, he was a very different person (thank God!). My church is significantly mixed with about 30 percent minorities - also in leadership. We have great relationships and friendships across the board - as people there don't think like much of the greater society. And we occasionally and intentionally talk about racially impacting and sensitive topics, in a helpful way.

So context and numbers are the only difference in racist attitudes - because we are all humans. And yet, many people tend to think their racial group is not nearly as racist as other racial groups. And I think minorities tend to think that more so, but only because of their much smaller numbers, which means they are understandably experiencing much higher percentages in incidents.
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Re: Mocking the Poor

Post by Kurieuo »

:roll: How about defining people on an individual basis, rather than by any particular group or stereotype?
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Re: Mocking the Poor

Post by edwardmurphy »

Blessed - Better in the traditional sense. If you're you with white skin you'll have an easier time dealing with the police, finding employment or housing, locating a competent barber, and generally moving through life than if you were you with non-white skin.

Phil - I agree with much of that.

K - I do my best to do exactly that, but that doesn't mean that everyone does, or even tries to. The reality is that in the US, statistically, you're better off being a White male than any other combination of races and genders. That doesn't mean that all White males have it made - if that were the case Donald Trump would have been laughed out of the Primaries. What it means is that, all other things being equal, being White and male is generally an advantage.
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Re: Mocking the Poor

Post by Blessed »

edwardmurphy wrote:Blessed - Better in the traditional sense. If you're you with white skin you'll have an easier time dealing with the police, finding employment or housing, locating a competent barber, and generally moving through life than if you were you with non-white skin.
Ha ha ha .. you cannot be serious ...
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Re: Mocking the Poor

Post by Blessed »

edwardmurphy wrote:Blessed - Better in the traditional sense. If you're you with white skin you'll have an easier time dealing with the police, finding employment or housing, locating a competent barber, and generally moving through life than if you were you with non-white skin.
Where do I even start with this :lol:
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