Healing a racist heart

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Healing a racist heart

Post by Hortator »

So I looked around for a topic like this, but wasn't able to find one. So I decided to create my own.

* Warning, there is a lot of non-PC lingo used below, but I will refrain from any 4-6 letter words and try to be tactful without being vague. *

I was referred to a website that i can't even give a valid URL to without the word censor kicking in. Let's just say it's n-word-mania if you're interested. I was just as hypnotized as he was by their "philosophy" on black people. Hypnotized in the sense you can't not watch a train wreck or a car crash.

I can summarize their basic premise: black people are not human, but a separate sub-species or entirely different species entirely, that simply stayed in sub-Saharan Africa and had no connections to the outside world until Portuguese slavers began to buy warlord's captured enemies. And since then, are the "sand in the gears" of humanity. i can lay out other such insults, but it's ad nausea.

As such, this literal dehumanization colors their tone and content of messages. They laugh when blacks die, and in their mind, the younger the better. That's the worst thing I can say they do. But the rest of the time, they just stew in their hatred. For some of them, they just seem like extremely crass jokers. For others, I can't help feel they are 2 days from pulling a Dylan Roof. And most are closer to the latter.

We all know what the Bible says on race, or doesn't say. God showed no partiality, Jesus showed no partiality. He healed Jew and Gentile alike, and even the pagan Roman soldier who was sent to arrest Him. As Christians, we too are supposed to show impartiality and LOVE for all.

But these people seem to form their outlook on life around their hatred. Their scorn is the fulcrum of all other thought. They deny science, theology, and any other worldview unless it approves their own hateful premise.

How do you reach out to a racist? I want to talk to these people, but I feel like my words would be locked almost instantly. They cannot accept that, no matter what you look like, where you were born, when Christ gave Himself to be crucified, He did so for everyone. Is there even a way to convince somebody who views a person of another race as non-human that fact?

I bring this up especially because the words they use, the kind of rhetoric....I see it in other places as well. I can remember seeing it in the past too, but now that I know what they were saying, it seems like this issue of hatred is widespread. What can we as Christians do to fight fire with water? Fight hate with love?
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Re: Healing a racist heart

Post by RickD »

If I understand you correctly, you're wondering what you can do to change their minds?

First and foremost, if you think there is a serious threat from someone on the site, you need to report it to someone.

Being on this forum long enough, has helped me recognize those who are open to change, and those who aren't.

I'd have to guess that it's a waste of your time to try to change the mind of someone like that on a forum. I'd say it may be different if you had a personal relationship with someone with those views, but on a forum? Nope.

Do you mind pming me the site? I want to see what has you all riled up.
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Re: Healing a racist heart

Post by thatkidakayoungguy »

Hortator wrote:So I looked around for a topic like this, but wasn't able to find one. So I decided to create my own.

* Warning, there is a lot of non-PC lingo used below, but I will refrain from any 4-6 letter words and try to be tactful without being vague. *

I was referred to a website that i can't even give a valid URL to without the word censor kicking in. Let's just say it's n-word-mania if you're interested. I was just as hypnotized as he was by their "philosophy" on black people. Hypnotized in the sense you can't not watch a train wreck or a car crash.

I can summarize their basic premise: black people are not human, but a separate sub-species or entirely different species entirely, that simply stayed in sub-Saharan Africa and had no connections to the outside world until Portuguese slavers began to buy warlord's captured enemies. And since then, are the "sand in the gears" of humanity. i can lay out other such insults, but it's ad nausea.

As such, this literal dehumanization colors their tone and content of messages. They laugh when blacks die, and in their mind, the younger the better. That's the worst thing I can say they do. But the rest of the time, they just stew in their hatred. For some of them, they just seem like extremely crass jokers. For others, I can't help feel they are 2 days from pulling a Dylan Roof. And most are closer to the latter.

We all know what the Bible says on race, or doesn't say. God showed no partiality, Jesus showed no partiality. He healed Jew and Gentile alike, and even the pagan Roman soldier who was sent to arrest Him. As Christians, we too are supposed to show impartiality and LOVE for all.

But these people seem to form their outlook on life around their hatred. Their scorn is the fulcrum of all other thought. They deny science, theology, and any other worldview unless it approves their own hateful premise.

How do you reach out to a racist? I want to talk to these people, but I feel like my words would be locked almost instantly. They cannot accept that, no matter what you look like, where you were born, when Christ gave Himself to be crucified, He did so for everyone. Is there even a way to convince somebody who views a person of another race as non-human that fact?

I bring this up especially because the words they use, the kind of rhetoric....I see it in other places as well. I can remember seeing it in the past too, but now that I know what they were saying, it seems like this issue of hatred is widespread. What can we as Christians do to fight fire with water? Fight hate with love?
Being in the boonies Ik some people who are much like this when it comes to blacks...ugh is it foolish, wrong historically, and plain sinful.
How are blacks some ape man who couldn't contribute much when the richest man who ever lived was black? Not to mention the brief time Egypt was ruled by blacks, and the Ethiopians mentioned in the bible, Great Zimbabwe, etc.
Now I know they are the same subspecies of human, but I'm not concerned if they were called another species or subspecies personally as my def. of human is broader than most here. For instance, just look up Neanderthals in search bar and see my threads.
So how do they explain mulattoes aka mixed people? Some inferior crap? Even if they look like a non black?
Racism is weird, even though racism against blacks isn't the only incident, prejudice against whites, asians, native americans etc happens too.
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Re: Healing a racist heart

Post by Philip »

The most effective way to change a racist mind is not some intellectual appeal or lectures about history. It's through their heart and developing and understanding of how God views all humans. And per what God commands as to how we are to view and treat our fellow man. Because if a racist doesn't come to these understandings spiritually, they are unlikely to change. BTW, many people only trade their racism for other kinds of hatreds about people - they hate because of class, economic status, religion, politics, etc.

BTW, a whole lot of what is asserted to be racism isn't. Today, if you criticize someone of whatever race, the rebuttal is often not a truthful defense against the facts of the accusation, but is an automatic "pull out the racism accusation" tactic. In my experience, usually people hyper-consumed over racism, those that constantly view almost every issue through the politics and injustices of race, and are constantly scanning the landscape to see some racial motive behind everything - such people are usually themselves considerably racist in their personal outlook.
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Re: Healing a racist heart

Post by B. W. »

Things to consider:

I am working with First Nations people who are doing an apology forgiveness tour where folks from both Native and Black and Europeans ask for forgiveness of the atrocities commited by both sides by ancestors. Now they are going to other tribes and too to do this among themselves.

No Race is innocent all are guilty. In fact Muslims and fellow Black African tribes sold the neighbors into slavery - do you here about that? Heck no - can't be use by the PC Cultural Marxist s to create discord and hate and instability so they can rule like Stalin over the world.

English and Scots butchered each other. The Vikings did so too. Native Americans in South, Central, and North America butchered each other and sold each other into slavery and had sex slaves - that is historical fact.

No race is not guilty of hate, malice, slavery, killing or racism either.

The superiority of the Christian message is healing - by forgiveness.

Other religions cannot offer this nor make it happen. The Political elites of the Frankfurt school ideology stir up hate to gain advantage of dominating control over the masses to control them.

Think about if all races and to fellows of same race got on their knees before each other and asked for forgiveness instead of revenge, reparations for things we had no control of 100 and 1000 of years ago or even now.

Should we sue Italy for enslaving millions during the Roman empire? Or Greece? Or the middle east Babylon area for Nimrod's enslavement of people? How far do we really go back people?

Stopped be played a fool by the Cultural Marxists ... Get on you knees and ask each other for forgiveness and move on with your life.
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Re: Healing a racist heart

Post by RickD »

B.W. wrote:

I am working with First Nations people who are doing an apology forgiveness tour where folks from both Native and Black and Europeans ask for forgiveness of the atrocities commited by both sides by ancestors. Now they are going to other tribes and too to do this among themselves.
Why in the world would people go on a tour, apologizing for something their ancestors did?

I just don't understand the concept. I'm a direct descendant of someone who came over on the Mayflower. So there's a pretty good chance that some of my descendants owned slaves. And as wrong as slavery was, why would I apologize for their mistakes?

It's one thing to work together with different groups, to talk about things that happened, but to ask forgiveness for something I personally didn't do?

I've got enough sins of my own to ask forgiveness for.
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Re: Healing a racist heart

Post by Philip »

Rick: It's one thing to work together with different groups, to talk about things that happened, but to ask forgiveness for something I personally didn't do?

Right - we're not responsible for the sins of our fathers!

And often, such PC thinking would have: A) People apologize who B) are not responsible for whatever others in the past did and C) NOT to the people who were hurt by such sins (many of whom are long dead), but INSTEAD to D) people alive today who weren't directly impacted, and often weren't even alive when some ancestor of theirs was hurt or impacted by E) some past wrong YOU have not a thing to do with, and as F) YOU likely don't even know either the persons the PC crowd would have you apologize to, or G) that you even know the past perpetrators or victims involved in past injustices.

And so, can you imagine if this were expected of every single person??? Where does it end? So people today are being made the "bad guys" for the sins of the fathers? Are responsible for economic impacts of the bad actions of others - so that those living and not responsible must take some economic hit - and for things they had nothing to do with? Mostly, this has to do with people trying to make historical wrongs right, via some new injustices. And a huge amount of it is coming through liberals and people who utilize racial thinking and are willing to assign cross-generational guilt. But as it gets messy, per whatever individuals ancestors, the guilt-mongers would make a simple issue of one race being guilty and the other race the victims. How stupid and naive! And as Rick says, why would anyone feel guilt over the actions of others? I don't really care if my ancestors were all horse thieves and swindlers (as some likely were) - that would be only THEIR guilt.
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Re: Healing a racist heart

Post by thatkidakayoungguy »

I wonder if this PC stuff we're talking about is leading up to the Antichrist's reign.
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Re: Healing a racist heart

Post by PaulSacramento »

I can summarize their basic premise: black people are not human, but a separate sub-species or entirely different species entirely, that simply stayed in sub-Saharan Africa and had no connections to the outside world until Portuguese slavers began to buy warlord's captured enemies. And since then, are the "sand in the gears" of humanity. i can lay out other such insults, but it's ad nausea.
You can't reason with stupid.
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Re: Healing a racist heart

Post by JediMasterAaron »

Hortator wrote:
How do you reach out to a racist? I want to talk to these people, but I feel like my words would be locked almost instantly. They cannot accept that, no matter what you look like, where you were born, when Christ gave Himself to be crucified, He did so for everyone. Is there even a way to convince somebody who views a person of another race as non-human that fact?

I bring this up especially because the words they use, the kind of rhetoric....I see it in other places as well. I can remember seeing it in the past too, but now that I know what they were saying, it seems like this issue of hatred is widespread. What can we as Christians do to fight fire with water? Fight hate with love?
It's possible, I've heard of a few instances where racists had their heart's changed. The common theme between them is that they were put in a situation where they had to interact with someone who was black everyday. For example, I saw one story about a former skinhead who had his heart changed. He was arrested, and his P.O. was black. She treated him with kindness, and love. Now they're great friends, and I think he travels around the country trying to help other racists. In all honesty, I think the kind of hatred that comes with racism is spiritual, and only unconditional love, can change it.
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Re: Healing a racist heart

Post by RickD »

JediMasterAaron wrote:
Hortator wrote:
How do you reach out to a racist? I want to talk to these people, but I feel like my words would be locked almost instantly. They cannot accept that, no matter what you look like, where you were born, when Christ gave Himself to be crucified, He did so for everyone. Is there even a way to convince somebody who views a person of another race as non-human that fact?

I bring this up especially because the words they use, the kind of rhetoric....I see it in other places as well. I can remember seeing it in the past too, but now that I know what they were saying, it seems like this issue of hatred is widespread. What can we as Christians do to fight fire with water? Fight hate with love?
It's possible, I've heard of a few instances where racists had their heart's changed. The common theme between them is that they were put in a situation where they had to interact with someone who was black everyday. For example, I saw one story about a former skinhead who had his heart changed. He was arrested, and his P.O. was black. She treated him with kindness, and love. Now they're great friends, and I think he travels around the country trying to help other racists. In all honesty, I think the kind of hatred that comes with racism is spiritual, and only unconditional love, can change it.
I believe you are thinking of Ed Norton in American History X.
John 5:24
24 “Truly, truly, I say to you, he who hears My word, and believes Him who sent Me, has eternal life, and does not come into judgment, but has passed out of death into life.

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Re: Healing a racist heart

Post by JediMasterAaron »

RickD wrote:
JediMasterAaron wrote:
Hortator wrote:
How do you reach out to a racist? I want to talk to these people, but I feel like my words would be locked almost instantly. They cannot accept that, no matter what you look like, where you were born, when Christ gave Himself to be crucified, He did so for everyone. Is there even a way to convince somebody who views a person of another race as non-human that fact?

I bring this up especially because the words they use, the kind of rhetoric....I see it in other places as well. I can remember seeing it in the past too, but now that I know what they were saying, it seems like this issue of hatred is widespread. What can we as Christians do to fight fire with water? Fight hate with love?
It's possible, I've heard of a few instances where racists had their heart's changed. The common theme between them is that they were put in a situation where they had to interact with someone who was black everyday. For example, I saw one story about a former skinhead who had his heart changed. He was arrested, and his P.O. was black. She treated him with kindness, and love. Now they're great friends, and I think he travels around the country trying to help other racists. In all honesty, I think the kind of hatred that comes with racism is spiritual, and only unconditional love, can change it.
I believe you are thinking of Ed Norton in American History X.
Maybe :lol:
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