Mike Pence

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Mike Pence

Post by Ged »

Man of God (click the you-tube link)

People make a caricature of Mike Pence because they can find nothing of substance with which to criticism him. He is a thoroughly decent person, and if I was on the other side of the pond I would make him more than Vice President.
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Re: Mike Pence

Post by edwardmurphy »

His carefully constructed political identity is that of a thoroughly decent person. Read up a bit on his actual behavior - his voting record, flip-flops, connections to billionaire donors, and so forth - and he starts to look like any other politician. I'm not a fan of his politics or his holier-than-thou shtick.
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Re: Mike Pence

Post by Philip »

Ed: His carefully constructed political identity is that of a thoroughly decent person. Read up a bit on his actual behavior - his voting record,

Might be more useful to right a few sentences upon things he's done that you don't like.
Ed: flip-flops,
If the flipping and flopping is constant, then I'd say he's either just following political expediency, popular opinion, or doesn't know WHAT he thinks philosophically. But if it's a matter than he's changed his mind occasionally - well, only arrogant, ****-sure types don't ever reassess facts, initiatives and their impacts. So where has he done this and what are you upset about?
Ed: connections to billionaire donors, and so forth -
Virtually ANY politician that has been in his state's politics for any length of time is going to know very wealthy people. These tend to be people who, whether for good or bad, have vast influence. Money can be used good or badly. It is virtually impossible to obtain national office and not have friends or donors with deep pockets - unfortunately - because this is how the system is set up. Poor Joe Blow - smart guy with good ideas but no money or friends with it - will never be able to go anywhere in office. That's a sad reality, but true. It's why many great people refuse to run.
Ed: I'm not a fan of his politics or his holier-than-thou shtick.
Not sure what you refer to - is it because he's unashamed to be a Christian or stick up for values and policies he thinks best reflect that? Is it because he disagrees constantly with the far liberal left?

Just flesh it out a bit.
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Re: Mike Pence

Post by abelcainsbrother »

Ged wrote:Man of God (click the you-tube link)

People make a caricature of Mike Pence because they can find nothing of substance with which to criticism him. He is a thoroughly decent person, and if I was on the other side of the pond I would make him more than Vice President.
I'm going to hold back for now on deciding if I like him or not.Because I have heard some very serious accusations about him,however I don't have enough evidence or reason to fully accept it yet and so I have decided to hold back and wait for more evidence to come out.I want to like him but if the rumors I'm hearing are true it will not be good for him.But at this point I consider them just rumors unless or until something more concrete comes out.I hope what I'm hearing is not true but it is very serious if it is.It has to do with pedophilia and/or knowing about it happening in his state Indiana and not doing anything to stop it.I cannot say it is true at this point but if it is it will doom him.We know that the Deep State sets people up and uses pedophilia to blackmail and control politicians to do what they want them to do and this could have happened to Mike Pence.I don't want to believe it and I don't want to,but if it is? it is very troubling.
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Re: Mike Pence

Post by Ged »

I doubt that hes involve in that sort of stuff. His worst attribute is that he doesnt speak against his creepy boss.
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Re: Mike Pence

Post by Blessed »

abelcainsbrother wrote:
Ged wrote:Man of God (click the you-tube link)

People make a caricature of Mike Pence because they can find nothing of substance with which to criticism him. He is a thoroughly decent person, and if I was on the other side of the pond I would make him more than Vice President.
I'm going to hold back for now on deciding if I like him or not.Because I have heard some very serious accusations about him,however I don't have enough evidence or reason to fully accept it yet and so I have decided to hold back and wait for more evidence to come out.I want to like him but if the rumors I'm hearing are true it will not be good for him.But at this point I consider them just rumors unless or until something more concrete comes out.I hope what I'm hearing is not true but it is very serious if it is.It has to do with pedophilia and/or knowing about it happening in his state Indiana and not doing anything to stop it.I cannot say it is true at this point but if it is it will doom him.We know that the Deep State sets people up and uses pedophilia to blackmail and control politicians to do what they want them to do and this could have happened to Mike Pence.I don't want to believe it and I don't want to,but if it is? it is very troubling.

I don't know what he's been accused of. But I read that, if you've ever looked at porn, it's on your computer somewhere, even if you think it's not. And if any images are of people under 18 or who look under 18, you can be accused. The've set it up like this. Only the accusation matters. Like witchcraft in 15th century Salem. Once your name and mugshot are posted online with charges .. youre life is over. I think they even have "suspicion of possession" as a charge now. So I really either don't believe these charges or suspect motive for it. If I was forced to give an answer,,, with everything going on since before Trump upset the aplpcart got elected.. I would say It's non credible. These people tipped their hand long time ago.
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Re: Mike Pence

Post by Stu »

edwardmurphy wrote:I'm not a fan of his politics or his holier-than-thou shtick.
Man, you must have hated Obama then...
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Re: Mike Pence

Post by DBowling »

Ged wrote:I doubt that hes involve in that sort of stuff. His worst attribute is that he doesnt speak against his creepy boss.
I agree, I'm sure those 'rumors' are nothing more than fabrications. I'm unaware of any information from any credible source to corroborate those rumors.
I do appreciate the stand that Pence has taken to protect Christians from being compelled by the state to act against their religious beliefs. (our friend ed probably has a totally different perspective on that one ;) )

And I am one of those on this side of the pond who really wishes that Pence were President.
However, I am somewhat relieved that he does have a positive influence on the White House.

But Scripture does speak to the principle of being "unequally yoked". And I do have a concern that it is difficult to be yoked together with corruption and avoid being somehow tainted in the process. Even for a fundamentally moral person like Mike Pence.
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Re: Mike Pence

Post by Philip »

Here's an interesting question. IF Pence decided to run against Trump for the Republican nomination, what do you think would be the outcome?
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Re: Mike Pence

Post by RickD »

Philip wrote:Here's an interesting question. IF Pence decided to run against Trump for the Republican nomination, what do you think would be the outcome?
The outcome would be Pence looking for a new job, and Trump having a new VP running mate.

As much as most of us agree that Trump isn't the ideal president, can't we all acknowledge that he was the ideal candidate to beat Clinton? And without Trump, we'd all be complaining about president Hillary.
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Re: Mike Pence

Post by Philip »

Rick: "The outcome would be Pence looking for a new job, and Trump having a new VP running mate.

As much as most of us agree that Trump isn't the ideal president, can't we all acknowledge that he was the ideal candidate to beat Clinton? And without Trump, we'd all be complaining about president Hillary."
Rick's probably right - keeping one's mouth closed about things they later use to run against someone looks opportunistic, phony and hypocritical. And, IF Pence could unseat Trump, the left would tie them forever as one target worthy of their disdain. This is why I don't think Joe Biden can make a credible run for the presidency - people, as a whole, HATE much of Obama's legacy - and they look at smooth-talking Uncle Joe as just a BS artist who went right along with the policies of Barry, Nancy, and the Arkansas HillBillies. Course, this is the challenge of all VPs running after a problematic presidency - they're too closely tied to the former commander in chief.

I think Pence might be president one day IF Trump does more good than bad, stupid stuff - and particularly so if the Democratic progressives continue to track further "Bernie." America has always been a center-right country, and they've seen the stench of 8 years of BO. ONLY if a Democratic candidate tracks to the center, will they be successful - UNLESS, Trump ends disastrously and/or the economy plummets again.
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