The current coach of the University of SC men's basketball, Frank Martin, once nearly died. Just married, he developed a very serious illness which quickly deteriorated. He couldn't move or speak, had a very high fever, and his organs were beginning to fail. The doctors were clueless, thought he might even have pancreatic cancer, and might not survive. In the midst of all this, his uncle, who had flown in, stood at his bedside and began to pray for Frank's life. Suddenly, a mysterious Asian nurse appeared behind him, and began to pray with him, and blessed all in God's name. The nurse passed his wife on the way out of the room, and she assured her that Martin would be okay. Within hours of this, his fever broke, and by the next day, all of his symptoms were gone. The odd thing is, no staff or doctors knew of any such nurse, insisted they were mistaken, and all were completely baffled. I wonder if it could have been an angel?

Here's a short ESPN video about it: