https://www.amazon.com/Beginning-We-Mis ... 0825439272
It's key premise is that, for all of the YEC / OEC creation time wars over the length of the creation "day" ("yom" in Hebrew) lengths of time in Genesis, Moses' focus wasn't to give the pre-scientific age Israelites correct SCIENCE (sun/earth/moon) explanations, but was instead meant to correct their 400+ years of ancient Egyptian and Mesopotamian creation myths. Miller asserts that God was using Moses text to correct early Israel's false theological understandings - in which, as opposed to the many false Egyptian gods who were supposed to be part of the creation - that Yahweh, the ONE true God, stood outside of, created, and controlled the creation. Of course, how the Genesis 1 text is worded, also fits the day / age understandings of old earth creationists (OECs) while doing so.
This book has been referenced here by me quite a lot. I'm just wondering how many of you have now read it, and if so, what is your opinion of it?
Personally, I think you can isolate any one aspect of what it's saying and carry it to an extreme. But it certainly can't be an accident that Moses chose such similar wordings and sequences to the ancient mythology Israel had absorbed during its long Egyptian captivity. As while Moses would have been very aware of such myths, one would think he would have otherwise taking extreme care to not use language that in any way resembled what those myths assert.