Trump: Is his response credible?

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Re: Trump: Is his response credible?

Post by BavarianWheels »

Philip wrote: Fri Apr 06, 2018 2:24 pm But the realists and many Christians who see that Trump is still far better than Hillary would have been (so far), still despise a lot of stuff about him.
I despise a lot about me-self!
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Re: Trump: Is his response credible?

Post by edwardmurphy »

BavarianWheels wrote:I don't feel sorry for her and much less for the fact that she's simply opening something SHE AGREED to keep under wraps for MORE money!
There's no need to feel sorry for Stormy Daniels. She's doing precisely what she wants to do and kicking ass in the process. She's winning so bigly that she's probably getting sick of winning. She's making bank on appearance fees. If she gets residuals on her films it's a good bet that those are doing great, too. She can probably charge more for future films, as well. If she has a website I'm sure her ad revenue is through the roof. Thanks to the stunning incompetence of Sideshow Don's legal team it's a good time to be Stormy Daniels.

By the way, her contention is that Trump's lawyer violated the NDA by mentioning it to the press, thus absolving her of any responsibility to uphold her end of the bargain. She's also arguing that, because Trump never signed it, the NDA is invalid anyway. Whether or not she's right is for the courts to decide.

If she wins there then we can expect to see her on all of the cable news shows, most likely pimping her tell-all book, which is sure to be something to behold. She's a porn star so I imagine that she has a high threshold for embarrassment. Folks love a train wreck, so it's in her interest to be as explicit as possible about Sideshow Don's proclivities, performance, and perhaps even perversions. Can she confirm the Dossier's allegation that DJT has a urine fetish?* Maybe. Is that a topic that the RNC wants to see dominating the news cycle a couple of months before the Midterms? :pound: No.

Personally, I think this whole thing is a hoot. I'm finally learning to just relax and enjoy the spectacle. I heard a rumor that the entire cast of Jackass was going to run for President in 2020. They've got my vote.

Incidentally, I'm a bit surprised that nobody's mentioned the trade war that Trump has apparently decided to dive into. I'd be interested to hear what anyone (but Abe) thinks about that.

* If she claims that he has a urine fetish can he do anything about it, regardless of whether or not it's true? How does one prove that one doesn't ask porn stars to pee on oneself? This is the gift that keeps on giving.
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Re: Trump: Is his response credible?

Post by DBowling »

edwardmurphy wrote: Sat Apr 07, 2018 10:15 pm Incidentally, I'm a bit surprised that nobody's mentioned the trade war that Trump has apparently decided to dive into. I'd be interested to hear what anyone (but Abe) thinks about that.
The words "utterly moronic" come to mind.

A trade war with China will actually negatively impact millions of Americans. Historically tariffs and trade wars have never worked, which is why I was opposed to Trump's tariff and anti-trade nonsense during the campaign.
This is going to hit Trump's base too. It will impact the jobs of those in agriculture and manufacturing and increase prices on all kinds of products for the American consumer. This has the potential to erase the positive economic impact we have already seen from tax reform on the American economy... just in time for the mid-term elections.
I cannot fathom why Trump would sabotage the American economy like this in an election year.

But, who knows, I may be wrong here. Trump's brilliance may surpass that of economists who actually know what they are talking about, and this is an ingenious Trumpian plan to have the American economy surging by November.
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Re: Trump: Is his response credible?

Post by edwardmurphy »

DBowling wrote: Sun Apr 08, 2018 4:24 am
edwardmurphy wrote: Sat Apr 07, 2018 10:15 pm Incidentally, I'm a bit surprised that nobody's mentioned the trade war that Trump has apparently decided to dive into. I'd be interested to hear what anyone (but Abe) thinks about that.
The words "utterly moronic" come to mind.

A trade war with China will actually negatively impact millions of Americans. Historically tariffs and trade wars have never worked, which is why I was opposed to Trump's tariff and anti-trade nonsense during the campaign.
This is going to hit Trump's base too. It will impact the jobs of those in agriculture and manufacturing and increase prices on all kinds of products for the American consumer. This has the potential to erase the positive economic impact we have already seen from tax reform on the American economy... just in time for the mid-term elections.
I cannot fathom why Trump would sabotage the American economy like this in an election year.
My thoughts exactly.

It seems like Trump just wanted to pump up his base by picking a fight. He knows nothing about history or economics, so he figures trade wars are "easy to win." He's used to trusting his hunches and ignoring the so-called experts, so in he goes.

It's an almost unimaginably bad political decision. Trump is the incumbent and the GOP controls Congress. If the trade war hurts the economy, which it's already starting to, then the GOP will be the undisputed owners of the entire mess. There's absolutely no way to spin any of the blame onto anyone else.

This is kind of crazy, really. The GOP was in a terrific position to win huge in November - the map favors them bigly - but after a year of Trump their prospects are looking terrible. And it's not because the Dems have done much. If there's a blue wave this Fall it's going to be entirely self-inflicted. So far we've had a couple of sex scandals, an endless string of stupid, revealing tweets, several Cabinet corruption or ethics scandals, a ton of turnover in the Administration, endless leaks and infighting, a tax cut aimed at the top 1% and paired with a spending increase, and now a trade war with China and the EU. All in a single year. And I'm sure I'm missing some stuff.

Edit: I forgot Mueller. Wow.
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Re: Trump: Is his response credible?

Post by Kurieuo »

Sounds good, like you're supporting the national economy... but then on paper, well, at least in Australia we'll be able to profit from such seemingly economic stupidity (along with every other nation). :P But who knows, perhaps Trump has a rabbit in his hat noone is aware to. Maybe it's a part of his art of negotiating better trade deals with China. Abe would likely say something along those lines I'm thinking.
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Re: Trump: Is his response credible?

Post by Philip »

It may be that Trump is using the tariff gambit to bring China to the table to forge more favorable concessions?

Thing is, trade laws have complexities. And while cheap foreign goods might benefit the nation they come from, if those products being bought domestically are a great value for your country's consumers, and then those savings on theoretically better, higher-quality, less expensive products puts money in people's pockets, that tradeoff can be a good thing. I have long driven Toyota's because they last a long time, are an excellent bang for my buck - least compared to domestic cars (although domestics have gotten better). So, when your country can't produce some products as good as their foreign competitors are, and our companies can't do it at nearly the same pricing - well, that's when I think buying foreign goods is a no-brainer. Ah, but such situations also kill domestic jobs, less taxes are collected. So, it's all a complex web.

But I think Trump thinks trade law is all very simple. He's kind of like thinking, "NOW I'm finally in a position to sock it to these other countries dumping their products on the U.S." Conventional wisdom says this is madness. But IS it? I think we'll rather quickly know - but even if Trump is correct, there's initially going to be a slump in stock values of domestic products - which may or may not rebound. There is such a thing as economic Darwinism - where crappy companies producing over-priced products of inferior durability go out of business. And some need to. We'll see what happens. But it's certainly not as simple as some here seem to think - or perhaps hope - that is, the thinking that, "I hate Trump, he's a moron, he has a new policy, so it must be a terrible idea and I hope if fails." The smart person should at least hope it produces good results - even though it might be really bad policy that will produce economic harm. SOMETIMES, even those we don't like or even detest have good ideas that go against convention. And we should all hope Trump succeeds in whatever good he might be able to produce.
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Re: Trump: Is his response credible?

Post by Blessed »

I love tariffs.

Steel and Aluminum are vital to infrastructure and domestic construction. It's utility commodity. Akin to lumber.

Some commodities should be duty free. Others should be hit with tariffs. Tariffs can also work to create jobs. Ronald Reagan enacted automobile tariffs against Japan in the 1980's. Reagan's tariffs forced Japan to build manufacturing plants in the USA. They did not want to lose out on the US market.

Trumps steel tariffs are 25%. George Bush imposed 35% steel tariffs in 2002. When Bush's tariffs were imposed importers skirted the law. U.S. Customs and Border Protection trade enforcement specialists were drastically underpaid and understaffed. China subsidized steel exports in response to Bush's tariffs. China will do the same thing to Trump's tariffs. It can take years for the DOC to investigate export subsidies and impose countervailing duties. In the meantime the politicians say "see tariffs don't work!" and the press agrees.

The theory of Comparative advantage is correct. But it does not take currency manipulation and a host of other complex variables into account. It makes sense that banana importations into Iceland should be duty free. It makes sense that cardboard boxes, or plastic cups, imported into USA from China should be duty free. We don't want U.S. workers to have those jobs anyways.

Tariffs funded the government before 1913. There was no income tax before 1913. This was during a time when imports were minimal. Most products were domestic and "imported" was synonymous with luxury. Yet somehow it miraculously funded the entire government until 1913 !

It comes down to this: A tariff is a voluntary consumption tax. A T-shirt made in China for $5.00 sells at retail for $25.00. Trump imposes a 20% tariff. That T-shirt is now $26.00.

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh !! That's allot of money !
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Re: Trump: Is his response credible?

Post by abelcainsbrother »

1. Nobody cares about what happened ten years ago. No offense Phillip to this posting from you but nobody cares if Trump did do it.It makes the MSM and left look like Hypocrites because they supported Bill and Hillary Clinton who settled rape cases out of court and worked as a team to keep the women quite about it and yet not a peep about it during the election from the MSM and the left.Hillary is for women's rights though when her husband is'nt raping them and she's making sure they keep it quite for politics sake,don't ya know?
2.It is fake news.
3.Trump has a history and he goes after classy women,not wretched porn stars like Stormy.She is not Trump's type of woman.
4. It has already been proven this is a made up story that Stormy is going along with.For her facebook chat with one of her friends or ex-friend was posted where in the chat with her friend she makes it clear that her and Trump did not really have sex and if they had've it would've been for alot more money than what they are claiming.She admitted in a chat with a friend on Facebook that her and Trump did not have sex.The MSM will not show it,though.
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Re: Trump: Is his response credible?

Post by neo-x »

Just goes on to show what length the supporters of TRUMP are going to defend him...and the best defence is that so what if he has a shady character...Hillary did it as well.

In the immortal words of Heath Ledger, "This town needs a better class of criminals".
It would be a blessing if they missed the cairns and got lost on the way back. Or if
the Thing on the ice got them tonight.

I could only turn and stare in horror at the chief surgeon.
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Re: Trump: Is his response credible?

Post by RickD »

neo-x wrote: Wed Apr 11, 2018 3:00 am Just goes on to show what length the supporters of TRUMP are going to defend him...and the best defence is that so what if he has a shady character...Hillary did it as well.

In the immortal words of Heath Ledger, "This town needs a better class of criminals".
Hillary "did" have a shady character? Unless she died, she still has a shady character.
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Re: Trump: Is his response credible?

Post by Philip »

2.It is fake news.
3.Trump has a history and he goes after classy women,not wretched porn stars like Stormy.She is not Trump's type of woman.
Rick, you were right! :roll:
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Re: Trump: Is his response credible?

Post by RickD »

Philip wrote: Wed Apr 11, 2018 6:28 am
2.It is fake news.
3.Trump has a history and he goes after classy women,not wretched porn stars like Stormy.She is not Trump's type of woman.
Rick, you were right! :roll:

I'd like to say that I hate to say I told you so, but I do get some satisfaction saying I told you so. :shock:
John 5:24
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Re: Trump: Is his response credible?

Post by Philip »

but I do get some satisfaction saying I told you so. :shock:
"SOME?" :pound:
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Re: Trump: Is his response credible?

Post by B. W. »

It is a fact that women motivated by politics and money - greed do indeed tell lies.

Stormy Daniels is no saint and certianly not a innocent sweet #metoo victim - she is sl*t and only after money and fame as she is going to pose nude for lots of money for a smut magazine should say lots about her character... ... ine-157804

The deep state will do anything to subvert the will of over half the country who voted for Trump to push their will that Illegal immigrants have more rights than citizens, No borders, Police are all evil, anyone living in the middle of the country is a moron and only the Blue wall folks on the west coast and New England states have the right to rule with their forward old Hilary explains..

Once Trump is gone, they will character assassinate Pence...

Once they regain power in Govt - it is over... this is no game.
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Re: Trump: Is his response credible?

Post by neo-x »

RickD wrote: Wed Apr 11, 2018 6:13 am
neo-x wrote: Wed Apr 11, 2018 3:00 am Just goes on to show what length the supporters of TRUMP are going to defend him...and the best defence is that so what if he has a shady character...Hillary did it as well.

In the immortal words of Heath Ledger, "This town needs a better class of criminals".
Hillary "did" have a shady character? Unless she died, she still has a shady character.
And I agree. All I am saying is that this is the poorest excuse Trump supporters are coming up with.
It would be a blessing if they missed the cairns and got lost on the way back. Or if
the Thing on the ice got them tonight.

I could only turn and stare in horror at the chief surgeon.
Death by starvation is a terrible thing, Goodsir, continued Stanley.
And with that we went below to the flame-flickering Darkness of the lower deck
and to a cold almost the equal of the Dante-esque Ninth Circle Arctic Night

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