Russian Jet Shot Down by Syrian Rebels

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Re: Russian Jet Shot Down by Syrian Rebels

Post by Philip »

The Democrats find the Russian narrative useful, but I doubt they want a war with them to take down Trump.
B.W: ... they most likely paid Stormy Daniels to be a false witness against Trump with a guy wearing a Trump wig on film.
So, were they able to also get Trump's personal lawyer to pay her off? Why would this transaction have taken place, A) without Trump's knowledge (absurd!), or if there was absolutely nothing to it but an accusation? Are we saying that Trump's lawyer would set Trump up while also risking his legal career to do it? Why was Trump hanging out with a stripper/adult "actress" to begin with?

See, I well know the left would love to ruin Trump, but he's doing a fine job himself. The chaos and three-ring circus that he's brought to the oval office are about what I would have expected. And yet, he's still a FAR better choice than a President Hillary would have been. But that doesn't mean he's not deeply flawed. It just shows exactly how horrific putting the HillBillies back in office would have been!
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Re: Russian Jet Shot Down by Syrian Rebels

Post by abelcainsbrother »

DBowling wrote: Thu Apr 12, 2018 10:38 pm
abelcainsbrother wrote: Thu Apr 12, 2018 8:19 pm
Philip wrote: Wed Apr 11, 2018 6:14 pm
ACB: I told ya'll before that Trump has control of most military forces but there are rogue CIA forces he does not control and they carried out this attack to blame on Assad.
So, you're privy to intelligence that no other civilian has?
Not intelligence but bread crumbs from Q.Q gives bread crumbs and people go through it and decipher it and know what is going on by doing it.We don't know who Q is but it is somebody close to the President who people think is apart of military intelligence.
Sounds to me like Q is most likely Putin's propaganda and misinformation machine raising its ugly head again.
If Trump decides to strike Syria, will that be enough to convince you that Q is not a reliable source for accurate information?
I have been keeping up with Q for awhile now and I'm convinced he is legit and knows what he is talking about.He has been right too many times and he'll be right about Syria too.I'm an evidence based person so I would have picked up on it by now if he was fake or not a reliable source.It gives us hope that Trump is fulfilling his campaign promises and it unites Trump supporters. Q is a good thing. I'm not concerned about Trump wanting to go to war with Russia like the Deep State and Neo-cons want to do,but I'm more concerned if Israel attacking Syria could lead to Ezekiel 38 being fulfilled.Could the attack from Israel be the hook God uses to bring Russia and the Islamic countries into a war with Israel?
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Re: Russian Jet Shot Down by Syrian Rebels

Post by Kurieuo »

Trump approved strikes: -- so then, when they hit, let's see Russia's response. Thing are about to heat up big time.

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Re: Russian Jet Shot Down by Syrian Rebels

Post by abelcainsbrother »

Kurieuo wrote: Fri Apr 13, 2018 8:54 pm Trump approved strikes: -- so then, when they hit, let's see Russia's response. Thing are about to heat up big time.

What did Russia do the last time Trump fired missiles into Syria? Nothing,why would it be any different this time?
Hebrews 12:2-3 Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith;who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross,despising the shame,and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.

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Re: Russian Jet Shot Down by Syrian Rebels

Post by Kurieuo »

abelcainsbrother wrote: Fri Apr 13, 2018 9:34 pm
Kurieuo wrote: Fri Apr 13, 2018 8:54 pm Trump approved strikes: -- so then, when they hit, let's see Russia's response. Thing are about to heat up big time.

What did Russia do the last time Trump fired missiles into Syria? Nothing,why would it be any different this time?
There was no line drawn in the sand previously. If Russians were stationed anywhere hit, then it is definitely on. Even if not, Russia as I see need to make a stand if they truly consider themselves a balancing superpower to the US. The US right now is trying to see if Russia is bluffing and see what they can get away with.
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Re: Russian Jet Shot Down by Syrian Rebels

Post by Blessed »

Trump is a turncoat and a traitor.

Unless he has some 4D chess game which I can't see. I'm actually wondering if Trump was killed and replaced with a clone. The guy I saw giving a speech just now was not Donald Trump. His eyes did not look the same.

This better be a 4D chess game. They want war with Russia which benefits nobody. Just more white people being killed and banks in Russia. I've read George Soro's book which is a rant about Russia and how pissed him and his "investors" are they won't let them exploit them. Russia is now a Christian nation. Russia is the good guys here. The United States has become evil and that's a fact.

What the hell is going on here? Are demons behind the scenes pulling the strings?

This "chemical attack" is obviously a false flag operation. It was STAGED by ISIS or Israel to get the U.S. back into Syria.

Who benefits. Who benefits. Who benefits. That's all you have to ask yourself.

Now we are risking retaliation from Russia. Syria is Russia's ally. Russia said they would strike back if America attacked Syria. American already attacked and killed 200 troops BELIEVING AT THE TIME THEY WERE A RUSSIAN BATTALION. Later Russia said they were all paid mercenaries. Who knows if that was even true. Maybe they were Russians and Putin said that to avoid war. How long is Russia going to practice restraint? They have already been taking it so long without firing back.

It's 100% clear who want's war. The United States. This agenda is NOT about fighting terrorism it's about Zionism, the banking system and world government.

I don't understand what God's role in all this is or why God is allowing these terrible things to happen. It seems the way the banking fiat money system is set up so that "War" = "economic growth" and somehow this shores up the "value" of the currency. It makes no sense to me but if I had to choose living in a 2nd world America with a major economic depression, half the people out of work vs. murdering innocent people overseas to remain "on top" I would chose to be poor.

I am sorry but this country has murdered millions of people and does not follow the Constitution anymore. It's just fake rights that gets the occasional arrest or traffic ticket tossed out for show.

This is all a bunch of evil. This country used to be a CHRISTIAN nation.
Last edited by Blessed on Sat Apr 14, 2018 12:13 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Russian Jet Shot Down by Syrian Rebels

Post by Blessed »

abelcainsbrother wrote: Fri Apr 13, 2018 9:34 pm
Kurieuo wrote: Fri Apr 13, 2018 8:54 pm Trump approved strikes: -- so then, when they hit, let's see Russia's response. Thing are about to heat up big time.

What did Russia do the last time Trump fired missiles into Syria? Nothing,why would it be any different this time?

So you can keep punching them in the face and moving them around the boxing ring indefinitely and they will just keep bobbing and weaving and covering up indefinitely because that's what they've always done? That's a great military strategy ..
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Re: Russian Jet Shot Down by Syrian Rebels

Post by Stu »

abelcainsbrother wrote: Fri Apr 13, 2018 9:34 pm
Kurieuo wrote: Fri Apr 13, 2018 8:54 pm Trump approved strikes: -- so then, when they hit, let's see Russia's response. Thing are about to heat up big time.

What did Russia do the last time Trump fired missiles into Syria? Nothing,why would it be any different this time?
That's because the US warned the Russians of where and when they would be bombing. More than likely they done the same thing this time around. If the US and co. made the mistake of bombing Russian positions and killing Russian soldiers then there's a good chance Russia would respond and take out the source of the missiles or something similar. They have already threatened to torpedo a US ship.
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Re: Russian Jet Shot Down by Syrian Rebels

Post by Kurieuo »

DBowling wrote: Fri Apr 13, 2018 5:28 am
Kurieuo wrote: Fri Apr 13, 2018 1:18 am I think the more time that goes by, the more it seems everyone doesn't know what to expect.
And I think that's a good thing... Trump's initial stupid tweet was exactly the kind of telegraphing that he railed on Obama for.
Trump says missiles will be coming. Nikki Haley always plays tough to Russia and like to the UN council, says there's enough proof and the world needs to hold Assad accountable, etc. Then Mattis comes out more cautiously saying ​the US is still looking for “actual evidence” of a chemical weapons attack in Syria.
I agree 100% with Mattis
Mattis placed blame on Russia for the continuing alleged chemical attacks in Syria, despite the fact that Mattis said the U.S. does not have hard evidence that chemical weapons were used in the Douma attack that has killed at least 43 people.

He said that they were still trying to get Organization for the Prevention of Chemical Weapons inspectors to Douma within the week to collect evidence.
Mattis has never denied that Assad used chemical weapons on its own people.

Israel took care of the initial kneejerk response. The US knows which helicopter delivered the chemical weapons. But Mattis is right. Putin is engaged in an aggressive misinformation campaign, and before the US strikes Syria we need to have convincing proof to present to the international community to justify any response.

I think we are also wise to make this an international response instead of just the US vs Syria.

So I am glad that Mattis appears to be the adult in the room.
And now we know Mattis' words were all a ruse. There was no intention to wait for the OPCW investigation. What is the US trying to hide? Syrian govenment and Russia were welcoming such to take place. Such an investigation would have proven it all a fabrication. Now such an investigation could never really go ahead. The chlorine attack was obviously a pretext for public to buy into, pure fabrication to try and garner support for re-initiating attacks on Syria.
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Re: Russian Jet Shot Down by Syrian Rebels

Post by DBowling »

abelcainsbrother wrote: Fri Apr 13, 2018 5:54 pm
DBowling wrote: Thu Apr 12, 2018 10:38 pm
abelcainsbrother wrote: Thu Apr 12, 2018 8:19 pm
Philip wrote: Wed Apr 11, 2018 6:14 pm
ACB: I told ya'll before that Trump has control of most military forces but there are rogue CIA forces he does not control and they carried out this attack to blame on Assad.
So, you're privy to intelligence that no other civilian has?
Not intelligence but bread crumbs from Q.Q gives bread crumbs and people go through it and decipher it and know what is going on by doing it.We don't know who Q is but it is somebody close to the President who people think is apart of military intelligence.
Sounds to me like Q is most likely Putin's propaganda and misinformation machine raising its ugly head again.
If Trump decides to strike Syria, will that be enough to convince you that Q is not a reliable source for accurate information?
I have been keeping up with Q for awhile now and I'm convinced he is legit and knows what he is talking about.He has been right too many times and he'll be right about Syria too.I'm an evidence based person so I would have picked up on it by now if he was fake or not a reliable source.
Well Q was not a reliable source of information in this case. So I think you need to take another look at what Q is advocating.

The reason I think Q is part of Putin's misinformation campaign is your statement that Q is trying to convince people that Assad's chemical weapons attack was due to rogue CIA forces. This misinformation is consistent with Putin's false narrative that Assad's chemical weapons attack on his own people was a ruse of some sort.

We also know that Putin's misinformation machine targeted the alt-right during the election. I don't know for sure, but I would guess that Q (whoever or whatever it is) is also targeting the alt-right community.

Trump has announced that he wants to leave Syria. Once the targets of the strikes become known we will be able to tell whether the goal of the strikes was regime change or degradation of chemical weapons capability. If Putin doesn't do anything stupid, he will get exactly what he wants.
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Re: Russian Jet Shot Down by Syrian Rebels

Post by DBowling »

Kurieuo wrote: Sat Apr 14, 2018 4:19 am And now we know Mattis' words were all a ruse. There was no intention to wait for the OPCW investigation.
We know nothing of the sort. Mattis advocated an OPCW investigation... which I'm guessing will probably still happen.
But Mattis is not the President.
Trump's temperament is very different from that of Mattis, and Trump decided he wanted to respond now.

The President (and Britain and France... and Australia BTW) came to the conclusion that they already had enough evidence to confirm that Assad did attack his own people with chemical weapons.
Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull said Australia supported the strikes, which demonstrated a "calibrated, proportionate and targeted response".
"The use of chemical weapons by anyone, anywhere, under any circumstances is illegal and utterly reprehensible," Mr Turnbull said.
Let's see if the OPCW investigation takes place.
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Re: Russian Jet Shot Down by Syrian Rebels

Post by Kurieuo »

Abe, you still watch Info Wars? :P

Re: OPCW investigation, apparently they're still going to do it. US only had to wait a day, the investigators were going to do it the same day the strike happened. Senseless. I hope it proceeds and they're still able to do their job. It'll put Trump to shame.

Re: Australia doesn't come to the conclusion about anything, we'll always stand side-by-side with the US. Always been that way in the past, will always be that way going forward.
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Re: Russian Jet Shot Down by Syrian Rebels

Post by Philip »

Blessed: Russia is now a Christian nation. Russia is the good guys here. The United States has become evil and that's a fact.
A delusional statement!
K: Such an investigation would have proven it all a fabrication.
And you know this because...? No, you can't - file it under wild-ass speculations.

The Russians do not want war with the U.S. They are already entrenched in a no-win situation, they can't re-secure Syria for Assad. Those anti-Assad elements will not stop AND they also hate the Russians. The last thing Russia needs is more heat on them. Not to mention, Trump has made it clear that this was a targeted and measured response to an atrocity - that he doesn't want to get immersed into Syria. Think about it! Trump is a businessman, and he knows war is really bad for business and the economy. He hates what the neo-cons got us involved in Iraq, and hates these nation-building fantasies. So, those who think this is calculated to kick us off into another quagmire in Syria - you're reading too many conspiracy theories.
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Re: Russian Jet Shot Down by Syrian Rebels

Post by abelcainsbrother »

DBowling wrote: Sat Apr 14, 2018 4:45 am
abelcainsbrother wrote: Fri Apr 13, 2018 5:54 pm
DBowling wrote: Thu Apr 12, 2018 10:38 pm
abelcainsbrother wrote: Thu Apr 12, 2018 8:19 pm
Philip wrote: Wed Apr 11, 2018 6:14 pm

So, you're privy to intelligence that no other civilian has?
Not intelligence but bread crumbs from Q.Q gives bread crumbs and people go through it and decipher it and know what is going on by doing it.We don't know who Q is but it is somebody close to the President who people think is apart of military intelligence.
Sounds to me like Q is most likely Putin's propaganda and misinformation machine raising its ugly head again.
If Trump decides to strike Syria, will that be enough to convince you that Q is not a reliable source for accurate information?
I have been keeping up with Q for awhile now and I'm convinced he is legit and knows what he is talking about.He has been right too many times and he'll be right about Syria too.I'm an evidence based person so I would have picked up on it by now if he was fake or not a reliable source.
Well Q was not a reliable source of information in this case. So I think you need to take another look at what Q is advocating.

The reason I think Q is part of Putin's misinformation campaign is your statement that Q is trying to convince people that Assad's chemical weapons attack was due to rogue CIA forces. This misinformation is consistent with Putin's false narrative that Assad's chemical weapons attack on his own people was a ruse of some sort.

We also know that Putin's misinformation machine targeted the alt-right during the election. I don't know for sure, but I would guess that Q (whoever or whatever it is) is also targeting the alt-right community.

Trump has announced that he wants to leave Syria. Once the targets of the strikes become known we will be able to tell whether the goal of the strikes was regime change or degradation of chemical weapons capability. If Putin doesn't do anything stupid, he will get exactly what he wants.
Q never said Trump would or would not fire missiles into Syria,so Q was not wrong.Q said Trust the plan.It was my own personal opinion that Trump would'nt do it. However this is not the first time Trump has fired missiles into Syria blaming Assad for it.He also blamed Assad the last time and he did this time too. Despite everybody's knee-jerk reaction I'm waiting to see where this is going and I don't think it is WW3 with Russia or remaining in Syria.I still say the troops will be pulled out and brought home just like I said earlier.Q did say the troops were coming home and so he'd be wrong if we stay in Syria.It would mean the Deep State and Neo-cons false flag attack worked to keep us in Syria if we stay in Syria.I still say for now Trump is just playing along with the MSM for now just like he did with North Korea.

I think Trump will find out he was mislead into falsely attacking Syria and he will have the means to pull out the troops.
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Re: Russian Jet Shot Down by Syrian Rebels

Post by Kurieuo »

Philip wrote: Sat Apr 14, 2018 6:24 am
Blessed: Russia is now a Christian nation. Russia is the good guys here. The United States has become evil and that's a fact.
A delusional statement!
K: Such an investigation would have proven it all a fabrication.
And you know this because...? No, you can't - file it under wild-ass speculations.
No, as you know, I follow what happens over there quite closely. This makes it quite obvious to me, that Assad wouldn't have used chemical weapons. It makes absolutely zero sense, even if he was the evil dictator the US makes him out to be. I know your MSM, Fox included, paints a different picture... but they all tend to fall in line when US intelligence requires it, even behind, heaven forbid to extreme leftist media outlets, Trump. If anything, wild speculation is what you, and other Americans, and even Australians (our media largely regurgitates your own) believe -- that Assad just used chemical weapons on his own people in Douma. Why do I say this? Let me explain why.

Consider the context of what was happening. You know what was happening in the lead up to this right? The Syrian armed forces with Russia have been the last month or so taking back East Ghouta - one of the last few remaining strongholds of ISIS. The US actually hasn't liked this, your MSM would have framed it as Syria bombing its own people, perhaps schools and hospitals again, including children. They've been taking it back from the terrorists town by town.

To minimise casualties, the Syrian forces actually opened safe corridors. When the terrorists wouldn't let their people go, they then opened safe corridors to even the militants, guaranteeing safe passage via busing them to another area in the state where the people aren't. If anything, care has been taken by the Syrian armed forces has shown to minimise casualties. I'm not sure I could let terrorists go myself, those who have at some point perhaps killed someone in my family (lets not forget many who now fight in the Syrian armed forces have had friends and family held hostage by and/or killed by ISIS) to minimise casualities.

Now Douma is a town located in East Ghouta. It was one of the last remaining towns that the militants were held up in. Trump announced he is pulling out of Syria. So, Assad in an act of strategic brilliance and on the cusp of eliminating ISIS there decides to launch a chlorine attack upon the people in Douma? Isn't it amazing that as Trump announces leaving, in one the last remaining towns in East Ghouta that the Syrian army is about to take back from terrorists, that a chemical weapons are supposedly used?

Furthermore, have you watched the videos of the kids being hosed down? Tell me, why aren't they being stripped down -- a quick and even cruel hose down will barely rinse pool chlorine out. Why are they just focusing on kids and dumping them to the side still in their wet clothes? Could it be for maximum propaganda effect? The videos themselves looked to me a sham, and then Russia since came out and said they can't find traces of any attack anywhere. This I expect with be the OPCW's findings, though no doubt the US will minimally ignore, claim it was covered up, create a distraction elsewhere or something such.

So wild speculation that Assad didn't use chemical weapons? No. It is rather wild speculation that he did use chemical weapons, and your MSM should be ashamed of feeding such propaganda to you and other. They're not doing their jobs or presenting all sides, but rather largely doing a one-sided whitewash. In fact, I really don't believe anymore that Assad ever used chemical weapons on his people given the amount of lies I've detected over the years of US occupation in the Middle East.

Consider Iraq and Saddam's weapons of mass destruction, and how Bush used 9/11 rage to invade Iraq and take down Saddam. Entirely unrelated to 9/11 and yet many in US believes the war in Iraq to be a response to such. Then, the US brought down that dictator Saddam, on the pretext of "weapons of mass destruction", which Tony Blair has since feigned sorrow and apologised. And then there was Libya with Gaddafi. And now there is Syria with Assad. The US narratives in the Middle East, is like a broken record being replayed: same narrative, different state. And, we buy it hook, line and sinker each and every time. Though it seems more of us in Western countries are waking up to it.

Watch this video of Paul Joseph Watson, and then tell me again that you seriously believe that the chemical attack being something more like a fabrication or "false flag" is wild ass speculation. It is far more wild to believe Assad did it. You're being lied to, and your the MSM is being the mouth piece of the US government/intelligent forces.
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