Sean Hannity

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Sean Hannity

Post by Philip »

Hannity really hurt his credibility by sharing a lawyer with Trump - and I don't care if all that transpired was "a few questions about real estate" - which I seriously doubt. Clearly the lawyer thought of Hannity as a client. But as for being truly independent of those you cover, the LAST thing you would want is a tentacle connecting you to the president, no matter how simple it might be. Of course, we've seen zero credibility by the fact that Sean is unwilling to EVER criticize ANYTHING dumb that Trump does. And when someone states the obvious about Trump, he'll demonize that person. Again, this is how we end up with terrible leaders, when those typically aligned with a politician in principles and values are unwilling to criticize that politician when he or she screws up. ANYONE of ANY party without accountability is prone wandering into all manner of self-made messes.
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Re: Sean Hannity

Post by RickD »

I can't listen to hannity. First, he just likes to hear himself talk. He rambles on and on. He also doesn't let people with differing opinions get a word in. He's always cutting them off. And yes, he's made his home inside Trump's rectum. He's set up permanent camp there, and will not budge.
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Re: Sean Hannity

Post by DBowling »

I just had to laugh at Rick's description of the Trumpian 'swamp'. :lol:
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Re: Sean Hannity

Post by edwardmurphy »

Feels strange saying this, but here goes...

In Hannity's defense, he's not a reporter, he's a pundit. He's a member of the entertainment wing of FOX News, not the news wing, so being a shamelessly uncritical suck-up isn't exactly inappropriate. Nobody really expects anything else from him.

The appropriateness of a "news" network having an entertainment wing full of liars, polemicists, and sycophants is another matter.
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Re: Sean Hannity

Post by Philip »

Ed: The appropriateness of a "news" network having an entertainment wing full of liars, polemicists, and sycophants is another matter.
Of course, you could use that same phrase to describe MSNBC, CNN, NY Times, and many others.

But this is why they call it the news BUSINESS! They each seek and become identified with certain specific demographics, and then they play to that audience, pulling out all the stops to grow their brand around growing those demographics. And this is also why they fail to equally criticize, because IT'S BAD FOR BUSINESS! You just don't [have a beer] the audience that most closely identifies with your particular brand's "product" - so these shows keep throwing whatever "red meat" a particular brand's audience wants. It's often not about being objective anymore, but about keeping those numbers up. Issue-baiting polemics work best, because they produce the most passionate viewers, who keep coming back for more and more. And so these networks hire people with often hyper-extreme views. And this is one reason why our country is so divided.
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Re: Sean Hannity

Post by Kurieuo »

While coming at it from a different angle (since I don't much care or know about the local stories), I do recall growing up some 20-30 years ago news networks actually did appear perform proper journalism. They'd arrange interviews with key people (including those in government) and did some actual proper investigation. Now, it seems all about entertainment and ratings more than the "truth". Perhaps it is the sign of the times today when truth has been largely relativised and anyone's opinion is as good as the next (provided you don't offend certain groups).
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Re: Sean Hannity

Post by abelcainsbrother »

Philip wrote: Tue Apr 17, 2018 8:57 am Hannity really hurt his credibility by sharing a lawyer with Trump - and I don't care if all that transpired was "a few questions about real estate" - which I seriously doubt. Clearly the lawyer thought of Hannity as a client. But as for being truly independent of those you cover, the LAST thing you would want is a tentacle connecting you to the president, no matter how simple it might be. Of course, we've seen zero credibility by the fact that Sean is unwilling to EVER criticize ANYTHING dumb that Trump does. And when someone states the obvious about Trump, he'll demonize that person. Again, this is how we end up with terrible leaders, when those typically aligned with a politician in principles and values are unwilling to criticize that politician when he or she screws up. ANYONE of ANY party without accountability is prone wandering into all manner of self-made messes.
How does it hurt Hannity to share a lawyer with a lawyer Trump used? By the way it was Trump and Hannity's lawyer(Cohen)that was the one involved with Stormy Daniels and he used Trump's money without Trump's knowledge to pay her off.This is why Trump was so outraged and fired him.The MSM is blaming Trump for what Cohen did.But as usual the MSM won't report the truth.
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Re: Sean Hannity

Post by Philip »

ACB: How does it hurt Hannity to share a lawyer with a lawyer Trump used?
Because, hopefully, even as a more of a commentator than a journalist, he should care about being seen as independent and objective. And as Trump is one of the main and most important people he constantly covers, he should care about not having ANY connections with him - particularly with his personal lawyer. Of course, Hannity is hyper-partisan and takes up residence right where Rick said he does (TrumpRump Tower). Hannity is all about building his self-importance and net-worth around politics, and NOT conservatism. He's riding the Trump wave wherever it goes.

ACB: By the way it was Trump and Hannity's lawyer(Cohen)that was the one involved with Stormy Daniels and he used Trump's money without Trump's knowledge to pay her off.

This is delusional thinking. It would have jeopardized his career and law license. And if Trump had done nothing with this porn gal, why was there ANY payoff? If there was only evidence of some affair with the lawyer - well, that wouldn't have been Trump, and it wouldn't have affected him (Trump) - again, why the payoff? Why the non-disclosure agreement concerning TRUMP?
ACB: This is why Trump was so outraged and fired him.
Trump always throws someone under the bus if they make him look bad, or it's a matter of him or them!

ACB, you'd have more credibility around here if you didn't act as if Trump is some god that you NEVER criticize. You've always got a spin that things are NEVER Trump's fault. He's a human being. Likely not a Christian, and a rich guy who has long done stuff by hook or crook. He loves flattery, fame, and associating with famous celebrity types. This is not the description of some saintly figure. While he's done a lot of good and he's far better than having Hillary as president, he's still crude, crass, petty guy. And he's gotten away with it his whole life because of his great wealth and always being surrounded by "yes" men.
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Re: Sean Hannity

Post by abelcainsbrother »

Philip wrote: Wed Apr 18, 2018 5:21 am
ACB: How does it hurt Hannity to share a lawyer with a lawyer Trump used?
Because, hopefully, even as a more of a commentator than a journalist, he should care about being seen as independent and objective. And as Trump is one of the main and most important people he constantly covers, he should care about not having ANY connections with him - particularly with his personal lawyer. Of course, Hannity is hyper-partisan and takes up residence right where Rick said he does (TrumpRump Tower). Hannity is all about building his self-importance and net-worth around politics, and NOT conservatism. He's riding the Trump wave wherever it goes.

ACB: By the way it was Trump and Hannity's lawyer(Cohen)that was the one involved with Stormy Daniels and he used Trump's money without Trump's knowledge to pay her off.

This is delusional thinking. It would have jeopardized his career and law license. And if Trump had done nothing with this porn gal, why was there ANY payoff? If there was only evidence of some affair with the lawyer - well, that wouldn't have been Trump, and it wouldn't have affected him (Trump) - again, why the payoff? Why the non-disclosure agreement concerning TRUMP?
ACB: This is why Trump was so outraged and fired him.
Trump always throws someone under the bus if they make him look bad, or it's a matter of him or them!

ACB, you'd have more credibility around here if you didn't act as if Trump is some god that you NEVER criticize. You've always got a spin that things are NEVER Trump's fault. He's a human being. Likely not a Christian, and a rich guy who has long done stuff by hook or crook. He loves flattery, fame, and associating with famous celebrity types. This is not the description of some saintly figure. While he's done a lot of good and he's far better than having Hillary as president, he's still crude, crass, petty guy. And he's gotten away with it his whole life because of his great wealth and always being surrounded by "yes" men.
You kinda remind me of Bill O'Reilly who could'nt quite be a true conservative and would give liberals the benefit of the doubt on some issues when they did not deserve it. When Trump does something that I don't like or is bad,I'll criticize him but I can't find even one thing that he's done wrong or that was bad,especially with how much opposition he's had.

You seem to not like how he hits liberals and the MSM back when they attack him but I have always liked it and know that if he did not hit back he would have already been defeated like George W Bush who never defended himself.To you it seems childish but to me it is a must in politics to fight back.Trump just uses Twitter to do it and I like it.How can I have something to gripe about when Trump has already fulfilled many of his campaign promises and is still trying to fulfill more of them?

I think it is totally unfair the way Trump has been treated as President since he won and this makes me support him so much.I have no reason to jump off the Trump train just because liberals lie and slander him so much. I think you're allowing some of it to trickle in because they attack him so much that it has effected you.They repeat their attacks long enough and you pay attention it starts to become truth. But the good news is that nobody trusts the MSM anymore and so their attacks does not have the impact they once did. They have cried wolf one too many times to where most people don't buy it anymore.
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Re: Sean Hannity

Post by Philip »

Yeah, ACB, ANYONE who questions or criticizes Trump, in your estimation, is a questionable conservative. BTW, on what planet do you see Trump to be a classic conservative?
ACB: When Trump does something that I don't like or is bad,I'll criticize him but I can't find even one thing that he's done wrong or that was bad,especially with how much opposition he's had.
:pound: :lol: :pound: :lol: :pound: :lol: :pound: :lol: :pound: :lol:

ACB, you make Sean Hannity look objective! BTW, Sean should know where the Deep State really is - cause according to Rick, he's set up housekeeping in there! :wave:
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Re: Sean Hannity

Post by RickD »

Here's ACB trying to find something Trump has done wrong.
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Re: Sean Hannity

Post by Ged »

RickD wrote: And yes, he's made his home inside Trump's rectum. He's set up permanent camp there, and will not budge.
So that's why he walks funny? y/:]
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