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InfidelGuy on Wifeswap

Post by Ark~Magic »

Yes, the Finleys paired up with the Stonerocks (a christian family, the husband is a pastor of a church) and had their little fun. ... 2/bio.html

Personally, Finley's wife disgusts me. Especially her treatment of the Christian family, and her anti-faith rules. I personally would never submit to that [love] witch.
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Post by SUGAAAAA »

does the site let you watch the episode?
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Post by Believer »

SUGAAAAA wrote:does the site let you watch the episode?
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Post by Believer »

Looking over the details of that Wife Swap show between theist and atheist, clearly the atheist family struggles more as Reginald Finley is claimed to be a workaholic working 80 hours a week, while he makes his wife promote his stupid atheist website all over the internet. Reginald's work is his website and they don't get much. They say they should be expecting rewarding and surprising things soon. Good for them. Too bad that Reginald's wife was too gullible to fall for it from Reginald to deconvert. Perhaps she didn't have enough faith. Comparing the atheist family to the theist family, the theists live a more moral life and live for God and have a better life altogether, while the atheist family says do whatever you want, there isn't any God to watch over you and they live with Reginalds mother in the two family household. Reginald is still a loser now that I know more about their so-called "happy" life. Reginald doesn't give much attention to his wife because he works on his website all the time. Such is a life with atheists that want to literally and forcefully SHOVE their words down people's throats. From the religious family, you hear God speaking to them, the atheist family, no way. Atheists just don't live a more fulfilling life than a believer does. And from this website, I can see this. I don't see religious families trying any way possible to shove all their beliefs down people's throats plastered via promotion all over the internet, such as with atheists.
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Post by SUGAAAAA »

I feel kind of bad looking at his kids though...

If they ever try to become religious, will their parents let them?
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Post by Believer »

SUGAAAAA wrote:I feel kind of bad looking at his kids though...

If they ever try to become religious, will their parents let them?
Reginald made a statement that if his kids were to become religious, he wouldn't "attack" their beliefs so to speak. However, his kids live in an atheist household and that may be the foundation for their belief growing up, as kids naturally will ask parents about life and then some. I believe the Bible instructs parents to teach their children at a young age to learn about God/Jesus so they will not come to disbelief (sorry if this is not how it is actually stated :?). He said in a statement that his son calls himself an atheist but he believes his son doesn't really know what he is talking about... yet. I find that Reginald's wife married him for the reason to disbelieve. Why else would she get married to an agnostic atheist? She knew what she was up against, and as she states, she deconverted. Makes me wonder if she really had faith in the first place.
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I saw a torrent file of the episode this afternoon. It was definitely interesting. I wouldn't say Amber came across in a particularly negative light to me. She seemed like a very caring person, especially in the way she treated Taylor. Her anti-faith rules were a bit odd and unnecessary but no more than Kelly's removal of all Reggie's posters etc. so... yeah. I dunno.

I think you have to take into account the fact that this is a TV show and has been edited and to some extent engineered to give the impressions that it gives about the two families. I think it's important not to make snap judgements about the individuals and families involved based solely on the material in the show, 'cause chances are it's probably not a very accurate portrayal... =)
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Post by Believer »

Lady Bee wrote:I saw a torrent file of the episode this afternoon. It was definitely interesting. I wouldn't say Amber came across in a particularly negative light to me. She seemed like a very caring person, especially in the way she treated Taylor. Her anti-faith rules were a bit odd and unnecessary but no more than Kelly's removal of all Reggie's posters etc. so... yeah. I dunno.

I think you have to take into account the fact that this is a TV show and has been edited and to some extent engineered to give the impressions that it gives about the two families. I think it's important not to make snap judgements about the individuals and families involved based solely on the material in the show, 'cause chances are it's probably not a very accurate portrayal... =)
I'm pretty sure it is, I have been following (not stalking), this Reginald Finley guy and family online as material is posted about him that I as well look into. I know the show gets edited, however perhaps they edited out the lectures Reginald and his wife gave to the families about how "there is no God" :lol:. But I don't know, I never watched the show, I do know that Reginald was trying to get his wife on for a while, he was trying VERY hard at that, why? to make a "point". Reginald is one of those people that just needs extra attention and he got it after convincing ABC/Disney to accept his submission for Wife Swap. Most of all, why are we discussing this? Because Reginald wants it like this, he wants a golden star sticker for his "big achievement".
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Post by Lady Bee »

This show was HEAVILY edited. Cut and paste, cut and paste, cut and paste... it was engineered for maximum effect. The idea of reality TV is not to portray reality, but rather to appeal to viewers. They wanted to make a good show at the expense of honesty.

Half of the things that the wives said and did were basically forced on them by the crew. Including the rule changes. They didn't actually get a lot of say in that.

Point is, to a very large extent it's edited, scripted and staged. If you're judging people by how they look on a reality TV show of this nature, then, honestly, you're judging a deliberately twisted version of those people.

And judging people is something we shouldn't be doing anyway. The whole show was just inviting judgement - don't take the bait! Think about it. :)

I really do have a lot of sympathy for both families involved. But especially for Reggie and Amber because they inevitably came off looking much worse, and they've been getting copious amounts of hatemail and threatening phonecalls from people - predominantly Christians - who believe everything they read and watch on TV! I find it utterly sickening.

(Though, I would say they were pretty much asking for it by going on the show. I don't know what they thought was going to happen, but they really should have expected a twisted version of the truth.)

Anyway. That's all I wanted to say. =)
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Post by Believer »

I actually checked out the Christian womens website and said it was NOT scripted except if you want to take editing as scripted.
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Post by SoaringEagle »

Can't you see, one of the reasons atheists and non believers alike don't become Christian is sometimes the way Christians act. Many of you who call Reggie and his beloved wife names should be ashamed of yourselves. I sometimes don't blame those who don't go to church or follow Christ because of some Christians attitude, character, words, and deeds. They are people too. True, they may be used by the enemy as a result of their unbelief and mind set they spread to those around them, but they need love too. Please pray that God will reveal Himself, remove the deception, and bring them to open their eyes to see the light.

Father, forgive us for our actions. Sometimes, our own emotions and impulsive reactions can actually hinder your kingdom from advancing through our lives to those around us that are captured by the enemies deception and will. May you give us a spirit of love, positive outlook as a result of setting our minds on things above, and bring us to understand You and your ways in an overflowing measure. May your will be done in our lives, along with the Finley Family. In Jesus Name, Amen.

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Post by Lady Bee »

Thinker wrote:I actually checked out the Christian womens website and said it was NOT scripted except if you want to take editing as scripted.
Well, not scripted in the sense of the whole thing following a script, no, but on the other side of the story, Amber maintains that the show was to a large extent engineered to go in certain directions - as in, they'd ask her a question and then make her answer in a certain way so that they could then use that answer in their editing in an entirely different situation. It's all very creative on the part of ABC. Remember, their primary aim is to make a good show. They want to create conflict. They want to create controversy. They want to make money. They don't care about honest portrayals!

Amber seems like a very honest and rational person to me. What she said is exactly what I'd expect from such a program. It just seems like common sense, really. Reality TV is like that. :)

Father, forgive us for our actions. Sometimes, our own emotions and impulsive reactions can actually hinder your kingdom from advancing through our lives to those around us that are captured by the enemies deception and will. May you give us a spirit of love, positive outlook as a result of setting our minds on things above, and bring us to understand You and your ways in an overflowing measure. May your will be done in our lives, along with the Finley Family. In Jesus Name, Amen.
Amen! =D
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Post by Believer »

Lady Bee wrote:Well, not scripted in the sense of the whole thing following a script, no, but on the other side of the story, Amber maintains that the show was to a large extent engineered to go in certain directions - as in, they'd ask her a question and then make her answer in a certain way so that they could then use that answer in their editing in an entirely different situation. It's all very creative on the part of ABC. Remember, their primary aim is to make a good show. They want to create conflict. They want to create controversy. They want to make money. They don't care about honest portrayals!

Amber seems like a very honest and rational person to me. What she said is exactly what I'd expect from such a program. It just seems like common sense, really. Reality TV is like that. :)
And Amber being an atheist, you would completely believe her to cover herself from the "evil" Christian? I have sympathy for her and her husband that ignores her, but still, I don't expect real truth coming from an atheists mouth, but I do expect that, yes, television will be creative, but from what I have researched, they were not scripted to do things, they acted like they did and then was edited. Some manipulation in the editing room may have been a possibility. The Christian women said it was 100 hours of footage that had to be cut down to 40 minutes! Filmed in January of this year.
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Post by Lady Bee »

Hmm. *ponders* Well, I wasn't going to reply to this thread again but I feel this is kind of important. ^_^;

Just to clarify - I'm not trying to have a go at you. So I apologise if that's the way it comes across. I am just concerned, and hope that I can offer a different angle on this and that you might give it some thought. After all, we are told not to judge, and I think it's really important for us as Christians to try to be a light in these sorts of issues through our both actions and words. OK.
And Amber being an atheist, you would completely believe her to cover herself from the "evil" Christian?
Hehehe. Quite simply, yes, I would believe her! Why? Because 1) she was in no way trying to "cover" herself. 2) Not once did she herself make a negative remark about the Stonerocks. She had nothing but praise for Jeff's character, and she didn't have anything much to say about Kelly because she didn't know her. And, 3) So what if she isn't a Christian?

This isn't about unbelievers Vs. believers. It's about individual people. It's about two individual families. The fact that one believes and one doesn't is not even relevant. These generalisations so are shallow and meaningless. I would go as far as saying that they really are harmful because when you apply them to an individual, without knowing that individual, they are bound to be totally off-target.

There is no such thing as an average atheist or an average Christian. The only thing that "the average Christian" really has any different is their faith in Christ! Yes, we have Christ working in our lives but the fact is Christians are no better than atheists. We're all individuals! If we want to be treated as individuals, we have to treat people as individuals. We all have our own faults. Judging somebody based on their religious beliefs is as meaningless as judging somebody based on, say, the clothes they wear or their hairstyle, or how well they did in school.

I'd say that we as Christians have a real responsibility to pay special attention to our actions and the way we treat others. The way we speak about others is just as important as the way actually act towards them.

Of course there is such a thing as a loving agnostic. Of course there's such a thing as an honest atheist. Of course there's such a thing as a bitchy Christian. Isn't that to be expected, in consideration of who we are as human beings?
I don't expect real truth coming from an atheists mouth
Do you know any atheists and agnostics? If you don't, then get to know some. You will find that they are just normal people and vary on an individual level just as Christians do. An atheist can certainly be as loving and as honest as any one Christian. I tell you this from my own experience, and from what I see around me every day as I go about my life.

Anyway... I would really encourage you to listen to the "Inside the Finleys" show on Reggie's website, if only to give yourself a chance to hear the other side of the story. :) Just, y'know, a chance to be objective. If you still feel that atheists are especially dishonest and "bad" or "evil" people afterwards, then oh well, I guess that's sad. But maybe you could just give it a listen, for fairness' sake, since you seem to have formed an opinion on this. :)
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Post by Believer »

Yes, I know they are human beings just like you and me, however, some would classify themselves as otherwise and act accordingly. I have this habit of having grudges against them, really for no reason, I just wish that belief didn't exist, that way, we wouldn't be waging wars (one part of it). I do know agnostics and atheists, most of them I "know" from here on the forums and other places. My brother, I believe to know is an agnostic, might be an atheist. I'm not sure as he won't reveal these things, and yes, he can be nice, but he supports these man-made laws (which actually a lot of man-made laws have screwed this country than anything else, in my opinion), and those laws are very liberal ones; pro-abortion, pro-homosexual marriage, etc... I just don't like those ideas. There are VERY mean atheists out there, some I "knew" from this forum when I registered that were HORRIBLE. Do you agree with the idea with the statement by atheists that "you Christians have had your time, now let us have our time?" so they can make this country a secular one removing religion? All religious holidays being banned, churches demolished, Bible production ceased, Christian stores torn down and material to be incinerated, etc...? This also applies for other religions. This world is religion, and THEY want to take it away. Normal human beings create human laws to have a way to screw up America. Other nations as well. Do you prefer a secular world over a religious one? I certainly don't. As for the Finley's, it is an atheist website, and I will not go there to make his website rank go up, I do have sympathy for his family now that I know, but he is still an a**. Much of his exposure has been on the internet through some information I have come across (which will not be posted so some atheist lurker or member of this forum will go to that website to "blast" it). You do know that Reginald did manage to find a believers home address, and this believer was registered on his forum, so he could go after him? Yeah, I don't support hate crimes because an atheist doesn't like a religious person on his forum. Like I said, I have sympathy for his family, but I don't support his lifestyle and how he treats his children. As the Christian wife said, Reginald has a lot of issues being in a family that is extremely liberal, and would have done better if followed biblical law.
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