Prayers about work

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Re: Prayers about work

Post by Nicki »

Thank you - I hope you're right :mrgreen: It sounds plausible but I don't think it's impossible that something can happen in someone's life that's really unusual (for them). It's just the principle of 'don't think it'll never happen to you'. Well, I've had some day care enquiries in the last few days and I'll keep on applying for other jobs as well. The difficulty is having to take time off to go to job interviews! You don't want to risk it by saying, 'er, can I come at about 5pm?'

The emojis here are giving me some trouble - I know I used a lot in the last post but I had to go back and redo them a few times to get them to show up. There was supposed to be a waving one at the end as well like this :wave: :) Edit - it disappeared again. Too bad.
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Re: Prayers about work

Post by mrtzur2015 »

Kurieuo wrote: Fri Sep 22, 2017 6:04 am Guys, seems like I'll soon have a big cut in income. Been in my own business a number of years, kind of got locked in to helping one big client with their Internet marketing. Was pretty full on and kept me busy, and it paid for a lot. Now it's going bye bye, so really in a month or so, income will essentially drop big time. That said, we're about to get into another related business, in a direction I felt God leading me for sometime, and took steps towards this year. I'm not really afraid, I've been in this position twice in past at crucial times in life, and had the same peace I feel now just trusting in God who blessed me in life at those times. I trust everything will again work out, and now I get to demonstrate trusting in Christ to my kids. While uncertain times, feels like a big burden has been lifted and a new chapter in my life is about to start. If anything, I feel more excited than fearful of what's going to happen in my life next. I believe in many here as being powerful Christians, so your prayers are welcome.
Sometimes when seasons repeat its because we failed a test. maybe something to think about?

Father in the name of Jesus i pray for my brother's finances,
bless him Lord, We know Lord that you are our provider, everything good comes from you, we pray that your will be done
we pray for new opportunities according to your will
we thank you Father, we praise your name we receive and believe everything we prayed for, IN THE NAME OF JESUS Amen.
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Re: Prayers about work

Post by Kurieuo »

So an update a year on, and it seems the bleeding has stopped i.e., we're no longer eating into our savings/mortgage the last 2-3 months. Things still feel quite dicey, there's been a lot of work getting a new business off the ground. Despite some possible risks we're facing, it appears to be panning out so far.

Thanks for your prayers.
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Re: Prayers about work

Post by RickD »

That's great news!
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24 “Truly, truly, I say to you, he who hears My word, and believes Him who sent Me, has eternal life, and does not come into judgment, but has passed out of death into life.

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Re: Prayers about work

Post by Philip »

Wonderful to hear, K. And I'm sure you learned some lessons of value during this tough period.
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Re: Prayers about work

Post by Nicki »

Kurieuo wrote: Wed Oct 03, 2018 9:37 pm So an update a year on, and it seems the bleeding has stopped i.e., we're no longer eating into our savings/mortgage the last 2-3 months. Things still feel quite dicey, there's been a lot of work getting a new business off the ground. Despite some possible risks we're facing, it appears to be panning out so far.

Thanks for your prayers.
I'm really pleased for you :) We've just had an uncertain three weeks - I've still hardly got any work and hubby basically got laid off. He knew he was probably getting another job if he passed all their tests and things but it's been a long process - he's starting on Monday but is a bit worried he's going to be put into a role with really long hours... It's amazing really with the number of jobs he's had how little he's actually been out of work, after my experience this year. I can't believe how bad it's been with my day care business in particular compared to the previous six years.
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Re: Prayers about work

Post by Kurieuo »

So, another year on... things have definitely turned around.

I've had on my desktop wallpaper the past year or so:
godwonthelpyou.jpg (15.66 KiB) Viewed 14105 times

There was a bit of ground work with the new business venture. Actually, almost immediately after I posted last things went bad with a main business I'd partnered with becoming not so great. Then, another partner came along, unexpectedly basically from out of nowhere, and with their product our business has just gone from strength to strength.

During my life, God's always seemed to have pathways mapped out, and what I put my mind to He's met me along the way. The times are numerous that I can recount. This last blessing though, well, it's the latest and really, I have no real financial concerns and don't see I'll have them again any time soon. Just, a whole lot of work before me, that gives me a bit of anxiety (which I'm learning to cope with).

It makes me sad hearing some others struggling here. I wish everyone could experience the same blessings I've had, and pray that Jesus will meet you too in your need. It's hard to trust, when you really don't know what's before you. It often feels like you've got to work it out yourself, but really, if you do your best, keep Christ in view, I've found things out of nowhere (which I attribute to God) just meet me along the way to makes things work out.

I was reluctant to post, as I don't want people thinking why isn't God there for me or the like. Really, He is there. Even when you feel it's all on you, and you're alone. He's lining things up, perhaps teaching you, refining you. Just keep putting your best feet forward and keep trusting in Him. I'm sure I'll have to heed my own thoughts and advice here again soon enough too.
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Re: Prayers about work

Post by Nicki »

Kurieuo wrote: Tue Nov 05, 2019 6:34 am So, another year on... things have definitely turned around.

I've had on my desktop wallpaper the past year or so:


There was a bit of ground work with the new business venture. Actually, almost immediately after I posted last things went bad with a main business I'd partnered with becoming not so great. Then, another partner came along, unexpectedly basically from out of nowhere, and with their product our business has just gone from strength to strength.

During my life, God's always seemed to have pathways mapped out, and what I put my mind to He's met me along the way. The times are numerous that I can recount. This last blessing though, well, it's the latest and really, I have no real financial concerns and don't see I'll have them again any time soon. Just, a whole lot of work before me, that gives me a bit of anxiety (which I'm learning to cope with).

It makes me sad hearing some others struggling here. I wish everyone could experience the same blessings I've had, and pray that Jesus will meet you too in your need. It's hard to trust, when you really don't know what's before you. It often feels like you've got to work it out yourself, but really, if you do your best, keep Christ in view, I've found things out of nowhere (which I attribute to God) just meet me along the way to makes things work out.

I was reluctant to post, as I don't want people thinking why isn't God there for me or the like. Really, He is there. Even when you feel it's all on you, and you're alone. He's lining things up, perhaps teaching you, refining you. Just keep putting your best feet forward and keep trusting in Him. I'm sure I'll have to heed my own thoughts and advice here again soon enough too.
That's so good to hear - no wonder you're too busy to be here much, but I'm really glad for you. And thanks for your thoughts :)
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