North Korea: It Ain't Good!

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Re: North Korea: It Ain't Good!

Post by abelcainsbrother »

Here is the way I see things.Donald Trump is not a neocon however he will go to war to defend America and our allies if he has to.But Donald Trump does not want to continue waging wars in other countries like in the Middle East regime changing,instead he would rather use the money here to improve America.

He has already thwarted the neocons in Syria who wanted regime change there,but he fooled the neocons because he sent troops and they just boxed in ISIS for Russia to take out who has already been in Syria fighting ISIS for the Syrian Government.

Trump shut the neocons down and now ISIS is destroyed now and there will be no regime change now in Syria. However this has angered the Deep State neocons.So now the neocons are trying to get us into war with North Korea exaggerating the threat North Korea poses to us just like they have for every dictator we have went to war to remove but again Donald Trump is using diplomacy to handle this situation and has been allowing China and Russia to deal with North Korea since they already had a plan and are against regime change.

However the neocons are desperate and could set off a false flag attack and then blame it on North Korea,they want war badly. They did this in Syria too a few months ago and Trump did not fall for it instead the missiles he fired from the battle ship(remember?)targeted ISIS in Syria,NOT the Syrian people.But also Trump may be realizing that China is not being as helpful as they could be and so on Monday is going to start looking into the trade imbalances we have with China. in otherwards Trump has given China a chance to deal with North Korea and when they came out the other day and said the US can only attack North Korea if North Korea attacks first but if there is regime change they will intervene.

Well this angered Trump and he will move to punish China when it comes to trade for them not being as helpful as they could because money talks and China needs money.This could force China to change its ways and actually get them to crack down on North Korea.By the way Trump has already opened up trade with India just in case China does not come through for the US and help to deal with North Korea.They will pay a price economically if they don't come through for America because Trump knows the US has been good to China and China would be nothing if it was not for America opening up trade with them and they are a friend or foe.We shall see.
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Re: North Korea: It Ain't Good!

Post by Kurieuo »

Kurieuo wrote:Fast forward a month and Trump will be getting along with Kim better than anyone else. It's all about garnering respect in a manner Kim understands and relishes. Harsh words ain't bombs. The only way bombs will be dropped is if Kim is so crazy he doesn't care about committing suicide, I think he just loves playing the insane guy all pin him as. Someone needs to stoop to that level to bring him out of it, nothing else has worked to date. And everyone is so damn "progressive" pansylike PCist to use bold words today. I think the desired outcome is a more cordial relationship with North Korea, and an end to all their chest beating. So, either it will work, or what has been coming for many years now will come to an end, which would've been inevitable anyway. NK just can't continue being ignored.
Wee bit longer, but bada-bing.
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Re: North Korea: It Ain't Good!

Post by abelcainsbrother »

Relax people! Donald Trump has been working on a plan to bring peace between South Korea and North Korea for awhile now and it is working.Donald Trump has been working with both China and Russia to bring peace to the region.Donald Trump already met with Kim Jong Un in secret on his visit to China and he will be meeting with him publicly soon.There will be no war with North Korea and this is why we just had the olympics and North Korea and South Korea were at peace. Donald Trump is not a neo-con and yet the people who criticize past US foriegn policy fail to see that Trump is not like them and is not into war and fighting useless wars that have nothing to do with keeping America safe. You're going to see Donald Trump bring US troops home soon.Only if the US is under threat will Donald Trump go to war. It is the Deep State that has used the media to propagandize you to believe that North Korea is a serious threat to the US,when it is not true.This is because they do want war with North Korea but they're not going to get it.Instead Donald Trump will be vindicated for claiming during the election that putting pressure on China could bring peace.He explained during the election that China could control North Korea if they wanted to and that he could negotiate with China.The media claimed Trump was wrong at the time and does not know about foreign policy,etc.He will be proven right.
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Re: North Korea: It Ain't Good!

Post by Hortator »

Change title to "it could be good?"
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Re: North Korea: It Ain't Good!

Post by Philip »

Yes, Trump has given Kim a most important lesson - and one he needed to learn: That the U.S. is not going to give him the things he most desires through naked extortion and threats of catastrophic destruction. And that even mere such posturing and provocative escalations in such rhetoric are not only ineffective, but actually result in far more punitive responses by Trump. Kim has now ratched the pressure on him, both externally and internally, to a fever pitch, and he's slowly realized his only choice of survival is to reverse tactics. It shows he's not the madman many pundits asserted him to be. And Trump's own analysts have long known he has always been shrewd and calculating. And Kim has finally concluded that his bad-boy tactics have only made his situation far worse.
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Re: North Korea: It Ain't Good!

Post by Kurieuo »

Respect when it's due, while I dislike that more hasn't happened in Middle East, closer collaboration between US-West and Russia not transpiring as campaigned, Trump has handled Kim Jong-un very well. In my opinion, exactly how Kim needed to be handled.

He was also able to rally China and South Korea, and it seems work out a good cop/bad cop strategy where he'd play the bad cop while the other two appeared (?) to act like mediators. Whether such is actually what happened, I don't believe Kim would have come to the table without the pressure that Trump and the US was applying.

Just saw some of the South/North-Korea summit event. Quite exceptional.
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Re: North Korea: It Ain't Good!

Post by Philip »

Fat Boy Kim couldn't get what he wanted with apocalyptic threats of doom, so know he's trying a charm offensive. He smiled so much at the recent meeting with SK that his face must still be hurting. Crocodiles also have a smile!
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Re: North Korea: It Ain't Good!

Post by Kurieuo »

I thought it was just some shmuck musing Trump should receive Nobel Peace Prize (even if this prize has become a joke), but South Korea's president clearly credits the change in North Korea to Trump:
South Korean President Moon Jae-in said U.S. President Donald Trump deserves a Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts to end the standoff with North Korea over its nuclear weapons program, a South Korean official said on Monday. ( ... SKBN1I10OD)
I find it quite amusing, given all the fear-mongering of the Democratic campaign about Trump have the nuke button.

Really, the significance of this event, as big/bigger than the Berlin wall coming down. It's like a new era in Korea/Asia. And though I really wish Kim would be held accountable, it is nonetheless in the best interests of all people including North Korean citizens, that the walls between South and North Korea come down.
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Re: North Korea: It Ain't Good!

Post by Ged »

Philip wrote: Don and co. best be very smart and exceptionally careful.
Hmmm, Im inclined to agree.

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