40 Evidences Proving The Existence Of The Greatest Creator

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Re: 40 Evidences Proving The Existence Of The Greatest Creator

Post by claysmithr »

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lifechany ... ly_Society

Lifechanyuan is the integration of Christianity, Catholicism, Islam, Buddhism, Taoism, science, and Mao Zedong. It is not a religion, rather a way of life through communal living and through preserving the environment. Lifechanyuan follows the path of the Greatest Creator, and the core values of Lifechanyuan are to revere the Greatest Creator, revere life, and revere nature. It requires that its members read the Chanyuan Corpus and follow the 800 values for the new era human beings. There is no marriage allowed in the community.

Chanyuan Celestial's
In order to become a Chanyuan Celestial you must be:

1. a civilized person.

2. a kind person.

3. a wise person.

4. a diligent person.

5. a person with great ideals.

6. a person wanting to be a celestial being.

7. a person who keeps promise.

8. a person who loves to bring delighted, joyful, free and happy life to others.
It's a new fake cult created by blending other religions + science + Chairman Mao. There is so much wrong with this I don't even know where to start.
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Re: 40 Evidences Proving The Existence Of The Greatest Creator

Post by ivysunday »

Philip wrote: Tue Sep 04, 2018 8:40 am
ivysunday wrote: Mon Sep 03, 2018 8:02 pm
Philip wrote: Mon Sep 03, 2018 8:55 am Welcome, Ivy!

So, WHO do YOU say is this Greatest creator?
Thanks Philip.
The Greatest Creator has 8 features. Use this standard, you can find the Greatest Creator.
1. The Greatest Creator is the only
2. The Greatest Creator is Amorphous
3. The Greatest Creator is the Neutral
4. The Greatest Creator is Mysterious
5. The Greatest Creator is Impartial
6. The Greatest Creator is Merciful
7. The Greatest Creator is Supremely Powerful
8. The Greatest Creator is Wise.
You did not answer my question. You have merely identified characteristics you assert to be of the "Greatest Creator." And, BTW, many religions have claimed there to be some great Source responsible for all that exists. But the problem is, only One of them has any evidences that can directly be tested or known that back this up. As well, what you assert sounds to be very vague and New Age-like. If you are espousing a "god is in us, we are all parts of god - that the entire creation and universe are all parts of god" - well, this is obviously false! Why? Because we know from science and logic that nothing comes from nothing. And we also know that the universe once did not exist - there was a moment in which time, matter - in which NOTHING existed. And a moment later, a universe roared into existence. But if the universe is god, and it once did not exist - do you not see a major problem? Because the universe could not create itself! NOTHING can create itself. ALL things have a Source and an origin.

So, to save us all a lot of time - please identify this god you assert - as surely he has identified himself with some credible communications beyond merely knowing SOME creative source has to exist - because knowing the universe had an eternal Source is basic logic.

Also, I would challenge your assertion that the creator source is neutral - as clearly the immense precision of the universe is based upon defined absolutes that have constant ramifications - forcing certain realities upon us - that doesn't sound very neutral to me. Further, this Source has made only one creature like us - there is only one known creature that can use complex languages, write poetry, create technology, mathematics, fly to the moon, is capable of deep abstract thoughts, has a keen psychological self-awareness, devises grand strategies and plans, that truly finds love and hate to be opposites: MAN! We are another indication that the Creator has made very specific divisions in all manner of things - we were not neutrally created - but with immense specificity in contrast to all other life forms.

One additional thought: If your "greatest creator" is but the greatest - are you also implying their are other, lesser ones?
Thanks for your patience. If I am allowed, I'd like to share all provements to your above questions. Origin of the Universe
.The Origin of Humanity. Explanation of Eight Features of The Greatest Creator. As to your last question. How many Greatest Creators do you think there are? There are so many religions in the world. Xuefeng said that there is only one Greatest Creator. Allah - Ancestor of Buddha, the Greatest Creator and the heavenly father, all refer to the one.

Origin of the Universe

1. Introduction

Before many chemical elements were found, most of the chemists didn’t know how many chemical elements are there on the Earth and their relationship. Dmitri Mendeleev had already made the famous Periodic Table of the Chemical Element, calculated the atomic quantity of elements and showed us the relationship between them. The elements discovered later were all included in his Table.

The case has demonstrated everything in the Universe has the order and laws. Some people say the Universe is lawless and disorderly because they haven’t found the laws and order.

2. Origin of the Universe

All things within the time scope, including the celestial bodies and Universe, have their origin, the birth time and process of development. The beginning and ending time of the Universe, just as theπ and golden ratio, is mysterious and can’t be reached by our wisdom. Compared with the wisdom of the Greatest Creator, our wisdom is just like a drop in the sea. I would like to share my knowledge of the beginning of the Universe gained while my mind was in peace.

When I am seeking what things in the Universe are eternal, when I am thinking about the resurrection in the Bible, when I am meditating the “The life is like a dream and all the four elements (earth, water, fire and air of which the world is made) are void” in the Buddhist scripture, when I am trying to figure out the source of Tao in the Tao Te Ching, when I ask myself why I would go to the Mortal World, why we exist and where we are going, I have known the beginning process of the Universe. However, when I am delighted to think I have found the mystery of the Universe, I suddenly realize that this mystery of the Universe beginning was explained by the humans (the ancestors of dragon nation) 6,000 years ago. It is like a Mt. Everest climber, after reaching the peak after multiple difficulties, finds someone else has left his footprint on it. Thus, I am not bold enough to claim myself as the first one knowing the Universe beginning. I only wish to add some details based on the wisdom of the past talents.

The River Diagram, The Book of Changes and the Yellow Emperor’s Book of Internal Medicine have told us the process of the Universe beginning is : Wuji generates Taiji, Taiji generates two polarities, the two polarities produce the four directions, the four directions create the eight

3. Before the universe was Wuji.

What is the state of Wuji?

Wuji is the state of neither in nor out, neither big nor small, neither bound nor edge, neither null nor true, neither time nor space, neither material nor spirit. It is clear, chaos, everything and nothing.

The detailed explanation of the state can’t be completed even in a book containing 1 million words. I just want to stick to one point. According to the estimation of the paleontologists, the Earth was born about 4.5 billion years ago. Then where was the Earth before it was born? We can only conclude that it was in Wuji before it was born, just like the human beings. We were also in Wuji before we were born. Because the whole Universe was in Wuji before it was born, Wuji contains everything. But where is Wuji? A thing without time, space, material, spirit, inside, outside, large size, small size, border, edge, firmness or emptiness can only be described by the word “shapeless and visionary”. However, Wuji doesn’t mean it contains nothing. Instead, it contains everything. It has nothing and everything at the same time. That’s why The Diamond Sutra was profound and difficult to understand. For example:

“If Tathagata explains the laws, don’t believe it. The laws can’t be explained. If explained, they are not the laws or not the lawless.”

“The Buddhism is no Buddhism.”

“The name of Anagami is Bulai. But actually Bulai doesn’t exist. So Anagami is called Anagami.”

“The solemn Buddhist is not solemn. It is called the Solemn.”

“Tathagata says the world is not the world. So it is called the world.”

“I should eliminate all life. After doing that, I found no life has been eliminated.”

And so on.

If we don’t know the origin of the Universe, it is very difficult for us to understand the above “Buddha words”. If we can fully understand the above “Non Buddha words”, we will know the origin of the Universe.

Before everything was born, they were in Wuji. So Wuji means everything.

We wish to take an example from the mythical novel Journey to the West to imagine the space in Wuji.

Monk Tang and his apprentices entered the disguised monastery. The Monkey King was trapped in the gold cymbal by the demon head. So how big or how small was this gold cymbal? No matter how high or how low the Monkey King could transform himself, the cymbal could change too following him. The Wuji space before the Universe was born was in the state as the cymbal. It was extremely large and extremely small.

The space described in Einstein’s the General Theory of Relativity just refers to the space above mentioned. The size of the space is not decided by the energy. However, it is decided by the existence of matters. The more matters are transformed from the energy, the larger the space will be and vice versa. If there is no matter, there will no space. It’s the same as the relationship between the Monkey King and the gold cymbal. The space in the cymbal is decided by the size of the Monkey King transforms himself. The traditional science believes that the space is like a box and the material is a particle in the box. When the particle disappears, the space is still there. Nevertheless, the space is not like that. When the particle is not there, the space will disappear. The space is determined by the distribution of particles. The space will twist, swell, contract or even disappear as the material and its energy change the size.

How to understand the time in Wuji?

Time is generated by the movement of objects. There is no time without motion.

For example, a man is 40 years old because the cells in his body are splitting, moving and dying. If the cells were not moving or splitting, he would not have lived till 40. A piece of fresh meat will rot in a few days if placed open to the air in hot weather. However, if we put the meat in the fridge, it will not rot in months. Why? The meat in the fridge has slow even halting cell movement. When the cell movement slows down, the time of the meat is lengthened. And when the cell movement stops, the time of the meat disappears.

If a man is never born, does he still have time? If the Earth is not born, does the Earth have time? If the Universe is not born, does the Universe have time? No.

This is the time in Wuji.

The core of the quantum mechanics is the “uncertainty”. Why? The time does not lapse evenly. The time is changing. So how can you obtain the “certainty”?

That’s all about my explanation of Wuji.

4. Wuji Generates Taiji

What is the state of Taiji?

First, we have to know Taiji is generated from Wuji.

Wuji is nothing and everything. It is everything because the energy existence in it can produce the material world. It is nothing because the energy in it is not material. It is chaos without firmness or emptiness. It is like the sky. When the sky is clear, there is nothing in it. But when it is cloudy, we can see the clouds and lightings and hear the thunders. Then there is everything.

In Wuji, there is the intangible energy. The intangible energy (in contrast with the tangible energy) is moving irregularly. When the irregular movement, accidently on a point, formed a specific order or symbol, the entire Wuji has formed a potential power arrow called the “tornado” centered on this point.

This potential power arrow, or “tornado”, is just called Taiji. (Please note that the tornado is simply a momentum with only potential power. It does not have kinetic energy because it is not rotating.)

This is how Taiji is generated from Wuji.

Taiji is in such a state: it is the one, amorphous, the unity without opposites, and an extremely large energy cluster (It is just like a locked reservoir containing billions of billions of Pacific)

The Taiji is just the Greatest Creator in common sense.

In Tao Te Ching, Lao Tzu said, “Chaos was born before there was the Earth and Heaven.” Before the Universe was born, “something” existed. This “something” is Taiji, the psychic energy of the Greatest Creator. Lao Tzu named this “something” as Tao because he confused the nature and psychic energy of the Greatest Creator.

After understanding what Wuji is, we can understand Buddha and Buddhism. After understanding Taiji, we can understand Tao and Taoism.

5. Taiji creates the Two Polarities

What are the two polarities?

It refers to the phenomenon of opposition.

For instance, in the state of Taiji, everything is the one and amorphous. But in the state of the “two polarities”, the intangible energy is shown up in a tangible form. The Sun, for example, is an energy cluster. It has been transformed from the intangible energy form in the state of Taiji into the tangible energy form. So the energy is classified into the tangible energy and intangible energy. “None” and “Existence” form the “two polarities”, namely, the unity of opposites.

The contents of the “two polarities” include: none and existence, firmness and emptiness, Yin and Yang, positive and negative, static and dynamic, left and right, up and down, exterior and interior, front and rear, high and low, noble and humble, hard and soft, big and small, strong and weak, dark and light, male and female, rich and poor, fortunate and unfortunate, gain and loss, merit and fault, more and less, life and death, true and false, good and evil, beauty and ugly, etc. They are the unities of opposites.

Everything in the Universe as we know is the demonstrations of the “two polarities”.

Then how are the “two polarities” were born out of the Taiji?

We have known that the irregular movement of energy in Wuji accidently formed a certain order. All the energy, in a short while, formed overwhelmingly an intangible potential energy. If the potential energy is not given out, it will only remain latent like a “paper-made tiger”. However, when all energies gather at the central point, the energy center has changed its nature, just like the water will evaporate when heated to a certain degree. At this time, the energy center, or the nucleus, is no long a kind of energy. Instead, it has become a special structure surrounded by great energies. When this structure is complete, the Consciousness comes into being. It is just like a fertilized egg without Consciousness. When it keeps absorbing energy in its mother’s uterus and improves its structure, a conscious animal (human) will be born.

The gathering of mammoth energies has led to the alienation of the energy center, resulting in a structure. The constant improvement of the structure ended up with the emergence of the Consciousness, which is the symbol of life birth. The Consciousness gathering all energies then started the process of creating the Universe. And it is the Greatest Creator.

After the Greatest Creator is born, the energy in the Taiji began to move around the Greatest Creator’s Consciousness. We can also say that all energies move around the structure of the energy center. Just like a human body, when your consciousness tells you to urinate, the bladder door is open and the urine goes out. When you want to look at the sky, your head will be raised and your eyes opened automatically. When you want to have sexual intercourse, your penis is erected.

After the Greatest Creator is born, the “two polarities” come into being, the celestial bodies show up, the celestial movement begins, the unlimited space is born, the time starts and everything gets into the movement cycle of life and death.

6. The “Two Polarities” create the “Four Directions”

The “two polarities” have brought about the “four directions”. There is south, north, east and west. There is front, rear, left and right. There is life, growth, decline and death. There is quadrant 1, 2, 3 and 4 in the function image.

7. The “Four Directions” create the “Eight Trigrams”

Because there is south, north, east and west, there are now 8 directions including the east, southeast, south, southwest, west, northwest, north and northeast. The eight directions are called Qian, Dui, Li, Zhen, Xun, Kan, Gen and Kun respectively, forming the 8 trigrams. Each direction has its special meaning. Each direction has its different chance changes. Let’s take a person as an example. If he remains healthy in the south, he might find it difficult to get accustomed to the north. If nothing goes smooth in the east, he may achieve success in the west and the ugly duckling might become the white swan. Even grass will have different growth model and blossoming timing in different directions and locations.

8. The Permutation and Combination of the 8 Trigrams (Qian, Dui, Li, Zhen, Xun, Kan, Gen, and Kun) Produce the 64 Trigrams

The 64 trigrams are corresponding to the 64 factors in the Universe. But as to the details of these 64 factors, because they are related to all the mysteries in the Universe and hidden to the common people, even the King Wen of Zhou in the Canonization of the Gods didn’t know all of them. And the most achieved Taoists in China only knew a few of the factors. Sakyamuni masters half of them and Jesus only knows a few more than Sakyamuni does.

We often hear people say “No disclosure of the Heaven secrets”. The heaven secrets are just hidden in the 64 trigrams. The permutation and combination of the 64 trigrams have caused the birth and death of all things in the Universe. The things that you can’t imagine are just the combination of 2 factors. The power of Jesus lies in his mastery of the formula of these factors.

The birth and death of all things, the limitless mysteries and all changes and movements in the Universe are hidden in the permutation and combination (formula) of these 64 trigrams. “No coming, no going, the time-space ends and origin shows up.”

This is the brief process of the birth of the universe.
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Re: 40 Evidences Proving The Existence Of The Greatest Creator

Post by ivysunday »

claysmithr wrote: Tue Sep 04, 2018 9:18 am https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lifechany ... ly_Society

Lifechanyuan is the integration of Christianity, Catholicism, Islam, Buddhism, Taoism, science, and Mao Zedong. It is not a religion, rather a way of life through communal living and through preserving the environment. Lifechanyuan follows the path of the Greatest Creator, and the core values of Lifechanyuan are to revere the Greatest Creator, revere life, and revere nature. It requires that its members read the Chanyuan Corpus and follow the 800 values for the new era human beings. There is no marriage allowed in the community.

Chanyuan Celestial's
In order to become a Chanyuan Celestial you must be:

1. a civilized person.

2. a kind person.

3. a wise person.

4. a diligent person.

5. a person with great ideals.

6. a person wanting to be a celestial being.

7. a person who keeps promise.

8. a person who loves to bring delighted, joyful, free and happy life to others.
It's a new fake cult created by blending other religions + science + Chairman Mao. There is so much wrong with this I don't even know where to start.
Take your time and point out which item you thought is wrong? There is no marriage allowed in the community ? this does not mean there is no love. Many people get divoced now adays not because they know about lifechanyuan. And Jesus said there is no marrage in heaven. Could you tell what is heaven like? Where is heaven? How people live in heaven? How could we get there? If Lifechanyuan can give the answers, why not spending time reading? Shouldn't we learn from all these saits?
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Re: 40 Evidences Proving The Existence Of The Greatest Creator

Post by RickD »

I for one, can't wait for Philip's line by line response to ivysunday's post.
John 5:24
24 “Truly, truly, I say to you, he who hears My word, and believes Him who sent Me, has eternal life, and does not come into judgment, but has passed out of death into life.

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-Edward R Murrow

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Re: 40 Evidences Proving The Existence Of The Greatest Creator

Post by ivysunday »

Philip wrote: Tue Sep 04, 2018 8:40 am
ivysunday wrote: Mon Sep 03, 2018 8:02 pm
Philip wrote: Mon Sep 03, 2018 8:55 am Welcome, Ivy!

So, WHO do YOU say is this Greatest creator?
Thanks Philip.
The Greatest Creator has 8 features. Use this standard, you can find the Greatest Creator.
1. The Greatest Creator is the only
2. The Greatest Creator is Amorphous
3. The Greatest Creator is the Neutral
4. The Greatest Creator is Mysterious
5. The Greatest Creator is Impartial
6. The Greatest Creator is Merciful
7. The Greatest Creator is Supremely Powerful
8. The Greatest Creator is Wise.
You did not answer my question. You have merely identified characteristics you assert to be of the "Greatest Creator." And, BTW, many religions have claimed there to be some great Source responsible for all that exists. But the problem is, only One of them has any evidences that can directly be tested or known that back this up. As well, what you assert sounds to be very vague and New Age-like. If you are espousing a "god is in us, we are all parts of god - that the entire creation and universe are all parts of god" - well, this is obviously false! Why? Because we know from science and logic that nothing comes from nothing. And we also know that the universe once did not exist - there was a moment in which time, matter - in which NOTHING existed. And a moment later, a universe roared into existence. But if the universe is god, and it once did not exist - do you not see a major problem? Because the universe could not create itself! NOTHING can create itself. ALL things have a Source and an origin.

So, to save us all a lot of time - please identify this god you assert - as surely he has identified himself with some credible communications beyond merely knowing SOME creative source has to exist - because knowing the universe had an eternal Source is basic logic.

Also, I would challenge your assertion that the creator source is neutral - as clearly the immense precision of the universe is based upon defined absolutes that have constant ramifications - forcing certain realities upon us - that doesn't sound very neutral to me. Further, this Source has made only one creature like us - there is only one known creature that can use complex languages, write poetry, create technology, mathematics, fly to the moon, is capable of deep abstract thoughts, has a keen psychological self-awareness, devises grand strategies and plans, that truly finds love and hate to be opposites: MAN! We are another indication that the Creator has made very specific divisions in all manner of things - we were not neutrally created - but with immense specificity in contrast to all other life forms.

One additional thought: If your "greatest creator" is but the greatest - are you also implying their are other, lesser ones?

3. The Greatest Creator is the Neutral

The Greatest Creator is sole and only. And the Greatest Creator is neutral.

There are men and women, male and female animals and plants. How about The Greatest Creator?

We can never say The Greatest Creator is a man, a woman, a male or a female. Because if we say The Greatest Creator is a man, there must be a woman Greatest Creator as his opposite, which would dampen the uniqueness of The Greatest Creator.

Nor can we understand The Greatest Creator by using the “bipolarity” in the principle of unity of opposites. That is to say, we can not define The Greatest Creator as true or false, good or evil, beautiful or ugly. Because if we define The Greatest Creator as good, there must be an evil Greatest Creator as the opposite of the good Greatest Creator, which would also dampen the uniqueness of The Greatest Creator.

All the matters, animals, humans, Buddha and God have their respective nature. Then what kind of nature does The Greatest Creator have?

The Greatest Creator has no nature, which means The Greatest Creator does not have the nature of matters, animals, humans, Buddha or the God. It is not correct at all to classify the Greatest Creator into any section of life.

If we say a certain person has the nature of animals, we are degrading him or her. If we say the Buddha has the nature of humans, the Buddha is being degraded. Such is the case if the God is said to have the nature of Buddha and the Greatest Creator is said to have the nature of matters, animals, humans, Buddha or the God.

As a result, The Greatest Creator has no nature. The Greatest Creator is neutral.

It is imperative we discuss the Kirtan and the Bhakti movement because is involves the Greatest Creator.

Kirtan and Kirtan responsory are originated from the traditional Indian wisdom literatures, which have been inherited by some masters with spiritual nature. The most outstanding leader of the Kirtan and the Bhakti movement is Srila Prabhupada. The Movement shines with wisdom, focusing on the spiritual features, instead of the material or flesh attributes of human beings. Many of its contents are valuable and worthy of being adopted.

But we have to know who is Kirtan. According to the many lecture sheets of Srila Prabhupada, we know that Kirtan is the Supreme God of the Universe, which is acceptable. However, he also said that Kirtan was sole and only and the “source of all sources”. Who can be sole and only? Who can be the “source of all sources”? Only The Greatest Creator is. So we can conclude that Kirtan is The Greatest Creator.

Then, is Kirtan really The Greatest Creator?

In his lecture sheet ‘Definition of the God’ in the Kirtan responsory , Srila Prabhupada said, “When Kirtan showed up on the Earth, he had 16,108 wives, each of whom lived in the marble palaces decorated with jewels and equipped with furniture made of ivory and gold, demonstrating extreme splendid.”

So is this The Greatest Creator?

Of course not.

Being neutral, The Greatest Creator is neither male nor female. How could The Greatest Creator have 16,108 wives? Why don’t we say Kirtan have 16,108 husbands? Evidently, it is the idea of male superiority. Moreover,The Greatest Creator was much too libidinous if it really had so many wives. Are we extolling or desecrating The Greatest Creator when we generate so many wives for it with the mentality and the lust of flesh of human beings?

The wives of Kirtan lived in the “marble palaces decorated with jewels and equipped with furniture made of ivory and gold, demonstrating extreme splendid”. In fact, the laymen have imposed their own wills on The Greatest Creator. Would The Greatest Creator like marbles, jewels, ivory and gold simply because these things are precious in the eyes of the common?

In a word, Kirtan is not The Greatest Creator.

Kirtan responsory is the goddess of love and is to reach the harmonious integrating spiritual nature and god. Nevertheless, we have to be cautious about the Kirtan , who is not The Greatest of Creator but is labeled so, thus the Kirtan responsory is extremely dangerous.
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Re: 40 Evidences Proving The Existence Of The Greatest Creator

Post by Philip »

OK, I'll address IvySunday's creative post.


Ivy, my first question is – you know these things HOW???!!! Because someone told you? You read them in whatever books of mysticism written by whatever mystics? These understandings came to you while meditating and your “mind was in peace?” You have absolutely no idea if your babblings are true. ZERO! All you have are vapors of intangible mysticism that start nowhere and lead nowhere. And merely BELIEVING things you've been taught or read do not make them true. And in case you are unaware, while perhaps using verbiage from specific books of mysticism, the reality is you've covered just about every mysticism, gnostic, New Age concept I've ever heard of – as NONE of what you assert is new to me.
Ivy: I suddenly realize that this mystery of the Universe beginning was explained by the humans (the ancestors of dragon nation) 6,000 years ago.
So, you have no idea whether those ancient men knew what they were asserting – DO you? Course not. You read that they know these things and have accepted them. That's not knowledge or even remotely a way of knowing truth! HOW do you know what they wrote is true? What evidences did they put forth? You are accepting these things via emotion and feelings – not via facts. But facts are not a good fit with mysticism – because mysticism claims to explain such a wide range of the inexplicable with meaningless babble that explains nothing whatsoever!
Ivy: The River Diagram, The Book of Changes and the Yellow Emperor’s Book of Internal Medicine have told us the process of the Universe beginning is : Wuji generates Taiji, Taiji generates two polarities, the two polarities produce the four directions, the four directions create the eight...
Ah, so you learned some of this in a book or from things others long ago have asserted.
Ivy: Wuji is the state of neither in nor out, neither big nor small, neither bound nor edge, neither null nor true, neither time nor space, neither material nor spirit. It is clear, chaos, everything and nothing.
And so your explanation has no meaning as well. It also violates the logic of the principle of non-contradiction. It's an answer that purports to explain everything without explaining anything at all – and does so to the point of absolute meaninglessness.

Exhibit A:
Ivy: "Wuji contains everything. But where is Wuji? A thing without time, space, material, spirit, inside, outside, large size, small size, border, edge, firmness or emptiness can only be described by the word “shapeless and visionary”. However, Wuji doesn’t mean it contains nothing. Instead, it contains everything. It has nothing and everything at the same time."

6. The “Two Polarities” create the “Four Directions”
You mentioned Jesus – so you're aware of Him. You're aware of the God of the Bible. Good. Because unlike YOU and those whose teachings and writings you believe, Christians belief in God isn't based just upon ancient people saying untraceable things. The Christian God never told us to simply believe things without testing them for truth. He gave us powerful evidences – a tremendous number of traceable and very specific prophecies that can be traced to the time they were given by prophets God sent, as well as to the exact times in history in which these prophecies were fulfilled in detail. Did Wuji ever do THAT? Show us, if so. The fulfilled prophecies concerning Israel and Jesus alone are stunning and detailed – impossible to have been guessed at. And these prophets didn't sit around a confernce table storyboarding their prophecies to agree with each other, as these prophets lived in different cultures and at different points in history. Nonetheless, there is much fulfilled prophecy.

Ah, but the prophets of God also did great miracles to reveal that they actually spoke for God, whose power gave them the ability to perform miracles. Jesus did astonishing miracles. His disciples, excepting His betrayer and the Apostle John all went to their deaths believing that they had seen Jesus alive and for many days after being brutally crucified on a Roman cross. And so they risked and received death themselves for teaching Jesus had come back to life and that they had seen him. Can you imagine the fear they first had in seeing the terrible death Jesus endured. WHY did they risk this horrible fate themselves – because they absolutely KNEW whether or not they had seen the risen Jesus – they only logical thing that makes sense – as their writings reveal sober men who changed history forever by what they wrote and claimed to have seen.

Any such things like great miracles, very specific, detailed, historically proven and fulfilled prophecies, the overcoming of death, the changing of history in the mystical tall tales of Wuji? You see, the Christian faith has EVIDENCES – massive and powerful ones. And it's the only faith, as opposed to all of the religions on earth, that offers us such tangible, sober, known factual and historical evidences. Again, compare that to the mists and vapors of what you think is true that you have absolutely no way of knowing about your mystical Wuji!

The God of Christianity didn't merely expect us to believe without giving us evidences we could sift and consider – as we are rational beings with a brain. Wuji beliefs apparently insist we should see logic as basically useless, requiring one to believe its teachings via feelings, emotions, and without having any way whatsoever of knowing they are true! That should scare you! Do you not care about facts and evidences?
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Re: 40 Evidences Proving The Existence Of The Greatest Creator

Post by ivysunday »

Xuefeng knows these through his spiritual perception in meditation.
Man has six perception systems: vision, hearing, olfaction, taste, touch, and spiritual perception.

The Greatest Creator is spirit, how could we see him using vision?

Every one has spiritual eyes. Man is equipped with this program. Everyone has spiritual perception, the only difference is the sensitivity. The differences between the ignorant person, the laity, the mortal, the sage and the celestial being lie mainly in the differences in spiritual perception. The more retard one is in spiritual perception, the more closely he inclines toward an ignorant person, the more sensitive one is, the more closely he inclines toward a celestial being.

To open the spiritual eyes and restore the spiritual perception is the main means by which we move toward the higher order of LIFE through self-cultivation and self-refinery.

The Spiritual Life


(Translated by Xidai and Edited by Kaer)

Life on earth can be divided into three categories: the mortal life, the wise life, and the spiritual life.

Those who live for money, food, status, fame, and friendship, are leading mortal lives. A full eighty to eighty-five percent of all people endure these types of lives.

Those who live to pursue truth, spiritual wealth, honesty, kindness, beauty, love, and creating harmonious societies, are leading wise lives. About five to ten percent of people lead these types of lives.

Those who live to revere the Greatest Creator, comprehend the mysteries of Tao, supreme enlightenment, and the highest state of LIFE are leading spiritual lives. Only about two to five percent of people are gifted to lead these types of lives.

Spiritual lives are extraordinary lives. This tiny percentage of people who lead spiritual lives have only the Greatest Creator in their hearts and minds. They never use their own wisdom or cleverness but follow their hearts to live. They have no religions and do not put their hopes on any nations or special leaders. They have established unbreakable relationships with the Greatest Creator, and though they live on earth, their hearts are already transcending through time and space and traveling toward the kingdom of the Greatest Creator. They are retiring and unassuming, forgetting their own lives and wholeheartedly walking on the way of the Greatest Creator. Their hearts are full of peace and light. These people are the seeds of Heaven and the essence of humanity.

If you want to follow the spiritual path, the best road is to follow Jesus Christ's teachings. All teachings from Jesus Christ are telling people to walk on the way of the Greatest Creator, which is also the mission and sole purpose of Jesus Christ's coming to earth.

Let us listen to the teachings of Jesus Christ in order to live this spiritual life:

Jesus answered, ''I tell you the truth, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless he is born of water and the Spirit.” ~ John 3:5

Jesus answered, "Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give him will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life." ~ John 4:13

Jesus declared, "Believe me, woman, a time is coming when you will worship the Father neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem. You Samaritans worship what you do not know; we worship what we do know, for salvation is from the Jews. Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks. God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in spirit and in truth." ~ John 4: 21-24

"Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. " ~ Matthew 6: 19-21

"So do not worry, saying, 'What shall we eat?' or 'What shall we drink?' or 'What shall we wear?' For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well." ~ Matthew 6: 31-33

"Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.” ~Matthew 7: 13-14

"Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven.
Many will say to me on that day, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and in your name drive out demons and perform many miracles?'
Then I will tell them plainly, 'I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!'
"Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock.
The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock.
But everyone who hears these words of mine and does not put them into practice is like a foolish man who built his house on sand.
The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell with a great crash." ~Matthew 7: 21-27

“And so I tell you, every sin and blasphemy will be forgiven men, but the blasphemy against the Spirit will not be forgiven. Anyone who speaks a word against the Son of Man will be forgiven, but anyone who speaks against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven, either in this age or in the age to come.” ~Matthew 12: 31-32

Then some of the Pharisees and teachers of the law said to him, "Teacher, we want to see a miraculous sign from you." He answered, "A wicked and adulterous generation asks for a miraculous sign! But none will be given it except the sign of the prophet Jonah.” ~Matthew 12: 38-39

The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field. Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant looking for fine pearls. When he found one of great value, he went away and sold everything he had and bought it. ~Matthew 13: 44-46

Then Jesus said to the centurion, "Go! It will be done just as you believed it would." ~Matthew 8: 13

Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold, but he who stands firm to the end will be saved. ~John 24: 12-13

Anyone who loves his father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; anyone who loves his son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me; and anyone who does not take his cross and follow me is not worthy of me. Whoever finds his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it. ~John 10: 37-39

Then Jesus declared, "I am the bread of life. He who comes to me will never go hungry, and he who believes in me will never be thirsty. But as I told you, you have seen me and still you do not believe. All that the Father gives me will come to me, and whoever comes to me I will never drive away. For I have come down from heaven not to do my will but to do the will of him who sent me.” ~John 6: 35-38

"Stop grumbling among yourselves," Jesus answered. "No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws him, and I will raise him up at the last day. It is written in the Prophets: 'They will all be taught by God.' Everyone who listens to the Father and learns from him comes to me. “~John 6: 43-45

He went on to say, "This is why I told you that no one can come to me unless the Father has enabled him." ~John 6: 65

"But what about you?" he asked. "Who do you say I am?"
Simon Peter answered, "You are the Christ, the Son of the living God."
Jesus replied, "Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah, for this was not revealed to you by man, but by my Father in heaven.” ~John 16: 15-17

He replied, "Because you have so little faith. I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you."~Matthew 17: 20

He called a little child and had him stand among them. And he said: "I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.” ~Matthew 18: 2-3

"Again, I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything you ask for, it will be done for you by my Father in heaven. For where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them." ~Matthew 18: 19-20

He said to another man, "Follow me." But the man replied,"Lord, first let me go and bury my father."
Jesus said to him, "Let the dead bury their own dead, but you go and proclaim the kingdom of God."
Still another said, "I will follow you, Lord; but first let me go back and say good-by to my family."
Jesus replied, "No one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of God." ~Luke 9: 59-62

Jesus answered, "My teaching is not my own. It comes from him who sent me. If anyone chooses to do God's will, he will find out whether my teaching comes from God or whether I speak on my own. He who speaks on his own does so to gain honor for himself, but he who works for the honor of the one who sent him is a man of truth; there is nothing false about him.“~ John 7:16-18

We shall try our best to enter through the narrow gate and live spiritual lives by following the teachings of Jesus Christ to walk on the way of the Greatest Creator. No one's teachings are more comprehensive, profound, and authentic than those of Jesus Christ. Therefore, Jesus is the Christ, the door to eternal life. It is only by entering through this door, and we do not need any other methods to self-improve or self-refine, that we might arrive in the kingdom of the Greatest Creator, the Elysium World.
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Re: 40 Evidences Proving The Existence Of The Greatest Creator

Post by ivysunday »

[quote=Philip post_id=239878 time=1536168970 user_id=6092]
OK, I'll address IvySunday's creative post.

What is our purpose of life here? We have seen enough of miracles. We belive in Jesus. Now, what we do next. We cannot just expect miracles.

"I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.”
---Are we aiming at this state of mind? how?

The Values and Meaning of Life


( Translated by Transn and Edited by Kaer)


The value of Life is to seek Tao, attain immortality, and go to heaven.

The meaning of life is to develop a nature that is pleasing to the Greatest Creator.

Life is just a short trip of LIFE in the mortal world. But the destination for each individual is vastly different. Some rise up to heaven, but some fall into to hell, and some revert back to the animal world, while some return as mortals, and so on. This shows that Life's greatest value lies in taking all the chances and conditions, and combines them with Tao to attain the celestial character and go on to live in heaven.

Life has eighteen aspects that cannot be self-managed. Likewise, it also has eighteen aspects can be completely self-managed. Life is an investment. The different directions of investments eventually will lead to huge differences of Life results. If you invest in sesame, then you will get sesame. If you invest in watermelons, then you will get watermelons. A day has twenty-four hours for each of us. Due to the different directions of investments, the Life values that individuals get can be very different.


I will list eight investments here and we will see which one ultimately proves to have the maximum value:

· Shepherding, growing food, getting married, having children, those children growing up to shepherd, grow food, get married, have children, the grandchildren growing up to shepherd, grow food, get married, and the cycle continues.

· Attending primary school, graduating from higher education, landing an office job, earning money to buy a house, getting married, starting a family, having children, raising them to attend school and college, land office jobs, earn money to buy houses, get married, and have your grandchildren.

· Opening a business, earning money, buying property and luxury villas around the world, having one, two, even three mistresses, raising a bunch of children to inherit the legacy, playing what is desired to be played and seeing what desired to be seen, and then dying peacefully in bed.

· Becoming an official, climbing up the ladder with a full heart and soul, getting promoted from a clerk to a section chief, to a director, to a director general, to a minister, to a provincial governor, and ultimately to become the prime minister while facing twists and turns, often happy and bright ones, all the way up, benefiting close and remote relatives, bringing honors to one's ancestors and to the glorious family.

· Getting famous, "A wild goose leaves behind a voice; a man leaves behind a name". Fame is a kind of asset. Whether in the entertainment industry or television news circles, whether in pop-culture or high culture, whether in a political party or a religious community, having only one purpose - to become famous and to meet one’s desires through fame.

· Establishing achievements, either for political parties, religious organizations, or states, dedicating everything including one’s life, and finally becoming a national hero, a meritorious statesman, or a religious leader.

· Retreating from the world, wanting nothing and doing nothing, being abstinent and restraining from material interests, "Being oblivious to the outside world, but indulging in the books of the saints and sages”.

· Making Life happy, joyous, free, and blessed, by leading a full Life, leaving no remorse or regrets, self-refining by giving unconditionally to charity, knowing the coordinate system and the coordinate points of the universe, and knowing one’s self-destination.

These eight investment orientations above are random examples. There are 84,000 ways of the Buddha and there are 84,000 ways of Life journeys. No matter into which directions you invest, the key point is to get the maximum benefits, and that is the value of Life.

If we make a careful calculation, it is not difficult to understand that investing in the last direction is of a higher value than any of the previous seven.

The meaning of Life is the complete exhibition of natural character to please the Greatest Creator. As we are created by the Greatest Creator, our purpose is to please the Greatest Creator. Those who fail to please the Greatest Creator are doomed to suffer tragic lives.

The Greatest Creator created the sun for illumination, fruit trees to bear fruit, flowers and plants to be colourful and beautiful, and people to highlight our natural human nature. What should be there, the Greatest Creator has given us. What should not be there, the Greatest Creator has denied us. Additional wants and desires are contrary to the will of and cannot please the Greatest Creator.

The values of Life are to seek Tao, attain immortality, and go to heaven.

The meaning of Life is to exhibit a nature that will please the Greatest Creator.

Believe it or not!
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Re: 40 Evidences Proving The Existence Of The Greatest Creator

Post by ivysunday »

The Codes of Behavior for Citizens in the Kingdom of the Greatest Creator


Full of gratitude. Only with gratitude can people obtain real pleasure, and sublime the quality of his LIFE. Only with gratitude can people be optimistic and take things philosophically, and scale the barriers of jealousy, greed, anger, fury, complaint, and resentment, and cross the one-plank bridge built along the cliff safely and smoothly to reach the ideal realm. Only with gratitude can one fully enjoy the pleasure, happiness, freedom and blessing in the kingdom of the Greatest Creator. Without gratitude, one will always live a life of high alert and face dangers everywhere. Be grateful, be grateful for everything that the Greatest Creator has endowed you. Be grateful for living in the kingdom of the Greatest Creator, be grateful for everything that the people in the home have done for you, be grateful for the teachings and guidance offered by Jesus Christ, Buddha Sakyamuni, the Celestial Lao Tze, the prophet Mohammed, and generations of sages and saints. Be grateful, and the road ahead will be flat and smooth, with endless groves of flowers blooming profusely and flocks of birds twittering and flitting in the sky. Be ungrateful, and the road ahead will be shrouded with dense dark clouds, and overgrown with thistles and thorns, and so full of twist and turns that it will be extremely difficult for you to trudge through.

Completely unselfish. People who are completely unselfish are like glittering and translucent crystals and the endlessly expansive sky with drifting white clouds, and are like the murmuring limpid streams and blooming gorgeous flowers. They are symbols of beauty and incarnations of love, the messenger of kindness and angels of sincerity. The heavenly kingdom is theirs and the freedom is theirs. Once a person harbors selfish desires, he will be like a fruit or melon with a rotten core. The source of happiness has been blocked, and he will be deliberately provocative and make trouble out of nothing and cause distress to others. He will stir riot and unrest among the harmonious group, stinking like a pool of feces and buzzing around like a blowfly.

Be always diligent and amicable. Diligence makes people rich and refined, laziness make people poor and hideous. Gentleness makes people magnanimous, peaceful and cozy, malice make people short-sighted and narrow-minded. The hardworking people are like the bees that fly among seas of flowers to gather honey, the lazy people are like fleas and lice that suck blood from animals. Gentleness is like fresh breeze, malice is like a sharp dagger that is thrusted randomly. Citizens living in the kingdom of the Greatest Kingdom should be always diligent, and amicable, any laziness and malice will eventually forfeit one’s freedom and happiness, will block the bridge to happiness, and will cause the loss of the Garden of Eden.

Cherish the time and opportunity that you enjoy. If you cherish it, you will not complain; if you cherish it, you will take good care of everything that you have; if you cherish it, you will be prudent in action and words so that you will not cause misery and hurt to others; if you cherish it, you will gradually become colorful auspicious light that bring good luck to other people; if you cherish it, you will take advantage of the opportunity that arises to accumulate merits and virtue instead of complaining, and finding fault with everything, and becoming a grueling and disgusting burden to the group.

Be reasonable, highly cultured and steeped in propriety. The citizens in the kingdom of the Greatest Creator are all reasonable, highly cultured and steeped in propriety, they are apt to learn culture, dance and song, music, poetry, admiration and appreciation. They have good breeding and training, they are refined and courteous and amiable when getting along with others. They are never rude and gross, and fierce browed. They often help others to achieve success instead of gossiping and spreading scandals. They will never have pettiness of character and always have a tightly-knit brow, haggling over trifles and trying to fathom and figure out what is other people’s mind. They always conform to order and never interrupt abruptly. They always speak clearly and straightforwardly instead of blabbering without stop. Reasonable and highly cultured people steeped in propriety emanate charming fragrance and are welcome everywhere instead of being avoided like a plague. They never importune, never argue irrationally, they are never egoistic, and they never cause unhappiness and unpleasantness to others.

Have a calm mind and a smiling face and be good at games. The citizens of the Greatest Creator are always dignified, sacred and serene and elegant. They are not restless and flippant. They are as sedate as the green mountain, as serene as the green pool, and they are like the budding flowers and pleasantly warm breeze. They always walk so gently and gracefully, carrying their gaits so elegantly. Every knitting of the brows, every laughter, and every movement conforms to propriety. They will not scurry about, they are not flustered as if sitting on a bed of thorns, they will not engage in reckless yelling. They are good at games and can be immersed in them. Because they are the angels of happiness, the happy children of the Greatest Creator, the chosen few favored by heaven and the incarnation of perfection, they can always bring joy, happiness, and good luck to others, instead of keeping a straight face and looking sanctimonious and poker-faced, without any vitality.
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Re: 40 Evidences Proving The Existence Of The Greatest Creator

Post by Philip »

Ivy, you have ignored my direct questions - and so why would you do this? I asked you how YOU know the truth of your Greatest Creator comments - and all you do is quote other people and sources of mysticism - with nothing to examine or consider except what others say or you yourself FEEL to be true. But feelings and emotions are not examinable, and they can often prove very unreliable as to the truth of things. You extensively echo the unproven claims of others - claims that cannot be confirmed - claims that lead us nowhere as per knowledge that can be sifted for truth. NO one can know that what you say is true - not even yourself, as you offer ZERO knowledge that can be proven by history or anything else. All you have are the claims of others that you THINK are true. Doesn't that bother you? What if these sources you quote have lied? What if someone merely made up these things you believe. And none of what you assert goes beyond mere mystical nonsense that is highly contradictory. Again, Christianity and the God of the Bible offers us things we can know and examine from history, science, logic, and the testimony of others that can be compared for accuracy. It has so many prophets with fulfilled and very detailed prophecies - and these many prophets are all in agreement as to the God of the Bible. They foretold the human birth of an already eternal Messiah Savior Who would also be God - and the entire world today marks history and time by His birth into the world - were all these people just full of lucky guesses that came true???!!! You offer none of that. Not only that, but you've attempted to selectively pick through the Bible to support your false belief system - which is in great conflict and massively contradictory disagreement with the Bible!
Ivy: "We shall try our best to enter through the narrow gate and live spiritual lives by following the teachings of Jesus Christ to walk on the way of the Greatest Creator. No one's teachings are more comprehensive, profound, and authentic than those of Jesus Christ. Therefore, Jesus is the Christ, the door to eternal life. It is only by entering through this door, and we do not need any other methods to self-improve or self-refine, that we might arrive in the kingdom of the Greatest Creator, the Elysium World."
Please do not attempt to selectively use the sayings of Jesus to direct people to follow your false Greatest Creator nonsense. As apparently you do not realize that it is JESUS who created all things, that Jesus is GOD. God is a trinity of ONE. There is ONE God of three persons, Father, Son (Jesus), and the Holy Spirit. (You can explore the Bible's teachings about His Trinity here: http://www.godandscience.org/doctrine/g ... inity.html)

The Trinity is NOT three Gods, but is only ONE God:

"There is none like you, O LORD, and there is no God besides you, according to all that we have heard with our ears." (1 Chronicles 17:20)

Isaiah 43:11: "before me there was no God formed, neither shall there be after me. I, even I, am the LORD; and beside me there is no savior."

Mark 12: "... for there is one God; and there is none other but He."

The Bible's Book of John explains that JESUS is the ultimate and ONLY Creator:

The Bible calls Jesus "The Word":

John 1:1: "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

2 He (Jesus) was in the beginning with God."

John 1:3: "ALL things were made through Him, and without Him was not any thing made that was made."

John 1:14: " 14 And the Word (Jesus) became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen His glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth."

FAR before Jesus was born, He was prophesied to be born into the world (but as a HUMAN - as Jesus has ALWAYS lived - as God, He is eternal and thus had no birth) into the world:

"For a child will be born to us, a son will be given to us; And the government will rest on His shoulders; And His name will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace." (Isaiah 9:6)

Jesus confirms He is God just as the Father is also God: "I and the Father are ONE.” (John 10:30)

(From Godandscience.org) One of the least favorite exchanges in the Bible from the cults perspective is the one that occurred between Jesus and Thomas after Jesus rose from the dead. Thomas, the ever-skeptical disciple, was unconvinced that Jesus had risen from the dead and wanted to see direct proof. However, when the Lord Jesus appeared to him, his only reaction was "My Lord and my GOD!"

Does Jesus and the writers of the Bible consider Jesus to be GOD Himself? YES!!!

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Re: 40 Evidences Proving The Existence Of The Greatest Creator

Post by ivysunday »

Dear Phillip, who do you think is the one in the old testment?
If The Trinity is NOT three Gods, but is only ONE God, why bother saying Trinity instead of saying I am the God?
Who is Satan? What is his relationship with Jesus?
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Re: 40 Evidences Proving The Existence Of The Greatest Creator

Post by ivysunday »

Jesus is not the Greatest Creator

(Translated by Xidai and Edited by Kaer)

Jesus was the greatest person in history, He was the Christ, the hope of humanity, the door to eternal life, and the son of, spokesperson for, and the road leading to the Greatest Creator for all kind, diligent, simple, honest, and humble people. Regardless of how much we praise Jesus, it can never be too much, but we can not say that Jesus was or is the Greatest Creator.

A real Christian must venerate Jesus, listen to the teachings of Jesus, and strictly behave according to Jesus' teachings. To lower or raise the status of Jesus is inexcusable. It not only a blasphemes the Greatest Creator, but it is also a betrayal to Jesus. Furthermore, it would be the Antichrist and a sin to human beings.

Jesus belongs to all human beings, not to any specific nation or religion. Jesus's teachings are for everyone. Everyone who loves Jesus, believes in Jesus, and follows Jesus' teachings, is a Christian. This does not need any baptism or approval from any special anointed person or religious institution. Even the Hindu, Mahatma Gandhi said, "I love Jesus Christ." Many Buddhists also say they love Jesus. But here we shall know that Jesus is not the Greatest Creator.

Jesus never claimed himself to be the Greatest Creator. He taught us again and again that we shall walk on the way of the Greatest Creator.

Let us check the words of Jesus to verify whether or not Jesus was the Greatest Creator.

But He said, "I must preach the good news of the kingdom of God to the other towns also, because that is why I was sent." ~Luke 4:43

Here, Jesus says that he was sent. If Jesus is the Greatest Creator, who will ask the Greatest Creator to do things?

“By myself, I can do nothing; I judge only as I hear, and my judgment is just, for I seek not to please myself but him who sent me”. ~ John 5:30

Here, Jesus clearly tells us that he came, not for his will, but for the will of the Greatest Creator.

“Anyone who speaks a word against the Son of Man will be forgiven, but anyone who speaks against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven, either in this age or in the age to come.” ~Matthew 12:32

Here, Jesus humbly tells us that if we speak a word against him, we can be forgiven. But if we speak words against the Greatest Creator, we can not be forgiven. These words clearly show that Jesus was not the Greatest Creator.

Then the mother of Zebedee's sons came to Jesus with her sons and, kneeling down, asked a favor of him. "What is it you want?" he asked. She said, "Grant that one of these two sons of mine may sit at your right and the other at your left in your kingdom". "You don't know what you are asking", Jesus said to them. "Can you drink the cup I am going to drink?" "We can", they answered. Jesus said to them, "You will indeed drink from my cup, but to sit at my right or left is not for me to grant. These places belong to those for whom they have been prepared by my Father". ~Matthew 20:21-23

Here, Jesus directly tells us that his right was less than the Greatest Creator's. He had no right to grant people to sit at either of his sides. If Jesus were the Greatest Creator, would he not have this right to grant?

And at the ninth hour Jesus cried out in a loud voice, "Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani?"--which means, "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" ~ Mark 15:34

Jesus called out with a loud voice, "Father, into your hands I commit my spirit". When he had said this, he breathed his last. ~Luke 23:46

From these words, how can we say that Jesus is the Greatest Creator?

I also want to ask, can Man condemn the Greatest Creator to death? Is Man more powerful than the Greatest Creator?

I still want to ask, Jesus had prayed many times, if Jesus were the Greatest Creator, to whom did he pray? Is there any being greater than the Greatest Creator?

The facts prove, time and again, that Jesus was not the Greatest Creator. So, why do some people still claim that Jesus is the Greatest Creator?

There is an evil purpose here, which is to raise the status of Jesus so high that it moves people farther away from the Greatest Creator. Since they said Jesus is the Greatest Creator, they shall listen to the teachings of Jesus. But no! They did not hear and follow any teachings of Jesus. They just wanted to get to their own scheme. What was the scheme? That is to praise Jesus so high with their lips that they betray Jesus and ask people to walk on the way of Satan.

"But what about you?" he asked. "Who do you say I am?" Simon Peter answered, "You are the Christ, the Son of the living God". ~Matthew 16:15-16

Some Christians who praise Jesus with their lips have dishonored the real Christians. No wonder that Mahatma Gandhi said, “I like your Christ. I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ”.

Yes, Jesus said that, "I and the Father are one" (John 10:30), but this does not mean the Father is the son or that the son is the Father. It means that Jesus has been with the Greatest Creator throughout many ages, it means that Jesus is the honest son of the Greatest Creator. Jesus dutifully carried out the Greatest Creator's will and what he had done were all strictly following the Greatest Creator's will. From this, Jesus and the Greatest Creator are always one. Jesus keeps his oneness with the Greatest Creator from the beginning of time.

We often speak of the unity of humanity and heaven, but it does not mean humanity and heaven are the same.
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Re: 40 Evidences Proving The Existence Of The Greatest Creator

Post by claysmithr »

I feel like arguing directly will be pointless but at least I will post these articles:



You can't blend truth with non-truth and idol worship and expect a good result. I'm willing to bet this cult has no idea of what sin is either.
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Re: 40 Evidences Proving The Existence Of The Greatest Creator

Post by Philip »

Once again, Ivy failed to answer HOW he knows what he asserts to be true about the "greatest creator" actually is? He's merely parroting mysticism sources that babble contradictions of New Age nonsense that he has absolutely no understanding of, much less how it could be true. Because all he has are the mere assertions of what others have said and written - and THAT is not an answer as to why anyone else should believe it. Worse - FAR worse - he attempts to use the words of Jesus to convince that He didn't consider Himself God, when that is one of the fundamental teachings of the Bible, that vast millions of Christians believe. And he doesn't even realize that his poor choices and disingenuous uses of Scripture have not refuted that, and that they actually show his great ignorance of the Bible and Christianity. It's sad that he obviously believes what he does only based upon wild claims and assertions of others that he can't possibly personally confirm or know if they are true - as he has not sources that make this possible.

Also notice that he references "the teachings and guidance offered by Jesus Christ, Buddha Sakyamuni, the Celestial Lao Tze, the prophet Mohammed, and generations of sages and saints." Quite interesting that the teachings of those he lists are not even close to being in agreement as to what they taught and said. A thing or assertion can't be or mean one thing and also mean the exact opposite. Yes cannot be the same as no. Black is not white. Etc. Except via the logic of mysticism. This means nothing asserted by mystics or New Ageists can truly be examined for truth - not of truth has no definition, beginning, end, or massive contradictions in what it asserts. As there is no ultimate or discernible meaning or logic that can be followed with your assertions, they have merely become a blended, indecipherable slush - which you have convinced yourself is true, even thought you can't say or show why, nor can you give anyone the slightest idea why they should believe this hodgepodge of nonsensical mysticism.

OK, Ivy, your mystical show is over! You will not be allowed to come on this forum and misrepresent the words and teachings of Jesus Christ. Nor will you be allowed to continue proselytizing your mystical beliefs. You've exposed yourself and have failed to answer key questions over how you know what you say is true, or how anyone else could either. If you'd like to learn about Christianity and Christ - fine. If you have questions: Great. But the rest of what you've tried to bring belief to will not be allowed to continue being expressed on this forum! You have been warned! Comprehend?
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Re: 40 Evidences Proving The Existence Of The Greatest Creator

Post by ivysunday »

claysmithr wrote: Fri Sep 07, 2018 6:10 am I feel like arguing directly will be pointless but at least I will post these articles:



You can't blend truth with non-truth and idol worship and expect a good result. I'm willing to bet this cult has no idea of what sin is either.
You are right. If you don't believe in reincarnation, and you are from no where. Then where is sin come from?

Man is not Born of Original Sin

(Translated by Transn and Edited by Kaer)

Is nature good or evil? This controversial issue which has been debated for thousands of years finally gets answered correctly from Lifechanyuan.

"Good" and "evil" are not the properties of “Nature”, but are “determined by material logic". In other words, when "the material content is achieved through the content of consciousness", there will the distinction between good and evil.

Qiankun Buddha of Lifechanyuan said this:
"There is no right or wrong or good or evil on the level of consciousness. Consciousness only reflects the results achieved by material logic. Right or wrong and good or evil is determined by material logic. Meeting the material logic that creates the totality is right and good. Destroying the material logic that creates totality is wrong and evil. Therefore, from the point of view of pure consciousness, on that level, there is no right or wrong.

However, if consciousness "appears", and uses the content of consciousness to achieve material content, then the consciousness can be right or wrong and good or evil, which is determined by the material logic that achieves the content. For example, the information stored in a computer is binary, whether good or bad. It is does not have a right or wrong, or good or evil nature. The right or wrong and good or evil is the result of the application of the information on a physical level. Likewise, scientific principles can improve the lives of people, but can also manufacture weapons to destruct human life.

Similarly, on the consciousness level of the universe, that is, Ālaya consciousness, there is neither right and wrong nor good and evil. The consciousness of the universe only truthfully records the data of material cycle, data of LIFE’s consciousness, and activities in the universe. The right or wrong and good or evil of the universe is determined by individual consciousness of LIFE. And the individual consciousness that decides the good or evil is determined by the application of the consciousness of LIFE on material logic. And the right or wrong and good or evil that reflects the application of material logic is determined by the totality of the material cycle.”

As a result, both arguments of “Nature is evil” and “Nature is good” are wrong.

Well, what does Lifechanyuan say on the issue of whether we are born into sin or not? We are not born as such. Sin is the result of the incomplete and imperfect social operating mechanisms of human society, and is not innate. The root causes of the suffering of human societies for thousands of years lies not with sin, but with the imperfect operating mechanism of human society. If the operating mechanism is complete and perfect, people will not sin, but if the operating mechanism is not good, people may sin.

Let’s examine whether our conclusion is correct or not.

Qiankun Buddha has given us the following example: Six people live in an apartment with only one toilet, so the use of the toilet becomes a problem which leads to conflicts with unpleasant results. "Sin" thus comes along. If the conflicts due to the unreasonable limitation of the toilet are resolved, say, by building a second toilet, then they will be lessened, and if we built a third toilet, the conflicts would be minimized even more and the so-called "sins" would not arise.

Therefore, the sin caused by toilet use was not innate, but was from the restrictive design structure of the apartment.

If we compare "sin" to flies, we have to ask where flies come from. If we go to a place with a clean and beautiful environment, we see hardly any of them, but if we go to a relatively dirty and messy environment, we will see many flies. This is true! Actions speak louder than words. The fact has proven that flies do not come from nowhere but from unclean environments.

In Chinese history, there were many instances of peasant uprisings, including the revolution of Chinese workers and peasants under the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party. What led to that? Did the peasants and workers naturally want to revolt and rebel? Absolutely not! Uprisings and revolutions are caused by bad social operating mechanisms. If the social operating mechanisms are good, especially if the distribution of the means of production is reasonable, there will not be any rebellions or revolutions.

The corruption in the Singapore government is less than in the Chinese government. Could it be that Chinese officials have innately corrupt hearts? No! There is something wrong with the government’s operating mechanism.

There is anger and there are conflicts between wives and husbands, and sometimes there are the phenomena of affairs outside of marriage, or "bigamy", and so on. Could it be that people are born to be angry and to have conflicts with each other? No! They are the results of the survival mechanism, marriage mechanism, and family mechanism. If there were no marriage, then there would be no family operating mechanism, and these phenomena could have been avoided.

The world's population is now reaching 6.8 billion, right? This enormous population is drastically depleting our natural resources. The pollution of air, water, and all the natural resources on earth is a testament to our overpopulation. Fierce competition and a series of overt and covert conflicts result, upsetting people, both day and night. What are the reasons? The reasons are because there is something wrong with the social operating systems. It is not that people are sinned, not at all.

In short, man is not born sinned. There is the saying of "forcing young girls of good families to prostitute themselves" and "forcing boys to join the rebels". Who forces? It is the social operating mechanism that forces.

As I have said before, the core crisis of mankind is the crisis of the soul. Well then, I am now saying that man is not born from sin. The sin is caused by bad social operating mechanisms. Are they contradictory? Are the Chanyuan Values themselves creating paradoxes? No and no!

Good social operating mechanisms need to be built by people with beautiful souls. Without beautiful souls, good social operating mechanisms can never be built, so the construction of the soul is the first requirement, but beautiful souls are not enough. We must construct a good social operating mechanism with beautiful souls. Otherwise, the beautiful souls will not be sustained for very long. This is more like the love between men and women. At first, everything goes fine, but if they do not build operating mechanisms to reinforce their original intentions, conflicts will soon develop which will either lead to their breaking up, or to their struggling in pain for a lifetime.

All religions, including Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Taoism, Hinduism, and others, have problems on establishing good social operating mechanisms. All the various cultivation groups, including the Indian ones, the Chinese ones, recent spiritual practice groups in the west, and others have ignored the establishment and construction of good social operating mechanisms.

All political parties, especially the Communist Party organizations under the guidance of Marxism, are working hard to build better social operating mechanisms, but they neglect the Greatest Creator and the construction of the human soul. If political party organizations neglect the Greatest Creator and the human soul, they cannot build good social operating mechanisms, despite how hard they might try. If religious organizations ignore the building of good social operating mechanisms, then regardless of what they claim, whether it is the reappearance of Jesus, the reincarnation of Maitreya, Deity Celestial Beings descending to earth, the reappearance of dharmacakra, or threats such as impending catastrophes or “the apocalypse", are useless and unhelpful to the world. If cults conjure up their spirits and deities, describe fortunes and disasters, and escapes from reality, lead befuddled lives as if drunk or in a dream, study sorcery and witchcraft, and play with spells, their members could never become Celestial Beings or Buddha or get away from the six worlds of reincarnation. For them to even reemerge human, an afterlife would be very difficult.

If you sinned in your previous life, then you have been punished.

If your ancestors sinned, they had to bear it, but that has nothing to do with you. A king’s children may not be kings or queens. A thief’s children need not necessarily be thieves.

Man is not born into sin. Whether we are sinned or not depends on whether we revere nature, revere LIFE, revere the Greatest Creator, and whether we take on the Way of the Greatest Creator.
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