Would you accept an LGBT relative if they threatened you with an ultimatum?

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Re: Would you accept an LGBT relative if they threatened you with an ultimatum?

Post by Blessed »

B. W. wrote: Sat Jun 30, 2018 9:17 am You know Mel, when people are determine to live hell bound and justify using the bible concept of God's love to justify the direction they are heading with such things like gay marriage too those who are in fact bound for hell by their own will and choice will have to answer God at a future time on this matter. That matter is for theirs alone to make.

Do you not know God's wrath has three stages?

God's three stages of wrath:

1st stage consist of this principle:

Psalms 81:11,12 "But My people would not heed My voice, And Israel would have none of Me.12 So I gave them over to their own stubborn heart, To walk in their own counsels." NKJV

Found also in Genesis to Jude. Summed up in Romans 1:24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32 note verses 24 and 32

God turns people to their own devices so that they sicken of the effect of sin and death in life and repent and return to Him.

In fact Psalms 107:1-43 explains that this is part of God's loving kindness used to turn a soul from darkness to light. If they do not, the second stage of wrath begins with the same goal - repent - turn away from drakness

2nd stage of God's wrath is seen all through the bible and in God's dealing with ancient Israel. If they rejected to return to him, all sorts of natural calamities or invasions befell the people to wake them up to return to Him. If they did, all was well again - if not - not so good.

God's third stage of wrath

Rev 3:19 revels the nature of God's third stage of wrath is and looks like. The 3rd stage of God's wrath consist of the full and final fury of a rejected despised abused love in total action - there is no repentance because people reject all notion of turning back to God.

This stage is mentioned in these verses: Rev 9:20 - Rev 9:21 - Rev 16:9 - Rev 16:11

This stage only happens only when these verses are fulfilled so until then we live with the 1st two stages of God's wrath.

I suggest, mel, that you look at why God does not support gay marriage and life style and not your own or the cultural justification for it.

It is not about marriage - it is about control and domination of will over others. The people of Sodom wanted to have sex with Gods messengers - to dominate them, push their will upon all others resulting in the most vile and unclean lifestyle that demand God prove he is so loving by accepting them or else he can't be God. That is called pride and June is what month according to cultural - Gay Pride month...

Now they are pushing this lifestyle upon little kids in schools. In my career in criminal justice working with sex offenders, we call this grooming for victims but in culture this is called helping toddlers become more expressive and accepting of same and all sexual encounters.

Do you support that grooming?

Inside all human beings, gay and straight, are seven things God considers to be an abomination: see below verses with expand word meanings and expression added in)

Pro 6:16 These six things the LORD hates, Yes, seven are an abomination to Him:
Pro 6:17 A proud (I am Justified) look, A lying (slanderous character assassinating) tongue, Hands that shed innocent blood,
Pro 6:18 A heart that devises wicked plans (which groom and seeks control), Feet that are swift in running to evil (justify evil as the greatest good by pitting God's character traits against each to justify such running as okay and approved to do),
Pro 6:19 A false witness who speaks lies, And one who sows discord among brethren.

In even the noblest of Gay people is that 'justified look' and all the rest too. God's Grace came to change us out of this and away form this sort of darkness. This is brought out in John 3:16,17,18,19,20 ... God's grace and love changes as well as condemns - how...

John 3:19-20, "And this is the condemnation, that the light has come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. 20 For everyone practicing evil hates the light and does not come to the light, lest his deeds should be exposed." NKJV

The reason people don't want to change is that they love what God hates and calls an abomination above all else. But for those that see that their own devises and ways 'are not working' - God's grace changes...

John 3:21 "But he who does the truth comes to the light, that his deeds may be clearly seen, that they have been done in God." NKJV

We are entering near the beginning of the last days period so it is no surprise to see as it was in the days of Noah and Lot is upon us now.

Psalms 97:10, "You who love the LORD, hate evil! He preserves the souls of His saints; He delivers them out of the hand of the wicked." NKJV

Please note that the word meaning of both the Greek and Hebrew words translated evil/wickedness contain the idea of warping and twisting morality to justify one self to do what God does not like while demanding that God is unjust for not accepting their ways - please note 1 Co 6:9,10,11

Thank you for your scripturally grounded commentary Bryan, as always. I never thought of the idea of sin as being self rationalizing, twisting or warping until reading your comments on this website. I did not know this was how sin was originally defined by original language of the Bible. I simply thought sin was any transgression against Gods word as defined in the Bible.

I am back here checking on this post because I was approached by a male homosexual last night who was looking to get his dinky stinky. Sometimes I seem to be an object of amusement and laughter by the dark side. I did not handle the situation in a good way.

Thanks for your commentary.
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Re: Would you accept an LGBT relative if they threatened you with an ultimatum?

Post by UsagiTsukino »

Will I go to hell for being pro lgbt? I’m that way because of a friend of my friend was violent beating but felt scared to get help. Or how people use violence against lgbt
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Re: Would you accept an LGBT relative if they threatened you with an ultimatum?

Post by Philip »

Usagi: Will I go to hell for being pro lgbt? I’m that way because of a friend of my friend was violent beating but felt scared to get help. Or how people use violence against lgbt
Of course not - one goes to Hell for rejecting God / Christ. And God loves homosexuals / lesibians / bis - why shouldn't we? However, God hates the way they enact their sexuality (NO, they were not made to be oriented as they suppose they were or might think they are) - course, God equally despises heterosexually acting our our sexuality in ways He says are immoral. He hates all sin. So, don't make the mistake of thinking that caring about the well-being of our gay or bi friends must mean we should also be okay with their sexual sin. We have to decide whose instructions to obey - our own, or God's!
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Re: Would you accept an LGBT relative if they threatened you with an ultimatum?

Post by UsagiTsukino »

Is there anything stopping me from going to a gay wedding?
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Re: Would you accept an LGBT relative if they threatened you with an ultimatum?

Post by Philip »

Usagi: Is there anything stopping me from going to a gay wedding?
As a Christian? Perhaps your conscience and public witness that people might think you agree that it's appropriate for two members of the same sex to "marry." If you view marriage as a male/female union put together by God in a sacred ceremony in His name - well, would you want to make people think that gay unions - or whatever term they might want to use for it - would you want people to think that your moral code as a Christian sees nothing wrong with it? God sees it as an abomination - would you want to tell the couple, "Congratulations on your abominable union!" Being nice to them, loving them - that's all fine. But publicly endorsing their union as if natural, perfectly okay, and as a good thing? I wouldn't.
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Re: Would you accept an LGBT relative if they threatened you with an ultimatum?

Post by Blessed »

UsagiTsukino wrote: Tue Jul 31, 2018 1:11 pm Is there anything stopping me from going to a gay wedding?
God's law + you're heart of hearts conscious vs. political correctness, moral relativism and ambiguity.

Look I'm just going to say it. Sin is sin and sexually immorality applies to straight and gay - but not equally. LGBT is a degenerate lifestyle.

People accept the idea of gay marriage, as I did when I was younger, based on the idea that if it is based on "love" as evidenced through "monogamy" as evidenced with marriage vows - it must be true love - an exception to the rule - and therefore ok. I rationalized this to myself when I was younger and trying to help someone out.

In effect, I was trapped into unwittingly using my philosophy and rationalization over God's law. I was young stupid and wrong. I could not see the forest from the trees and any dire exception to a rule that I could imagine with my 5 limited human senses and IQ, (but but but but but) even if true, does not invalidate the law altogether.

The vast majority of homosexuals are living a dangerous, unhealthy lifestyle steeped in sin. They are passed around - on gay hook up sites. Even feigning love and marriage and whatever else to accomplish one simple objective - satisfying lust with easy access for themselves with whomever is the target. That's what being a gay man is. Getting your dinky stinky no questions asked with the click of a mouse.

It's no surprise homosexuals - not straight people - are responsible for the original spread and MOST HIV/AIDS / STD cases. When I list these facts on LGBT websites, they are NEVER ADDRESSED. My comments are deleted and/or I'm labeled with insults.Simply from speaking politely and factually. I am looking for direct facts and logic to counter my facts - and they NEVER provide any. At most just bla bla bla bla bla.

God destroyed the earth, in general, and Soddom and Gomorrough, more specifically - for this sin.

The LGBT rainbow flag is based on the rainbow God sent in Genesis, promising he would never destroy all of humanity in a flood again. For some bizzaire reason this flag is used to this very day.

The peer pressure today is so great that I empathize with you. What most people do is make up some excuse why they cannot go.
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Re: Would you accept an LGBT relative if they threatened you with an ultimatum?

Post by Bert444 »

Great job Melanie! Thanks for posting it..
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Re: Would you accept an LGBT relative if they threatened you with an ultimatum?

Post by UsagiTsukino »

Would I go to hell just by going?
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Re: Would you accept an LGBT relative if they threatened you with an ultimatum?

Post by RickD »

UsagiTsukino wrote: Wed Aug 01, 2018 1:09 pm Would I go to hell just by going?
That depends...

Is the wedding here?

John 5:24
24 “Truly, truly, I say to you, he who hears My word, and believes Him who sent Me, has eternal life, and does not come into judgment, but has passed out of death into life.

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Re: Would you accept an LGBT relative if they threatened you with an ultimatum?

Post by Philip »

I'm pretty sure the wedding will be somewhere in New Jersey!
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Re: Would you accept an LGBT relative if they threatened you with an ultimatum?

Post by crochet1949 »

Most of my relatives believe the same as I do about homosexual unions -- that type of life-style.

It's not wise to threaten anyone with any ultimatum -- you'd need to be prepared for rejection.
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Re: Would you accept an LGBT relative if they threatened you with an ultimatum?

Post by UsagiTsukino »

How do you all feel in generally about LGBT? I dislike the violence and how people think they aren’t humans this is one of the reasons why I’m pro lgbt. One of the reasons why I asked if I would go to hell is because GOd doesn’t want us okaying certain things. I advocate because of the fact you shouldn’t have anyone in fear.
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Re: Would you accept an LGBT relative if they threatened you with an ultimatum?

Post by crochet1949 »

God has given all of us guidelines for the sake of our health / well-being. He created mankind as male and female to be able to reproduce together in a natural way. It's Also true that men and women Can produce certain feelings within each other -- but just because 'it' Can be done does Not mean it's healthy in any way. Just because 'Society' says 'if it feels good, why Not do it' does Not mean it's okay. There Are negative consequences to deal with / live with.

There is Also No justification for hating Anyone or calling anyone names or being abusive in any way towards a segment of society that is acting in an unGodly way. Even when they are calling negative attention to themselves as a group.

Everyone Does have their own conscience to live with. And we will All answer to God at some point for our actions, words, etc.
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