Illuminati Plan A Fake Antichrist Before The False Messiah

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Re: Illuminati Plan A Fake Antichrist Before The False Messiah

Post by Philip »

Neo: I'm amazed that people can believe in illuminati and end time theories in such a staunch way without any authentic evidence.
Scripture teaches the concept - but not with presently specifics. We know the world is a battle ground for unseen powers and an evil army. But how that army will organize itself, or what it might do, who it might use - we don't know. And as for the very end days, prior to the tribulation, etc., no one knows when it will begin to go down. But as for the foundations for all of it - clearly, we can see various pieces of the puzzle are available.
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Re: Illuminati Plan A Fake Antichrist Before The False Messiah

Post by thatkidakayoungguy »

Most things r in place now for a 1 world leader.
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Re: Illuminati Plan A Fake Antichrist Before The False Messiah

Post by thatkidakayoungguy » ... ign=social
somewhere someone talked about artificial intelligence being part of a deception.
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Re: Illuminati Plan A Fake Antichrist Before The False Messiah

Post by mrtzur2015 »

Philip wrote: Mon May 22, 2017 9:20 am If there is a concern and threat to God's chosen ones, HE will - or has already - informed us as to what we need to know. We don't need dubious speculation from all manner of people who supposedly have insights upon what might happen or when. It's just as pointless as all of the end time books, tapes, websites, blogs - all a complete waste of time without the necessary facts available to determine such things. Notice that Scripture itself doesn't dwell upon the end times, more than to give an outline sketch of them - much key information is still missing - info that is the ONLY way true clarity to these things can be determined. Which means those asserting presently unknowable future things are totally speculating.
I agree. We know what we know and more will be revealed as we go forward in time
And as for a false antichrist Jesus said many false prophets will come it’s not news we already know that he’s the truth and the way so anyone who would come now and claim to be God or coming in the name of the Father would be a lair.

Not to mention that God requires death for sin. That is why Jesus had to die on the cross for us and his resurrection as Gods has accepted his sacrifice for us. And unless it happens again only fools would believe (not gonna happen because satan don’t have the power to raise the dead).

Honestly I think it will be easy to know satan is prideful he would never say I come In the name of the Father but he would say I am God.
Not to mention they cannot come until the church is raptured. The only thing that stops them of showing the antichrist right now is the power of God and his church. Once we are gone chaos will come.

Honestly I don’t even know why it’s important at all. I know I will be with the Lord when this happens why would I waste my time on this? Preaching Jesus to people is more important.
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Re: Illuminati Plan A Fake Antichrist Before The False Messiah

Post by KingofKingsandLordofLords »

If this is true, which I highly doubt (and I will explain later) then this means the entire Illuminati are atheists. I state this because Osama Bin Laden was the 3rd Anti-Christ mentioned by Nostradamus. (I will save the details unless challenged by another poster). Furthermore, Extra-Biblical sources indicate that the second coming of Christ is in the year 2075. (Again, I will save the details, unless challenged by another poster).
Now I highly doubt this is true, because the Illuminati consists of not just atheists, but also believers in God, including many Christians. Now this might not make sense to a lot of you, and it wouldn't if you where thinking only of yourself, but many people of God wi go through the trouble of joining a corrupt or evil organization only to eiethr desroy it or keep it righteous. Their are too many Christians and other religious believers in God in the Illuminati for the Illuminati to fake these events out of believing they wouldn't happen for real. It doesn't make any logical sense. Let me know your thoughts, thanks.
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Re: Illuminati Plan A Fake Antichrist Before The False Messiah

Post by thatkidakayoungguy »

KingofKingsandLordofLords wrote: Fri Sep 07, 2018 4:13 pm If this is true, which I highly doubt (and I will explain later) then this means the entire Illuminati are atheists. I state this because Osama Bin Laden was the 3rd Anti-Christ mentioned by Nostradamus. (I will save the details unless challenged by another poster). Furthermore, Extra-Biblical sources indicate that the second coming of Christ is in the year 2075. (Again, I will save the details, unless challenged by another poster).
Now I highly doubt this is true, because the Illuminati consists of not just atheists, but also believers in God, including many Christians. Now this might not make sense to a lot of you, and it wouldn't if you where thinking only of yourself, but many people of God wi go through the trouble of joining a corrupt or evil organization only to eiethr desroy it or keep it righteous. Their are too many Christians and other religious believers in God in the Illuminati for the Illuminati to fake these events out of believing they wouldn't happen for real. It doesn't make any logical sense. Let me know your thoughts, thanks.
Lets be careful saying God will return in 2075. He might, but might not.
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Re: Illuminati Plan A Fake Antichrist Before The False Messiah

Post by KingofKingsandLordofLords »

thatkidakayoungguy wrote: Sat Sep 08, 2018 5:16 pm
KingofKingsandLordofLords wrote: Fri Sep 07, 2018 4:13 pm If this is true, which I highly doubt (and I will explain later) then this means the entire Illuminati are atheists. I state this because Osama Bin Laden was the 3rd Anti-Christ mentioned by Nostradamus. (I will save the details unless challenged by another poster). Furthermore, Extra-Biblical sources indicate that the second coming of Christ is in the year 2075. (Again, I will save the details, unless challenged by another poster).
Now I highly doubt this is true, because the Illuminati consists of not just atheists, but also believers in God, including many Christians. Now this might not make sense to a lot of you, and it wouldn't if you where thinking only of yourself, but many people of God wi go through the trouble of joining a corrupt or evil organization only to eiethr desroy it or keep it righteous. Their are too many Christians and other religious believers in God in the Illuminati for the Illuminati to fake these events out of believing they wouldn't happen for real. It doesn't make any logical sense. Let me know your thoughts, thanks.
Lets be careful saying God will return in 2075. He might, but might not.
I never said anything about God returning in 2075. This is the year if the second coming of Christ. This is confirmed circumstantially be both historical events and current events that have and are fulfilling Biblical prophecy in a specific order, and a a specific time. Furthermore, outside sources have been cross-referenced to this notion, such as psychics, seers, and mediums, many of whom have given the same year. Furthermore, the U.S. Army's SRV departmet has also verified this by their SRV reports.
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Re: Illuminati Plan A Fake Antichrist Before The False Messiah

Post by thatkidakayoungguy »

KingofKingsandLordofLords wrote: Sun Sep 09, 2018 11:16 am
thatkidakayoungguy wrote: Sat Sep 08, 2018 5:16 pm
KingofKingsandLordofLords wrote: Fri Sep 07, 2018 4:13 pm If this is true, which I highly doubt (and I will explain later) then this means the entire Illuminati are atheists. I state this because Osama Bin Laden was the 3rd Anti-Christ mentioned by Nostradamus. (I will save the details unless challenged by another poster). Furthermore, Extra-Biblical sources indicate that the second coming of Christ is in the year 2075. (Again, I will save the details, unless challenged by another poster).
Now I highly doubt this is true, because the Illuminati consists of not just atheists, but also believers in God, including many Christians. Now this might not make sense to a lot of you, and it wouldn't if you where thinking only of yourself, but many people of God wi go through the trouble of joining a corrupt or evil organization only to eiethr desroy it or keep it righteous. Their are too many Christians and other religious believers in God in the Illuminati for the Illuminati to fake these events out of believing they wouldn't happen for real. It doesn't make any logical sense. Let me know your thoughts, thanks.
Lets be careful saying God will return in 2075. He might, but might not.
I never said anything about God returning in 2075. This is the year if the second coming of Christ. This is confirmed circumstantially be both historical events and current events that have and are fulfilling Biblical prophecy in a specific order, and a a specific time. Furthermore, outside sources have been cross-referenced to this notion, such as psychics, seers, and mediums, many of whom have given the same year. Furthermore, the U.S. Army's SRV departmet has also verified this by their SRV reports.
I would be careful to trust a medium, psychic, or seers. If they have reaveled knowledge about this then why haven't most Christians yet?
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Re: Illuminati Plan A Fake Antichrist Before The False Messiah

Post by B. W. »

First off - what does the bible say:

2Th 2:3 Let no one deceive you by any means; for that Day will not come unless the falling away comes first, and the man of sin is revealed, the son of perdition, 4 who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God or that is worshiped, so that he sits as God in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God.

Dan 7:25 He shall speak pompous words against the Most High, Shall persecute the saints of the Most High, And shall intend to change times and law. Then the saints shall be given into his hand For a time and times and half a time.

Rev 9:11 And they had as king over them the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in Hebrew is Abaddon, but in Greek he has the name Apollyon.

Rev 13:6-7 Then he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme His name, His tabernacle, and those who dwell in heaven. 7 It was granted to him to make war with the saints and to overcome them. And authority was given him over every tribe, tongue, and nation.

Bible quotes NKJV

Will be a real Antichrist figure or not?

Next question: Why do so many Christians think that the world of occult is so dang dumb as not to be planning an arising of this figurehead and actually planning it when the empirical evidence is even in the news archives and from occultist themselves?

That is a bigger question - why are many Christians in denial over the occult planning to bring this about?

Here is an interesting and amusing 2017 video:

Science is man's invention - creation is God's
(by B. W. Melvin)

Old Polish Proverb:
Not my Circus....not my monkeys
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Re: Illuminati Plan A Fake Antichrist Before The False Messiah

Post by Stu »

KingofKingsandLordofLords wrote: Sun Sep 09, 2018 11:16 am
thatkidakayoungguy wrote: Sat Sep 08, 2018 5:16 pm
KingofKingsandLordofLords wrote: Fri Sep 07, 2018 4:13 pm If this is true, which I highly doubt (and I will explain later) then this means the entire Illuminati are atheists. I state this because Osama Bin Laden was the 3rd Anti-Christ mentioned by Nostradamus. (I will save the details unless challenged by another poster). Furthermore, Extra-Biblical sources indicate that the second coming of Christ is in the year 2075. (Again, I will save the details, unless challenged by another poster).
Now I highly doubt this is true, because the Illuminati consists of not just atheists, but also believers in God, including many Christians. Now this might not make sense to a lot of you, and it wouldn't if you where thinking only of yourself, but many people of God wi go through the trouble of joining a corrupt or evil organization only to eiethr desroy it or keep it righteous. Their are too many Christians and other religious believers in God in the Illuminati for the Illuminati to fake these events out of believing they wouldn't happen for real. It doesn't make any logical sense. Let me know your thoughts, thanks.
Lets be careful saying God will return in 2075. He might, but might not.
I never said anything about God returning in 2075. This is the year if the second coming of Christ. This is confirmed circumstantially be both historical events and current events that have and are fulfilling Biblical prophecy in a specific order, and a a specific time. Furthermore, outside sources have been cross-referenced to this notion, such as psychics, seers, and mediums, many of whom have given the same year. Furthermore, the U.S. Army's SRV departmet has also verified this by their SRV reports.
Psychics and mediums? God says your should not consult such people.

Are you a Christian?
Only when the blood runs and the shackles restrain, will the sheep then awake. When all is lost.
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Re: Illuminati Plan A Fake Antichrist Before The False Messiah

Post by thatkidakayoungguy »

thatkidakayoungguy wrote: Mon Sep 10, 2018 9:54 am
KingofKingsandLordofLords wrote: Sun Sep 09, 2018 11:16 am
thatkidakayoungguy wrote: Sat Sep 08, 2018 5:16 pm
KingofKingsandLordofLords wrote: Fri Sep 07, 2018 4:13 pm If this is true, which I highly doubt (and I will explain later) then this means the entire Illuminati are atheists. I state this because Osama Bin Laden was the 3rd Anti-Christ mentioned by Nostradamus. (I will save the details unless challenged by another poster). Furthermore, Extra-Biblical sources indicate that the second coming of Christ is in the year 2075. (Again, I will save the details, unless challenged by another poster).
Now I highly doubt this is true, because the Illuminati consists of not just atheists, but also believers in God, including many Christians. Now this might not make sense to a lot of you, and it wouldn't if you where thinking only of yourself, but many people of God wi go through the trouble of joining a corrupt or evil organization only to eiethr desroy it or keep it righteous. Their are too many Christians and other religious believers in God in the Illuminati for the Illuminati to fake these events out of believing they wouldn't happen for real. It doesn't make any logical sense. Let me know your thoughts, thanks.
Lets be careful saying God will return in 2075. He might, but might not.
I never said anything about God returning in 2075. This is the year if the second coming of Christ. This is confirmed circumstantially be both historical events and current events that have and are fulfilling Biblical prophecy in a specific order, and a a specific time. Furthermore, outside sources have been cross-referenced to this notion, such as psychics, seers, and mediums, many of whom have given the same year. Furthermore, the U.S. Army's SRV departmet has also verified this by their SRV reports.
I would be careful to trust a medium, psychic, or seers. If they have reaveled knowledge about this then why haven't most Christians yet?
Ok I realize my sentence structure may be I'll rephrase what I meant: don't go to seers, mediums, psychics, that stuff.
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Re: Illuminati Plan A Fake Antichrist Before The False Messiah

Post by KingofKingsandLordofLords »

thatkidakayoungguy wrote: Mon Sep 10, 2018 9:54 am
KingofKingsandLordofLords wrote: Sun Sep 09, 2018 11:16 am
thatkidakayoungguy wrote: Sat Sep 08, 2018 5:16 pm
KingofKingsandLordofLords wrote: Fri Sep 07, 2018 4:13 pm If this is true, which I highly doubt (and I will explain later) then this means the entire Illuminati are atheists. I state this because Osama Bin Laden was the 3rd Anti-Christ mentioned by Nostradamus. (I will save the details unless challenged by another poster). Furthermore, Extra-Biblical sources indicate that the second coming of Christ is in the year 2075. (Again, I will save the details, unless challenged by another poster).
Now I highly doubt this is true, because the Illuminati consists of not just atheists, but also believers in God, including many Christians. Now this might not make sense to a lot of you, and it wouldn't if you where thinking only of yourself, but many people of God wi go through the trouble of joining a corrupt or evil organization only to eiethr desroy it or keep it righteous. Their are too many Christians and other religious believers in God in the Illuminati for the Illuminati to fake these events out of believing they wouldn't happen for real. It doesn't make any logical sense. Let me know your thoughts, thanks.
Lets be careful saying God will return in 2075. He might, but might not.
I never said anything about God returning in 2075. This is the year if the second coming of Christ. This is confirmed circumstantially be both historical events and current events that have and are fulfilling Biblical prophecy in a specific order, and a a specific time. Furthermore, outside sources have been cross-referenced to this notion, such as psychics, seers, and mediums, many of whom have given the same year. Furthermore, the U.S. Army's SRV departmet has also verified this by their SRV reports.
I would be careful to trust a medium, psychic, or seers. If they have reaveled knowledge about this then why haven't most Christians yet?
Why do you imply that mediums, psychics, and seers aren't Christians? How does that make any sense? Christianity is a Religion, and those are abilities, a person's ability doesn't define their faith. Look at Nostradamus for example, he was a famouse seer and a Christian, and everything so far is 100% accurate. For all you or I know, some of them could have been Christian, we just use different terminologies for these gifts in Christianity, but what the general public uses may be a non-religious term. Furthermore, it's not so much trusting these individuals as it is collaberating the evidence from various sources as circumstantial evidence. And besides, if none of these reports were accurate, the U.S. Army's SRV reports are confirmed. SRV isn't general remore viewing, it's evidence that is compared to other SRV repors by parties not related or in contact with the other sources of the SRV reports. Even some court rooms use these methods now to convict criminals tey are so accurate.
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Re: Illuminati Plan A Fake Antichrist Before The False Messiah

Post by KingofKingsandLordofLords »

Stu wrote: Mon Sep 10, 2018 10:13 am
KingofKingsandLordofLords wrote: Sun Sep 09, 2018 11:16 am
thatkidakayoungguy wrote: Sat Sep 08, 2018 5:16 pm
KingofKingsandLordofLords wrote: Fri Sep 07, 2018 4:13 pm If this is true, which I highly doubt (and I will explain later) then this means the entire Illuminati are atheists. I state this because Osama Bin Laden was the 3rd Anti-Christ mentioned by Nostradamus. (I will save the details unless challenged by another poster). Furthermore, Extra-Biblical sources indicate that the second coming of Christ is in the year 2075. (Again, I will save the details, unless challenged by another poster).
Now I highly doubt this is true, because the Illuminati consists of not just atheists, but also believers in God, including many Christians. Now this might not make sense to a lot of you, and it wouldn't if you where thinking only of yourself, but many people of God wi go through the trouble of joining a corrupt or evil organization only to eiethr desroy it or keep it righteous. Their are too many Christians and other religious believers in God in the Illuminati for the Illuminati to fake these events out of believing they wouldn't happen for real. It doesn't make any logical sense. Let me know your thoughts, thanks.
Lets be careful saying God will return in 2075. He might, but might not.
I never said anything about God returning in 2075. This is the year if the second coming of Christ. This is confirmed circumstantially be both historical events and current events that have and are fulfilling Biblical prophecy in a specific order, and a a specific time. Furthermore, outside sources have been cross-referenced to this notion, such as psychics, seers, and mediums, many of whom have given the same year. Furthermore, the U.S. Army's SRV departmet has also verified this by their SRV reports.
Psychics and mediums? God says your should not consult such people.

Are you a Christian?
And where does God say this at exactly? Because the Old Testament explains where a Seer who is of God is now to be called a Prophet. So are you to say that Seers that are of God (Prophets) are to be disreguarded? And where does God say this at?
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Re: Illuminati Plan A Fake Antichrist Before The False Messiah

Post by KingofKingsandLordofLords »

thatkidakayoungguy wrote: Mon Sep 10, 2018 11:21 am
thatkidakayoungguy wrote: Mon Sep 10, 2018 9:54 am
KingofKingsandLordofLords wrote: Sun Sep 09, 2018 11:16 am
thatkidakayoungguy wrote: Sat Sep 08, 2018 5:16 pm
KingofKingsandLordofLords wrote: Fri Sep 07, 2018 4:13 pm If this is true, which I highly doubt (and I will explain later) then this means the entire Illuminati are atheists. I state this because Osama Bin Laden was the 3rd Anti-Christ mentioned by Nostradamus. (I will save the details unless challenged by another poster). Furthermore, Extra-Biblical sources indicate that the second coming of Christ is in the year 2075. (Again, I will save the details, unless challenged by another poster).
Now I highly doubt this is true, because the Illuminati consists of not just atheists, but also believers in God, including many Christians. Now this might not make sense to a lot of you, and it wouldn't if you where thinking only of yourself, but many people of God wi go through the trouble of joining a corrupt or evil organization only to eiethr desroy it or keep it righteous. Their are too many Christians and other religious believers in God in the Illuminati for the Illuminati to fake these events out of believing they wouldn't happen for real. It doesn't make any logical sense. Let me know your thoughts, thanks.
Lets be careful saying God will return in 2075. He might, but might not.
I never said anything about God returning in 2075. This is the year if the second coming of Christ. This is confirmed circumstantially be both historical events and current events that have and are fulfilling Biblical prophecy in a specific order, and a a specific time. Furthermore, outside sources have been cross-referenced to this notion, such as psychics, seers, and mediums, many of whom have given the same year. Furthermore, the U.S. Army's SRV departmet has also verified this by their SRV reports.
I would be careful to trust a medium, psychic, or seers. If they have reaveled knowledge about this then why haven't most Christians yet?
Ok I realize my sentence structure may be I'll rephrase what I meant: don't go to seers, mediums, psychics, that stuff.
Why would you say this?
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Re: Illuminati Plan A Fake Antichrist Before The False Messiah

Post by thatkidakayoungguy »

KingofKingsandLordofLords wrote: Mon Sep 10, 2018 1:59 pm
thatkidakayoungguy wrote: Mon Sep 10, 2018 11:21 am
thatkidakayoungguy wrote: Mon Sep 10, 2018 9:54 am
KingofKingsandLordofLords wrote: Sun Sep 09, 2018 11:16 am
thatkidakayoungguy wrote: Sat Sep 08, 2018 5:16 pm
Lets be careful saying God will return in 2075. He might, but might not.
I never said anything about God returning in 2075. This is the year if the second coming of Christ. This is confirmed circumstantially be both historical events and current events that have and are fulfilling Biblical prophecy in a specific order, and a a specific time. Furthermore, outside sources have been cross-referenced to this notion, such as psychics, seers, and mediums, many of whom have given the same year. Furthermore, the U.S. Army's SRV departmet has also verified this by their SRV reports.
I would be careful to trust a medium, psychic, or seers. If they have reaveled knowledge about this then why haven't most Christians yet?
Ok I realize my sentence structure may be I'll rephrase what I meant: don't go to seers, mediums, psychics, that stuff.
Why would you say this?
If you meant by seers as simply prophets of GOD, then what you said about 2075 may be of more concern.
But, why only tell a small number of people? In OT times much or all of the 12 tribes new.
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