Is impeachment and removal from office possible? What would it take?

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Is impeachment and removal from office possible? What would it take?

Post by edwardmurphy »

I mean politically, not Constitutionally.

Impeachment is always possible - any House majority can vote to impeach at any time - but without the possibility of conviction it doesn't mean much. Conviction would require 22 GOP Senators to vote with the Democrats. At the moment that's out of the question.

So is conviction by the Senate a possibility? If so what would it take?
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Re: Is impeachment and removal from office possible? What would it take?

Post by DBowling »

edwardmurphy wrote: Wed Mar 06, 2019 5:58 am I mean politically, not Constitutionally.

Impeachment is always possible - any House majority can vote to impeach at any time - but without the possibility of conviction it doesn't mean much. Conviction would require 22 GOP Senators to vote with the Democrats. At the moment that's out of the question.

So is conviction by the Senate a possibility? If so what would it take?
In the current political environment I don't think conviction by the Senate is likely.

I actually think Trump was correct when he claimed that even if he shot someone in the middle of Times Square, his followers would remain loyal to him.
Current polls indicate that 64% of the country think that Trump has engaged in criminal activity, but less than 50% think he should be impeached.
So Trump's corruption, lies, and criminal behavior are already baked into a national consensus that Trump should not be impeached.

And I tend to agree with that consensus.
With Democtats in control of the House there are finally Constitutional checks and balances for this President. So I think the Country will be able to survive 2 more years of Trump (at least I hope so).

I think it is best for the Country as a whole if the American people vote Trump out of power instead of initiating a Constitutional crisis which might not be able to remove Trump anyway.

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Re: Is impeachment and removal from office possible? What would it take?

Post by Philip »

DB: Current polls indicate that 64% of the country think that Trump has engaged in criminal activity, but less than 50% think he should be impeached.
And many of them seem to have not cared a bit over the massive corruption of the Clintons or Bill's constant hanky panky - and sexually having forced himself upon quite a few.

As for conservatives, it's not that they can't stand a lot of things about Trump - it's that they fear the alternative and potential consequences of the grand distraction and uproar that would cause that could help the Democrats in 2020. So, sticking with Trump seems the lesser of evils. But if were not so close to 2020, and if conservatives could know for certain that Pence would succeed him, with plenty of time to show stable, mature conservative leadership, then I think many would be okay with Don being forced out.

So Trump's corruption, lies, and criminal behavior are already baked into a national consensus that Trump should not be impeached.
DB: So I think the Country will be able to survive 2 more years of Trump (at least I hope so).
I hope so as well.
DB: I think it is best for the Country as a whole if the American people vote Trump out of power instead of initiating a Constitutional crisis which might not be able to remove Trump anyway.
Well, only good if a far better, true conservative were his replacement. What would be wonderful is, if he decided to not run again (yeah, fat chance with that!).
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Re: Is impeachment and removal from office possible? What would it take?

Post by Ged »

Why don’t Republicans simply say, we were wrong; the ‘Never Trumpers’ were right!
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Re: Is impeachment and removal from office possible? What would it take?

Post by Philip »

GED: Why don’t Republicans simply say, we were wrong; the ‘Never Trumpers’ were right!
Because for conservatives, the alternative choice would have been FAR worse! Unfortunately, those were the only choices.
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Re: Is impeachment and removal from office possible? What would it take?

Post by Ged »

Sounds to me like conservatives voted for a mongrel in order to get rid of a witch. Was there no other option?
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Re: Is impeachment and removal from office possible? What would it take?

Post by Kurieuo »

Is it too early to predict a second term for Trump? ;)
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Re: Is impeachment and removal from office possible? What would it take?

Post by Kurieuo »

Better yet, Trump's daughter for first woman POTUS. Though, probably won't be first I expect she'll run at some point.
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Re: Is impeachment and removal from office possible? What would it take?

Post by Philip »

Ged: Sounds to me like conservatives voted for a mongrel in order to get rid of a witch. Was there no other option?
That's a pretty good description of the situation!

Yes there were, in the pre-election, party primaries. But Trump was the last Republican standing. There should have been better Republican opponents. Right now, the Democrats can't take him down - so their strategy is to tie him up for two more years.
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Re: Is impeachment and removal from office possible? What would it take?

Post by abelcainsbrother »

edwardmurphy wrote: Wed Mar 06, 2019 5:58 am I mean politically, not Constitutionally.

Impeachment is always possible - any House majority can vote to impeach at any time - but without the possibility of conviction it doesn't mean much. Conviction would require 22 GOP Senators to vote with the Democrats. At the moment that's out of the question.

So is conviction by the Senate a possibility? If so what would it take?
Instead of making up untrue conspiracy theories that turn out to be wrong. You have to produce real evidence of an impeachable offense which the Democrats and MSM have not done,despite pushing their Trump conspiracy theories that have no evidence behind them,based on annonymous sources,etc that they push out there as news.They are looking for a crime or anything to try to impeach President Trump without probable cause.It makes me hope you Democrats get unfairly investigated for a crime with no probable cause so that you can experience how wrong it is according to the Constitution and US law. There are many criminal cases dropped because of no probable cause despite suspects . You keep falling for their conspiracy theories and it causes you to get your hopes up over and over,only to be let down eventually,over and over. Did you know Stormy Daniels lost in court and must pay Trump? Yet we saw the MSM blast President Trump over Stormy Daniels,in the end,she lost in court and must pay Trump. So everything the media said turned out to be wrong.This is just one example as you know.

I don't see how you still trust the MSM so much. Even if I was a Democrat I would no longer believe them and so it really boggles my mind how people like you continue to believe the things they claim.But you like to be played and lied to over and over because you have Trump Derangement Syndrome and it clouds your judgment and logical thinking. If I listened to and trusted what the MSM has been saying about Trump for two years I would also think Trump was a terrible President who committed crimes and needs to be impeached. But I was not living under a rock when Obama was the President and how things were then and how things are now with President Trump,but also when it comes to knowing about Donald Trump before he ever ran for President. He has a history with no crimes or scandals and he is a successful American businessman,he does not drink,do drugs,smoke,who was liked by both Republicans and Democrats long before he ever ran for President,and most of his political views have not changed for 40 years,These are important political views that he ran on and won on too,nothing the MSM has claimed changed these facts just because they never liked him.
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Re: Is impeachment and removal from office possible? What would it take?

Post by abelcainsbrother »

Philip wrote: Thu Mar 07, 2019 8:22 am
Ged: Sounds to me like conservatives voted for a mongrel in order to get rid of a witch. Was there no other option?
That's a pretty good description of the situation!

Yes there were, in the pre-election, party primaries. But Trump was the last Republican standing. There should have been better Republican opponents. Right now, the Democrats can't take him down - so their strategy is to tie him up for two more years.
I know you only really voted for Donald Trump because you realized how bad Hillary would have been and that is very important. However I hope that you will see how much good Trump really has done for our country and not focus so much on his style. You seem to prefer a President that does not stand up to the Democrats and just lets them get their way eventually,but Trump is not that way. He will fight back and if you really don't like it,atleast focus on how much good he has done for the church when it comes to freedom of speech for the church and he is kicking the Democrats butt when it comes to abortion and being pro-life like we have never seen before.

Last I heard Trump is considering an Executive order that would make it illegal to kill a baby after it is born.This is because Democrats are pushing bills that support the corrupt Democrats in Virginia and are pushing for bills that would allow abortion even after a baby is born.He is also defunding Planned Parenthood. Why do you think they hate him so much? He is fighting them on these issues and winning too.So they are going to fight against him.It is like hitting a hornet's nest over these issues because they are so important to Democrats.John Roberts who George W Bush put on the Supreme Court is iffy,but there is reason to believe RBG is in bad health and Trump can put more Supreme Court judges on the Supreme Court like he has Roe vs Wade could be overturned eventually and sent back to the States to decide if they are going to have abortion or not in their State.So for those of you who only voted for Trump because you knew Hillary was worse try to focus on the real good Trump has done and I think you'll be pleasantly surprised.I think you'll vote for him again.
Hebrews 12:2-3 Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith;who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross,despising the shame,and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.

2nd Corinthians 4:4 In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not,lest the light of this glorious gospel of Christ,who is the image of God,should shine unto them.
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Re: Is impeachment and removal from office possible? What would it take?

Post by edwardmurphy »

For pity's sake, Abe, you'd give an aspirin a headache. I've really tried to be patient with you, but I've reached my limit. You don't know near enough to grasp how little you know and that sad condition is obviously permanent. Oh well. You're going back on my ignore list.
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Re: Is impeachment and removal from office possible? What would it take?

Post by Byblos »

edwardmurphy wrote: Mon Mar 11, 2019 5:59 pm For pity's sake, Abe, you'd give an aspirin a headache. I've really tried to be patient with you, but I've reached my limit. You don't know near enough to grasp how little you know and that sad condition is obviously permanent. Oh well. You're going back on my ignore list.
Seriously man, I don't care how much you disagree, no one deserves to be put down like this. :shakehead:
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Re: Is impeachment and removal from office possible? What would it take?

Post by RickD »

Byblos wrote: Tue Mar 12, 2019 6:44 am
edwardmurphy wrote: Mon Mar 11, 2019 5:59 pm For pity's sake, Abe, you'd give an aspirin a headache. I've really tried to be patient with you, but I've reached my limit. You don't know near enough to grasp how little you know and that sad condition is obviously permanent. Oh well. You're going back on my ignore list.
Seriously man, I don't care how much you disagree, no one deserves to be put down like this. :shakehead:
You call that a put down?
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Re: Is impeachment and removal from office possible? What would it take?

Post by Byblos »

RickD wrote: Tue Mar 12, 2019 6:59 am
Byblos wrote: Tue Mar 12, 2019 6:44 am
edwardmurphy wrote: Mon Mar 11, 2019 5:59 pm For pity's sake, Abe, you'd give an aspirin a headache. I've really tried to be patient with you, but I've reached my limit. You don't know near enough to grasp how little you know and that sad condition is obviously permanent. Oh well. You're going back on my ignore list.
Seriously man, I don't care how much you disagree, no one deserves to be put down like this. :shakehead:
You call that a put down?
On the off chance you're not joking, I find it very disturbing that you don't.
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